Licensed to TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/9/2011 08:13 PM Timberland Wolfpack Invite - 4/9/2011 Entries and Results by TRXC Timing Wentzville, MO Results Event 1 Girls High Jump Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ Finals 1 Williams, Sherise JR McCluer 5-07.25 5-04.00 10 2 Larson, Nikki JR Troy 5-04.00 5-02.00 8 3 Tucker, Shervonna SR McCluer 5-02.00 5-00.00 6 4 Schweitz, Mackenzi JR Lafayette 5-02.00 J5-00.00 5 5 Tenny, Lexi JR Timberland 5-00.00 4-10.00 4 6 Wessel, Danica SR Lafayette 4-10.00 J4-10.00 3 7 Vigland, Nanna SR H.W. West 4-08.00 J4-10.00 2 8 kitchen, katie lee JR F.Z.S. 4-10.00 4-08.00 1 9 Burton, Laura SR Timberland 4-10.00 J4-08.00 10 maloney, sarah JR F.Z.S. 4-08.00 4-06.00 11 Hartwig, Kristen FR Troy 4-06.00 J4-06.00 12 Culberson, Ausset SR H.W. West 4-10.00 4-04.00 13 Krufal, Deann SO F.H.N. 4-06.00 0.25 -- Woods, Jaci SO Holt 4-06.00 NH -- Elliot, Aleaya SO F.Z.E. 4-04.00 NH -- May, Morgan SO F.H.N. 4-06.00 NH Event 2 Girls High Jump Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Hercules, Kendra FR Villa Duchesne 4-06.00 4-10.00 10 2 Watson, Emanda SO McCluer 4-04.00 4-08.00 8 3 Bond, Morgan FR Timberland 4-02.00 4-04.00 6 4 Voss, Alex SO Lafayette 4-06.00 J4-04.00 5 5 Arnett, Katelyn FR F.Z.E. 4-04.00 J4-04.00 4 6 Gautier, Oliva FR F.Z.S. 4-06.00 4-02.00 3 7 Brown, Sierra SO H.W. West J4-02.00 2 8 Hellyar, Claire FR F.Z.S. 4-04.00 J4-02.00 1 9 Gibson, Take JR Cahokia 4-06.00 J4-02.00 10 Junger, Ashley JR Lafayette 4-06.00 4-00.00 11 Brinovec, Alex SO F.H.N. 3-10.00 11 Hill, Tatiana JR Timberland 4-00.00 3-10.00 11 Winsett, Raegan FR F.Z.E. 4-00.00 3-10.00 -- Krietemeyer, Desti SO Holt NH -- Gary, Teniah FR Pattonville NH -- Imperial, Gabriell FR F.H.N. NH Event 3 Boys High Jump Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Jones, Josh SR Troy 6-06.00 6-08.00 10 2 Wooten, Andre SR F.H.N. 6-02.00 5-10.00 8 3 Reed, James SR Holt 6-02.00 J5-10.00 6 4 Mcclanahan, Kyle JR Timberland 6-00.00 5-08.00 5 5 Griffin, Tyrone JR McCluer 6-02.00 J5-08.00 4 6 Campbell, D'Andre FR F.Z.E. 5-10.00 J5-08.00 3 7 Gerke, Alec SR F.Z.E. 5-08.00 5-06.00 2 8 Ray, Malik SO McCluer 5-10.00 J5-06.00 1 9 Cook, Jonathan FR F.Z.S. 5-06.00 J5-06.00 10 Hester, Robert SO F.Z.S. 5-06.00 5-04.00 11 Eisenbeis, Nick SR F.H.N. 5-04.00 J5-04.00 -- Elieff, Nick SO Francis Howell 5-00.00 NH -- Lewis, Marc SR Lindbergh 5-04.00 NH Event 4 Boys High Jump Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ferko, Sebastiano SO Lindbergh 5-04.00 5-06.00 10 2 Redd, Ricardo FR McCluer 5-08.00 5-04.00 8 3 Nilhas, Joe SO Summit 5-00.00 5-02.00 5.50 3 Riley, DaVonne JR McCluer 5-08.00 5-02.00 5.50 5 Nixon, Ethan SO Holt J5-02.00 4 6 Snawder, Nick FR Timberland 5-02.00 J5-02.00 3 7 Slater, Anthony FR Troy 5-04.00 5-00.00 2 8 Sneed, Kyle SO Summit 4-10.00 J5-00.00 1 9 Dothage, Chris SO Holt 4-10.00 10 Colaw, Andrew FR F.Z.E. 5-02.00 4-08.00 11 Gerau, Luke FR Lindbergh 5-00.00 4-06.00 11 Miniex, Steven FR F.Z.S. 4-06.00 -- Rapien, Logan FR Troy 5-02.00 NH -- Michalski, Jason SO F.H.N. 4-06.00 NH Event 5 Girls Pole Vault Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Shaw, Alyssa SR Lafayette 9-00.00 8-06.00 10 2 Rosenberger, Angie SO H.W. West 7-06.00 J8-06.00 7 2 Plevel, Megan JR Holt 8-00.00 J8-06.00 7 4 Gerber, Brittany SR Timberland 9-00.00 8-00.00 4.50 4 May, Morgan SO F.H.N. 9-01.00 8-00.00 4.50 6 Shaw, Kelly SO Lafayette 8-00.00 J8-00.00 3 7 Schmoeker, Genevie SR Pattonville 7-00.00 J8-00.00 2 8 Rosenberger, Laura FR H.W. West 7-00.00 7-00.00 1 9 Woods, Jaci SO Holt 6-00.00 6-06.00 9 Sciarratta, Alexis SR Troy 6-00.00 6-06.00 9 Randolph, Michaela SO F.H.N. 7-06.00 6-06.00 9 Hull, Lynette SR F.Z.E. 7-00.00 6-06.00 13 Jones, Evan JR Timberland 7-00.00 J6-06.00 14 Calandro, Julia SO Francis Howell 6-06.00 6-00.00 15 Vaccaro, Taylor FR F.Z.S. J6-00.00 -- Crosby, Megan SO F.Z.E. 7-00.00 NH -- Sciarratta, Courtn SR Troy 6-06.00 NH Event 6 Girls Pole Vault Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ferkel, Jamie SO F.H.N. 7-00.00 8-00.00 10 2 McCurry, Colleen SO F.H.N. 6-06.00 7-06.00 8 3 Calandro, Angelina JR Lafayette 7-06.00 J7-06.00 6 4 Hazel, Katie SR Timberland 6-06.00 6-06.00 4.50 4 Canizales, Maggie FR Pattonville 6-00.00 6-06.00 4.50 6 Wingand, Kami SO Timberland 6-06.00 6-00.00 3 7 Parker, Haley JR Francis Howell 6-00.00 J6-00.00 2 8 Brooks, Ellen FR H.W. West 5-00.00 5-06.00 1 9 Norby, Kya SR F.Z.E. 6-06.00 J5-06.00 9 Dunnermann, Courtn FR Holt J5-06.00 11 Fisher, Courney FR Francis Howell J5-06.00 -- Milliot, Rachel FR F.Z.S. NH -- Warren, Taylor FR Holt NH -- Elmendorf, Erin FR F.Z.E. 5-06.00 NH -- Wait, Rachel JR Pattonville 6-00.00 NH -- Newberry, Linsey FR F.Z.S. NH Event 7 Boys Pole Vault Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Wingate, Max JR Summit 12-00.00 12-00.00 10 2 McIntosh, Matt SR Summit 13-00.00 11-06.00 8 3 Zeier, Jacob FR F.Z.S. 12-00.00 J11-06.00 6 4 Tedrick, Ben SR Timberland 11-06.00 J11-06.00 5 5 Boll, Michael SR Holt 11-06.00 11-00.00 4 6 Johnson, Christian SR McCluer 11-06.00 J11-00.00 3 7 Foley, Alex JR Holt 11-06.00 J11-00.00 2 8 Koch, Chance FR Timberland 10-00.00 10-00.00 1 9 Estrada, Matthew FR F.Z.S. 10-00.00 J10-00.00 10 Burgdorf, Dan FR F.H.N. 9-06.00 J10-00.00 11 Royer, Ben JR Pattonville 9-06.00 9-06.00 12 Elieff, Nick SO Francis Howell 9-00.00 J9-06.00 12 Eisenbeis, Nick SR F.H.N. 10-00.00 J9-06.00 14 Goldkamp, Tyler SR Francis Howell 9-00.00 9-00.00 14 Lukens, Josh JR Lindbergh 11-00.00 9-00.00 14 Island, Stephen SR F.Z.E. 10-06.00 9-00.00 17 Schumann, Austin JR Pattonville 8-00.00 J9-00.00 Event 8 Boys Pole Vault Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Harrison, Eric SO Timberland 9-00.00 9-09.00 10 2 Ahern, Alex JR Francis Howell 9-00.00 J9-09.00 8 3 Lovely, Carl FR Lindbergh 9-00.00 9-06.00 6 4 Lambert, Austin SO Timberland 9-00.00 9-00.00 5 5 Watson, Geoff FR Holt 8-06.00 8-06.00 3.50 5 Phillips, Charlie JR F.H.N. 9-00.00 8-06.00 3.50 7 saldana, jose JR F.Z.S. J8-06.00 2 8 Napier, Ryan SO Pattonville 8-00.00 8-00.00 1 9 Pratt, Kyle FR F.H.N. 7-06.00 J8-00.00 10 Oman, Richard FR Holt 8-06.00 J8-00.00 11 Wyble, Caleb FR F.Z.E. 7-00.00 7-00.00 11 Fennewald, Jeff SO Troy 7-06.00 7-00.00 13 Meyer, Jake FR F.Z.E. 7-00.00 J7-00.00 -- Ebel, Adam JR Summit 9-00.00 NH -- Schnurbusch, Joshu FR F.Z.S. NH -- Guile, Matt FR Lindbergh 7-00.00 NH Event 9 Girls Long Jump Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Friar, Nataliyah SO Holt 17-06.00 17-10.00 10 17-02.50 17-10 17-03 16-07 2 Collins, Micayla SO Cahokia 17-07.50 17-01.00 8 15-04 16-02.50 16-09.50 17-01 3 Burnette, Madeline SR Timberland 15-02.00 15-09.00 6 15-09 15-05.50 15-06.50 FOUL 4 Matye, Jenna SO F.H.N. 14-02.00 15-07.50 5 14-06.50 14-05.50 15-06.50 15-07.50 5 Bracely-Wesley, Ju JR McCluer 16-02.00 15-04.25 4 15-04.25 FOUL FOUL 14-09 6 Willer, Taylor SR Timberland 14-03.00 15-03.00 3 FOUL 11-11.50 FOUL 15-03 7 jones, jasmine JR F.Z.S. 16-02.00 15-01.00 2 13-02.50 14-10 14-00.50 15-01 8 Zeier, Cassondra SO F.Z.S. 15-05.00 14-08.25 1 14-04 14-01.50 13-10 14-08.25 9 Miller, Patricia JR Lafayette 15-00.00 14-04.50 14-04.50 14-03 14-01 FOUL 10 Stottlemyre, Sydne JR Lafayette 15-00.00 14-02.50 12-10.25 FOUL 13-03 14-02.50 11 Wright, Taysha FR McCluer 14-00.00 13-10.00 13-10 FOUL 13-09.50 13-06.50 12 Lohmann, Allie SO Francis Howell 13-02.00 13-09.00 12-08.25 13-09 12-01 12-07.25 13 McGlasson, Brooke SO F.H.N. 13-10.00 13-07.50 12-06 13-04.50 13-07.50 13-00.75 14 Corbett, Abigail FR Holt 12-07.00 13-05.25 FOUL 12-11 12-10.50 13-05.25 15 Thomas, Angela SR Cahokia 14-00.00 13-02.00 13-02 11-04.50 13-02 13-01 16 Rosenberger, Laura FR H.W. West 13-01.50 13-01.50 12-09.50 12-10 12-11 17 Hollenbeck, Jesse FR Troy 13-07.50 13-01.00 12-07 13-01 12-10.50 13-00 18 Ford, Crystal SR Pattonville 12-11.00 12-00.50 12-04 12-09.50 12-11 19 Howard, Shelby JR H.W. West 12-09.50 12-09.50 12-08.25 FOUL FOUL 20 Harris, Dstany SO Pattonville 12-05.50 9-09 FOUL FOUL 12-05.50 21 Whited, Bre SR Troy 12-01.00 12-01 11-08.50 FOUL 22 Schmidt, Stephanie SO Francis Howell 10-03.50 9-09 FOUL 8-07 10-03.50 Event 10 Girls Long Jump Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Killingsworth, Sie SR Lafayette 14-06.00 15-07.50 10 14-11 14-05.50 15-07.50 15-06 2 Watson, Emanda SO McCluer 14-00.00 14-08.00 8 13-04.50 11-11.50 14-08 13-08 3 Arnett, Katelyn FR F.Z.E. 14-03.00 14-05.00 6 14-05 FOUL 14-02 4 Bams, Terlisha JR McCluer 14-00.00 14-02.00 5 14-02 13-06 FOUL 13-08.50 5 Brinovec, Alex SO F.H.N. 13-08.00 13-08.00 4 13-05.25 13-08 13-02 13-06 6 Clark, Jordan FR Timberland 14-10.00 13-07.50 3 FOUL FOUL FOUL 13-07.50 7 Williams, Andreana SO Pattonville 13-02.00 2 FOUL 12-10.50 12-11 13-02 8 Hellyar, Claire FR F.Z.S. J13-02.00 1 13-02 11-11 FOUL 12-01 9 Gautier, Oliva FR F.Z.S. 12-10.00 FOUL 12-09 12-10 FOUL 10 King, Thomia SO H.W. West 12-09.00 12-00.50 12-09 FOUL 12-06.50 11 Barteau, Brittany SO Timberland 12-06.00 12-08.00 12-01 12-05.50 12-06 12-08 12 Phillips, J. FR H.W. West 12-06.00 FOUL 12-06 11-04 11-06.50 13 Parker, Haley JR Francis Howell 12-04.00 12-02.50 FOUL 12-02 10-06 12-02.50 14 Voss, Alex SO Lafayette 13-00.00 11-09.00 11-09 11-07 FOUL FOUL 15 Ingoldsby, Jennife SO F.H.N. 11-02.00 11-01.50 FOUL 9-06.50 11-02 16 Thompson, Kayla SO Francis Howell 11-01.00 9-07.50 10-04.50 10-02.50 11-01 17 Fuchs, Lauren JR Holt 10-10.50 11-00.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL 11-00.50 18 Logan, Felisha FR Troy 10-09.00 10-00 10-03 10-09 FOUL 19 McCann, Hunter FR Troy 10-08.00 10-04.00 9-02 9-02.50 10-00 10-04 20 Hutchins, Alisha FR Pattonville 10-00.00 FOUL 8-11 10-00 9-01 -- Johnson, Antoinnet JR Cahokia 14-00.00 FOUL FOUL Event 11 Boys Long Jump Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Dillard, Darrion JR McCluer 20-04.00 19-06.50 10 19-06.50 19-00.75 18-06 18-10.50 2 Pouppaneau, Jordan SR Timberland 18-10.00 19-04.75 8 17-05.75 19-04.75 17-09.50 FOUL 3 Dixon, Austin SR Timberland 18-06.00 19-04.25 6 18-03.75 19-04.25 18-03.75 18-10 4 Wooten, Andre SR F.H.N. 19-05.00 19-02.50 5 19-02.50 15-06 18-09.25 FOUL 5 Jackson, Nate SR F.Z.S. 18-06.00 18-11.50 4 17-03.75 18-03.50 18-11.50 17-11.25 6 Luecke, James SR Holt 19-06.00 18-08.50 3 18-03 18-05.25 18-02.25 18-08.50 7 Simmons, Justin SO Lindbergh 18-09.00 18-05.00 2 18-02.50 FOUL FOUL 18-05 8 Rogers, Jarritt SR Summit 17-07.00 18-00.50 1 17-03.50 16-05.50 16-11.25 18-00.50 9 Smith, Ronnie SO Troy 18-00.00 17-10.25 FOUL FOUL 17-08.50 17-10.25 10 Alexander, Reggie JR McCluer 18-00.00 17-09.25 17-01 17-09.25 15-02.75 17-08 11 Lewis, Marc SR Lindbergh 18-05.00 17-07.00 17-05 FOUL 17-01.75 17-07 12 Campbell, D'Andre FR F.Z.E. 19-05.00 17-02.75 16-11 16-11.50 17-02.75 16-11.75 13 Marsh, Justin JR F.H.N. 18-01.00 17-00.00 16-10.25 17-00 16-07 15-10 14 Easley, Phillip SR Pattonville 16-02.50 FOUL 16-02.50 FOUL FOUL 15 Island, Stephen SR F.Z.E. 17-00.00 15-11.00 15-07 15-11 15-03.75 14-06.25 16 Henson, Austin SR Francis Howell 15-05.00 15-05 15-02 FOUL 17 Barnes, Tyler JR Francis Howell 15-06.00 14-10.50 14-10.50 14-04.50 13-09.50 FOUL Event 12 Boys Long Jump Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ferko, Sebastiano SO Lindbergh 18-01.00 18-11.75 10 17-09.75 18-05 18-11.75 18-04.50 2 Riley, DaVonne JR McCluer 17-10.00 18-08.75 8 16-09 18-08.75 16-10.50 17-10.25 3 McIntosh, David SO Summit 18-06.00 18-05.50 6 FOUL 18-00.25 18-05.50 FOUL 4 Sanders, Adrian SO Summit 17-06.00 17-11.00 5 17-11 FOUL FOUL FOUL 5 Triplett, Marcus SO Pattonville 17-04.00 17-09.75 4 17-09.75 16-07 16-10.50 17-00.25 6 Snawder, Nick FR Timberland 17-06.00 17-01.50 3 17-01.50 16-04.50 15-07.25 16-03.25 7 Jordan, Lucas SO Timberland 17-00.00 16-07.50 2 15-02.75 14-03.50 16-02 16-07.50 8 Walth, John FR Holt 16-07.00 1 16-07 16-02 16-05 FOUL 9 Beem, Kolby FR Holt 16-03.00 16-03 16-00.50 15-04 10 Johnson, Jaqoun SO McCluer 18-00.00 16-00.00 FOUL FOUL 15-11 16-00 11 Michalski, Jason SO F.H.N. 17-03.00 15-10.75 14-10.50 15-10.75 14-05.25 14-07 12 Leek, Marshall FR Pattonville 15-06.50 FOUL 14-09 FOUL 15-06.50 13 Howard, Nick FR F.Z.E. 15-00.00 14-03.25 FOUL 13-09 14-03.25 14-00.75 14 Rapien, Logan FR Troy 14-00.00 14-00.75 FOUL 14-00.75 FOUL 13-07.50 15 Dehas, Blake FR F.Z.E. 16-00.00 13-09.25 13-09.25 10-10 9-08 11-08.75 16 Suits, Avery FR Troy 15-05.00 13-04.00 FOUL FOUL 13-04 FOUL 17 Schleicher, Dave FR Francis Howell 12-06.50 FOUL FOUL 12-02 12-06.50 Event 13 Girls Triple Jump Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Collins, Micayla SO Cahokia 36-07.00 34-09.00 10 34-09 33-06.50 31-10.50 34-01 2 Tenny, Lexi JR Timberland 33-10.00 33-10.00 8 FOUL 33-10 FOUL 32-11 3 Ray, Alauna SO McCluer 35-07.00 33-08.50 6 33-02.50 32-04.50 32-11 33-08.50 4 Miller, Patricia JR Lafayette 33-01.00 33-06.50 5 31-04.50 32-05.50 30-08.50 33-06.50 5 Rosenberger, Laura FR H.W. West 32-01.50 4 32-01.50 31-05 30-01 29-04.50 6 Burnette, Madeline SR Timberland 32-00.00 32-00.50 3 31-02.50 32-00.50 FOUL FOUL 7 Matye, Jenna SO F.H.N. 31-01.00 31-09.50 2 30-10.50 31-09.50 31-01.50 30-01 8 Larson, Nikki JR Troy 30-05.50 30-02.50 1 27-07 30-02.50 29-04.50 29-05 9 Stottlemyre, Sydne JR Lafayette 34-06.00 30-00.50 29-06.50 30-00.50 29-00.50 FOUL 10 Thomas, Angela SR Cahokia 31-08.00 29-00.00 28-07 27-06.50 29-00 28-09.50 11 Ford, Theresa SR Pattonville 31-01.00 28-08.00 28-08 28-05 28-00.50 28-07.50 12 Zeier, Cassondra SO F.Z.S. 30-06.00 28-06.00 27-01.50 27-07.50 28-03 28-06 13 Lohmann, Allie SO Francis Howell 28-07.00 J28-06.00 26-11 27-10.50 28-06 27-04.50 14 stone, olivia SO F.Z.S. 27-03.50 27-03.50 FOUL 26-10.50 FOUL 15 McGlasson, Brooke SO F.H.N. 26-00.00 26-11.50 26-11 26-11.50 26-02.50 26-10.50 16 Wilcockson, Lacy SO Troy 27-04.75 26-10.00 26-05 26-10 25-10 25-11.50 17 Crosby, Megan SO F.Z.E. 26-11.00 26-08.00 FOUL 26-08 26-03.50 24-06.50 18 Hawkins, Megan SR F.Z.E. 27-11.00 25-07.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL 25-07.50 Event 14 Girls Triple Jump Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Mickens, Terrie FR Timberland 29-09.00 30-11.00 10 30-04 30-11 FOUL FOUL 2 Gautier, Oliva FR F.Z.S. 30-01.00 29-10.50 8 29-08.50 28-02.50 29-03.50 29-10.50 3 Wingand, Kami SO Timberland 29-07.00 J29-10.50 6 28-04.50 29-10.50 28-11 28-10.50 4 Voss, Alex SO Lafayette 28-06.00 29-06.00 5 27-08.50 28-01 29-06 FOUL 5 Deed, Taylor SO Pattonville 28-11.00 4 28-08 27-02 28-08 28-11 6 Bams, Terlisha JR McCluer 29-00.00 28-10.00 3 27-10.50 FOUL 28-10 27-06 7 Jackson, Rejoice SO Pattonville 27-06.50 2 FOUL 27-06.50 26-08 27-03.50 8 Brinovec, Alex SO F.H.N. 27-00.50 1 27-00.50 25-09.50 26-00.50 25-08 9 Brown, Sierra SO H.W. West 26-04.50 26-04.50 25-07.50 26-02.50 FOUL 10 Imperial, Gabriell FR F.H.N. 26-02.50 FOUL 25-09 26-02.50 25-08 11 Moreton, Jenna FR Lafayette 24-00.00 26-01.50 FOUL 25-02.50 26-01.50 25-10.50 12 Hellyar, Claire FR F.Z.S. 25-02.00 FOUL 24-10.50 25-01.50 25-02 -- Allman, Maddie FR Francis Howell FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL -- Renna, Stephanie FR Francis Howell FOUL FOUL Event 15 Boys Triple Jump Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Dillard, Darrion JR McCluer 44-03.00 46-02.00 10 46-02 45-08.50 44-09.50 45-05 2 Williams, Brady SR Timberland 41-04.00 42-05.50 8 42-05.50 41-04 40-07 41-07 3 Griffin, Tyrone JR McCluer 42-02.00 42-04.00 6 40-11.75 41-11.50 41-08.25 42-04 4 Brooks, Tyran SR Pattonville 41-01.75 41-06.75 5 41-06.75 39-04.50 39-02.75 40-00 5 Wooten, Andre SR F.H.N. 39-09.00 39-03.00 4 37-11.50 FOUL 39-03 38-11.50 6 Wenger, Zach SO F.Z.E. 37-00.00 37-11.00 3 35-03.50 37-03 37-02.75 37-11 7 Rogers, Jarritt SR Summit 36-03.00 37-06.00 2 35-09.50 37-06 FOUL FOUL 8 Gerke, Alec SR F.Z.E. 39-01.00 36-10.25 1 FOUL 36-10.25 FOUL 36-09.50 9 Hester, Robert SO F.Z.S. 37-07.00 36-02.50 34-08 FOUL 34-07.75 36-02.50 10 Eisenbeis, Nick SR F.H.N. 35-00.00 35-09.00 33-08.50 34-07 35-09 34-08.25 11 Garvert, Jason JR Francis Howell 34-03.50 33-02 32-01 31-07.50 34-03.50 12 Cook, Jonathan FR F.Z.S. 36-00.00 34-02.00 34-02 FOUL FOUL FOUL -- Barnes, Tyler JR Francis Howell FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL -- Marroquin, Adam JR Timberland 41-00.00 FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL Event 16 Boys Triple Jump Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Riley, DaVonne JR McCluer 39-00.00 41-00.75 10 38-00.50 37-09.50 38-06.25 41-00.75 2 Snawder, Nick FR Timberland 37-06.00 39-04.50 8 32-04.50 36-05.50 35-06 39-04.50 3 Sanders, Adrian SO Summit 37-00.00 37-10.75 6 36-09 36-08.25 FOUL 37-10.75 4 Alec, Weiss JR Timberland 37-10.00 37-07.00 5 37-07 36-09.50 36-03.50 36-01 5 Brinker, Alex SO Summit 35-00.00 37-02.50 4 37-02.50 35-02 34-10 35-08 6 Ferko, Sebastiano SO Lindbergh 37-09.00 36-10.50 3 36-01 36-10.50 33-00.50 35-04 7 Ballestas, Andres SO F.Z.S. 35-00.00 36-00.25 2 35-02.50 36-00.25 FOUL 34-11.50 8 Johnson, Jaqoun SO McCluer 38-00.00 35-06.50 1 32-08 33-09.50 35-06.50 35-01.50 9 Beem, Kolby FR Holt 34-09.50 33-00 34-09.50 33-04 33-06.50 10 Michalski, Jason SO F.H.N. 32-00.00 32-08.00 32-08 32-00 FOUL FOUL 11 benson, lee SO F.Z.S. 33-02.00 32-04.00 FOUL FOUL 32-03.50 32-04 12 Anderson-Sneed, Ta FR Pattonville 32-00.50 FOUL 32-00.50 31-09.50 31-02 13 Roberts, Pierce FR F.Z.E. 31-00.00 31-07.00 FOUL FOUL 30-01.50 31-07 14 Weiss, Brad FR F.Z.E. 33-00.00 31-06.00 31-06 27-09.50 0.25 29-02 15 Novack, Matt FR Pattonville 27-04.50 27-03 27-04.50 FOUL FOUL Event 17 Girls Discus Throw Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Price, Deanna SR Troy 134-06 142-06 10 142-06 FOUL FOUL 122-09 2 Colbert, Leah FR Troy 96-01 119-04 8 106-07 119-04 113-02 11.25 3 Bush, Emily JR Lafayette 93-01 119-03 6 110-02 111-02 119-03 FOUL 4 Lozano, Sophie SR Francis Howell 108-00 110-06 5 99-11 105-00 110-06 109-01 5 Long, Jessica SR Cahokia 108-11 106-01 4 80-09 95-08 88-00 106-01 6 Sandvoss, Samantha SR Pattonville 101-00 95-05 3 86-07 FOUL 95-05 79-01 7 Taylor, Totyana JR F.Z.S. 99-09 92-05 2 FOUL 91-07 92-05 86-08 8 Joe, Shyla JR Cahokia 86-00 90-06 1 84-07 90-06 75-03 89-10 9 Smith, Briana FR Holt 78-03 87-00 78-06 87-00 64-08 71-10 10 Williams, Nikki JR H.W. West 85-10 FOUL 85-10 82-01 82-03 11 Wayhart, Maria SO Lafayette 89-03 84-08 68-08 77-09 84-08 81-10 12 Harms, Lindsey SO F.H.N. 90-06 83-02 73-07 83-02 76-03 81-05 13 McKee, Jade SR Timberland 83-00 78-07 FOUL 78-07 63-10 FOUL 14 Smith, Brittani JR McCluer 82-00 74-10 63-11 74-10 FOUL 69-11 15 Strong, Britni SR F.H.N. 88-00 69-10 55-11 56-00 61-01 69-10 16 Hankins, Katie Jo JR Holt 83-05 67-07 FOUL FOUL FOUL 67-07 17 Taylor, Charsandra SO McCluer 80-00 63-11 51-05 63-00 62-08 63-11 18 Stege, Jessica FR F.Z.S. 75-06 49-07 FOUL 49-07 FOUL FOUL Event 18 Girls Discus Throw Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Rosemann, Kori JR Troy 90-11 91-05 10 91-05 FOUL FOUL 81-01 2 Weiss, Shelby FR Timberland 81-08 70-00 8 66-08 67-07 67-00 70-00 3 Watson, Sheli JR F.Z.E. 61-10 67-01 6 67-01 53-10 FOUL 65-05 4 Harvey, Alicyn SO H.W. West 66-10 5 44-03 66-10 66-05 66-01 5 Stout, Kayla FR Holt 51-04 66-06 4 58-07 60-11 66-04 66-06 6 Bishop, Autumn FR F.Z.S. 86-04 64-07 3 64-07 58-09 64-02 58-05 7 Hizer, Danielle SO Francis Howell 64-03 2 51-01 54-09 64-03 60-06 8 Staszak, Megan JR Lafayette 62-01 63-07 1 62-11 63-07 57-01 58-07 9 Boyd, T'Amber JR Cahokia 63-04 63-01 FOUL FOUL 63-04 10 Gerard, Meghan FR Francis Howell 62-06 54-07 53-09 57-09 62-06 11 Breckner, Abigail FR F.Z.E. 51-10 57-02 FOUL 53-10 57-02 50-03 12 Mellring, Megan FR Pattonville 56-09 56-09 54-11 FOUL 52-10 13 Geldrich, Helen FR Timberland 65-01 55-11 48-02 42-09 55-11 41-00 14 Wofford, Meagan FR F.Z.S. 65-00 53-11 51-09 53-11 51-00 50-05 15 Mack, Erin SO McCluer 75-00 53-05 FOUL 43-08 53-05 37-10 16 McKelphin, Courtne SO Holt 56-01 52-08 FOUL 51-02 52-08 51-11 17 Coleman, Lorena JR H.W. West 52-06 46-00 51-03 48-04 52-06 18 Tesfamariam, Wehaz JR Pattonville 65-00 43-04 43-04 41-05 41-08 40-03 Event 19 Boys Discus Throw Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 McDonald, Josh SO Timberland 164-07 160-03 10 150-04 FOUL 160-03 FOUL 2 Nischbach, Alex SR F.Z.E. 120-00 129-05 8 FOUL FOUL 129-05 129-01 3 leach, ron JR F.Z.S. 119-05 127-11 6 125-04 122-00 127-11 123-09 4 Montgomery, Brock SR Pattonville 121-00 127-02 5 FOUL 124-04 127-02 112-08 5 Young, Kenneth JR McCluer 130-00 126-08 4 126-08 FOUL 125-06 FOUL 6 Edwards, Ladaniel SR Summit 96-04 121-03 3 108-05 FOUL 121-03 117-00 7 Coleman, Cody SR Timberland 128-05 119-10 2 118-06 119-10 113-01 119-03 8 Greenlee, Dominic SR Pattonville 120-00 112-10 1 FOUL 112-10 FOUL FOUL 9 Henson, Austin SR Francis Howell 110-00 110-08 FOUL 97-10 97-10 110-08 10 Roth, Joe JR Lindbergh 109-01 104-00 109-01 102-05 98-08 11 Blackman, Kenneth JR McCluer 100-00 107-04 97-04 FOUL 107-04 FOUL 12 Kew, Chris JR Lindbergh 117-00 106-00 92-02 90-06 85-11 106-00 13 Cook, Jonathan FR F.Z.S. 105-00 104-02 89-10 86-03 88-10 104-02 14 Lasater, Jake SR Francis Howell 115-00 102-07 92-01 99-03 102-07 95-04 15 Gilbert, Dalton SO Troy 102-05 98-08 93-07 98-08 98-04 FOUL 16 Wilmes, Luke JR Holt 93-01 83-02 74-06 93-01 78-02 17 Dotson, Brain SO Holt 91-07 70-03 FOUL 82-07 91-07 18 Matthews, George JR Summit 97-02 88-03 83-01 88-03 73-05 81-03 19 Weisenborn, Nick JR F.Z.E. 100-00 76-03 74-01 76-03 71-03 75-04 Event 20 Boys Discus Throw Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Bittner, Sam JR Timberland 120-00 133-03 10 130-07 FOUL 133-03 FOUL 2 Bandy, Austin JR Timberland 118-00 132-00 8 119-10 FOUL 113-09 132-00 3 Edwards, Cody SO Summit 124-07 125-00 6 91-05 125-00 124-04 118-08 4 Turner, Ralph SO Summit 121-03 124-10 5 110-00 120-09 92-11 124-10 5 Wilkins, Jeremiah JR Pattonville 100-00 99-01 4 99-01 FOUL 98-03 FOUL 6 Starr, Andy FR Troy 97-03 3 FOUL 95-11 97-03 FOUL 7 Whaley, Spencer SO F.Z.S. 91-06 95-10 2 79-00 74-11 72-06 95-10 8 Cunningham, Richar SO Lindbergh 85-00 95-03 1 95-03 FOUL FOUL FOUL 9 Schwent, Patrick FR Troy 90-00 93-02 FOUL 93-02 80-02 85-06 10 Tabacchi, Thomas FR F.Z.S. 85-00 84-10 84-10 77-00 70-03 82-05 11 Kruse, Sam SO Francis Howell 83-00 FOUL 72-10 FOUL 83-00 12 Hatch, Diontay SO McCluer 90-00 81-01 61-02 65-07 67-04 81-01 13 Devivo, Dan SO Holt 78-09 66-04 FOUL 78-09 67-00 14 Schmidt, Kenny SO Lindbergh 88-09 77-11 68-06 73-07 77-11 62-07 15 Heigl, Alex FR F.H.N. 91-00 73-01 67-04 69-04 FOUL 73-01 16 West, Jeremiah FR F.Z.E. 71-02 52-03 66-01 71-02 67-05 17 Brettnacher, Tyler SO Holt 70-11 57-05 70-11 68-02 FOUL 18 Weis, Brad FR F.Z.E. 63-05 63-05 55-08 53-07 62-07 Event 21 Girls Shot Put Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Price, Deanna SR Troy 42-04.00 39-11.50 10 39-11.50 FOUL FOUL 37-02.50 2 Long, Jessica SR Cahokia 38-03.00 38-01.00 8 36-05 FOUL 38-01 37-05.50 3 Lozano, Sophie SR Francis Howell 34-05.00 37-06.00 6 35-05 37-06 37-02.50 34-04 4 Colbert, Leah FR Troy 34-03.50 36-09.00 5 36-09 FOUL FOUL FOUL 5 Haywood, Ashley JR F.H.N. 33-01.00 34-06.00 4 31-08 31-08 34-06 33-01.50 6 Joe, Shyla JR Cahokia 34-06.00 34-05.00 3 34-05 34-00 FOUL 33-09 7 Sandvoss, Samantha SR Pattonville 33-00.00 33-08.50 2 32-02 32-05 33-08.50 33-00 8 Smith, Briana FR Holt 30-09.00 33-07.00 1 FOUL 32-07.50 33-07 33-00 9 McRoberts, Alyshia JR Timberland 36-03.00 33-02.50 32-05 FOUL 33-02.50 FOUL 10 Bush, Emily JR Lafayette 29-10.50 33-02.00 30-07 32-07.50 32-04.50 33-02 11 McKee, Jade SR Timberland 33-08.00 33-00.00 29-11 33-00 19-07 32-01.50 12 Jackson, Christine JR Lafayette 30-00.00 32-05.00 32-02 32-05 32-00.50 30-09 13 Garret, Ariel FR McCluer 29-00.00 31-00.50 30-08 30-05.50 31-00.50 30-05 14 Williams, Nikki JR H.W. West 30-10.00 30-10 29-03 29-04 28-09 15 Hawkins, Megan SR F.Z.E. 29-03.00 30-01.50 28-07.50 28-03.50 29-09.50 30-01.50 16 Smith, Brittani JR McCluer 27-00.00 29-05.00 25-08.50 26-03 28-09.50 29-05 17 Breckner, Meredith JR F.Z.E. 30-03.00 29-04.00 27-03 27-04 28-04.50 29-04 18 Morgan, Stephanie FR F.Z.S. 28-10.00 29-03.50 28-09 29-00 28-00 29-03.50 19 Howard, Kylie FR F.Z.S. 26-04.00 24-04.00 24-04 23-08.50 22-06 22-07 Event 22 Girls Shot Put Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Hart, Taliesha JR Timberland 31-06.00 29-04.50 10 FOUL FOUL 29-04.50 FOUL 2 Helms, Jaclyn SO Pattonville 25-00.00 28-03.50 8 26-08 24-08 28-03.50 26-00 3 Roethemeyer, Laure FR Pattonville 23-00.00 27-03.50 6 26-09 27-03 27-03.50 25-08 4 Thomason, Courtney FR F.Z.E. 25-02.00 27-00.00 5 24-10.50 26-00 27-00 26-07 5 Taylor, Charsandra SO McCluer 26-08.00 4 26-08 23-11.50 23-04 24-02.50 6 Wofford, Madeline FR F.Z.S. 27-03.00 25-11.00 3 FOUL 23-07 25-11 FOUL 7 Riley, Chyiara JR F.Z.S. 24-05.00 25-00.00 2 25-00 21-07.50 24-04.50 19-11 8 Mack, Erin SO McCluer 25-00.00 24-06.00 1 23-03.50 23-03 23-06 24-06 9 Roth, Sarah FR Timberland 24-01.00 23-08.00 23-08 20-08.50 21-07.50 22-04 10 McKelphin, Courtne SO Holt 20-02.00 J23-08.00 FOUL FOUL 23-08 FOUL 11 Stout, Kayla FR Holt 23-05.00 23-05.00 22-03 23-05 22-01 21-07 12 Harvey, Alicyn SO H.W. West 23-03.00 21-11 22-09 23-03 20-05 13 Boyd, T'Amber JR Cahokia 23-00.00 23-01.50 21-06.50 23-01.50 22-08.50 22-05.50 14 Rosemann, Kori JR Troy 21-05.00 22-08.00 22-02 22-08 22-02 21-06 15 Staszak, Megan JR Lafayette 21-05.00 21-06.00 21-06 20-08 21-05 20-09 16 Gerard, Meghan FR Francis Howell 21-00.00 20-06.50 17-01 20-04 19-09 20-06.50 17 Arrington, Lyniah SO H.W. West 20-05.00 18-00 20-05 19-06 17-08 18 Hizer, Danielle SO Francis Howell 20-00.00 19-02.50 18-09 18-05 17-04 19-02.50 19 Breckner, Abigail FR F.Z.E. 24-06.00 19-00.00 19-00 18-09 19-00 18-03.50 Event 23 Boys Shot Put Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 McDonald, Josh SO Timberland 45-01.00 47-01.50 10 47-01.50 FOUL 45-09 FOUL 2 leach, ron JR F.Z.S. 43-07.00 44-11.75 8 41-04.50 44-11.75 FOUL 41-11.25 3 Cockrell, Jordan SR Troy 43-02.00 44-03.00 6 43-03 43-06 FOUL 44-03 4 Roth, Joe JR Lindbergh 40-01.00 43-06.00 5 40-11.50 40-09.75 40-11.50 43-06 5 Nischbach, Alex SR F.Z.E. 42-00.00 43-04.00 4 40-09.50 43-04 FOUL FOUL 6 Matthews, George JR Summit 37-09.00 42-07.00 3 42-07 40-07.25 FOUL 39-07.50 7 Hummel, John SO Timberland 46-01.00 42-01.00 2 FOUL 42-01 FOUL 41-04.50 8 Owens, Lynzel SO McCluer 42-00.00 41-11.50 1 40-08.50 37-10 40-03 41-11.50 9 Lasater, Jake SR Francis Howell 41-00.00 41-08.25 39-04 40-09.50 41-03.50 41-08.25 10 Gilbert, Dalton SO Troy 36-00.00 41-06.00 41-06 40-03.50 41-01.25 41-01.25 11 Hogan, Dylan JR Pattonville 40-00.00 40-11.25 38-05 39-07.50 38-10.50 40-11.25 12 Kew, Chris JR Lindbergh 37-03.00 40-05.25 34-10.50 39-03.25 39-05.25 40-05.25 13 Cook, Jonathan FR F.Z.S. 40-03.00 39-04.00 39-04 37-01 36-01 37-06 14 Henson, Austin SR Francis Howell 36-00.00 37-11.50 37-02 37-11.50 37-00 37-10 15 Johnson, Malik JR McCluer 42-00.00 36-02.00 36-00.50 35-07.50 36-02 FOUL 16 Edwards, Ladaniel SR Summit 36-08.00 35-05.00 35-05 33-07.50 FOUL FOUL 17 Simon, Brady SO Holt 30-00.00 33-01.00 33-01 FOUL FOUL 31-06 18 Bohnert, Brandon FR Holt 33-00.00 32-10.50 32-10.50 30-01.50 31-04 31-08.50 19 West, Jeremiah FR F.Z.E. 28-00.00 32-09.50 32-01.50 32-00.50 32-09.50 32-03.50 -- Gegg, Dan JR F.H.N. 39-00.00 FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL FOUL Event 24 Boys Shot Put Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Bittner, Sam JR Timberland 43-06.00 43-10.25 10 43-07.50 42-11.50 42-03 43-10.25 2 Reinagel, Jake JR Pattonville 43-11.00 40-09.00 8 40-09 40-00.50 39-01 39-08.50 3 Wells, Spencer SO Summit 37-06.00 39-08.00 6 38-03 39-08 FOUL 36-07 4 Christo, Nate JR Timberland 43-08.00 38-07.50 5 38-00.50 38-07.50 FOUL 38-04.25 5 Hatch, Diontay SO McCluer 35-00.00 38-07.00 4 38-07 37-03.50 34-08.50 36-03.50 6 Bentley, Benjamin FR F.Z.S. 35-00.00 36-05.00 3 33-06.50 36-05 36-01 35-05.50 7 Hageman, Tanner FR Summit 37-01.00 36-03.50 2 36-03.50 34-09.25 34-05.50 36-00.50 8 Starr, Andy FR Troy 35-05.50 1 33-07.50 34-03.25 35-05.50 33-10.50 9 Kantz, Joe SO Lindbergh 34-01.00 34-08.00 31-02 31-01.50 33-00.50 34-08 10 Kruse, Sam SO Francis Howell 33-00.00 31-04.50 33-00 31-06.50 31-01.50 11 Spencer, Konnor SO Troy 33-00.00 32-10.00 32-10 30-04.50 32-04 32-05 12 Blakey, Jared SO Holt 28-00.00 J32-10.00 28-06.50 32-10 31-03.50 31-04 13 Cunningham, Richar SO Lindbergh 33-00.00 32-01.00 30-10.50 30-01 32-01 31-02 14 Weiss, Brad FR F.Z.E. 29-00.00 31-04.50 27-00.50 26-00 26-03.25 31-04.50 15 Heigl, Alex FR F.H.N. 33-00.00 30-02.00 29-02.25 FOUL 30-02 29-01 16 Whaley, Spencer SO F.Z.S. 36-01.00 28-07.50 27-05 27-04.25 28-07.50 27-05.75 17 Lyons, Nick JR Pattonville 38-00.00 28-02.50 26-07.50 27-11.50 27-04.50 28-02.50 18 Brettnacher, Tyler SO Holt 28-00.00 27-07.00 FOUL 23-08 27-07 25-09.25 19 West, Jeremiah FR F.Z.E. 25-05.25 25-00 23-07.50 23-11.50 25-05.25 Event 25 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 10:10.24 10:01.96 10 1) Maddox, Jessica SO 2) Hall, Kayla JR 3) Boone, Brittany SO 4) Thurauf, Hannah JR 2 Francis Howell 'A' 10:40.24 10:20.35 8 1) Biddle, Erin SR 2) Guthrie, Jacci SR 3) Marx, Jessica SR 4) Thompson, Alec SO 3 Holt 'A' 10:43.43 10:23.30 6 1) Hellebusch, Allison FR 2) Leonard, Ashley SR 3) Carreon, Chandler FR 4) Lough, Kara JR 4 Francis Howell North 'A' 10:32.10 10:23.43 5 1) Lucas, Brooke JR 2) Happe, Alexis FR 3) Vishy, Courtney FR 4) Grone, Coleen SR 5 Villa Duchesne 'A' 10:45.34 10:34.96 4 1) Colbert, Riann SO 2) Stock, CeCe FR 3) Sheahan, Lucy SO 4) Wattles, Anna SR 6 Troy Buchanan 'A' 10:51.80 11:01.15 3 1) Haney, Nikki FR 2) Graham, Sarah SR 3) Hollenbeck, Jesse FR 4) Fader, Riley SO 7 Hazelwood West 'A' 10:30.24 11:10.92 2 1) Lewis, Hannah SO 2) Crutchfield, Sabryna JR 3) Schnider, Elizabeth FR 4) Lacy, Charisse JR 8 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 11:12.24 11:11.63 1 1) thompson, taylor JR 2) cochran, nicole JR 3) Gervich, Caitlin FR 4) Juengst, Maggie JR Event 26 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Junior Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 10:54.24 10:55.90 10 1) Kelly, Katherine FR 2) Pagliaro, Ashley FR 3) Gates, Carly FR 4) Hashman, Natalie FR 2 Timberland 'A' 10:50.24 11:04.88 8 1) Brown, Samantha SO 2) DeGise, Julia SO 3) Gibson, Brittany FR 4) Rivera, Autumn FR 3 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 11:02.24 11:08.85 6 1) Hylen, Michaela FR 2) Norby, Kya SR 3) Watson, Sheli JR 4) Watson, Bri SO 4 Francis Howell North 'A' 12:26.64 11:57.50 5 1) Mottin, Michele FR 2) Fields, Jillian FR 3) Terry, Nicole FR 4) Pugh, Dana FR 5 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 11:58.24 12:08.86 4 1) O'Brien, Sydney FR 2) Vaughan, Kaitlin FR 3) Humphries, Nicole FR 4) Pogorzelski, Karolina FR 6 Hazelwood West 'A' 11:00.24 12:34.78 3 1) Perry, Brittnay SO 2) Smith, V. FR 3) Doll, Donisha FR 4) King, Thomia SO Event 27 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 8:40.24 8:44.36 10 1) Webster, Drew SR 2) Ryan, Nolan SO 3) Highland, Greg JR 4) Bindner, Joe FR 2 Lindbergh 'A' 8:48.24 8:55.47 8 1) Bass, Ronny SO 2) Marin, Mariano JR 3) Kramer, Taylor SR 4) DiPaola, Joey JR 3 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 9:15.24 9:00.56 6 1) Fitzgerald, Dominic JR 2) Humphries, Jacob SO 3) Loveless, Brennan FR 4) Kitchen, Seth FR -- Holt 'A' 8:49.06 DQ out of zone 1 to 2 1) Ballinger, Kionte SO 2) Ayers, Travis SO 3) Feeberg, Jerome FR 4) Shaw, Caneron FR Event 28 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Junior Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Rockwood Summit 'A' 8:56.24 8:51.95 10 1) Locandro, Joshua SO 2) Thomas, Justin SO 3) Hilpert, Cameron FR 4) Heidrick, Daniel FR 2 Lindbergh 'A' 8:45.24 8:53.71 8 1) Skosky, Tommy SO 2) Luciani, Jacob JR 3) Pieper, Kyle SO 4) Gloss, Tyler SO 3 Timberland 'A' 8:50.24 8:56.90 6 1) Davis, Jeffery SO 2) Mihulka, Sam SO 3) Swanton, Kyle SO 4) Williams, Markell FR 4 McCluer 'A' 9:50.24 9:41.27 5 1) Henderson, Andrew JR 2) Pye, Jason JR 3) Redd, Ricardo FR 4) Hinton, Michael SO 5 Holt 'A' 9:15.24 9:42.66 4 1) Griesehauer, Josh SO 2) Rotter, Tommy JR 3) Malinee, George FR 4) Muschamp, Austin FR 6 Francis Howell North 'A' 9:26.74 9:49.05 3 1) McKee, Samuel SO 2) Thielbar, Ean FR 3) Conaty, Chad SO 4) Chac, Brandon FR 7 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 10:01.24 9:51.92 2 1) Miller, Carson FR 2) Freitag, Andrew FR 3) Zimmerman, Sean JR 4) Spilker, Jonathan SO Event 29 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Jones, Joslyne SO Cahokia 16.24 16.19 1 10 2 Weathered, Sydney FR Holt 18.43 17.10 1 8 3 Holmes, Brea JR F.H.N. 17.64 17.86 1 6 4 Crecelius, Kelly FR Lafayette 19.04 18.32 1 5 5 Eckert, Rachel SO F.H.N. 17.24 18.40 1 4 6 Teague, Shelby SR Lafayette 18.34 18.55 1 3 7 Brew, Candice JR Holt 18.67 2 2 8 Sciarratta, Courtn SR Troy 20.23 18.88 2 1 9 Jones, Evan JR Timberland 19.24 19.06 2 10 Duncan, Rachel FR F.Z.S. 19.31 2 11 Lohmann, Allie SO Francis Howell 19.24 19.97 1 12 Banks, Stacy JR H.W. West 19.24 20.25 2 13 Schell, Megan FR F.Z.S. 21.63 2 14 Rosenberger, Laura FR H.W. West 17.74 22.02 1 Event 30 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Golliday, Ant FR Cahokia 17.04 16.36 1 10 2 Price, Annie FR Villa Duchesne 18.74 18.02 1 8 3 Moorkamp, Amy SR Lafayette 20.84 18.74 2 6 4 Fallon, Courtney SO Francis Howell 20.04 19.17 1 5 5 Saville, Nicole SO Villa Duchesne 18.84 19.18 1 4 6 Jarboe, Jacqueline SO Lafayette 20.44 19.36 2 3 7 Boschert, Renee FR Timberland 19.54 19.42 1 2 8 Evans, Emily SO F.Z.E. 20.64 20.27 2 1 9 Davis, Bridget FR Pattonville 19.34 20.51 1 10 Morhorc, Macy FR Troy 21.09 20.54 2 11 Cain, Lauren FR Timberland 20.54 20.68 2 12 Bell, Bianca FR H.W. West 20.71 3 13 Zellweger, Valerie JR F.Z.E. 21.34 20.88 3 14 Ferkel, Jamie SO F.H.N. 18.70 20.91 1 15 Cotter, Aaramie FR H.W. West 21.07 3 16 Wildschuetz, Lacey SO Francis Howell 21.35 3 17 Taylor, Tori SO F.H.N. 19.34 21.55 1 18 Shockley, Sierra FR Pattonville 20.54 21.76 2 19 Sciarratta, Emily FR Troy 21.24 22.55 2 20 Caito, Cecilia FR F.Z.S. 20.24 22.82 2 21 McCarthy, Maryelle FR F.Z.S. 21.64 23.00 3 Event 31 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Mahoney, Mike JR F.Z.E. 16.14 15.50 1 10 2 Schwab, Jon SO F.H.N. 15.50 15.56 1 8 3 Brooks, Tyran SR Pattonville 15.84 15.65 1 6 4 Holloway, Chad SR Troy 16.44 15.98 1 5 5 Pouppaneau, Jordan SR Timberland 16.84 16.29 1 4 6 Simmons, Justin SO Lindbergh 16.64 16.72 1 3 7 Thompson, Ian SR Timberland 17.04 17.06 1 2 8 Smith, Sam SR Lindbergh 18.24 18.14 2 1 9 Bradshaw, Nick JR Holt 18.64 18.20 2 10 Gerke, Alec SR F.Z.E. 18.74 18.57 2 11 smith, justin SO F.Z.S. 17.74 18.61 2 12 Easley, Phillip SR Pattonville 16.74 18.96 1 13 Galloway, Timothy JR F.Z.S. 19.74 19.05 2 14 Wollenberg, Mike FR F.H.N. 18.60 21.37 2 Event 32 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Lockhart, Bruce FR Holt 16.54 16.22 1 10 2 Nixon, Ethan SO Holt 17.54 16.29 1 8 3 Coleman, Ian SO Timberland 17.80 17.65 1 6 4 Nilhas, Joe SO Summit 20.24 18.42 2 5 5 Rohde, Nick FR Troy 19.14 18.77 1 4 6 Govero, Nichlas SO Summit 19.94 18.82 2 3 7 Roberts, Pierce FR F.Z.E. 17.74 19.59 1 2 8 Klix, Joseph FR F.Z.S. 19.84 19.69 1 1 9 Ngnyen, Jimmy FR F.H.N. 21.54 20.33 2 10 Fowler, Damon FR Lindbergh 19.84 20.54 2 11 Sorich, Nick FR F.Z.S. 20.59 2 12 Hart, Zach SO F.Z.E. 17.34 20.69 1 13 Itinger, John FR Troy 20.44 21.47 2 14 Rose, Justin FR F.H.N. 20.34 21.59 2 15 Hoekel, Henry FR Lindbergh 20.24 21.67 2 Event 33 Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Friar, Nataliyah SO Holt 12.74 12.47 1 10 2 Collins, Micayla SO Cahokia 12.74 12.74 1 8 3 Harrold, Syretta SR McCluer 12.97 12.99 1 6 4 Harris, Ashlyn JR Cahokia 12.94 13.28 1 5 5 Oliver, Camisha JR F.H.N. 13.54 13.37 2 4 6 James, Haley FR Lafayette 13.94 13.38 2 3 13.3710 7 Kelly, Tyler SO H.W. West 13.14 J13.38 1 2 13.3739 8 Goodrich, Dornisha SR H.W. West 14.14 13.39 3 1 9 Jones, Tamara SO Troy 13.84 13.43 2 10 Gerber, Brittany SR Timberland 13.14 13.45 1 11 Thirdkill, Cashere JR Holt 13.49 13.46 2 12 Ford, Crystal SR Pattonville 13.04 13.60 1 13 Perry, Sydney SO F.Z.S. 13.80 13.62 2 14 Willer, Taylor SR Timberland 13.34 13.68 1 15 Bracely-Wesley, Ju JR McCluer 13.42 13.69 2 16 Elliot, Aleaya SO F.Z.E. 13.94 13.87 2 17 Norwood, Kristina SR F.Z.E. 14.44 14.00 3 18 Hopgood, Ebony FR Lafayette 14.84 14.13 3 19 Hake, Courtney SO Francis Howell 14.84 14.14 3 20 Edminston, Amanda SO F.H.N. 14.24 14.22 3 21 Dodd, Ashley SR Francis Howell 14.64 14.84 3 Event 34 Girls 100 Meter Dash Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Holmon, D SO Cahokia 13.04 13.49 1 10 2 Steinkamp, Rachel FR Timberland 13.14 13.60 1 8 3 Clark, Jordan FR Timberland 13.74 13.61 1 6 4 Simmons, Aaliyan SO F.H.N. 14.54 13.93 2 5 5 Williams, Andreana SO Pattonville 13.74 13.99 1 4 6 Miller, Hope FR F.Z.S. 14.54 14.01 2 3 7 Jackson, Lashai SO McCluer 14.24 14.06 1 2 8 Bucol, Megan FR Villa Duchesne 14.64 14.51 2 1 9 Burbridge, Briana FR F.Z.S. 14.34 14.67 2 10 Gardner, Donnetta FR F.H.N. 14.34 14.69 2 11 Arnett, Katelyn FR F.Z.E. 14.74 14.71 2 12 Alexander, Deja FR H.W. West 13.94 14.73 1 13 Farinella, Carly JR Lafayette 15.54 14.93 3 14 Brezany, Julia SO Lafayette 15.44 15.01 3 15 Scott, Tionna FR H.W. West 13.14 15.14 1 16 Joshu, Emily FR Holt 15.91 3 17 Lingle, Maricela FR Troy 15.04 16.85 2 18 Truong, Courtney FR Francis Howell 18.17 3 -- Thiara, Munpreet FR Francis Howell FS 3 -- Logan, Felisha FR Troy 15.84 FS 3 Event 35 Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Hamm-Bey, Tim SR Lindbergh 10.94 11.11 1 10 2 Jones, Marquis SR Pattonville 11.43 11.12 1 8 3 Golden, Jerome SO Summit 11.23 11.27 1 6 4 Abbington, Chase SO F.Z.S. 11.78 11.37 1 5 5 Kaufman, Jared SR F.H.N. 11.44 11.50 1 4 6 Matyi, Matt SO F.H.N. 11.64 11.59 1 3 11.5814 7 Craig, Keith JR Troy 11.84 J11.59 2 2 11.5830 8 king, wesley JR F.Z.S. 11.71 11.61 1 1 9 Gavin, Curtlan JR McCluer 11.94 11.69 2 10 Burnett, Mason SO F.Z.E. 11.64 11.81 1 11 Steward, Nate JR Holt 12.14 12.02 2 12 Raspberry, Clayton JR Timberland 11.94 12.05 2 13 Smith, Tyler JR Summit 12.12 3 14 Smith, Ronnie SO Troy 12.14 12.18 2 15 Island, Stephen SR F.Z.E. 12.34 12.19 3 Event 36 Boys 100 Meter Dash Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 McIntosh, David SO Summit 11.74 11.78 1 10 2 Willis, Aaron SO McCluer 11.92 1 8 3 Jackson, Kalin SO F.Z.S. 12.94 11.94 3 6 4 Russell, Charles SO F.H.N. 12.14 12.11 1 5 5 Williams, Zecharia SO McCluer 12.64 12.22 2 4 6 Lindsey, J.T. SO F.Z.E. 12.64 12.24 2 3 7 Brew, Derrick FR Holt 12.44 12.33 2 2 8 Debert, Brent SO Troy 12.74 12.37 2 1 9 Colaw, Andrew FR F.Z.E. 12.44 12.39 2 10 Nehring, Greg FR Lindbergh 12.34 12.43 1 11 Jordan, Lucas SO Timberland 12.28 12.51 1 12 Willis, Jevon FR Holt 12.14 12.74 1 13 Powell, Ricky FR F.H.N. 12.84 12.85 2 14 Blackshear, Alexan FR F.Z.S. 12.84 12.86 2 15 Patterson, Brenden FR Francis Howell 14.24 12.99 3 16 Leek, Marshall FR Pattonville 13.05 3 17 Gholson, Alex SO Troy 13.14 13.12 3 18 Grimes, Aaron FR Pattonville 13.58 3 19 Lee, Eric FR Francis Howell 14.24 14.37 3 Event 37 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 1:54.24 1:49.32 10 1) Harris, Anastasia SR 2) Meyer, Heather SR 3) Demos, Arianna FR 4) Miller, Patricia JR 2 Hazelwood West 'A' 1:51.24 1:50.63 8 1) Lanfersieck, Kiara JR 2) Kelly, Tyler SO 3) Howard, Shelby JR 4) Culberson, Ausset SR 3 Cahokia (Hs) (Coop) 'A' 1:49.24 1:50.79 6 1) Jones, Joslyne SO 2) Blanks, Desiree SO 3) Harris, Ashlyn JR 4) Phillips, Lashecka JR 4 Troy Buchanan 'A' 1:53.24 1:53.52 5 1) Hawkins, Kahdeja JR 2) Jones, Tamara SO 3) Jones, Tia SO 4) Hartwig, Kristen FR 5 Francis Howell North 'A' 1:54.34 1:54.65 4 1) Oliver, Camisha JR 2) Watts, Arianna SO 3) Edminston, Amanda SO 4) Harry, Brittany SR 6 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 1:57.94 1:55.14 3 1) Jones, Kaylin FR 2) jones, jasmine JR 3) Perry, Sydney SO 4) Zeier, Cassondra SO 7 Holt 'A' 1:59.12 1:56.88 2 1) Jones, Courtney SO 2) Corbett, Abigail FR 3) Smentana, Taylor SO 4) Weathered, Sydney FR Event 38 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Junior Varsity =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Cahokia (Hs) (Coop) 'A' 1:53.74 1:52.28 1 10 1) Burton, T FR 2) Douglas, Kenni JR 3) Ball, Mer JR 4) Holmon, D SO 2 Villa Duchesne 'A' 1:55.74 1:53.99 1 8 1) Thompson, Gabby SO 2) Saville, Nicole SO 3) Franey, Kate FR 4) Price, Annie FR 3 Pattonville 'A' 1:59.24 1:58.80 1 6 1) Davis, Bridget FR 2) Pirrie, Gabrielle JR 3) Deed, Taylor SO 4) Reynolds, Kayla FR 4 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 1:58.24 2:02.62 1 5 1) Burbridge, Briana FR 2) Hale, Shannon FR 3) Miller, Hope FR 4) Duncan, Rachel FR 5 Troy Buchanan 'A' 2:00.24 2:02.69 1 4 1) Morhorc, Macy FR 2) Wells, Abbie FR 3) McCann, Hunter FR 4) Henderson, Lanisha JR 6 Hazelwood West 'A' 1:55.24 2:03.46 1 3 1) Scott, Tionna FR 2) Simpson, A. FR 3) Randall, D SO 4) Alexander, Deja FR 7 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 2:07.24 2:04.19 2 2 1) Farinella, Carly JR 2) Brezany, Julia SO 3) Kindsvater, Andie FR 4) Jarboe, Jacqueline SO 8 Francis Howell North 'A' 1:58.74 2:04.24 1 1 1) Simmons, Aaliyan SO 2) Simmons, Amanda FR 3) Gardner, Donnetta FR 4) Horton, Chelsea JR 9 Holt 'A' 2:11.79 2 1) Allison, Taylor FR 2) Dorn, Sarah FR 3) Fuchs, Lauren JR 4) Joshu, Emily FR 10 Francis Howell 'A' 2:14.89 2 1) Day, Maggie SO 2) Thompson, Kayla SO 3) Fallon, Courtney SO 4) DeMarcantonio, Rachel SO -- Timberland 'A' 1:57.00 DQ 1 out of zone 3 to 4 1) Christophe, Jasmine SO 2) Hazel, Katie SR 3) Frkovic, Brooke JR 4) West, Cassandra FR Event 39 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 1:34.30 1:31.08 10 1) Jackson, Nate SR 2) king, wesley JR 3) smith, marus SO 4) Abbington, Chase SO 2 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 1:35.24 1:33.03 8 1) Campbell, D'Andre FR 2) Mahoney, Mike JR 3) Burnett, Mason SO 4) Stahlheber, Mike SR 3 Troy Buchanan 'A' 1:33.24 1:34.76 6 1) Smith, Ronnie SO 2) Craig, Keith JR 3) Holloway, Chad SR 4) Jones, Josh SR 4 Francis Howell North 'A' 1:35.34 1:34.82 5 1) Kaufman, Jared SR 2) Matyi, Matt SO 3) McClelland, Devon JR 4) Givens, Terron JR 5 McCluer 'A' 1:31.74 1:35.87 4 1) Gavin, Curtlan JR 2) Williams, Jamaul SR 3) Pounds, Jon JR 4) Goff, Jourdan SR -- Lindbergh 'A' 1:33.24 DQ out of zone 1 to 2 1) Lewis, Marc SR 2) Simmons, Justin SO 3) Smith, Sam SR 4) Hamm-Bey, Tim SR -- Pattonville 'A' 1:34.24 DQ out of zone 3 to 4 1) Easley, Phillip SR 2) Brooks, Tyran SR 3) Jones, Marquis SR 4) Oechsner, Michael SO Event 40 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Junior Varsity =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 McCluer 'A' 1:36.24 1:38.09 1 10 1) Brown, Jarion FR 2) Darden, Gary SO 3) Willis, Aaron SO 4) Johnson, Jaqoun SO 2 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 1:40.24 1:38.53 1 8 1) Regot, Justin SO 2) benson, lee SO 3) Ballestas, Andres SO 4) Jackson, Kalin SO 3 Lindbergh 'A' 1:38.32 1:39.81 1 6 1) Lombardo, Angelo SO 2) Merkel, Nathan SO 3) Gerau, Luke FR 4) Lovely, Carl FR 4 Timberland 'A' 1:36.94 1:40.48 1 5 1) Coleman, Ian SO 2) Ward, Conor FR 3) Combs, Austin JR 4) Bruckerhoff, Zach SO 5 Holt 'A' 1:42.24 1:41.62 2 4 1) Brew, Derrick FR 2) Henderson, Kevin FR 3) Beem, Kolby FR 4) Lockhart, Bruce FR 6 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 1:42.14 1:42.16 1 3 1) Colaw, Andrew FR 2) Wyble, Caleb FR 3) Dehas, Blake FR 4) Lindsey, J.T. SO 7 Rockwood Summit 'A' 1:38.24 1:42.82 1 2 1) McMINN, Evan FR 2) Crockett, Elijah FR 3) Morrison, Joe SO 4) Crockett, James SO 8 Troy Buchanan 'A' 1:41.24 1:43.50 1 1 1) Debert, Brent SO 2) Gholson, Alex SO 3) Spencer, Konnor SO 4) Slater, Anthony FR 9 Francis Howell North 'A' 1:38.84 1:44.20 1 1) Russell, Charles SO 2) Grubbs, TaBari SO 3) O'Laughlin, Patrick FR 4) Powell, Ricky FR 10 Pattonville 'A' 1:50.00 2 1) Leek, Marshall FR 2) Anderson-Sneed, Taylor FR 3) Grimes, Aaron FR 4) Edmond, Douglas SO -- Francis Howell 'A' 1:45.24 DQ 2 out of zone 2 to 3 1) Amos, Lewis FR 2) Bedford, Brad FR 3) Walker, Donovan SO 4) Nicewarner, Zachary SO Event 41 Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Westlake, Gloria SR F.Z.E. 5:35.24 5:37.44 10 2 Happe, Alexis FR F.H.N. 5:48.24 5:44.43 8 3 Carreon, Chandler FR Holt 5:41.59 5:47.57 6 4 Maddox, Jessica SO Lafayette 5:30.24 5:48.28 5 5 Guthrie, Jacci SR Francis Howell 5:40.24 5:51.93 4 6 Piper, Abigail FR Holt 5:55.80 5:55.32 3 7 Marx, Jessica SR Francis Howell 5:50.24 5:55.77 2 8 Haney, Nikki FR Troy 6:01.24 5:55.78 1 9 Wattles, Anna SR Villa Duchesne 6:07.24 5:58.94 10 Thurauf, Hannah JR Lafayette 5:30.24 6:00.77 11 Farrell, Geri SR Pattonville 5:53.44 6:00.78 12 Gervich, Caitlin FR F.Z.S. 5:58.02 6:04.46 13 cochran, nicole JR F.Z.S. 6:03.04 6:07.56 14 Fader, Riley SO Troy 6:14.22 6:08.62 15 Ehmke, Sydney JR Timberland 6:10.24 6:09.89 16 Crutchfield, Sabry JR H.W. West 6:03.64 6:25.63 17 Schnider, Elizabet FR H.W. West 6:29.64 18 McClain, Kirby FR Pattonville 6:38.88 Event 42 Girls 1600 Meter Run Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Hylen, Michaela FR F.Z.E. 5:48.24 5:52.15 10 2 Watson, Bri SO F.Z.E. 6:05.24 6:07.11 8 3 Hashman, Natalie FR Lafayette 6:27.24 6:15.49 6 4 O'Brien, Sydney FR F.Z.S. 6:15.24 6:16.57 5 5 Gates, Carly FR Lafayette 6:20.24 6:16.74 4 6 Fields, Jillian FR F.H.N. 6:31.24 6:28.91 3 7 DeGise, Julia SO Timberland 6:24.00 6:37.36 2 8 Gottway, Erika FR Villa Duchesne 6:17.24 6:38.96 1 9 Breakfield, Katie FR Pattonville 6:39.48 10 Anderson, Jenna SO Villa Duchesne 6:35.24 6:45.75 11 Ulrich, Claire FR Francis Howell 7:00.24 6:48.14 12 Gibson, Brittany FR Timberland 6:35.00 6:49.42 13 Potts, A. FR H.W. West 6:53.88 14 Heisse, Sabrina FR Troy 6:55.24 6:55.40 15 Thomas, Mon JR Cahokia 6:56.24 7:07.68 16 Smith, V. FR H.W. West 7:25.48 17 Hart, Megan FR Francis Howell 7:40.24 8:03.47 Event 43 Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Mazar, Daniel SR Summit 4:24.34 4:21.00 10 2 Cushing, Kenny SR Holt 4:25.18 4:24.94 8 3 Webster, Drew SR F.Z.E. 4:40.24 4:34.22 6 4 Aaden, Aaden JR Summit 4:42.44 4:46.06 5 5 Deposki, Danny SR Lindbergh 4:41.24 4:46.68 4 6 Whiting, Alec SO Holt 4:52.45 4:55.54 3 7 Kramer, Taylor SR Lindbergh 4:41.24 4:55.60 2 8 Humphries, Jacob SO F.Z.S. 4:40.74 4:59.73 1 9 Fitzgerald, Domini JR F.Z.S. 4:50.84 5:08.82 10 Potter, Steven JR F.H.N. 5:00.24 5:09.39 11 Highland, Greg JR F.Z.E. 5:00.24 5:20.63 12 Dooley, Matt SR Troy 5:23.24 5:20.78 Event 44 Boys 1600 Meter Run Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Menghini, Travis SO Summit 4:49.24 4:48.68 10 2 Skosky, Tommy SO Lindbergh 4:54.30 4:49.65 8 3 Locandro, Joshua SO Summit 4:58.24 4:52.08 6 4 McKee, Samuel SO F.H.N. 4:57.60 4:53.56 5 5 Schoene, Cody JR Holt 5:04.34 5:01.07 4 6 Carter, Taylor FR Troy 5:08.24 5:07.76 3 7 McKiel, Cory FR Pattonville 5:49.00 5:12.63 2 8 Foster, Brandon FR F.Z.S. 5:22.24 5:13.42 1 9 Hinton, Michael SO McCluer 5:45.24 5:18.03 10 Milhous, Andy SO Holt 5:17.24 5:18.20 11 Chaney, Will FR Pattonville 5:23.00 5:19.80 12 Louder, Nathan FR F.Z.E. 5:45.24 5:23.18 13 Barry, Ben FR Lindbergh 5:25.24 5:23.47 14 Spilker, Jonathan SO F.Z.S. 5:18.24 5:31.88 15 Swanton, Kyle SO Timberland 5:15.24 5:36.05 16 Davis, Jeffery SO Timberland 5:18.24 5:36.50 17 Rodman, Ben FR F.Z.E. 5:35.24 5:36.69 18 Chac, Brandon FR F.H.N. 5:45.84 5:39.97 19 Dakota, Zinn FR Troy 5:52.24 6:27.99 Event 45 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Cahokia (Hs) (Coop) 'A' 49.24 50.52 10 1) Collins, Micayla SO 2) Blanks, Desiree SO 3) Harris, Ashlyn JR 4) Phillips, Lashecka JR 2 Timberland 'A' 53.19 52.43 8 1) Gerber, Brittany SR 2) Ferguson, Jenny JR 3) Willer, Taylor SR 4) Tenny, Lexi JR 3 Hazelwood West 'A' 51.24 52.44 6 1) Goodrich, Dornisha SR 2) Howard, Shelby JR 3) Lanfersieck, Kiara JR 4) Banks, Stacy JR 4 Troy Buchanan 'A' 53.72 52.80 5 1) Pogue, Brittni SO 2) Jones, Tamara SO 3) Jones, Tia SO 4) Hawkins, Kahdeja JR 5 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 55.04 52.86 4 1) jones, jasmine JR 2) Jones, Kaylin FR 3) Perry, Sydney SO 4) Zeier, Cassondra SO 6 Holt 'A' 53.64 52.99 3 1) Corbett, Abigail FR 2) Jones, Courtney SO 3) Smentana, Taylor SO 4) Thirdkill, Casherel JR 7 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 55.84 53.09 2 1) Hopgood, Ebony FR 2) Miller, Patricia JR 3) James, Haley FR 4) Meyer, Heather SR 8 Francis Howell North 'A' 53.54 53.72 1 1) Oliver, Camisha JR 2) Watts, Arianna SO 3) Eckert, Rachel SO 4) Edminston, Amanda SO Event 46 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Junior Varsity =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Timberland 'A' 54.04 53.05 1 10 1) Thompson, Alexa SO 2) Steinkamp, Rachel FR 3) Clark, Jordan FR 4) Ferguson, Courtney FR 2 Villa Duchesne 'A' 54.54 54.14 1 8 1) Thompson, Gabby SO 2) Saville, Nicole SO 3) Hercules, Kendra FR 4) Franey, Kate FR 3 Cahokia (Hs) (Coop) 'A' 53.24 54.28 1 6 1) Burton, T FR 2) Golliday, Ant FR 3) Barnett, Arlonia SO 4) Holmon, D SO 4 Francis Howell North 'A' 56.14 56.58 1 5 1) Simmons, Aaliyan SO 2) Simmons, Amanda FR 3) Gardner, Donnetta FR 4) Ferkel, Jamie SO 5 Pattonville 'A' 52.54 56.67 1 4 1) Reynolds, Kayla FR 2) Gary, Teniah FR 3) Williams, Andreana SO 4) Hutchins, Alisha FR 6 Hazelwood West 'A' 53.24 57.84 1 3 1) Alexander, Deja FR 2) Scott, Tionna FR 3) Simpson, A. FR 4) Whitaker, Dom FR 7 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 1:02.24 58.28 2 2 1) Calandro, Angelina JR 2) Brezany, Julia SO 3) Czolgosz, Katie JR 4) Farinella, Carly JR 8 Troy Buchanan 'A' 56.54 58.43 1 1 1) Morhorc, Macy FR 2) Wells, Abbie FR 3) Henderson, Lanisha JR 4) Lingle, Ale FR 9 Francis Howell 'A' 59.39 2 1) Chrun, Ciara FR 2) Day, Maggie SO 3) DeMarcantonio, Rachel SO 4) Fallon, Courtney SO 10 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 58.84 1:01.32 2 1) Arnett, Katelyn FR 2) Musser, Cayla JR 3) Winsett, Raegan FR 4) Zellweger, Valerie JR 11 Holt 'A' 1:01.96 2 1) Allison, Taylor FR 2) Dorn, Sarah FR 3) Fuchs, Lauren JR 4) Joshu, Emily FR Event 47 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 44.20 44.20 10 1) Abbington, Chase SO 2) Jackson, Nate SR 3) king, wesley JR 4) smith, marus SO 2 Francis Howell North 'A' 45.24 45.38 8 1) Kaufman, Jared SR 2) Matyi, Matt SO 3) Givens, Terron JR 4) McClelland, Devon JR 3 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 45.34 45.53 6 1) Campbell, D'Andre FR 2) Brooks, Christian JR 3) Mahoney, Mike JR 4) Island, Stephen SR 4 Timberland 'A' 47.04 45.92 5 1) Pouppaneau, Jordan SR 2) Raspberry, Clayton JR 3) Tedrick, Ben SR 4) Scott, Alex SR 5 Troy Buchanan 'A' 47.14 48.90 4 1) Craig, Keith JR 2) Jones, Josh SR 3) Smith, Ronnie SO 4) Chaney, Justin JR Event 48 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Junior Varsity =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 46.60 47.05 1 10 1) benson, lee SO 2) Ballestas, Andres SO 3) Jackson, Kalin SO 4) Regot, Justin SO 2 Timberland 'A' 47.74 47.96 1 8 1) Jordan, Lucas SO 2) Kiner, Geoffrey SO 3) Combs, Austin JR 4) Bruckerhoff, Zach SO 3 Rockwood Summit 'A' 47.84 48.39 1 6 1) McMINN, Evan FR 2) Crockett, Elijah FR 3) Morrison, Joe SO 4) Brinker, Alex SO 4 Lindbergh 'A' 48.24 48.76 1 5 1) Guile, Matt FR 2) Nehring, Greg FR 3) Merkel, Nathan SO 4) Ferko, Sebastiano SO 5 Troy Buchanan 'A' 50.14 49.72 2 4 1) Debert, Brent SO 2) Gholson, Alex SO 3) Spencer, Konnor SO 4) Tergeon, Chris SO 6 Holt 'A' 49.74 49.76 1 3 1) Brew, Derrick FR 2) Willis, Jevon FR 3) Henderson, Kevin FR 4) Francis, Tyler SO 7 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 47.34 49.77 1 2 1) Colaw, Andrew FR 2) Dehas, Blake FR 3) Wyble, Caleb FR 4) Lindsey, J.T. SO 8 Francis Howell North 'A' 48.54 49.89 1 1 1) Russell, Charles SO 2) Grubbs, TaBari SO 3) O'Laughlin, Patrick FR 4) Powell, Ricky FR 9 Pattonville 'A' 51.26 2 1) Anderson-Sneed, Taylor FR 2) Leek, Marshall FR 3) Thiele, Richard FR 4) Novack, Matt FR 10 Francis Howell 'A' 50.24 51.58 2 1) Nicewarner, Zachary SO 2) Parker, Josh FR 3) Bedford, Brad FR 4) Amos, Lewis FR Event 49 Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Friar, Nataliyah SO Holt 1:02.25 1:03.81 1 10 2 Ferguson, Jenny JR Timberland 1:05.34 1:04.18 1 8 3 Demos, Arianna FR Lafayette 1:03.44 1:04.70 1 6 4 McDaniels, Lindsey SR F.Z.E. 1:05.34 1:05.34 1 5 5 Goodrich, Dornisha SR H.W. West 1:08.24 1:07.47 1 4 6 Broughton, Amanda JR Timberland 1:10.44 1:09.66 2 3 7 Rosenberger, Angie SO H.W. West 1:08.24 1:09.75 2 2 8 Phillips, Lashecka JR Cahokia 1:06.24 1:09.86 1 1 9 Whited, Bre SR Troy 1:14.24 1:10.55 2 10 Hull, Lynette SR F.Z.E. 1:13.24 1:10.67 2 11 Harris, Tyroneisha SR Cahokia 1:06.24 1:11.93 1 12 Harry, Brittany SR F.H.N. 1:01.24 1:13.09 1 Event 50 Girls 400 Meter Dash Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Dailey, Samantha SO Pattonville 1:07.24 1:05.27 1 10 2 Douglas, Kenni JR Cahokia 1:07.10 1:06.28 1 8 3 Brown, Samantha SO Timberland 1:06.44 1:06.36 1 6 4 Thompson, Alexa SO Timberland 1:09.94 1:09.10 2 5 5 Randall, D SO H.W. West 1:07.24 1:09.81 1 4 6 Keim, Bailey JR Francis Howell 1:08.24 1:10.48 1 3 7 Eckhardt, Meredith SO Francis Howell 1:08.24 1:11.06 2 2 8 Simpson, A. FR H.W. West 1:07.24 1:11.08 1 1 9 Dorn, Sarah FR Holt 1:12.84 1:11.41 2 10 Watson, Sheli JR F.Z.E. 1:12.24 1:12.03 2 11 Mashburn, Yaelie JR Troy 1:14.24 1:12.17 2 12 Brooks, Morgan FR F.Z.S. 1:07.24 1:12.25 1 13 Williams, Elante FR McCluer 1:15.24 1:13.35 2 14 Bucol, Megan FR Villa Duchesne 1:15.84 1:14.11 3 15 Allison, Taylor FR Holt 1:17.44 3 16 Elmendorf, Erin FR F.Z.E. 1:17.84 1:17.73 3 Event 51 Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Campbell, Chris SR Holt 50.13 49.20 1 10 2 Hamm-Bey, Tim SR Lindbergh 50.44 49.85 1 8 3 Maise, Ellis SR Timberland 50.45 50.01 1 6 4 Harris, Devonte SR Summit 51.34 51.87 1 5 5 Jones, Josh SR Troy 53.64 52.11 2 4 6 Burnett, Mason SO F.Z.E. 52.74 52.15 2 3 7 Mitchell, Devon SR Timberland 51.70 52.56 1 2 8 Williams, Jamaul SR McCluer 54.24 52.91 2 1 9 Jones, Marquis SR Pattonville 52.04 53.07 1 10 Golden, Jerome SO Summit 51.34 53.37 1 11 Johnson, Christian SR McCluer 51.24 54.11 1 12 Ayers, Travis SO Holt 53.24 54.54 2 13 Summers, Jordan SR F.H.N. 52.34 54.96 2 14 Lewis, Marc SR Lindbergh 55.10 55.30 2 15 Wenger, Zach SO F.Z.E. 56.24 56.51 2 16 Scott, Jared SO Pattonville 56.24 56.53 2 Event 52 Boys 400 Meter Dash Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Ward, Conor FR Timberland 55.10 54.93 1 10 2 Nicewarner, Zachar SO Francis Howell 56.74 57.18 1 8 3 Bowen, Jerrin SO Pattonville 1:00.24 57.65 2 6 4 Lovely, Carl FR Lindbergh 56.44 57.66 1 5 5 Combs, Austin JR Timberland 56.80 58.13 1 4 6 Bodmer, Joshua SO Summit 56.44 59.00 1 3 7 Benson, Calan SR F.Z.S. 58.34 59.24 1 2 8 Itinger, John FR Troy 1:00.14 59.94 2 1 9 Crownover, Greg FR F.H.N. 1:01.24 1:00.34 2 10 Hilpert, Cameron FR Summit 56.84 1:00.63 1 11 Gimbel, Adam FR F.Z.E. 1:03.38 2 12 Turner, Devonde FR Holt 1:05.24 1:05.86 2 13 Walker, Donovan SO Francis Howell 1:01.24 1:06.17 2 14 Thiele, Richard FR Pattonville 1:07.24 1:08.42 2 15 Mertz, Dillon SO F.Z.E. 1:10.66 2 Event 53 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Jones, Joslyne SO Cahokia 47.94 46.71 1 10 2 Culberson, Ausset SR H.W. West 47.74 47.89 1 8 3 Ford, Theresa SR Pattonville 51.24 52.08 1 6 4 Harris, Anastasia SR Lafayette 53.34 52.36 2 5 5 Franck, Rachel JR Troy 53.05 52.57 1 4 6 Weathered, Sydney FR Holt 54.47 52.88 2 3 7 Blanks, Desiree SO Cahokia 52.54 53.05 1 2 8 Jones, Evan JR Timberland 56.04 53.16 2 1 9 Brew, Candice JR Holt 55.43 53.89 2 10 Crecelius, Kelly FR Lafayette 55.24 53.96 2 11 Bogert, Paige JR Troy 51.75 54.10 1 12 Holmes, Brea JR F.H.N. 54.24 55.78 2 13 kitchen, katie lee JR F.Z.S. 55.24 56.26 2 14 stone, olivia SO F.Z.S. 54.67 58.84 2 Event 54 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Golliday, Ant FR Cahokia 52.14 49.92 1 10 2 Bams, Terlisha JR McCluer 53.24 51.43 1 8 3 Price, Annie FR Villa Duchesne 55.74 51.62 1 6 4 Jackson, Tiona SO McCluer 52.24 52.95 1 5 5 Saville, Nicole SO Villa Duchesne 57.44 53.34 2 4 6 Jarboe, Jacqueline SO Lafayette 58.74 55.81 2 3 7 Boschert, Renee FR Timberland 57.54 56.58 2 2 8 Fallon, Courtney SO Francis Howell 57.24 57.73 1 1 9 Moorkamp, Amy SR Lafayette 1:03.04 57.90 3 10 Sims, Chelsea JR Pattonville 1:00.44 3 11 Harper, Christina FR Timberland 59.82 1:01.45 2 12 Zellweger, Valerie JR F.Z.E. 1:00.04 1:01.90 2 13 Lingle, Maricela FR Troy 1:08.74 1:03.47 3 14 Taylor, Tori SO F.H.N. 1:05.24 1:04.01 3 15 Clemons, Courtnie SO H.W. West 55.24 1:04.07 1 16 Musser, Cayla JR F.Z.E. 1:01.04 1:04.17 2 17 Bell, Bianca FR H.W. West 56.24 1:05.26 1 18 McCarthy, Maryelle FR F.Z.S. 1:05.97 3 19 Ferkel, Jamie SO F.H.N. 1:01.24 1:06.29 2 20 Sciarratta, Emily FR Troy 1:08.24 1:09.99 3 21 Englander, Aviva FR Pattonville 56.24 1:11.95 1 Event 55 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Schwab, Jon SO F.H.N. 43.14 42.07 1 10 2 Mahoney, Mike JR F.Z.E. 42.24 42.12 1 8 3 Thompson, Ian SR Timberland 42.94 42.33 1 6 4 Pouppaneau, Jordan SR Timberland 44.84 44.10 1 5 5 Goff, Jourdan SR McCluer 50.24 44.62 2 4 6 Smith, Sam SR Lindbergh 46.24 45.10 2 3 7 Galloway, Timothy JR F.Z.S. 46.54 45.73 2 2 8 smith, marus SO F.Z.S. 43.44 46.02 1 1 9 Bradshaw, Nick JR Holt 46.04 46.33 1 10 Wollenberg, Mike FR F.H.N. 50.14 51.57 2 Event 56 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Lockhart, Bruce FR Holt 43.24 42.79 1 10 2 Coleman, Ian SO Timberland 43.04 43.97 1 8 3 Bruckerhoff, Zach SO Timberland 44.34 45.61 1 6 4 Lombardo, Angelo SO Lindbergh 45.64 46.09 1 5 5 Govero, Nichlas SO Summit 47.54 46.21 1 4 6 Upchurch, Devin SO McCluer 48.24 46.27 2 3 7 Nilhas, Joe SO Summit 48.84 46.44 2 2 8 Nixon, Ethan SO Holt 46.24 47.17 1 1 9 Roberts, Pierce FR F.Z.E. 47.14 47.39 1 10 Rohde, Nick FR Troy 48.14 48.47 2 11 Gerau, Luke FR Lindbergh 48.24 49.04 2 12 Meyer, Jake FR F.Z.E. 49.24 49.96 2 13 Klix, Joseph FR F.Z.S. 50.30 3 14 Sorich, Nick FR F.Z.S. 51.27 3 15 Ngnyen, Jimmy FR F.H.N. 54.24 51.69 3 16 Itinger, John FR Troy 50.34 52.04 2 17 Rose, Justin FR F.H.N. 50.84 54.40 2 Event 57 Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Hall, Kayla JR Lafayette 2:25.24 2:22.41 10 2 Boone, Brittany SO Lafayette 2:33.24 2:33.52 8 3 Lamzik, Lauren JR F.Z.E. 2:36.24 2:33.86 6 4 Happe, Alexis FR F.H.N. 2:36.24 2:33.94 5 5 Colbert, Riann SO Villa Duchesne 2:42.24 2:34.20 4 6 Marx, Jessica SR Francis Howell 2:40.24 2:38.36 3 7 Thornell, Brittany JR Timberland 2:41.44 2:38.90 2 8 Amo, Elise JR Pattonville 2:42.00 2:40.20 1 9 Lucas, Brooke JR F.H.N. 2:41.24 2:40.43 10 thompson, taylor JR F.Z.S. 2:39.24 2:40.85 11 Thompson, Alec SO Francis Howell 2:41.24 2:42.79 12 Sheahan, Lucy SO Villa Duchesne 2:42.24 2:43.31 13 McDaniels, Lindsey SR F.Z.E. 2:49.24 2:48.21 14 Graham, Sarah SR Troy 2:48.24 2:48.80 15 Snearl, Amber JR H.W. West 2:50.38 16 Juengst, Maggie JR F.Z.S. 2:52.64 2:51.22 17 Barton, Stephanie JR Troy 3:05.24 2:56.86 Event 58 Girls 800 Meter Run Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Hylen, Michaela FR F.Z.E. 2:38.24 2:37.97 10 2 Kelly, Katherine FR Lafayette 2:39.24 2:38.62 8 3 Brown, Samantha SO Timberland 2:42.00 2:41.55 6 4 Pagliaro, Ashley FR Lafayette 2:39.24 2:43.81 5 5 Rivera, Autumn FR Timberland 2:46.39 2:43.90 4 6 Fields, Jillian FR F.H.N. 3:03.24 2:51.50 3 7 Mottin, Michele FR F.H.N. 2:45.24 2:56.38 2 8 Ball, Mer JR Cahokia 2:44.00 2:56.45 1 9 Mashburn, Yaelie JR Troy 3:09.24 2:58.47 10 Anderson, Jenna SO Villa Duchesne 3:05.24 2:59.73 11 Norby, Kya SR F.Z.E. 2:50.24 3:00.25 12 Breakfield, Katie FR Pattonville 3:01.12 13 Thomas, Mon JR Cahokia 3:05.24 3:01.80 14 Johnson, Samantha FR F.Z.S. 3:06.24 3:02.01 15 Humphries, Nicole FR F.Z.S. 3:00.24 3:04.48 16 Heisse, Sabrina FR Troy 3:10.24 3:10.33 17 Ulrich, Claire FR Francis Howell 3:03.24 3:12.78 18 Perry, Brittnay SO H.W. West 3:14.68 19 Williams, Elante FR McCluer 3:03.24 3:16.98 20 Whitener, Raven SO H.W. West 3:19.55 21 Hart, Megan FR Francis Howell 3:30.24 3:40.41 Event 59 Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Cushing, Kenny SR Holt 1:57.14 1:56.80 10 2 Wood, Curt SR Summit 1:58.34 1:57.85 8 3 Bass, Ronny SO Lindbergh 2:03.10 2:00.40 6 4 Jones, Tavion JR McCluer 2:03.24 2:00.94 5 5 Butler, Robert SR McCluer 2:03.24 2:07.25 4 6 Shaw, Caneron FR Holt 2:07.24 2:07.69 3 7 Aaden, Aaden JR Summit 2:04.44 2:09.36 2 8 Summers, Jordan SR F.H.N. 2:06.34 2:12.47 1 9 Elmendorf, Cody JR F.Z.E. 2:12.24 2:13.53 10 Kirchhoff, Brendon SO F.H.N. 2:12.54 2:15.46 11 Highland, Greg JR F.Z.E. 2:18.24 2:20.94 12 Loveless, Brennan FR F.Z.S. 2:15.24 2:24.99 13 Kitchen, Seth FR F.Z.S. 2:16.24 2:25.70 Event 60 Boys 800 Meter Run Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Heidrick, Daniel FR Summit 2:12.64 2:14.50 10 2 Pieper, Kyle SO Lindbergh 2:13.24 2:14.75 8 3 McKee, Samuel SO F.H.N. 2:11.00 2:15.26 6 4 Mihulka, Sam SO Timberland 2:11.24 2:16.47 5 5 Williams, Markell FR Timberland 2:10.24 2:18.54 4 6 Carter, Taylor FR Troy 2:19.24 2:18.66 3 7 Thielbar, Ean FR F.H.N. 2:24.60 2:21.44 2 8 Malinee, George FR Holt 2:21.24 2:22.02 1 9 Wilhelm, Tim SO Summit 2:16.84 2:22.32 10 Henderson, Andrew JR McCluer 2:30.24 2:22.88 11 Miller, Carson FR F.Z.S. 2:20.24 2:23.52 12 Triplett, Marcus SO Pattonville 2:23.95 13 Rotter, Tommy JR Holt 2:30.64 2:24.14 14 Hillis, Steven FR Francis Howell 2:23.24 2:25.36 15 Jackson, Taylor FR F.Z.S. 2:30.24 2:26.61 16 Alexander, Jon SR Francis Howell 2:30.94 17 Wyble, Caleb FR F.Z.E. 2:36.24 2:41.48 18 Rodman, Ben FR F.Z.E. 2:35.24 2:43.24 19 Chrismer, Ethan JR Troy 2:35.24 2:48.78 20 McFarling, Kyle FR Pattonville 2:51.51 Event 61 Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Friar, Nataliyah SO Holt 26.24 26.07 1 10 2 Harris, Catrina SR McCluer 27.65 26.34 1 8 3 Lanfersieck, Kiara JR H.W. West 28.04 27.22 1 6 4 Phillips, Lashecka JR Cahokia 27.24 28.21 1 5 5 Oliver, Camisha JR F.H.N. 28.84 28.29 2 4 6 Watts, Arianna SO F.H.N. 29.14 28.45 2 3 7 Pogue, Brittni SO Troy 29.08 28.62 2 2 8 Harrold, Syretta SR McCluer 26.97 28.63 1 1 9 Howard, Shelby JR H.W. West 28.14 28.67 1 10 Willer, Taylor SR Timberland 29.04 28.79 2 11 Ford, Crystal SR Pattonville 29.24 29.07 2 12 Norwood, Kristina SR F.Z.E. 29.64 29.13 2 13 Hopgood, Ebony FR Lafayette 30.44 29.23 3 14 Smentana, Taylor SO Holt 28.74 29.32 2 15 Harris, Tyroneisha SR Cahokia 27.74 29.35 1 16 Hollenbeck, Jesse FR Troy 30.24 29.52 3 17 Hake, Courtney SO Francis Howell 30.24 30.00 3 18 Stewart, Taylor JR F.Z.E. 30.44 30.01 3 19 Dodd, Ashley SR Francis Howell 30.24 31.37 3 Event 62 Girls 200 Meter Dash Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Holmon, D SO Cahokia 28.24 27.87 1 10 2 Steinkamp, Rachel FR Timberland 28.04 28.01 1 8 3 Randall, D SO H.W. West 28.24 29.01 1 6 4 Walls, Asia JR McCluer 29.24 29.39 1 5 5 Phillips, J. FR H.W. West 29.44 29.51 1 4 6 Henderson, Lanisha JR Troy 31.24 29.87 3 3 7 Doyle, Hailey JR Pattonville 32.24 29.88 3 2 8 Jackson, Lashai SO McCluer 29.60 30.09 2 1 9 Horton, Chelsea JR F.H.N. 28.94 31.09 1 10 Farinella, Carly JR Lafayette 34.24 31.61 4 11 Dorn, Sarah FR Holt 31.73 4 12 Chrun, Ciara FR Francis Howell 31.24 31.77 3 13 Simmons, Amanda FR F.H.N. 29.84 32.15 2 14 Steward, Mahalia SO Holt 32.37 4 15 DeMarcantonio, Rac SO Francis Howell 32.24 32.64 3 16 McCann, Hunter FR Troy 29.64 32.71 2 17 Winsett, Raegan FR F.Z.E. 30.94 32.76 2 18 Bailey, Taylor FR Pattonville 33.24 32.79 3 19 Hill, Nette FR Cahokia 28.54 32.85 1 Event 63 Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Maise, Ellis SR Timberland 22.40 22.32 1 10 2 Hamm-Bey, Tim SR Lindbergh 22.44 22.93 1 8 3 Robinson, Trent SR F.Z.S. 23.10 22.97 1 6 4 Abbington, Chase SO F.Z.S. 23.30 23.45 1 5 5 Kaufman, Jared SR F.H.N. 23.74 23.49 1 4 6 Burnett, Mason SO F.Z.E. 23.34 23.60 1 3 7 Ayers, Travis SO Holt 24.24 23.99 2 2 8 Matyi, Matt SO F.H.N. 24.14 24.02 2 1 9 Kaleto, Chris JR Summit 23.34 24.10 1 10 Gavin, Curtlan JR McCluer 23.94 24.28 2 11 Oechsner, Michael SO Pattonville 25.74 24.92 2 12 Rogers, Jarritt SR Summit 23.74 25.42 1 13 Craig, Keith JR Troy 25.14 25.84 2 14 Chaney, Justin JR Troy 25.44 26.81 2 Event 64 Boys 200 Meter Dash Junior Varsity =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Jackson, Kalin SO F.Z.S. 25.84 24.37 2 10 2 McIntosh, David SO Summit 23.34 24.52 1 8 3 Willis, Aaron SO McCluer 24.24 25.07 1 6 4 Ward, Conor FR Timberland 24.50 25.15 1 5 5 Parker, Josh FR Francis Howell 26.94 25.45 2 4 6 Guile, Matt FR Lindbergh 25.64 25.62 2 3 7 O'Laughlin, Patric FR F.H.N. 26.14 25.68 2 2 8 Jordan, Lucas SO Timberland 25.02 25.82 1 1 9 Tergeon, Chris SO Troy 26.44 25.84 2 10 Edmond, Douglas SO Pattonville 25.99 3 11 Bauer, Alex SO Troy 26.44 26.03 2 12 Williams, Zecharia SO McCluer 25.24 26.19 1 13 Blackshear, Alexan FR F.Z.S. 26.71 3 14 Howard, Nick FR F.Z.E. 27.34 27.18 2 15 Turner, Deante FR Holt 27.20 3 16 Roberts, Pierce FR F.Z.E. 28.24 27.42 3 17 Turner, Devonde FR Holt 27.53 3 18 Amos, Lewis FR Francis Howell 27.24 27.65 2 Event 65 Girls 3200 Meter Run Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Westlake, Gloria SR F.Z.E. 11:49.24 12:09.98 10 2 Bueckendorf, Grace SO Lafayette 12:30.24 12:24.83 8 3 Carreon, Chandler FR Holt 12:19.26 12:34.32 6 4 Henning, Maddie JR Lafayette 12:35.24 12:47.84 5 5 Stock, CeCe FR Villa Duchesne 12:50.24 12:51.08 4 6 Grone, Coleen SR F.H.N. 12:06.54 12:54.83 3 7 Piper, Abigail FR Holt 12:49.98 13:19.20 2 8 Biddle, Erin SR Francis Howell 12:28.44 13:25.16 1 9 Farrell, Geri SR Pattonville 13:09.44 13:38.68 10 Haney, Nikki FR Troy 12:40.40 13:54.70 11 Vishy, Courtney FR F.H.N. 13:48.24 14:06.36 12 cochran, nicole JR F.Z.S. 13:30.24 14:21.85 13 Barton, Stephanie JR Troy 13:43.80 14:36.93 14 Ehmke, Sydney JR Timberland 14:52.24 15 Schnider, Elizabet FR H.W. West 13:19.94 15:35.24 Event 66 Girls 3200 Meter Run Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Carpenter, Kelly SO Lafayette 12:45.24 12:47.85 10 2 Bower, Amy SO Lafayette 12:50.24 13:23.23 8 3 Watson, Bri SO F.Z.E. 13:09.04 13:44.47 6 4 Bond, Morgan FR Timberland 15:02.59 5 5 Smith, V. FR H.W. West 15:33.41 4 6 Schoonover, Sammie SO Timberland 14:54.00 15:35.59 3 7 Terry, Nicole FR F.H.N. 15:42.52 2 8 Pugh, Dana FR F.H.N. 15:43.28 1 9 Gottway, Erika FR Villa Duchesne 14:25.24 16:06.41 10 Mahoney, Meaghan SO H.W. West 18:30.04 Event 67 Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Deposki, Danny SR Lindbergh 10:02.24 10:16.39 10 2 Franck, Peter JR Holt 10:30.72 10:53.82 8 3 Deposki, Matt SR Lindbergh 10:57.24 10:55.11 6 4 Whiting, Alec SO Holt 10:51.35 11:00.59 5 5 Bindner, Joe FR F.Z.E. 11:40.24 11:05.51 4 6 Humphries, Jacob SO F.Z.S. 10:40.92 11:07.02 3 7 Ryan, Nolan SO F.Z.E. 11:40.24 11:19.58 2 8 Fitzgerald, Domini JR F.Z.S. 11:01.24 11:43.79 1 Event 68 Boys 3200 Meter Run Junior Varsity ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Thomas, Justin SO Summit 10:52.09 10 2 Luciani, Jacob JR Lindbergh 11:01.24 11:06.18 8 3 Kremer, Nicholas FR Summit 11:36.60 6 4 Carter, Taylor FR Troy 11:10.24 11:47.57 5 5 Cooper, Sam JR Francis Howell 12:00.24 12:11.99 4 6 Zimmerman, Sean JR F.Z.S. 11:40.24 12:12.25 3 7 Louder, Nathan FR F.Z.E. 12:10.24 12:15.88 2 8 Skosky, Tommy SO Lindbergh 12:19.37 1 9 Griffith, Brenton SO F.H.N. 12:03.60 12:32.55 10 Freitag, Andrew FR F.Z.S. 11:38.94 12:44.48 11 Berghoff, Eric SO Holt 13:05.14 12 Rodman, Ben FR F.Z.E. 12:00.24 13:20.74 13 Josephson, Regan FR Francis Howell 12:30.24 13:23.17 14 Hasty, Jacob SO Timberland 13:00.24 13:50.47 Event 69 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 McCluer 'A' 4:08.24 4:09.52 10 1) Tucker, Shervonna SR 2) Williams, Sherise JR 3) Ray, Alauna SO 4) Harris, Catrina SR 2 Lafayette (Wildwood) 'A' 4:16.24 4:15.44 8 1) Demos, Arianna FR 2) Hall, Kayla JR 3) Harris, Anastasia SR 4) Maddox, Jessica SO 3 Cahokia (Hs) (Coop) 'A' 4:16.20 4:20.07 6 1) Jones, Joslyne SO 2) Harris, Ashlyn JR 3) Blanks, Desiree SO 4) Harris, Tyroneisha SR 4 Timberland 'A' 4:20.24 4:25.64 5 1) Ferguson, Jenny JR 2) Gerber, Brittany SR 3) Martinez, Kayleigh JR 4) Thornell, Brittany JR 5 Troy Buchanan 'A' 4:25.89 4:27.65 4 1) Franck, Rachel JR 2) Hartwig, Kristen FR 3) Bogert, Paige JR 4) Hawkins, Kahdeja JR 6 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 4:29.24 4:27.68 3 1) McDaniels, Lindsey SR 2) Norwood, Kristina SR 3) Lamzik, Lauren JR 4) Elliot, Aleaya SO 7 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 4:47.75 2 1) stone, olivia SO 2) kitchen, katie lee JR 3) maloney, sarah JR 4) Event 70 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Junior Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Timberland 'A' 4:30.24 4:27.13 10 1) Clark, Jordan FR 2) Thompson, Alexa SO 3) Brown, Samantha SO 4) Ferguson, Courtney FR 2 Cahokia (Hs) (Coop) 'A' 4:28.34 4:31.00 8 1) Douglas, Kenni JR 2) Ball, Mer JR 3) Golliday, Ant FR 4) Gibson, Take JR 3 McCluer 'A' 4:40.24 4:34.86 6 1) Bams, Terlisha JR 2) Jackson, Tiona SO 3) Walls, Asia JR 4) Watson, Emanda SO 4 Pattonville 'A' 4:35.24 4:41.23 5 1) Deed, Taylor SO 2) Pirrie, Gabrielle JR 3) Davis, Bridget FR 4) Reynolds, Kayla FR 5 Hazelwood West 'A' 4:35.24 4:54.19 4 1) Clemons, Courtnie SO 2) Phillips, J. FR 3) Scott, Tionna FR 4) Simpson, A. FR 6 Francis Howell 'A' 5:02.00 3 1) Keim, Bailey JR 2) Eckhardt, Meredith SO 3) Ulrich, Claire FR 4) Martin, Alex FR 7 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 4:55.24 5:12.48 2 1) Evans, Emily SO 2) Musser, Cayla JR 3) Zellweger, Valerie JR 4) Watson, Sheli JR Event 71 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Rockwood Summit 'A' 3:28.64 3:23.49 10 1) Golden, Jerome SO 2) Nilhas, Anthany SR 3) Mazar, Daniel SR 4) Wood, Curt SR 2 McCluer 'A' 3:26.24 3:30.34 8 1) Ingram, Jared JR 2) Johnson, Christian SR 3) Butler, Robert SR 4) Johnson, Derrick SR 3 Lindbergh 'A' 3:35.24 3:34.84 6 1) Bass, Ronny SO 2) Simmons, Justin SO 3) Lukens, Josh JR 4) Kramer, Taylor SR 4 Pattonville 'A' 3:37.94 3:40.93 5 1) Brooks, Tyran SR 2) Easley, Phillip SR 3) Oechsner, Michael SO 4) Jones, Marquis SR 5 Holt 'A' 3:35.24 3:41.15 4 1) Ballinger, Kionte SO 2) Ayers, Travis SO 3) Carter, Mike JR 4) Foley, Alex JR 6 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 3:49.24 3:47.58 3 1) Brooks, Christian JR 2) Island, Stephen SR 3) Gerke, Alec SR 4) Elmendorf, Cody JR 7 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 3:40.24 3:48.97 2 1) Hester, Robert SO 2) king, wesley JR 3) Robinson, Trent SR 4) smith, marus SO Event 72 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Junior Varsity =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Timberland 'A' 3:40.00 3:44.05 1 10 1) Coleman, Ian SO 2) Ward, Conor FR 3) Mihulka, Sam SO 4) Williams, Markell FR 2 McCluer 'A' 3:40.24 3:48.50 1 8 1) Brown, Jarion FR 2) Johnson, Jaqoun SO 3) Upchurch, Devin SO 4) Redd, Ricardo FR 3 Lindbergh 'A' 3:43.10 3:48.77 1 6 1) Lombardo, Angelo SO 2) Lovely, Carl FR 3) Roby, Max FR 4) Gerau, Luke FR 4 Rockwood Summit 'A' 3:46.64 3:49.74 1 5 1) McMINN, Evan FR 2) Bodmer, Joshua SO 3) Crockett, James SO 4) Hilpert, Cameron FR 5 Holt 'A' 3:55.24 4:04.44 1 4 1) Francis, Tyler SO 2) Watson, Geoff FR 3) Lockhart, Bruce FR 4) Nixon, Ethan SO 6 Troy Buchanan 'A' 3:48.24 4:04.65 1 3 1) Bauer, Alex SO 2) Debert, Brent SO 3) Lacey, Patrick FR 4) Tergeon, Chris SO 7 Ft. Zumwalt South 'A' 3:56.24 4:06.63 1 2 1) Benson, Calan SR 2) benson, lee SO 3) Ballestas, Andres SO 4) 8 Francis Howell 'A' 4:10.33 2 1 1) Nicewarner, Zachary SO 2) Walker, Donovan SO 3) Lee, Eric FR 4) Hillis, Steven FR 9 Ft. Zumwalt East 'A' 4:00.24 4:18.40 2 1) Gimbel, Adam FR 2) Howard, Nick FR 3) Hart, Zach SO 4) Meyer, Jake FR Women - Varsity - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Lafayette (Wildwood) 120 2) Cahokia (HS) (Coop) 97 3) Holt 89 4) Troy Buchanan 67 5) Francis Howell North 62.50 6) Timberland 55.50 7) Hazelwood West 53 8) McCluer 51 9) Ft. Zumwalt East 34 10) Francis Howell 29 11) Ft. Zumwalt South 16 12) Pattonville 14 13) Villa Duchesne 12 Women - Junior Varsity - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Timberland 135.50 2) Lafayette (Wildwood) 94 3) Cahokia (HS) (Coop) 73 4) Ft. Zumwalt East 64 5) Pattonville 57.50 6) McCluer 56 7) Francis Howell North 50 7) Villa Duchesne 50 9) Hazelwood West 40 10) Ft. Zumwalt South 38 11) Troy Buchanan 18 11) Francis Howell 18 13) Holt 4 Men - Varsity - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Timberland 97 2) Ft. Zumwalt East 84 3) Lindbergh 82 4) Ft. Zumwalt South 77 5) Rockwood Summit 73 6) Holt 68 7) McCluer 65 8) Francis Howell North 61 9) Troy Buchanan 37 10) Pattonville 30 Men - Junior Varsity - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Timberland 147 2) Rockwood Summit 146.50 3) Lindbergh 93 4) McCluer 80.50 5) Holt 59.50 6) Ft. Zumwalt South 54 7) Troy Buchanan 31 8) Francis Howell North 27.50 9) Francis Howell 25 9) Pattonville 25 11) Ft. Zumwalt East 12