Licensed to TRXC Timing, LLC - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/20/2024 06:04 PM
                   CYC Meet 1 @ Cardinal Ritter - 4/20/2024                    
                       Seeding and Timing by TRXC Timing                       
Event 1  (G) Long Jump Standing 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Muyco, Malaya              7 St. Gerard             5-03.00  
      5-02  5-03  4-07            
  2 Hayde, Clara               7 S.M.O.S.               5-00.00  
      5-00  4-10.50  4-10            
  3 Sharpe, Adalee             6 St. Joachim            4-10.00  
      4-10  4-01  3-05.50            
  4 Hartwig, Zara              6 St. Gerard             4-08.00  
      4-05  4-08  4-03            
  5 Ray, Allison               7 Ascension              4-07.00  
      4-07  4-04.75  4-07            
  6 Schweitzer, Emma           7 Ascension              4-05.00  
      3-10  4-05  3-10.50            
  7 Jones, Jenna               6 Immacolata             4-04.50  
      4-04  4-03.50  4-04.50            
  8 Libbra, Francesca          7 Immacolata            J4-04.50  
      4-04.50  4-01.50  4-02.50            
  9 Schweitzer, Olivia         7 Ascension             J4-04.50  
      3-10  3-10  4-04.50            
 10 Martin, Korinne            7 OLOL                   4-04.00  
      4-01  4-04  4-04            
 11 Ciesielski, Charlotte      7 OLOL                  J4-04.00  
      4-01  4-02  4-04            
 12 Mork, Keira                7 S.M.O.S.              J4-04.00  
      4-01  4-00  4-04            
 13 Dunn, Hadley               7 St. Gerard             4-03.00  
      4-03  4-01  4-01            
 14 Switzer, Cora              7 St. Raphael            4-02.50  
      4-02.50  3-10  3-11.50            
 15 Bridges, Tierney           7 Immacolata             4-01.75  
      4-01.75  4-01  4-01            
 16 Favazza, Hannah            7 Immacolata             4-01.00  
      4-01  3-10.50  3-10            
 17 English, Norah             6 S.M.O.S.              J4-01.00  
      4-01  3-03.50  3-10            
 18 O'Neal, Maggie             7 St. Gerard             4-00.00  
      3-05  4-00  3-05            
 19 Cassel, Valentina          6 S.M.O.S.               3-11.50  
      3-08.50  3-11.50  3-07.25            
 20 Peters, Sophia             6 St. Raphael           J3-11.50  
      2-11  3-11.50  3-06.50            
 21 Roth, Margaret             7 Immacolata             3-11.25  
      3-11.25  3-10.50  3-10.50            
 22 Gassner, Evelyn            6 St. Gabriel            3-11.00  
      3-09  3-11  3-11            
 23 Stauber, Charlotte         5 St. Gerard            J3-11.00  
      3-11  3-09  3-10            
 24 Herdman, Corinne           6 Ascension             J3-11.00  
      3-09.50  3-08.50  3-11            
 25 Govero, Avila              6 H. Cross              J3-11.00  
      3-05  3-06.50  3-11            
 26 Coggin, Kennedy            6 Immacolata             3-10.50  
      3-06.50  3-01  3-10.50            
 27 Mehrotra, Shyra            7 Ascension              3-10.00  
      3-08  3-07  3-10            
 28 Gassner, Sophie            6 St. Gabriel            3-09.50  
      3-09.50  3-06.50  3-09            
 29 Pelikan, Toni              7 St. Joachim            3-09.00  
      3-09  3-08.50  3-08            
 30 Banta, Scarlett            6 Ascension             J3-09.00  
      3-09  3-08.50  3-04            
 31 Dore, Brooke               7 Immacolata             3-08.50  
      3-08  2-08.50  3-08.50            
 32 Anstey, Nora               7 St. Raphael            3-08.00  
      3-08  3-04.50  3-04            
 33 Reynolds, Evelyn           6 OLOL                   3-07.00  
      3-07  3-06  3-07            
 34 Miller, Annabelle          6 St. Gabriel           J3-07.00  
      3-04  3-05  3-07            
 35 Ridley, Grace              7 St. Raphael           J3-07.00  
      3-05  3-03.50  3-07            
 36 Laughlin, Genevieve        6 OLOL                  J3-07.00  
      3-02  3-05  3-07            
 37 Held, Clara                5 St. Gabriel            3-05.50  
      3-05  3-05.50  3-03            
 38 Burnett, Ruby              6 Ascension             J3-05.50  
      3-02.50  2-11  3-05.50            
 39 Roepke, Callie             6 H. Cross               3-04.75  
      3-03.50  3-04  3-04.75            
 40 Bennett, Lillian           6 St. Gabriel            3-03.00  
      3-03  3-01  2-10            
 41 Roth, November             6 S.M.O.S.               3-02.00  
      3-01.25  3-02  3-00            
 42 Walker, Elinor             7 St. Frances            2-10.50  
      2-10.50  2-03  2-10.50            
 43 Ciesielski, Lillian        5 OLOL                   2-09.00  
      2-09  2-05  2-09            
 44 Wacker, Jeannie            7 St. Gabriel           J2-09.00  
      2-09  2-08  2-08            
 45 Wertenberger, Charlotte    5 OLOL                   2-05.00  
      2-05 x  x             
Event 2  (B) Long Jump Standing 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Mung, Joseph               6 St. Frances            4-11.25  
      4-08  4-09.75  4-11.25            
  2 Medina, Cruz               5 S.M.O.S.               4-09.50  
      4-08  4-06.25  4-09.50            
  3 Greanias, Nicholas         7 H. Cross               4-07.50  
      3-11  4-01.50  4-07.50            
  4 Delgado, Rogelio           7 St. Frances            4-06.50  
      4-06.50  4-03  3-08            
  5 Perino, Welles             6 H. Infant              4-05.00  
      4-02  3-00  4-05            
  6 Moneer, Nolan              6 H. Cross               4-04.00  
      4-04  4-03  4-04            
  7 Northrup, Will             7 Ascension              4-03.25  
      3-10  4-02  4-03.25            
  8 Griffin, James             6 OLOL                   4-02.75  
      4-02.75  4-02  4-01.75            
  9 Kittrell, James            7 OLOL                   4-02.25  
      3-00  4-02.25  FOUL            
 10 Moore, Bruno               6 H. Cross               4-02.00  
      3-10  3-09  4-02            
 11 Potts, Henry               6 St. Raphael            4-01.00  
      4-01  4-00.50  3-09.75            
 12 Knutson, Cohen             6 OLOL                  J4-01.00  
      3-10.50  4-01  3-08.25            
 13 Rogers, Wes                6 St. Gerard             3-10.75  
      3-10.75  3-01  3-01.50            
 14 Baudendistel, Connor       5 St. Gerard             3-10.00  
      3-06  3-10  3-07            
 15 Reynolds, Dean             5 S.M.O.S.               3-09.00  
      3-09  2-00  3-03.25            
 16 Shripka, Myles             6 St. Gabriel            3-08.00  
      3-08  2-06  3-03.75            
 17 Wear, Nolan                6 H. Cross               3-06.50  
      2-08.75  2-09.50  3-06.50            
 18 Farishon, Alexander        6 St. Gerard             3-06.25  
      3-03  3-03  3-06.25            
 19 Schump, Wyatt              6 S.M.O.S.               3-06.00  
      3-01.25  3-06  3-03            
 20 Matarazzi, Joey            6 St. Gabriel            3-05.75  
      3-05.75  3-05.25  3-03.50            
 21 Rieber, Wesley             6 Ascension             J3-05.75  
      3-03  3-05.75  3-04.50            
 22 Gorecki, Augustus          7 St. Gabriel            3-04.50  
      2-09.50  3-00  3-04.50            
Event 3  (G) Long Jump Standing 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Klosterman, Eliana         9 S.M.O.S.               6-08.50  
      6-08.50  6-08.50  6-07.50            
  2 Hayde, Nora                9 S.M.O.S.               5-08.00  
      5-07  5-08  FOUL            
  3 Pelhank, Alyssa            8 H. Infant             J5-08.00  
      5-05.50  5-00.50  5-08            
  4 Jordan, Adelaide           8 Immacolata             5-07.00  
      5-06.25  5-07  5-04.50            
  5 Hartwig, Isabel            9 St. Gerard             5-04.50  
      5-04.50  5-03.25  4-09.25            
  6 Terrell, Chloe             9 S.M.O.S.               5-02.00  
      5-01  5-02  4-09            
  7 Vigna, Maevis              9 H. Cross               5-01.50  
      5-01.50  5-01.50  5-01.50            
  8 Merideth, Eliza            9 S.M.O.S.              J5-01.50  
      5-01  5-01.50  3-03            
  9 Bolesta, Elizabeth         8 S.M.O.S.               5-00.50  
      4-10.50  3-05  5-00.50            
 10 Harris, Aminah             8 S.M.O.S.              J5-00.50  
      4-10.50  3-03  5-00.50            
 11 Patterson, Gloria          7 St. Gabriel            5-00.00  
      4-09.50  4-10.25  5-00            
 12 Shultz, Amelia             9 St. Gerard            J5-00.00  
      4-07.25  4-09.50  5-00            
 13 Newsham, Eleanor           8 S.M.O.S.              J5-00.00  
      4-01  4-03  5-00            
 14 Pagan, Emily               7 Sacred Heart           4-11.25  
      4-09.25  4-10  4-11.25            
 15 Godwin, Nora               9 H. Cross               4-09.75  
      4-09.75  4-08  4-09.75            
 16 Baker, Everly              8 St. Raphael            4-09.00  
      4-04.50  4-06.50  4-09            
 17 Hood, Sydney               8 H. Infant              4-08.75  
      4-08.75  4-07  4-06            
 18 Then, Eleanora             9 Immacolata            J4-08.75  
      4-04.75  4-04  4-08.75            
 19 King, Anna                 8 H. Infant              4-08.25  
      4-01  4-03.25  4-08.25            
 20 Udani, Mabel               9 S.M.O.S.               4-08.00  
      4-06.50  4-08  4-06            
 21 Geerling, Cecilia          9 H. Cross               4-07.50  
      4-07.25  4-04.75  4-07.50            
 22 Sheehan, Marykathryn       8 St. Gabriel           J4-07.50  
      4-07.50  4-07  4-05.50            
 23 Fischer, Madeline          9 H. Cross              J4-07.50  
      4-07  4-07.50  4-05            
 24 Thomas, Lillian            9 Ascension             J4-07.50  
      3-10.50  4-04.25  4-07.50            
 25 Robben, Tessa              8 H. Infant              4-07.25  
      4-07.25  4-07  4-07            
 26 Sonderman, Audrey          8 St. Gabriel           J4-07.25  
      4-03  4-07  4-07.25            
 27 Seyer, Fiona               7 St. Gerard            J4-07.25  
      4-06.75  4-07.25  4-00            
 28 Workman, Ally              9 St. Gerard             4-06.75  
      4-04.25  4-06.75  4-05.50            
 29 Peters, Emma               9 St. Raphael            4-06.50  
      4-06.50  4-05.50  4-06.50            
 30 Meyer, Lily                8 S.M.O.S.              J4-06.50  
      4-06.50  4-06  4-02            
 31 Wilson, Lauren             8 St. Gerard            J4-06.50  
      4-06.50  4-01.75  4-04.25            
 32 Dore, Blaire               9 Immacolata             4-06.00  
      4-06  3-06.75  4-04.75            
 33 Rooney, Emma               9 St. Raphael            4-04.50  
      4-00  4-02  4-04.50            
 34 Emig, Blair                7 St. Gerard             4-04.00  
      4-04  3-11.75  4-03.25            
 35 Hanneke, Alice             9 H. Cross              J4-04.00  
      4-00.50  4-04  4-02.25            
 36 Lang, Estella              9 St. Stephen            4-02.25  
      4-01.75  4-00.25  4-02.25            
 37 Howard, Lucy               9 St. Raphael            4-02.00  
      4-02  4-00.50  4-00            
 38 Whalen, Charlotte          8 S.M.O.S.              J4-02.00  
      3-11.50  4-02  4-00            
 39 Schump, Norah              8 S.M.O.S.               4-01.50  
      4-00  4-00.50  4-01.50            
 40 Alles, Layla               9 H. Cross               4-01.25  
      4-01.25  4-00  3-08            
 41 Farrell, Milani            9 St. Joachim            4-01.00  
      4-01  3-11.75  3-08.75            
 42 Flavin, Elizabeth          8 St. Raphael            4-00.00  
      FOUL  3-10.50  4-00            
 43 Mater, Natalie             8 St. Raphael           J4-00.00  
      4-00  3-08.50  3-09.50            
 44 Lagow, Charlotte           9 St. Gabriel            3-10.50  
      3-09.75  2-07.50  3-10.50            
 45 Pratt, Lucy                8 S.M.O.S.               3-10.00  
      FOUL  3-10  3-10            
 46 Wildt, Clare               7 H. Infant             J3-10.00  
      3-09.25  3-08.25  3-10            
 47 Ring, Elizabeth            9 H. Cross              J3-10.00  
      3-10  3-04.50  3-04            
 48 Lunsamte, Judith           9 St. Frances            3-09.50  
      3-06.50  3-08.50  3-09.50            
 49 Anstey, Clare              8 St. Raphael            3-08.00  
      3-07  3-06  3-08            
 50 Lenihan, Josie             7 H. Cross               3-07.00  
      3-07  3-06.50  3-00            
 51 MacDonald, Caroline        9 H. Cross               3-04.00  
      2-09.25  3-00  3-04            
 52 Beardslee, Mabel           8 St. Gabriel            3-03.25  
      3-03.25  2-10.25  3-00.75            
 53 Witt, Lily                 7 H. Infant              2-11.50  
      2-11.50  2-09.75  2-08            
 54 Wurm-cutter, Margaret      8 St. Gabriel            2-07.00  
      2-07  2-03.25  2-06            
 55 Pratt, Penelope            8 S.M.O.S.               2-03.00  
      2-00  1-08  2-03            
Event 4  (B) Long Jump Standing 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lucas, Austin              9 St. Gerard             6-00.75  
      5-11  6-00.25  6-00.75            
  2 Morris, Alex               8 H. Cross               5-08.50  
      5-08.50  3-07.25  3-07.50            
  3 Perez, Everett             8 OLOL                   5-06.50  
      5-05.25  5-06.50  FOUL            
  4 Bradford, Henry            7 St. Raphael            5-05.50  
      4-08.50  5-05.50  5-05            
  5 Perino, Elden              9 H. Infant              5-05.00  
      5-05  5-03  4-09.25            
  6 Schwan, Conrad             7 H. Cross               5-04.00  
      5-04  4-10.25  3-06            
  7 Mulligan, Colin            8 S.M.O.S.               5-03.75  
      5-00.25  5-03.75  5-01.25            
  8 Potts, Thomas              8 St. Raphael            5-03.50  
      4-05.25  5-00  5-03.50            
  9 Corrigan, Aidan            8 Immacolata             5-03.25  
      5-03.25  5-01.50  FOUL            
 10 Neary, Patrick             8 H. Cross              J5-03.25  
      5-01  5-03.25  4-11            
 11 Rogers, Charles            8 S.M.O.S.               5-02.00  
      5-01  5-01.25  5-02            
 12 Kraft, Jack                9 St. Gerard             5-01.75  
      5-00.75  4-11  5-01.75            
 13 Prewett, Sam               8 St. Gerard             5-01.50  
      5-00.25  4-10.75  5-01.50            
 14 Alvarez, Salvador          8 St. Gabriel           J5-01.50  
      4-05  4-10.50  5-01.50            
 15 Resmann, Sebastian         9 St. Stephen            5-01.25  
      3-01.50  4-11.50  5-01.25            
 16 Hanneke, Gus               9 H. Cross               5-00.50  
      4-05.50  4-10.75  5-00.50            
 17 Blackburn, Fred              Sacred Heart           4-11.25  
      4-11.25  FOUL  4-09.50            
 18 Morgan, Joseph             8 S.M.O.S.              J4-11.25  
      4-01  4-11.25  FOUL            
 19 Abernathy, Johnathan       8 St. Gabriel            4-10.00  
      4-08.50  4-10  4-00.75            
 20 Herdman, Ethan             8 Ascension              4-09.75  
      4-03.75  4-06  4-09.75            
 21 Chartrand, Henry           8 H. Infant              4-09.50  
      4-06.50  4-06  4-09.50            
 22 Kloos, Thomas              9 St. Gabriel           J4-09.50  
      3-09.75  4-09.50  FOUL            
 23 Eckenrodt, Matthew         9 OLOL                   4-09.00  
      4-09  4-06.75  4-08.50            
 24 Duncan, Jack               8 Ascension             J4-09.00  
      4-09  FOUL  4-08            
 25 Dehner, Joseph             9 OLOL                   4-07.75  
      4-06.50  4-07.75  4-05.50            
 26 Wacker, Charlie            8 St. Gabriel            4-06.25  
      4-00.75  4-00.25  4-06.25            
 27 Payne, Teddy               7 St. Gabriel            4-05.25  
      4-05.25  4-05  3-11.75            
 28 Holman, Christian          9 H. Cross               4-04.25  
      3-10.75  4-02  4-04.25            
 29 Cherba, Jack               9 Immacolata             4-04.00  
      4-04  3-10.25  4-01.50            
 30 Carmody, George            8 Immacolata             4-03.00  
      4-00.25  3-09.75  4-03            
 31 Sandoval, Efrem            8 Ascension              4-02.25  
      4-02.25  3-04.50  4-00            
 32 Schmidt, Dylan             8 H. Cross               3-11.00  
      3-05  3-04.25  3-11            
 33 Obradovits, Thomas         7 Immacolata             3-08.75  
      3-02.50  2-11.25  3-08.75            
 34 Thompson, Callum           8 H. Infant              3-06.50  
      3-06.25  3-06.50  2-02.50            
 35 Marra, Bradley             8 St. Gabriel           J3-06.50  
      3-02.50  3-06  3-06.50            
 36 Reuter, August             7 St. Gerard            J3-06.50  
      3-04  3-06.50  3-05.25            
 37 Kasparek-sonntag, Hank     9 S.M.O.S.               3-02.50  
      2-11  2-06.50  3-02.50            
Event 5  (G) Long Jump Running 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Oatis, Ella               11 S.M.O.S.              12-02.25  
      11-01.25  11-11.25  12-02.25            
  2 McHale, Sonora            11 St. Gerard            11-06.25  
      10-07.25  11-06.25  11-03.25            
  3 Steger, Cooper            11 H. Cross              11-05.25  
      10-07.25  FOUL  11-05.25            
  4 Richmond, Regan           10 St. Gabriel           11-00.00  
      8-05.25  10-06.25  11-00            
  5 Workman, Natalie          11 St. Gerard            10-01.25  
      10-01.25  9-03.25  9-03.25            
  5 Medina, Camila            10 S.M.O.S.              10-01.25  
      9-03.25  10-01.25  9-03.25            
  7 Kohler, Penelope          10 St. Gerard            10-00.25  
      9-08.25  10-00.25  9-10.25            
  8 Parks, Felicity           11 Ascension              9-11.25  
      9-02.25  9-05.25  9-11.25            
  9 Partridge, Sonja          11 St. Gerard            J9-11.25  
      9-02.25  7-08.25  9-11.25            
 10 Partridge, Scarlett       11 St. Gerard             9-09.25  
      7-11.25  9-09.25  9-04.25            
 11 Udani, Helen              11 S.M.O.S.               9-08.25  
      9-07.25  9-08.25  9-07.25            
 12 Reuter, Mary Helen         9 St. Gerard            J9-08.25  
      FOUL  9-08.25  8-04.25            
 13 Prograis, Noire           11 St. Frances            9-07.25  
      8-09.25  9-07.25  FOUL            
 14 Jackson, Phoebe           10 S.M.O.S.               9-06.25  
      8-10.25  9-06.25  FOUL            
 15 Cherba, Ann               11 Immacolata            J9-06.25  
      8-07.25  9-06.25  FOUL            
 16 Delhougne, Kate            9 H. Cross              J9-06.25  
      8-04.25  7-09.25  9-06.25            
 17 Andrews, Denise           10 S.M.O.S.               9-05.25  
      8-05.25  9-05.25  FOUL            
 18 Workman, Kate             11 St. Gerard             9-04.25  
      9-04.25  8-10.25  9-02.25            
 19 Guntli, Hazel             10 H. Cross              J9-04.25  
      9-04.25  7-11.25  8-04.25            
 20 Thenhaus, Tessa           10 St. Gabriel            9-03.25  
      9-03.25  9-00.25  8-08.25            
 21 McDonald, Molly           11 H. Cross               9-02.25  
      7-10.25  8-00.25  9-02.25            
 22 Kurapati, Nyla            11 Ascension             J9-02.25  
      9-02.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 23 Banta, Isabelle           10 Ascension              9-01.25  
      FOUL  8-00.25  9-01.25            
 24 Wildt, Caroline           10 H. Infant              9-00.25  
      9-00.25  7-11.25  7-10.25            
 25 Bradshaw, Harper           9 St. Raphael            8-11.25  
      8-10.25  FOUL  8-11.25            
 26 Bergfeld, Alison          10 St. Gerard            J8-11.25  
      7-03.25  5-08.25  8-11.25            
 27 Overberg, Rose            10 S.M.O.S.               8-09.25  
      8-09.25  8-01.25  8-07.25            
 28 McLane, Lily              10 St. Gabriel           J8-09.25  
      FOUL  5-09.25  8-09.25            
 29 Huth, Toby                10 Sacred Heart          J8-09.25  
      FOUL  FOUL  8-09.25            
 30 Partridge, Sylvia         11 St. Gerard             8-06.25  
      4-05.25  8-06.25  7-08.25            
 31 Burch, Greta              10 Immacolata             8-04.25  
      8-03.25  8-04.25  8-04.25            
 32 Seavey, Charlotte         10 St. Gerard            J8-04.25  
      8-00.25  8-04.25  7-09.25            
 33 Huskey, Addison           11 St. Joachim            8-03.25  
      8-02.25  8-03.25  7-09.25            
 34 Martin, Molly             10 OLOL                  J8-03.25  
      7-10.25  8-03.25  FOUL            
 35 Tully, Clementine         10 H. Cross              J8-03.25  
      7-03.25  7-07.25  8-03.25            
 36 VanWyk, Olivia            10 Ascension              8-02.25  
      FOUL  6-07.25  8-02.25            
 37 Hill, Dinaari              9 St. Frances           J8-02.25  
      8-02.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 38 Merritt, Lilly            10 St. Raphael            8-01.25  
      8-01.25  7-08.25  7-10.25            
 39 Jesperson, Claire         10 Ascension              8-00.25  
      8-00.25  4-09.25  4-09.25            
 40 Schmidt, Cora             11 H. Cross               7-10.25  
      7-10.25  6-09.25  7-03.25            
 41 Eller, Greta              11 H. Infant              7-04.25  
      6-01.25  6-07.25  7-04.25            
 42 Laury, Lillian            10 H. Cross               7-03.25  
      6-04.25  6-10.25  7-03.25            
 43 Jacobsen, Chesney         11 St. Joachim            7-02.25  
      7-00.25  7-02.25  6-06.25            
 44 Harris, Neriah            10 S.M.O.S.               7-01.25  
      6-09.25  7-01.25  6-10.25            
 45 Kroeber, Noa              10 S.M.O.S.               6-11.25  
      6-11.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 46 Abraha, Bitanaya          11 St. Frances            6-09.25  
      6-09.25  6-02.25  FOUL            
 47 Mueller, Mallory          10 St. Gabriel            6-08.25  
      6-08.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 48 Ilg, Kate                 10 St. Raphael            6-07.25  
      6-07.25  6-03.25  5-07.25            
 49 Bergman, Adelaide         10 St. Gabriel            6-04.25  
      5-06.25  FOUL  6-04.25            
 50 Simpson, Hannah            9 H. Cross               6-01.25  
      6-01.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 50 Overschmidt, Olivia       10 Ascension              6-01.25  
      FOUL  6-01.25  FOUL            
 52 Shupe, Helen              11 St. Gerard             5-09.25  
      5-09.25  5-05.25  5-05.25            
 53 Eddy, Serena              11 H. Cross               5-08.25  
      FOUL  FOUL  5-08.25            
 54 Northrup, Bria             9 Ascension              5-00.25  
      5-00.25  4-05.25  4-03.25            
 55 O'Neal, Emily             10 St. Gerard             4-07.25  
      FOUL  FOUL  4-07.25            
 -- Flatley, Mary Kate        10 S.M.O.S.                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Wichmer, Lucia            10 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Barina, Ava               11 H. Infant                 FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Roeder, Clara              9 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Nelke, Rosalie            10 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Richard, Mila             10 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Bickel, Elsa              11 H. Cross                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
Event 6  (B) Long Jump Running 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Romero, Simon             10 H. Cross              11-03.50  
      11-03.50  10-07  FOUL            
  2 Ray, Marshall             11 S.M.O.S.              11-00.25  
      10-10  10-09.75  11-00.25            
  3 Coughlin, Michael         11 Immacolata            10-07.75  
      7-10.75  7-09.50  10-07.75            
  4 Holcombe, Jayden          10 H. Infant             10-04.50  
      9-11.50  10-03.50  10-04.50            
  5 Holman, Connor            11 H. Cross             J10-04.50  
      10-04.50  FOUL  9-04.75            
  6 Snodgrass, Cole           10 H. Infant             10-03.50  
      8-08  10-03.50  10-02.25            
  7 Silker, Charlie           10 H. Infant            J10-03.50  
      9-08  9-08.25  10-03.50            
  8 Schrick, Wesley           10 St. Gabriel           10-03.25  
      9-08.50  FOUL  10-03.25            
  9 Moore, Joey               11 H. Cross              10-02.50  
      10-02.50  9-04.50  9-05            
 10 Larose, Theo               8 S.M.O.S.              10-02.25  
      10-02.25  9-11.50  FOUL            
 11 Potts, Isaac              10 St. Raphael          J10-02.25  
      9-09.25  9-05  10-02.25            
 12 Lagow, Noah               10 St. Gabriel           10-01.75  
      9-01.75  10-01.75  8-06.50            
 13 Kelsey, Will              10 S.M.O.S.              10-01.25  
      10-01.25  9-11.75  9-08.50            
 14 Nickel, Colten            10 H. Cross              10-01.00  
      10-01  8-03.75  9-08.25            
 15 Govero, Clayton           11 St. Joachim           10-00.50  
      10-00.50  9-00.50  7-05.50            
 16 St. Eve, John Owen        10 Immacolata            10-00.00  
      9-02.25  9-08.25  10-00            
 17 Yungbluth, Noah           11 St. Gabriel            9-11.50  
      9-11.50  9-07  9-03.50            
 18 Rimkus, Trent             10 Sacred Heart           9-11.00  
      9-03.75  9-11  FOUL            
 19 McNutt, Calvin            10 H. Infant              9-10.25  
      FOUL  8-07.75  9-10.25            
 20 Bernadt, Caleb             9 St. Raphael            9-09.50  
      9-09.50  FOUL  9-08.25            
 21 Adams, Dougie              9 St. Raphael           J9-09.50  
      9-03  9-09.50  FOUL            
 22 Dacey, Gus                 9 Immacolata             9-07.00  
      9-05.50  9-07  8-08.50            
 23 D'Agostino, George        10 OLOL                   9-05.00  
      FOUL  9-05  7-11.75            
 24 Greanias, Christopher     10 H. Cross               9-04.50  
      8-06.50  9-00.50  9-04.50            
 25 Haffner, Beck              9 H. Infant              9-03.75  
      8-11  9-03.75  FOUL            
 26 Weiss, Sam                 9 St. Raphael            9-03.00  
      9-03  9-03  8-08            
 27 Garcia, Victor            10 S.M.O.S.               9-02.75  
      8-07.50  9-02.75  8-05            
 28 Brockland, Sebastian      11 S.M.O.S.               9-02.00  
      9-02  9-01.75  8-06            
 29 Lumpkin, Jonathan         10 S.M.O.S.               9-00.75  
      8-00  8-07.25  9-00.75            
 30 Maurer, Adrian             9 H. Infant              8-11.50  
      7-07.50  8-08  8-11.50            
 31 Shannon, Dean             11 St. Gabriel            8-11.25  
      8-03  8-05  8-11.25            
 32 Cassimatis, William       10 Ascension              8-11.00  
      8-07  8-11  8-03.50            
 33 Bowgren, Reid              9 Immacolata             8-10.50  
      8-07  8-06.75  8-10.50            
 34 Bush, Andrew              11 Immacolata             8-09.75  
      FOUL  8-09.75  8-08.75            
 35 Shandilya, Aditya         10 H. Infant              8-09.50  
      8-03.25  8-07.75  8-09.50            
 36 Kheriaty, Joseph          10 H. Cross              J8-09.50  
      FOUL  8-09.50  8-00.50            
 37 Aholt, Toby                9 H. Cross               8-07.75  
      7-00  8-07.75  6-02.50            
 38 Agniel, Louis             10 S.M.O.S.               8-07.25  
      8-07.25  7-08  7-07.75            
 39 Meyer, Lucien             10 S.M.O.S.               8-06.25  
      8-02.50  8-06.25  7-09.50            
 40 Barber, Jeremy            11 St. Joachim            8-03.50  
      8-03.50  7-03.50  FOUL            
 41 Kasparek-sonntag, Miguel  10 S.M.O.S.               8-00.00  
      8-00  7-11.50  7-10            
 42 Waeckerle, Austin          9 H. Infant              7-10.25  
      FOUL  FOUL  7-10.25            
 43 Jain, Aarjav               9 Ascension              7-09.00  
      7-09  6-10.75  FOUL            
 44 Laughlin, Drew            10 OLOL                   7-06.75  
      7-06.75  6-10.75  7-02            
 45 Eddy, River                9 H. Cross               7-06.00  
      7-03.75  7-06  6-00            
 46 Thompson, Kieran          11 H. Infant              7-05.50  
      FOUL  7-05.50  5-05.50            
 47 Eckler, Beau              11 H. Cross               7-04.75  
      7-04.75  5-09  FOUL            
 48 Stalka, Grant              9 St. Gerard             7-03.50  
      FOUL  FOUL  7-03.50            
 49 Geerling, Simon           11 H. Cross               6-10.75  
      6-10.50  6-10.75  6-02.50            
 50 Connelly, Weiler          11 H. Cross               6-06.25  
      6-06.25  6-05.75  FOUL            
 51 Johns, Carter             11 H. Infant              5-09.50  
      FOUL  5-09.50  FOUL            
 52 Bury, Rory                11 St. Gabriel            5-05.50  
      4-11.50  FOUL  5-05.50            
 53 Seper, Brice              11 H. Cross               5-02.50  
      5-02.50  4-11.75  FOUL            
 54 Wurm-cutter, Patrick      11 St. Gabriel            4-11.50  
      4-11.50  FOUL  4-05.75            
 55 Furniss, Carter           10 Immacolata             4-11.00  
      FOUL  4-11  4-08.50            
 -- Beardslee, Walter          9 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- May, Owen                 10 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Steele, Jameson           11 S.M.O.S.                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
Event 7  (G) Long Jump Running 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kim, Maryellen            12 Sacred Heart          13-00.00  
      12-01.25  12-07.25  13-00            
  2 Fitzpatrick, Mary         12 St. Gabriel           12-04.25  
      11-11.25  12-04.25  11-06.25            
  3 Patterson, Gwen           11 St. Gabriel          J12-04.25  
      12-04.25  11-04.25  11-08.25            
  4 Fronabarger, Vivian       11 Sacred Heart          12-04.00  
      11-11.25  FOUL  12-04            
  5 Payne, Eloise             13 St. Gabriel           12-02.00  
      11-07.25  11-03.25  12-02            
  6 Powers, Sophia            13 Ascension             12-01.25  
      11-11.25  11-11.25  12-01.25            
  7 Burch, Charlee            12 Immacolata            12-00.25  
      12-00.25  10-10.25  9-03.25            
  8 Potts, Helen              12 St. Raphael           11-09.25  
      9-10.25  11-09.25  10-10.25            
  9 Wasman, Elizabeth         11 H. Infant             11-08.25  
      11-04.25  11-08.25  11-08.25            
 10 Rapplean, Sydney          12 St. Gabriel           11-06.00  
      9-09.25  9-11.25  11-06            
 11 Moore, Hailey             11 Sacred Heart          11-02.25  
      FOUL  8-10.25  11-02.25            
 12 Waeckerle, Emma           12 H. Infant             10-11.25  
      10-03.25  10-11.25  10-06.25            
 13 Rice, Blaize              12 Marian               J10-11.25  
      8-11.25  10-11.25  FOUL            
 14 Johnson, Sloane           12 S.M.O.S.              10-04.25  
      8-09.25  10-04.25  7-09.25            
 15 Jones, Gabrielle          12 Marian                10-03.25  
      10-03.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 15 Curcuru, Hannah           11 S.M.O.S.              10-03.25  
      FOUL  10-03.25  FOUL            
 17 Wolf, Elizabeth           12 St. Gabriel           10-01.25  
      7-09.25  FOUL  10-01.25            
 18 Anderson, Isabella        12 St. Gerard             9-10.25  
      8-08.25  9-03.25  9-10.25            
 19 Couch, Ariya              11 S.M.O.S.              J9-10.25  
      8-10.25  8-04.25  9-10.25            
 20 Von Holten, Eleanor       11 S.M.O.S.               9-05.00  
      8-01.25  8-01.25  9-05            
 21 Jackson, Tessa            11 Sacred Heart           9-04.25  
      9-04.25  9-02.25  8-07.25            
 22 Herron, Rachel            12 Marian                 9-01.25  
      8-11.25  9-01.25  FOUL            
 23 Luebke, Sophia            12 Immacolata             9-00.25  
      FOUL  9-00.25  7-11.25            
 24 Stevens, Rebecca          11 S.M.O.S.               8-11.25  
      8-11.25  8-08.25  8-00.25            
 25 Miller, Lucille           12 S.M.O.S.              J8-11.25  
      8-08.25  8-11.25  8-00            
 26 Molamphy, Mary            12 Immacolata             8-10.25  
      8-07.25  8-02.25  8-10.25            
 27 Libbra, Vivianna          12 Immacolata             8-05.25  
      8-05.25  8-05.25  8-04.25            
 28 Bush, Marie               12 Immacolata             7-11.25  
      7-10.25  7-11.25  7-10.25            
 29 Abernathy, Samantha       12 St. Gabriel            7-10.25  
      7-10.25  7-04.25  7-07.25            
 30 Arriaga, Carmen           13 Marian                J7-10.25  
      7-10.25  FOUL  FOUL            
 31 Dickinson, Marla          13 St. Joachim            7-09.25  
      7-09.25  7-09.25  7-06.25            
 32 Stegman, Catherine        11 Immacolata             7-04.25  
      7-04.25  6-05.25  6-07.25            
 33 Reuter, Evelyn            11 St. Gerard             6-11.25  
      5-10.25  6-11.25  6-03.25            
 34 Rushing, Abby             13 H. Cross               6-07.25  
      6-07.25  FOUL  6-03.25            
 35 Frisch, Molly             12 Immacolata             6-02.25  
      6-02.25  6-01.25  5-00.25            
 36 Herring, Avah             11 H. Infant             J6-02.25  
      FOUL  6-02.25  5-06.25            
 37 Dilber, Lucy              13 H. Cross               5-06.25  
      5-03.25  FOUL  5-06.25            
 -- Engels, Bianca            13 H. Infant                 FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Favazza, Elsie            12 St. Gabriel               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Jean-Baptiste, Maheva     13 St. Frances               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Moneer, Ava               11 H. Cross                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Barsh, Summer D           12 St. Frances               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Mork, Rowan               11 S.M.O.S.                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Druger, Olivia            12 H. Cross                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Barber, Chelsea           14 St. Joachim               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
Event 8  (B) Long Jump Running 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Doyle, George             12 Sacred Heart          13-08.00  
      12-11.25  13-08  12-11.50            
  2 Baeres, Lucas             11 Sacred Heart          12-08.00  
      12-08  12-02.25  12-00            
  3 Anbukumar, Lakshminaraya  13 H. Cross              12-07.00  
      FOUL  12-00  12-07            
  4 Pagan, Thomas             12 Sacred Heart          12-06.25  
      11-11  12-05.50  12-06.25            
  5 Perez, Charleston         12 OLOL                  12-05.00  
      12-02  12-04  12-05            
  6 Anstey, Jake              13 St. Raphael           12-03.00  
      12-02  12-00  12-03            
  7 Simmons, Chase            11 Sacred Heart          11-08.75  
      11-08.75  9-10  11-07            
  8 Lang, Cooper              12 St. Stephen           11-06.00  
      11-06  11-06  FOUL            
  9 Martin, William           12 OLOL                 J11-06.00  
      8-11  11-03  11-06            
 10 Tacony, Oliver            13 Chaminade             11-03.50  
      11-03.50  11-02  FOUL            
 11 Caffey, Xavier            12 H. Infant             11-03.00  
      10-09  11-03  4-03            
 12 Forrest, Orlando          12 St. Gabriel          J11-03.00  
      FOUL  10-07  11-03            
 13 Thompson, MJ              12 Chaminade             11-00.25  
      11-00.25  11-00  FOUL            
 14 Romero, Oscar             12 H. Cross              10-09.75  
      FOUL  10-09.75  FOUL            
 15 Resmann, Abraham          12 St. Stephen           10-07.00  
      10-05.25  10-07  FOUL            
 16 Fox, Odell                12 Chaminade             10-06.25  
      10-06.25  9-05  10-06            
 17 Kheriaty, Daniel          12 H. Cross              10-03.00  
      8-05.50  10-03  FOUL            
 18 Woodard, Fletcher         13 St. Gerard           J10-03.00  
      10-03  FOUL  FOUL            
 19 Moos, Dominic             12 Ascension             10-00.25  
      10-00.25  9-04  FOUL            
 20 Rimkus, Benjamin          13 Sacred Heart           9-09.00  
      9-09  FOUL  8-02            
 21 Crowder, Peyton           12 Chaminade              9-07.00  
      9-04  FOUL  9-07            
 22 Jontry, Elijah            13 St. Gerard             9-06.00  
      9-06  FOUL  FOUL            
 23 Maclellan, Jr., Jonathan  12 St. Gerard             9-02.00  
      FOUL  9-02  FOUL            
 24 Gaitho, Sebastian         13 Chaminade              9-01.50  
      9-01.50  FOUL  FOUL            
 25 Lurkins, Connor           11 Sacred Heart           8-08.75  
      8-01.50  FOUL  8-08.75            
 26 Morris, Austin            11 H. Cross               8-03.00  
      8-03  FOUL  FOUL            
 27 Casey, Quinten            13 H. Cross               6-11.00  
      6-11  FOUL  FOUL            
 28 Schmidt, Sam              12 H. Cross               6-05.25  
      5-02  5-01  6-05.25            
Event 9  (G) Long Jump Running 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Debourg, Caroline         14 S.M.O.S.              13-02.25  
      12-04  11-05.25  13-02.25            
  2 Millar, Lindsey           13 H. Cross              13-00.00  
      12-04.50  13-00  13-00            
  3 Robinson, Magdalyn        13 Sacred Heart          12-02.75  
      12-02.75  11-07.75  11-07.50            
  4 Mealey, Kate              14 H. Cross              12-00.50  
      12-00.50  12-00.50  11-07.50            
  5 Rahn, Maura               13 H. Cross              11-07.75  
      11-04  11-07.75  10-09.75            
  6 Black, Lila               14 S.M.O.S.              11-04.75  
      11-03.25  11-00.50  11-04.75            
  7 George, Lucy              14 H. Cross               9-09.50  
      7-08.75  7-04.25  9-09.50            
  8 Reed, Tiffany             13 Sacred Heart           9-05.75  
      9-05.75  9-04.50  9-03.25            
Event 10  (B) Long Jump Running 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Medina, Noah              14 S.M.O.S.              18-01.00  
      16-04.25  16-11  18-01            
  2 McHale, Josiah            14 St. Gerard            17-08.50  
      17-08.50  17-02.75  16-10.25            
  3 Neiman, Connor            14 Sacred Heart          16-07.75  
      15-10.50  16-07.75  16-01.25            
  4 Mrnjavac, John            14 H. Cross              16-04.00  
      16-01.25  15-11.50  16-04            
  5 Millett, Beck             14 S.M.O.S.              15-10.50  
      15-10  15-05.75  15-10.50            
  6 Dubois, Theodore teddy    14 Sacred Heart          15-00.50  
      14-02  12-08.50  15-00.50            
  7 Potts, Jude               14 St. Raphael           14-05.25  
      13-06.75  14-03.25  14-05.25            
  8 Adams, Teddy              14 St. Raphael           14-03.00  
      14-03  12-07  12-11.50            
  9 Schultz, Nick             14 St. Gabriel           13-09.50  
      13-09.50  13-09.25  12-11            
 10 Moos, Lincoln             13 Ascension             13-02.25  
      12-04.75  13-02.25  12-09            
 11 Zaegel, Nathan            13 Chaminade             12-08.75  
      12-08.75  PASS  11-08            
 12 Ilg, Evan                 13 St. Raphael           10-11.00  
      10-11  10-07.25  10-01.50            
 -- Gage, James               13 Chaminade                 FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Andrews, Joe              13 S.M.O.S.                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Lorenzo, Loren            14 H. Cross                  FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
 -- Muyco, Kai                14 St. Gerard                FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL            
Event 11  (G) Shot Put 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Anbukumar, Gitamani       11 H. Cross              17-03.00  
      17-03  17-01  16-11            
  2 Baeres, Norah              9 Sacred Heart          16-00.00  
      16-00  15-04  15-01            
  3 Jacobsen, Chesney         11 St. Joachim           15-02.00  
      14-02  14-05  15-02            
  4 Flatley, Mary Kate        10 S.M.O.S.              14-05.00  
      13-08  14-05  13-04            
  5 Fischer, Emma             11 H. Cross              13-03.00  
      13-03  12-10  12-01.50            
  6 Simpson, Hannah            9 H. Cross              13-01.00  
      FOUL  13-01  11-02            
  7 Shupe, Helen              11 St. Gerard            13-00.50  
      13-00.50  12-02.50  11-07            
  8 Schmidt, Cora             11 H. Cross              13-00.00  
      12-06.50  11-10  13-00            
  9 Manzella, Rosa            10 H. Cross              12-09.00  
      12-01  10-03  12-09            
 10 Huskey, Addison           11 St. Joachim           12-08.50  
      11-04.50  10-06.50  12-08.50            
 11 Fisher, Cora              10 Immacolata            12-04.00  
      12-04  10-09.50  12-01.50            
 12 Huth, Toby                10 Sacred Heart          12-03.00  
      12-03  11-02.25  9-05.25            
 13 Ndagijimana, Bethany       9 St. Frances           11-08.00  
      8-04.25  9-00  11-08            
 14 Toussaint, Virginia       11 S.M.O.S.              11-01.00  
      7-05  11-01  9-00.50            
 15 McLane, Harlow            10 St. Gabriel           11-00.00  
      FOUL  9-06.50  11-00            
 16 Whitney, Annie            11 Sacred Heart          10-04.25  
      10-04.25  9-02  9-05            
 17 Klein, Sara               10 Immacolata            10-03.00  
      10-03  10-00  10-00.50            
 18 Mueller, Mallory          10 St. Gabriel            7-00.50  
      6-11.50  5-11.50  7-00.50            
Event 12  (B) Shot Put 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Pfeiffer, Colin           11 H. Cross              21-03.50  
      19-09  20-03.25  21-03.50            
  2 Villhard, John            11 H. Infant             20-04.25  
      19-08.50  19-03.75  20-04.25            
  3 Ala, Aadrith              10 Ascension             19-10.25  
      18-07  19-10.25  18-07.50            
  4 Brockland, Sebastian      11 S.M.O.S.              19-08.75  
      18-02.50  19-08.75  18-03            
  5 Eckler, Beau              11 H. Cross              19-02.00  
      19-01.75  19-02  17-11.75            
  6 Connelly, Weiler          11 H. Cross              19-00.00  
      18-03.50  19-00  17-09            
  7 Govero, Clayton           11 St. Joachim           16-11.00  
      15-04  16-07.25  16-11            
  8 Goltermann, Patrick        9 Immacolata            16-05.00  
      16-05  16-01.50  FOUL            
  9 Massa, George             11 S.M.O.S.              15-05.00  
      12-09.25  15-05  12-10.50            
 10 Panneton, Theodore        10 S.M.O.S.              15-04.50  
      15-04.50  13-07.50  12-01            
 11 Barber, Jeremy            11 St. Joachim           15-02.75  
      15-02.75  15-01  14-07.75            
 11 Barletta, Sal             10 St. Gerard            15-02.75  
      15-02.75  15-01  14-07.75            
 13 Seward, Logan             10 Sacred Heart          15-02.00  
      15-02  14-03  10-08.50            
 14 Shannon, Dean             11 St. Gabriel           14-11.50  
      10-02  14-11.50  14-03.50            
 15 Seper, Brice              11 H. Cross              14-05.50  
      14-05.50  12-11.50  13-11.50            
 16 Grosswiler, Owen          10 St. Gabriel           14-02.50  
      14-02.50  13-03.50  13-11.50            
 17 Julian, Jack              10 St. Gabriel           10-03.25  
      8-11.50  8-03.25  10-03.25            
Event 13  (G) Shot Put 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Sturgis, Calii E          12 St. Frances           32-10.50  
      32-10.50  31-00.50  24-01            
  2 Spowal, Julia             13 St. Gabriel           23-09.00  
      22-11.50  22-04.25  23-09            
  3 Molamphy, Mary            12 Immacolata            23-05.00  
      23-05  23-01.75  22-04            
  4 Rogan, Carly              12 Ascension             23-04.50  
      23-04.50  22-09.25  23-01            
  5 Hunsberger, Fiona         13 S.M.O.S.              21-04.75  
      21-04.75  19-00.25  12-06            
  6 Herron, Rachel            12 Marian                21-03.25  
      20-07  20-08  21-03.25            
  7 Dickinson, Marla          13 St. Joachim           21-01.50  
      19-06.75  21-01.50  21-01.50            
  8 Hagerty, Magdalene        13 H. Cross              20-09.75  
      20-09.75  19-10.75  20-05.25            
  9 Moore, Colleen            12 S.M.O.S.              19-04.75  
      19-04.75  17-06.50  18-04            
 10 Barber, Chelsea           14 St. Joachim           19-03.25  
      18-07.75  19-03.25  18-09.25            
 11 Potts, Helen              12 St. Raphael           18-04.00  
      18-04  16-11.50  17-00.75            
 12 Rushing, Abby             13 H. Cross              18-02.25  
      16-06  17-01.50  18-02.25            
 13 Reuter, Evelyn            11 St. Gerard            17-08.50  
      16-08  17-08.50  16-06            
 14 Libbra, Vivianna          12 Immacolata            17-04.50  
      17-04.50  15-08.75  17-04.50            
 15 Croat, Lila               13 St. Frances           17-01.00  
      17-01  13-05.75  11-00            
 16 Jackson, Lauryn           13 Marian                16-04.50  
      15-11.50  11-00  16-04.50            
 17 Galletto, Emma            13 S.M.O.S.              16-01.00  
      15-10.75  14-09.50  16-01            
 18 Frisch, Molly             12 Immacolata            15-08.00  
      13-00.50  13-11.50  15-08            
 19 Dilber, Lucy              13 H. Cross              14-06.75  
      12-00  14-06.75  13-09.75            
Event 14  (B) Shot Put 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Anstey, Jake              13 St. Raphael           24-07.00  
      24-07  24-06.75  24-03.25            
  2 Browning, James           13 St. Raphael           22-09.50  
      21-08.25  21-10  22-09.50            
  3 Dolan, Patrick            13 Immacolata            21-03.50  
      20-02.50  21-03.50  20-06.25            
  4 Rimkus, Benjamin          13 Sacred Heart          20-08.75  
      17-03.75  15-05.75  20-08.75            
  5 Sandoval, Irenaeus        13 Ascension             20-03.75  
      20-03.75  18-03  16-03.50            
  6 Newton, Archer            13 H. Cross              20-03.00  
      20-03  19-05.25  18-07            
  7 Yarbrough, Lucas          12 St. Joachim           19-06.00  
      17-04  19-06  FOUL            
  8 Klein, Andrew             12 Immacolata            19-03.50  
      19-03.50  19-01.50  18-10.75            
  9 Mura, Ben                 13 Chaminade             19-01.75  
      19-01.75  16-03  17-11.50            
 10 Orians, Thomas            11 St. Gerard            17-05.25  
      17-05.25  15-08.25  17-03            
 11 Njiru, Shawn P            11 St. Frances           17-02.25  
      15-10.75  15-04.25  17-02.25            
 12 Kunderman, Liam           12 St. Gabriel           16-01.00  
      14-06.25  15-03  16-01            
 13 Baeres, Benjamin          11 Sacred Heart          13-08.00  
      13-08  11-04  13-04            
 14 Batan, Ryan               12 St. Gabriel           13-03.50  
      12-09.25  13-03.50  12-10.25            
Event 15  (G) Shot Put 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Romero, Maria             14 H. Cross              25-00.25  
      23-11.75  19-00.50  25-00.25            
  2 Moore, Madeline           14 S.M.O.S.              21-11.50  
      19-10.50  21-00  21-11.50            
  3 Steele, Kennedy           14 S.M.O.S.              20-10.00  
      17-08.75  17-11  20-10            
Event 16  (B) Shot Put 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fitzpatrick, Henry        14 St. Gabriel           35-03.00  
      34-10.75  33-09  35-03            
  2 Moore, Shane              13 Sacred Heart          31-07.00  
      30-09.75  31-07  31-03            
  3 Muller, Jeanrich          14 Ascension             31-01.50  
      31-01.25  31-00  31-01.50            
  4 Dubois, Theodore teddy    14 Sacred Heart          27-05.00  
      26-06.25  27-05  26-00.25            
  5 Potts, Jude               14 St. Raphael           24-11.00  
      22-07.50  24-06  24-11            
  6 Adams, Teddy              14 St. Raphael           24-04.75  
      24-04.75  24-02  24-04            
  7 Zaegel, Nathan            13 Chaminade             22-01.25  
      22-01.25  18-10.25  20-08            
Event 17  (G) High Jump 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Zaegel, Kara               9 Immacolata             3-08.00  
     3-02 3-03 3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 
        O    O    O   XO    O   XO    O  XXX 
  2 Guntli, Hazel             10 H. Cross               3-07.00  
     3-02 3-03 3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 
        O   XO   XO    O    O   XO  XXX 
  3 Wood, Finley              11 H. Cross               3-06.00  
     3-02 3-03 3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 
        O    O  XXO    O  XXO  XXX 
  4 Banta, Isabelle           10 Ascension              3-03.00  
     3-02 3-03 3-04 
        O  XXO  XXX 
 -- Baeres, Norah              9 Sacred Heart                NH  
 -- Fitzpatrick, Emmeline     10 St. Gabriel                 NH  
 -- Laury, Lillian            10 H. Cross                    NH  
Event 18  (B) High Jump 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Amador, Nathan            11 Ascension              4-02.00  
     3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 3-10 4-00 4-01 4-02 4-03 
        O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O  XXX 
  2 Kheriaty, Joseph          10 H. Cross               3-09.00  
     3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 3-10 
        O    O    O    O   XO    O  XXX 
  3 Nickel, Colten            10 H. Cross              J3-09.00  
     3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 3-10 
        O    O  XXO  XXO   XO    O  XXX 
 -- Perino, Owen              10 H. Infant                   NH  
 -- Yungbluth, Noah           11 St. Gabriel                 NH  
 -- Wurm-cutter, Patrick      11 St. Gabriel                 NH  
 -- Dacey, Gus                 9 Immacolata                  NH  
 -- Cassimatis, William       10 Ascension                   NH  
 -- Furniss, Carter           10 Immacolata                  NH  
 -- Dailey, Daniel            10 St. Gabriel                 NH  
Event 19  (G) High Jump 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 O'Hanlon, MaryLouise      12 H. Cross               4-02.00  
     3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 3-10 4-00 4-01 4-02 4-03 
        O    O    O    O    O    O   XO    O  XXO    O  XXX 
  2 Northrup, Quinn           12 Ascension              3-08.00  
     3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 
        O    O    O    O    O  XXX 
  3 Miller, Lucille           12 S.M.O.S.               3-07.00  
     3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 
       XO    O   XO    O  XXX 
 -- Stevens, Rebecca          11 S.M.O.S.                    NH  
Event 20  (B) High Jump 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Casey, Quinten            13 H. Cross               4-07.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 4-01 4-02 4-03 4-04 4-05 4-06 4-07 4-08 
        O    O    O    O    O    O   XO    O    O    O    X 
  2 Wilber, Aiden             12 OLOL                   4-06.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 4-01 4-02 4-03 4-04 4-05 4-06 4-07 
        O    O    O    O    O   XO    O    O    O  XXX 
  3 Wingbermuehle, Joshua     13 St. Gabriel           J4-06.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 4-01 4-02 4-03 4-04 4-05 4-06 4-07 
        O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O   XO  XXX 
  4 Baeres, Lucas             11 Sacred Heart          J4-06.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 4-01 4-02 4-03 4-04 4-05 4-06 4-07 
        O   XO    O    O   XO    O  XXO    O   XO  XXX 
  5 Mura, Ben                 13 Chaminade              4-00.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 4-01 
       XO    O   XO  XXX 
  6 Forrest, Orlando          12 St. Gabriel            3-10.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 
        O    O   XX 
  7 Gaitho, Sebastian         13 Chaminade             J3-10.00  
     3-08 3-10 4-00 
        O   XO  XXX 
  8 Kheriaty, Daniel          12 H. Cross               3-08.00  
     3-08 3-10 
        O   XX 
  9 Shekel Jr., Matthew       13 St. Gabriel           J3-08.00  
     3-08 3-10 
       XO   XX 
 -- Rodriguez, Deacon         12 Chaminade                   NH  
 -- Lurkins, Connor           11 Sacred Heart                NH  
 -- Aholt, Simon              12 H. Cross                    NH  
 -- Mattingly, Ty             13 Chaminade                   NH  
Event 21  (G) High Jump 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Bergman, Clara            13 St. Gabriel            3-08.00  
Event 22  (B) High Jump 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kozminske, Tyler          14 St. Gabriel            5-06.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-09 4-10 4-11 5-00 5-01 5-02 5-03 5-04 5-06 
        O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O   XO    O   XO  XXO    O  XXO 
  2 Sanson, Matthew           14 Chaminade              5-04.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-09 4-10 4-11 5-00 5-01 5-02 5-03 5-04 5-06 
        O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O    O   XO  XXX 
  3 Partridge, Stephen        14 St. Gerard             4-11.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-09 4-10 4-11 5-00 
        O    O    O    O    O   XO    O    O  XXX 
  4 McMaster, Owen               Chaminade              4-09.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-09 4-10 
       XO    O    O   XO   XO   XO  XXX 
  5 Moore, Shane              13 Sacred Heart           4-08.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-09 
       XO    O    O   XO    O  XXX 
  6 Kheriaty, Jacob           14 H. Cross              J4-08.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-09 
        O    O    O    O   XO  XXX 
  7 Mrnjavac, John            14 H. Cross               4-06.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 
        O    O    O    O   XX 
  8 Boland, Thomas            14 St. Gerard             4-02.00  
     4-00 4-02 4-04 
       XO    O   XX 
Event 23  (G) Javelin Throw Softball Thr 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Warner, Annalise           7 St. Gabriel           47-06.75  
      38-07.50  40-00  47-06.75            
  2 McClenahan, Teagan         7 St. Gabriel           35-02.50  
      30-02.50  35-02.50  33-03            
  3 Julian, Alice              6 St. Gabriel           31-07.50  
      28-10.75  28-06.75  31-07.50            
  4 May, Molly                 7 St. Gabriel           29-10.50  
      29-10.50  28-09.25  24-09.50            
  5 Nesbitt, Kailieyah         7 St. Frances           28-07.50  
      28-07.50  21-05.75  26-08.75            
  6 Kop, Martha                7 St. Frances           28-00.50  
      23-07.25  26-04  28-00.50            
  7 Zouglas, Frances           6 St. Raphael           28-00.25  
      28-00.25  26-10  21-06.50            
  8 Prewett, Katherine         6 St. Gerard               27-10  
      25-08.50  27-10  21-00.25            
  9 McDonald, Clare            7 Immacolata            26-06.25  
      23-10  24-05.25  26-06.25            
 10 Kloos, Genevieve           7 St. Gabriel              26-06  
      26-06  15-04.50  14-08.50            
 11 Kunderman, Clara           6 St. Gabriel           26-01.50  
      FOUL  19-01.50  26-01.50            
 12 Terry, Lucy                5 Sacred Heart          21-05.50  
      21-05.50  17-02.50  16-11.75            
 12 Man, Lucy                  5 St. Frances           21-05.50  
      21-05.50  17-02.50  16-11.75            
 14 Tully, Beatrice            7 H. Cross              19-01.50  
      19-01.50  13-07.75  16-10            
 15 Goetz, Eloise              7 St. Gabriel           17-11.25  
      15-05  17-11.25  17-06            
 16 Roell, Madeline            7 St. Gabriel           17-06.75  
      14-09.50  8-02  17-06.75            
 17 Yungbluth, Adilynn         6 St. Gabriel           17-01.50  
      17-01.25  15-09.50  17-01.50            
 18 Jennison, Lily             5 H. Cross              14-09.50  
      11-09.25  14-09.50  11-07            
 19 Schreiner, Lily            7 St. Frances           10-03.25  
      3-00.25  10-03.25  6-11            
Event 24  (B) Javelin Throw Softball Thr 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Eckler, Shaw               6 H. Cross                 63-06  
      60-04  63-06  61-02            
  2 Moore, Finnegan            7 S.M.O.S.                 55-04  
      49-08  49-00  55-04            
  3 Johnson, Owen              6 St. Gabriel              54-00  
      52-05  34-09  54-00            
  4 Patton, Jeffrey            6 St. Gerard               52-02  
      47-05  52-02  49-06            
  5 Curran, Grayson            5 Sacred Heart             51-03  
      35-05  38-07  51-03            
  6 Pelikan, Laynne            8 St. Joachim              50-07  
      37-01  49-04  50-07            
  7 Lumpkin, Samuel            7 S.M.O.S.                J50-07  
      43-08  50-07  45-09            
  8 Stalka, Elliott            7 St. Gerard               49-07  
      49-07  40-00  46-04            
  9 Silker, Teddy              7 H. Infant                48-05  
      46-09  43-11  48-05            
 10 Bradford, Harrison         5 St. Raphael              46-07  
      21-00  46-07  25-04            
 11 Ridder, Anthony            6 H. Infant                46-00  
      43-10  43-07  46-00            
 12 Williams, Kayden           7 St. Frances              45-04  
      36-07  38-03  45-04            
 13 Fanning, Callen            6 Immacolata               42-11  
      42-00  42-07  42-11            
 14 Hebbeler, Von              6 St. Gabriel              42-07  
      37-00  30-08  42-07            
 15 Evans, Peter               7 S.M.O.S.                 42-06  
      42-06  38-06  34-09            
 16 Rigg, Niles                7 Immacolata              J42-06  
      42-06  23-03  37-04            
 17 Thuston, Kenny             6 St. Gerard               39-03  
      39-03  36-03  31-01            
 18 Wiseman, James             6 St. Gabriel              38-04  
      38-00  38-00  38-04            
 19 Chorkey, Evander           6 S.M.O.S.                 37-05  
      37-05  30-03  34-09            
 20 Shripka, Owen              6 St. Gabriel              36-03  
      36-03  29-11  26-07            
 21 Doneff, Jack               6 St. Gerard               36-01  
      36-01  29-10  30-07            
 22 Murphy, Kingston           7 St. Gabriel              35-11  
      35-11  29-11  30-00            
 23 Cassimatis, Noah           6 Ascension                35-03  
      30-11  35-03  29-10            
 24 Ciaccio, Luca              6 St. Gabriel              34-10  
      34-10  32-08  32-00            
 25 Carr, Emmitt               6 St. Gabriel              32-08  
      30-07  32-08  28-06            
 26 Kelly, Patrick             6 St. Gerard              J32-08  
      27-06  25-02  32-08            
 27 Hebbeler, Otto             6 St. Gabriel              31-04  
      25-04  31-04  25-03            
 28 Johnston, Nash             6 St. Gerard               31-03  
      30-09  31-03  30-09            
 29 Leitner, Gavin             6 S.M.O.S.                 29-07  
      29-00  29-07  27-08            
 30 Murphy, Phoenix            6 St. Gabriel              29-04  
      23-09  22-00  29-04            
 31 Bickhaus, Charles          7 St. Gerard               27-03  
      16-04  17-07  27-03            
 32 Alles, Colton              6 H. Cross                 26-08  
      26-08  16-08  26-04            
 33 Curtin, John               6 St. Raphael              24-07  
      24-07  20-09  23-09            
 34 Cardelli, Leo              6 St. Gabriel              21-11  
      21-09  16-05  21-11            
 35 Wacker, Edmund             7 St. Gabriel              10-04  
      9-11  9-06  10-04            
Event 25  (G) Javelin Throw Softball Thr 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dooley, Amelia             8 H. Cross                 66-09  
      61-02  66-09  49-06            
  2 Don, Cecilia Lin           9 St. Frances              63-05  
      59-06  61-03  63-05            
  3 Johnston, Jade             9 St. Gerard            63-01.50  
      42-01  63-01.50  52-04            
  4 Furniss, Milly             8 Immacolata               62-10  
      62-10  60-07  51-02.50            
  5 Little, Mary               8 Ascension                58-09  
      52-09  54-04  58-09            
  6 Knutson, Sloan             9 OLOL                     58-06  
      51-02  51-03  58-06            
  7 Orf, Grace                 7 Sacred Heart          57-06.50  
      55-01.50  57-06.50  55-01            
  8 Schultz, Lily              8 St. Gabriel              54-08  
      41-02  54-08  49-10            
  9 Scott, Leila               7 Sacred Heart             53-00  
      42-03  53-00  49-04.50            
 10 Pousosa, Olivia            9 H. Cross                 49-09  
      49-09  46-03  43-03            
 11 Helms, Briley              9 St. Gerard               49-07  
      FOUL  40-11  49-07            
 12 Chavers, Naya              8 H. Infant                48-11  
      39-05  48-11  45-03            
 13 Anzalone, Cecelia          9 S.M.O.S.                 46-08  
      46-08  39-07  44-07            
 14 Mersman, Sophia            7 St. Gerard               46-05  
      41-06  39-04  46-05            
 15 Uhlig, Claire              7 St. Gerard               46-03  
      38-04  41-00.50  46-03            
 16 Sarantakis, Aurelia        8 St. Gerard               46-01  
      45-00  46-01  34-01            
 17 Baeres, Maria              7 Sacred Heart             44-08  
      43-03.50  38-11  44-08            
 18 Kheriaty, Claire           9 H. Cross                 43-00  
      42-03  24-07  43-00            
 19 Loft, Anna                 8 St. Gerard               41-06  
      40-10.50  41-06  41-04            
 20 Hart, Gabriella            8 St. Frances              39-06  
      37-00  35-07  39-06            
 21 Wilson, Lydia              8 St. Gerard               38-07  
      31-09  38-07  23-01            
 22 Heidenreich, Molly         9 H. Cross                 38-03  
      38-03  35-05  35-07            
 23 Meyers, Isla               7 St. Gabriel              37-05  
      37-05  13-07  21-09            
 24 Kelly, Clara               7 St. Gerard               37-03  
      37-03  34-02  35-03            
 25 Bradshaw, Blake            8 S.M.O.S.                 36-01  
      35-04  36-01  30-02            
 26 Govero, Delia              8 H. Cross                 35-11  
      35-11  26-07  16-08            
 27 Skrabacz, Embry            8 S.M.O.S.                 34-07  
      26-03  34-07  31-04            
 28 Haluska, Elizabeth         8 St. Gerard               34-02  
      33-00  34-02  31-03            
 29 Sharp, Mairin              8 St. Gabriel              32-09  
      32-09  32-04  20-00            
 30 Bertsch, Meredith          8 St. Gerard               31-05  
      27-08  27-00  31-05            
 31 Cassel, Rocio              8 S.M.O.S.                 31-02  
      31-02  26-03  28-04            
 32 Jean-Baptiste, Keyma       8 St. Frances              30-04  
      30-04  17-04  23-00            
 33 Wiseman, Ellery            9 St. Gabriel              22-06  
      18-04  FOUL  22-06            
 34 Rodriguez Lewis, Cher      8 St. Frances              22-05  
      17-10  22-05  18-07            
 35 Illinger, Gabrielle        8 H. Infant                21-08  
      15-03  FOUL  21-08            
 36 Donovan, Anna              8 H. Infant                21-00  
      21-00  18-11  19-04            
 37 Morrow, Madelyn            8 OLOL                     19-01  
      FOUL  16-03  19-01            
 38 Ramirez, Ximena            8 St. Frances              17-06  
      10-09  17-06  11-06            
 38 Ramirez Armas, Sophia Ni   8 St. Frances              17-06  
      10-09  17-06  11-06            
Event 26  (B) Javelin Throw Softball Thr 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Stegman, Henry             9 Immacolata              110-04  
      108-01  105-03  110-04            
  2 Marischen, George          9 Immacolata              107-06  
      102-07  107-06  100-02            
  3 Thomas, Colin              9 Ascension                97-00  
      88-01  97-00  95-04            
  4 Lucas, Jackson             7 St. Gerard               93-10  
      89-00  90-07  93-10            
  5 Sherman, Nate              8 S.M.O.S.              93-00.50  
      89-02  69-07  93-00.50            
  6 Kniepmann, Calvin          8 St. Gerard               83-09  
      77-00  83-09  73-07            
  7 Auffenberg, Thomas Burke   8 Immacolata            81-07.25  
      78-07.75  81-07.25  68-04.50            
  8 Blevins, Bryce             7 Ascension                80-00  
      78-01  80-00  70-01            
  9 Connelly, Kiernan          9 H. Cross                 77-00  
      77-00  72-02.50  71-08            
 10 Haileab, Abraham           8 St. Frances              75-04  
      75-04  PASS  PASS            
 11 Schrick, Alexander         8 St. Gabriel              74-09  
      73-04.50  74-09  67-02            
 12 Frisch, Charlie            9 Immacolata              J74-09  
      71-09  68-00  74-09            
 13 Daniels, August            8 H. Cross                 72-01  
      66-09  72-01  65-00            
 14 Bond, Henry                9 Immacolata               71-08  
      71-08  65-08.50  68-00            
 15 Laure, Everett             7 Sacred Heart             67-06  
      67-06  63-03  65-10            
 16 Burnham, Elliot            9 Immacolata               67-03  
      67-03  63-08  60-03            
 17 Kelleher, Jack             8 St. Gabriel              64-11  
      63-04  64-00  64-11            
 18 Alles, Evan                8 H. Cross              63-09.75  
      63-09.75  61-01  56-07.25            
 19 Stephans, Murphy           8 Ascension                63-09  
      63-09  47-07  45-09            
 20 Sioumcas, John             9 Ascension                63-08  
      63-08  60-04  59-07            
 21 Warner, William            9 St. Gabriel              63-05  
      63-05  PASS  PASS            
 22 Chavez, Yvann              8 St. Frances              62-01  
      FOUL  62-01  58-04            
 23 Favazza, Elijah            8 St. Gabriel              59-02  
      59-00  56-08  59-02            
 24 Doria, Moises              8 St. Frances              58-09  
      58-09  26-06  55-09            
 25 Laury, Connor              8 H. Cross                 57-08  
      57-08  57-04  55-01            
 26 Montague, Caleb            7 Sacred Heart          57-01.50  
      34-04  57-01.50  47-04            
 27 Wiseman, Otto              8 St. Gabriel              56-03  
      53-04  56-03  52-08            
 28 Bergman, Theodore (teddy   8 St. Gabriel              56-01  
      51-00  47-10  56-01            
 29 Dailey, Edward             8 St. Gabriel              55-10  
      55-10  45-03  49-05            
 30 Meahl, David               8 Ascension                55-05  
      51-03  52-02  55-05            
 31 Riegel, Beckett            7 H. Infant                55-04  
      51-10  55-04  51-11            
 32 Baudendistel, Brock        8 St. Gerard               55-01  
      39-05.50  38-09  55-01            
 33 Vescovo, Matthew           8 Immacolata               52-06  
      52-02.50  49-03  52-06            
 34 Haag, Jackson              7 H. Infant               J52-06  
      40-06  48-07  52-06            
 35 McCoy, Wylie               7 S.M.O.S.                 52-05  
      52-05  52-00.50  51-08            
 36 Orians, Henry              8 St. Gerard               52-02  
      52-02  46-09  47-03            
 37 Eagen, Carter              9 H. Infant                47-06  
      47-06  44-01  35-08            
 38 Saracino, Bart             9 S.M.O.S.                 44-07  
      33-02  22-05  44-07            
 39 Phillips, Anthony          7 St. Gerard               43-06  
      43-06  33-07  34-11            
 40 Gervacio-Correa, Gerardo  10 St. Frances              39-08  
      39-08  22-02  PASS            
 41 McGrath, Justin            9 S.M.O.S.                 38-08  
      25-02  34-09  38-08            
Event 27  (G) 1600 M. Run 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Burgess, Zora              8 S.M.O.S.               7:01.57  
       1:39.154 (1:39.154)        3:31.743 (1:52.589)        5:24.824 (1:53.082)
       7:01.564 (1:36.740)
  2 Dore, Blaire               9 Immacolata             7:05.86  
       1:31.233 (1:31.233)        3:26.201 (1:54.968)        5:21.778 (1:55.577)
       7:05.859 (1:44.082)
  3 Thomas, Lillian            9 Ascension              7:11.83  
       1:40.078 (1:40.078)        3:35.601 (1:55.524)        5:27.834 (1:52.234)
       7:11.829 (1:43.995)
  4 Merritt, Greta             8 Ascension              7:21.65  
       1:43.761 (1:43.761)        3:42.207 (1:58.446)        5:37.353 (1:55.147)
       7:21.649 (1:44.296)
  5 Little, Mary               8 Ascension              7:24.70  
       1:37.148 (1:37.148)        3:34.298 (1:57.150)        5:31.475 (1:57.178)
       7:24.700 (1:53.225)
  6 Molick, Maria              8 Ascension              7:58.14  
       1:43.593 (1:43.593)        3:47.145 (2:03.553)        5:53.520 (2:06.375)
       7:58.135 (2:04.615)
  7 Devine, Karlie             8 St. Gabriel            7:58.31  
       1:45.723 (1:45.723)        3:51.699 (2:05.976)        6:01.453 (2:09.754)
       7:58.303 (1:56.850)
  8 Kheriaty, Claire           9 H. Cross               8:07.85  
       1:50.447 (1:50.447)        4:03.543 (2:13.096)        6:11.327 (2:07.785)
       8:07.843 (1:56.517)
  9 King, Anna                 8 H. Infant              8:23.18  
       1:45.288 (1:45.288)        3:57.988 (2:12.700)        6:13.894 (2:15.907)
       8:23.180 (2:09.286)
 10 Merideth, Eliza            9 S.M.O.S.               8:36.44  
       1:45.733 (1:45.733)        4:06.584 (2:20.851)        6:27.963 (2:21.379)
       8:36.433 (2:08.471)
 11 Johnston, Jade             9 St. Gerard             8:36.67  
       2:23.918 (2:23.918)        4:36.511 (2:12.593)        6:41.788 (2:05.277)
       8:36.668 (1:54.880)
 12 Farrell, Milani            9 St. Joachim            8:46.66  
       1:49.592 (1:49.592)        4:20.560 (2:30.969)        6:40.523 (2:19.964)
       8:46.657 (2:06.134)
 13 Alles, Layla               9 H. Cross               8:49.65  
       1:58.251 (1:58.251)        4:31.877 (2:33.626)        6:42.051 (2:10.175)
       8:49.641 (2:07.590)
 -- Donovan, Anna              8 H. Infant                  DNF  
       2:12.932 (2:12.932)        5:21.170 (3:08.239)        8:49.288 (3:28.119)
Event 28  (B) 1600 M. Run 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Merritt, Thomas            9 Ascension              6:25.26  
       1:26.356 (1:26.356)        3:07.353 (1:40.997)        4:50.733 (1:43.380)
       6:25.254 (1:34.521)
  2 Thomas, Colin              9 Ascension              6:31.59  
       1:31.136 (1:31.136)        3:15.775 (1:44.640)        4:54.030 (1:38.255)
       6:31.585 (1:37.555)
  3 Stegman, Henry             9 Immacolata             6:36.51  
       1:26.248 (1:26.248)        3:11.170 (1:44.923)        4:53.391 (1:42.221)
       6:36.510 (1:43.120)
  4 Sioumcas, John             9 Ascension              6:38.51  
       1:31.325 (1:31.325)        3:16.580 (1:45.255)        5:01.170 (1:44.590)
       6:38.509 (1:37.340)
  5 Sherman, Nate              8 S.M.O.S.               6:40.99  
       1:35.478 (1:35.478)        3:19.676 (1:44.199)        5:04.060 (1:44.384)
       6:40.981 (1:36.922)
  6 Herdman, Ethan             8 Ascension              6:41.94  
       1:32.749 (1:32.749)        3:17.690 (1:44.942)        5:03.098 (1:45.408)
       6:41.940 (1:38.842)
  7 Gomez, Matias              8 Sacred Heart           6:47.07  
       1:35.275 (1:35.275)        3:20.702 (1:45.428)        5:06.119 (1:45.417)
       6:47.070 (1:40.951)
  8 Favazza, Elijah            8 St. Gabriel            6:56.08  
       1:35.231 (1:35.231)        3:20.674 (1:45.443)        5:09.522 (1:48.849)
       6:56.075 (1:46.554)
  9 Meahl, David               8 Ascension              6:58.03  
       1:38.572 (1:38.572)        3:28.675 (1:50.103)        5:16.326 (1:47.652)
       6:58.024 (1:41.698)
 10 Lurkins, Simon             7 Sacred Heart           6:59.07  
       1:33.824 (1:33.824)        3:22.353 (1:48.530)        5:13.190 (1:50.837)
       6:59.070 (1:45.881)
 11 Kurapati, Milan            8 Ascension              7:23.04  
       1:40.025 (1:40.025)        3:35.231 (1:55.206)        5:38.951 (2:03.720)
       7:23.037 (1:44.086)
 12 Sullivan, Jacob            8 H. Infant              7:53.91  
       1:40.188 (1:40.188)        3:37.395 (1:57.208)        5:48.902 (2:11.507)
       7:53.901 (2:05.000)
 13 Chartrand, Henry           8 H. Infant              8:32.99  
       1:47.179 (1:47.179)        4:02.219 (2:15.040)        6:20.239 (2:18.020)
       8:32.990 (2:12.752)
Event 29  (G) 1600 M. Run 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kerr, Isla                 9 Sacred Heart           7:00.35  
       1:39.501 (1:39.501)        3:35.259 (1:55.759)        5:25.626 (1:50.367)
       7:00.348 (1:34.723)
  2 Barina, Ava               11 H. Infant              7:03.64  
       1:47.709 (1:47.709)        3:36.569 (1:48.860)        5:23.923 (1:47.354)
       7:03.633 (1:39.711)
  3 Briner, Lillian           11 Ascension              7:09.34  
       1:39.893 (1:39.893)        3:36.119 (1:56.226)        5:30.062 (1:53.943)
       7:09.338 (1:39.276)
  4 Medina, Camila            10 S.M.O.S.               7:10.25  
       1:47.396 (1:47.396)        3:38.013 (1:50.618)        5:32.783 (1:54.770)
       7:10.246 (1:37.464)
  5 Kurapati, Nyla            11 Ascension              7:24.05  
       1:39.081 (1:39.081)        3:39.340 (2:00.260)        5:41.078 (2:01.738)
       7:24.048 (1:42.971)
  6 Tully, Clementine         10 H. Cross               7:25.59  
       1:51.153 (1:51.153)        3:46.027 (1:54.875)        5:44.100 (1:58.074)
       7:25.582 (1:41.482)
  7 Bergfeld, Alison          10 St. Gerard             7:30.56  
       1:50.579 (1:50.579)        3:52.463 (2:01.885)        5:47.608 (1:55.145)
       7:30.551 (1:42.943)
  8 Toussaint, Virginia       11 S.M.O.S.               7:36.19  
       1:59.260 (1:59.260)        4:02.279 (2:03.020)        5:57.353 (1:55.075)
       7:36.183 (1:38.830)
  9 Swoboda, Vivian           10 St. Gerard             8:07.90  
       1:53.265 (1:53.265)        4:02.466 (2:09.201)        6:10.812 (2:08.346)
       8:07.898 (1:57.087)
 10 Manzella, Rosa            10 H. Cross               8:39.64  
       2:09.255 (2:09.255)        4:31.772 (2:22.517)        6:50.483 (2:18.711)
       8:39.634 (1:49.152)
 11 Klein, Sara               10 Immacolata             8:41.79  
       1:46.538 (1:46.538)        4:10.661 (2:24.123)        6:31.110 (2:20.450)
       8:41.787 (2:10.677)
 12 Flatley, Mary Kate        10 S.M.O.S.               8:42.08  
       1:59.985 (1:59.985)        4:19.821 (2:19.836)        6:39.374 (2:19.554)
       8:42.079 (2:02.705)
 13 Echeverry, Valentina      10 Ascension              8:44.83  
       2:14.227 (2:14.227)        4:38.293 (2:24.067)        6:48.715 (2:10.422)
       8:44.827 (1:56.112)
 14 Anbukumar, Gitamani       11 H. Cross               8:45.37  
       2:09.978 (2:09.978)        4:32.426 (2:22.448)        6:52.448 (2:20.023)
       8:45.365 (1:52.917)
Event 30  (B) 1600 M. Run 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ridder, Jacob             10 H. Infant              6:23.72  
       1:35.827 (1:35.827)        3:15.458 (1:39.631)        4:54.373 (1:38.916)
       6:23.714 (1:29.341)
  2 Gomez, Micah              11 Sacred Heart           6:33.11  
       1:36.932 (1:36.932)        3:21.719 (1:44.788)        4:58.470 (1:36.751)
       6:33.109 (1:34.640)
  3 Waeckerle, Austin          9 H. Infant              6:40.58  
       1:35.476 (1:35.476)        3:21.433 (1:45.958)        5:06.197 (1:44.764)
       6:40.578 (1:34.382)
  4 Evans, Thomas             10 S.M.O.S.               6:50.89  
       1:33.917 (1:33.917)        3:24.798 (1:50.882)        5:14.063 (1:49.265)
       6:50.886 (1:36.823)
  5 Garwitz, Braden           10 H. Cross               6:51.63  
       1:38.930 (1:38.930)        3:25.115 (1:46.185)        5:11.710 (1:46.595)
       6:51.622 (1:39.912)
  6 Barletta, Sal             10 St. Gerard             6:51.68  
       1:30.329 (1:30.329)        3:20.813 (1:50.484)        5:09.374 (1:48.562)
       6:51.674 (1:42.300)
  7 Geerling, Simon           11 H. Cross               6:53.23  
       1:39.454 (1:39.454)        3:28.386 (1:48.932)        5:17.827 (1:49.441)
       6:53.230 (1:35.404)
  8 Kelsey, Will              10 S.M.O.S.               7:00.77  
       1:37.493 (1:37.493)        3:32.212 (1:54.720)        5:23.668 (1:51.456)
       7:00.769 (1:37.102)
  9 Maurer, Adrian             9 H. Infant              7:01.95  
       1:32.177 (1:32.177)        3:20.750 (1:48.574)        5:11.381 (1:50.631)
       7:01.949 (1:50.569)
 10 Villhard, John            11 H. Infant              7:12.79  
       1:38.567 (1:38.567)        3:31.070 (1:52.504)        5:22.463 (1:51.394)
       7:12.783 (1:50.320)
 11 Meyer, Lucien             10 S.M.O.S.               7:15.40  
       1:45.990 (1:45.990)        3:38.307 (1:52.317)        5:30.941 (1:52.635)
       7:15.392 (1:44.451)
 12 Silker, Charlie           10 H. Infant              7:26.61  
       1:40.956 (1:40.956)        3:38.991 (1:58.035)        5:38.115 (1:59.125)
       7:26.607 (1:48.492)
 13 Haffner, Beck              9 H. Infant              7:29.70  
       1:37.615 (1:37.615)        3:37.091 (1:59.476)        5:36.683 (1:59.593)
       7:29.700 (1:53.017)
 14 Zeller, Charles            9 Sacred Heart           8:00.68  
       1:49.153 (1:49.153)        3:53.938 (2:04.785)        6:08.749 (2:14.811)
       8:00.674 (1:51.925)
 15 Wurm-cutter, Patrick      11 St. Gabriel            8:27.69  
       1:58.168 (1:58.168)        4:13.485 (2:15.318)        6:28.218 (2:14.733)
       8:27.683 (1:59.466)
 16 Ala, Aadrith              10 Ascension              8:27.89  
       1:57.145 (1:57.145)        4:10.310 (2:13.165)        6:26.656 (2:16.346)
       8:27.883 (2:01.228)
 -- Mehta, Bennett            10 S.M.O.S.                   DNF  
       1:36.393 (1:36.393)
Event 31  (G) 1600 M. Run 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fitzpatrick, Mary         12 St. Gabriel            6:18.68  
       1:31.400 (1:31.400)        3:12.389 (1:40.990)        4:53.375 (1:40.986)
       6:18.672 (1:25.298)
  2 Wasman, Elizabeth         11 H. Infant              6:20.84  
       1:32.761 (1:32.761)        3:12.793 (1:40.032)        4:53.956 (1:41.163)
       6:20.838 (1:26.883)
  3 Koral, Margaret           12 Ascension              6:23.85  
       1:29.643 (1:29.643)        3:09.909 (1:40.266)        4:51.911 (1:42.002)
       6:23.841 (1:31.930)
  4 Glarner, Lucy             13 OLOL                   6:24.28  
       1:29.950 (1:29.950)        3:10.683 (1:40.734)        4:52.569 (1:41.886)
       6:24.272 (1:31.704)
  5 Kleekamp, Emmy            12 St. Raphael            6:33.48  
       1:31.789 (1:31.789)        3:14.579 (1:42.790)        4:59.360 (1:44.781)
       6:33.480 (1:34.120)
  6 Menges, Kate              12 St. Gabriel            6:33.86  
       1:32.447 (1:32.447)        3:14.979 (1:42.532)        4:57.493 (1:42.515)
       6:33.858 (1:36.365)
  7 Miller, Lydia             12 St. Gabriel            6:43.97  
       1:31.917 (1:31.917)        3:15.799 (1:43.882)        5:01.578 (1:45.780)
       6:43.964 (1:42.386)
  8 Northrup, Quinn           12 Ascension              6:45.14  
       1:31.049 (1:31.049)        3:13.715 (1:42.666)        4:58.781 (1:45.067)
       6:45.140 (1:46.359)
  9 Couch, Ariya              11 S.M.O.S.               6:49.75  
       1:31.406 (1:31.406)        3:16.458 (1:45.052)        5:03.305 (1:46.847)
       6:49.743 (1:46.439)
 10 Moore, Colleen            12 S.M.O.S.               6:51.39  
       1:33.208 (1:33.208)        3:20.968 (1:47.760)        5:13.025 (1:52.057)
       6:51.389 (1:38.365)
 11 Von Holten, Eleanor       11 S.M.O.S.               7:13.02  
       1:35.456 (1:35.456)        3:28.693 (1:53.237)        5:27.392 (1:58.700)
       7:13.013 (1:45.621)
 12 Stevens, Rebecca          11 S.M.O.S.               7:38.64  
       1:41.790 (1:41.790)        3:44.490 (2:02.700)        5:41.818 (1:57.329)
       7:38.634 (1:56.816)
 13 Galletto, Emma            13 S.M.O.S.               7:41.82  
       1:39.703 (1:39.703)        3:44.274 (2:04.571)        5:50.954 (2:06.680)
       7:41.818 (1:50.865)
 14 Merritt, Alice            11 Ascension              8:04.81  
       1:55.870 (1:55.870)        4:06.662 (2:10.793)        6:10.628 (2:03.966)
       8:04.810 (1:54.182)
 15 Puckett, Olivia           12 H. Cross               8:22.36  
       1:51.556 (1:51.556)        4:04.768 (2:13.212)        6:14.074 (2:09.306)
       8:22.359 (2:08.285)
 16 Jones, Taliiy'n           12 Marian                 9:45.09  
       1:48.205 (1:48.205)        4:48.267 (3:00.063)        7:21.532 (2:33.265)
       9:45.081 (2:23.550)
Event 32  (B) 1600 M. Run 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Wingbermuehle, Joshua     13 St. Gabriel            5:33.50  
       1:11.990 (1:11.990)        2:42.146 (1:30.157)        4:12.772 (1:30.626)
       5:33.499 (1:20.727)
  2 Rahn, Benjamin            13 Sacred Heart           5:34.72  
       1:17.960 (1:17.960)        2:46.636 (1:28.676)        4:14.300 (1:27.664)
       5:34.711 (1:20.412)
  3 Glarner, Henry            12 OLOL                   5:36.15  
       1:07.097 (1:07.097)        2:38.842 (1:31.745)        4:11.980 (1:33.139)
       5:36.147 (1:24.167)
  4 Wilber, Aiden             12 OLOL                   5:36.39  
       1:13.041 (1:13.041)        2:46.197 (1:33.156)        4:12.280 (1:26.084)
       5:36.386 (1:24.106)
  5 Merritt, Augustus         11 Ascension              5:50.36  
       1:25.318 (1:25.318)        3:00.552 (1:35.235)        5:50.360 (2:49.808)
  6 Romero, Oscar             12 H. Cross               5:53.78  
       2:48.855 (2:48.855)        4:25.958 (1:37.103)        5:53.775 (1:27.818)
  7 Dalton, Harrison          12 Chaminade              5:58.72  
       1:20.925 (1:20.925)        2:57.545 (1:36.620)        5:58.714 (3:01.170)
  8 Barth, Alexander          12 H. Infant              6:00.45  
       1:24.787 (1:24.787)        6:00.448 (4:35.661)
  9 Moos, Dominic             12 Ascension              6:17.35  
       1:29.022 (1:29.022)        3:06.504 (1:37.482)        4:45.229 (1:38.725)
       6:17.350 (1:32.121)
 10 Baeres, Lucas             11 Sacred Heart           6:17.36  
       1:27.853 (1:27.853)        3:06.239 (1:38.386)        4:44.433 (1:38.195)
       6:17.354 (1:32.921)
 11 Woodard, Fletcher         13 St. Gerard             6:20.49  
       1:29.635 (1:29.635)        3:07.590 (1:37.955)        4:45.771 (1:38.182)
       6:20.485 (1:34.715)
 12 Aholt, Simon              12 H. Cross               6:29.35  
       1:37.805 (1:37.805)        3:17.745 (1:39.940)        4:58.439 (1:40.695)
       6:29.345 (1:30.906)
 13 Zeller, Elijah            11 Sacred Heart           6:35.11  
       1:34.301 (1:34.301)        3:13.950 (1:39.649)        4:58.080 (1:44.130)
       6:35.110 (1:37.030)
 14 Bulthaus, William         12 Ascension              6:43.53  
       1:36.902 (1:36.902)        3:23.778 (1:46.876)        5:09.700 (1:45.922)
       6:43.525 (1:33.825)
 15 Ruckstaetter, Caden       13 Ascension              6:43.58  
       1:37.244 (1:37.244)        3:24.152 (1:46.909)        5:10.056 (1:45.905)
       6:43.577 (1:33.521)
 16 Simmons, Chase            11 Sacred Heart           6:48.07  
       1:37.580 (1:37.580)        3:26.458 (1:48.878)        5:16.510 (1:50.052)
       6:48.065 (1:31.556)
 17 Gent, Garrett             11 Ascension              6:57.06  
       1:35.890 (1:35.890)        3:27.975 (1:52.085)        5:19.356 (1:51.381)
       6:57.056 (1:37.700)
 18 Dolan, Patrick            13 Immacolata             6:58.57  
       1:30.997 (1:30.997)        3:23.660 (1:52.663)        5:15.781 (1:52.122)
       6:58.570 (1:42.790)
 19 Maclellan, Jr., Jonathan  12 St. Gerard             7:05.15  
       1:31.411 (1:31.411)        3:19.531 (1:48.120)        5:08.856 (1:49.325)
       7:05.145 (1:56.290)
 20 Carson, Sam               12 S.M.O.S.               7:14.77  
       1:42.647 (1:42.647)        3:39.655 (1:57.009)        5:36.417 (1:56.762)
       7:14.763 (1:38.346)
 21 Anbukumar, Lakshminaraya  13 H. Cross               7:21.60  
       1:43.124 (1:43.124)        3:36.392 (1:53.269)        5:34.323 (1:57.931)
       7:21.594 (1:47.271)
 22 Johns, Colin              12 H. Infant              7:23.50  
       1:41.095 (1:41.095)        3:35.006 (1:53.912)        5:30.364 (1:55.358)
       7:23.495 (1:53.131)
 23 Duffy, Benjamin           12 Ascension              7:29.55  
       1:38.704 (1:38.704)        3:35.978 (1:57.275)        5:33.635 (1:57.658)
       7:29.548 (1:55.913)
 24 Cocayne, Luke             12 St. Gabriel            7:47.32  
       1:44.552 (1:44.552)        3:48.972 (2:04.420)        5:51.264 (2:02.292)
       7:47.315 (1:56.051)
Event 33  (G) 1600 M. Run 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Groenewald, Marli         14 Ascension              5:52.06  
       1:21.375 (1:21.375)        2:51.288 (1:29.913)        4:23.170 (1:31.882)
       5:52.053 (1:28.884)
  2 Moore, Madeline           14 S.M.O.S.               6:11.18  
       1:20.947 (1:20.947)        2:59.960 (1:39.014)        4:38.810 (1:38.850)
       6:11.174 (1:32.364)
  3 Glarner, Caroline         14 OLOL                   6:11.29  
       1:25.113 (1:25.113)        3:01.668 (1:36.555)        4:39.661 (1:37.994)
       6:11.285 (1:31.625)
  4 Freeman, Grace            14 Ascension              6:17.44  
       1:24.430 (1:24.430)        3:01.705 (1:37.275)        4:43.350 (1:41.645)
       6:17.436 (1:34.086)
Event 34  (B) 1600 M. Run 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Amador, Lucas             13 Ascension              4:40.85  
       1:02.660 (1:02.660)        2:16.460 (1:13.800)        3:31.109 (1:14.650)
       4:40.841 (1:09.733)
  2 Medina, Noah              14 S.M.O.S.               5:31.03  
       1:13.143 (1:13.143)        2:41.962 (1:28.820)        4:09.545 (1:27.584)
       5:31.025 (1:21.480)
  3 Freeman, Jack             14 Ascension              5:46.59  
       1:17.172 (1:17.172)        2:49.229 (1:32.057)        4:20.450 (1:31.222)
       5:46.589 (1:26.139)
  4 Bernath, Grady            15 Chaminade              6:23.59  
       1:19.218 (1:19.218)        2:58.211 (1:38.994)        4:43.919 (1:45.708)
       6:23.581 (1:39.663)
  5 Schutte, Christopher      13 St. Gerard             6:53.73  
       1:31.456 (1:31.456)        3:15.973 (1:44.517)        5:06.156 (1:50.184)
       6:53.729 (1:47.573)
  6 Puckett, Jack             14 H. Cross               7:58.47  
       1:38.715 (1:38.715)        3:49.422 (2:10.707)        5:57.304 (2:07.882)
       7:58.462 (2:01.159)
Event 35  (G) 100 M. D. 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Schweitzer, Olivia         7 Ascension                17.66  10 
  2 Muyco, Malaya              7 St. Gerard               18.16  10 
  3 Schweitzer, Emma           7 Ascension                18.75  10 
  4 Ray, Allison               7 Ascension                18.85   9 
  5 Hayde, Clara               7 S.M.O.S.                 18.91   5 
  6 Warner, Annalise           7 St. Gabriel              19.59   8 
  7 Terry, Lucy                5 Sacred Heart             19.68   2 
  8 Ciesielski, Charlotte      7 OLOL                     19.74   8 
  9 McClenahan, Teagan         7 St. Gabriel              19.84   6 
 10 Jackson, Cate              7 S.M.O.S.                 20.05   7 
 11 Hartwig, Zara              6 St. Gerard               20.15  10 
 12 Martin, Korinne            7 OLOL                     20.18  10 
 13 Mehrotra, Shyra            7 Ascension                20.23  10 
 14 Evans, Marion              7 S.M.O.S.                 20.27  10 
 15 Favazza, Hannah            7 Immacolata               20.29   1 
 16 Boain, Lindley             7 Ascension                20.34  10 
 17 Nesbitt, Kailieyah         7 St. Frances              20.42   9 
 18 Sharpe, Adalee             6 St. Joachim              20.57   5 
 19 Bridges, Tierney           7 Immacolata               20.62   6 
 20 Odenwald, Emilee           5 H. Cross                 20.73   6 
 21 Libbra, Francesca          7 Immacolata               20.77   8 
 22 Roell, Madeline            7 St. Gabriel              21.11   9 
 23 McDonald, Clare            7 Immacolata               21.13   1 
 24 Prewett, Katherine         6 St. Gerard               21.19   3  21.183
 25 Peters, Sophia             6 St. Raphael              21.19   9  21.189
 26 English, Norah             6 S.M.O.S.                 21.39   2 
 27 Pelikan, Toni              7 St. Joachim              21.72   8 
 28 Kunderman, Clara           6 St. Gabriel              21.79   2 
 29 Gassner, Sophie            6 St. Gabriel              21.91   9 
 30 Stauber, Charlotte         5 St. Gerard               22.10   4 
 31 Yungbluth, Adilynn         6 St. Gabriel              22.21   6 
 32 May, Molly                 7 St. Gabriel              22.27   9 
 33 McGrath, Rosemary          7 S.M.O.S.                 22.28   3 
 34 Klosowski, Brynn           6 H. Cross                 22.45   5 
 35 Kop, Martha                7 St. Frances              22.51   7 
 36 O'Neal, Maggie             7 St. Gerard               22.55   7 
 37 Dunn, Hadley               7 St. Gerard               22.62   2  22.615
 38 Ridley, Grace              7 St. Raphael              22.62   4  22.616
 39 Julian, Alice              6 St. Gabriel              22.78   4 
 40 Held, Clara                5 St. Gabriel              22.88   5 
 41 Dore, Brooke               7 Immacolata               22.97   1 
 42 Jones, Jenna               6 Immacolata               23.02   3 
 43 Kloos, Genevieve           7 St. Gabriel              23.05   4 
 44 Mork, Keira                7 S.M.O.S.                 23.09   9  23.083
 45 Roth, Margaret             7 Immacolata               23.09   4  23.087
 46 Ciesielski, Lillian        5 OLOL                     23.12   7 
 47 Switzer, Cora              7 St. Raphael              23.14   4 
 48 Laughlin, Genevieve        6 OLOL                     23.15   2 
 49 Cassel, Valentina          6 S.M.O.S.                 23.28   1 
 50 Menges, Meredith           6 St. Gabriel              23.33   3 
 51 Govero, Avila              6 H. Cross                 23.36   8 
 52 Laster, Stella             6 H. Cross                 23.41   1 
 53 Banta, Scarlett            6 Ascension                23.45   2 
 54 Anstey, Nora               7 St. Raphael              23.61   9 
 55 Coggin, Kennedy            6 Immacolata               23.65   6 
 56 Bennett, Lillian           6 St. Gabriel              23.89   2 
 57 Reynolds, Evelyn           6 OLOL                     23.92   6 
 58 Burnett, Ruby              6 Ascension                23.98   1 
 59 Miller, Annabelle          6 St. Gabriel              24.07   5 
 60 Gassner, Evelyn            6 St. Gabriel              24.54   7 
 61 Jennison, Lily             5 H. Cross                 24.65   3 
 62 Zouglas, Frances           6 St. Raphael              24.71   6 
 63 Wertenberger, Charlotte    5 OLOL                     24.73   7 
 64 Roth, November             6 S.M.O.S.                 25.33   8 
 65 Goetz, Eloise              7 St. Gabriel              25.62   4 
 66 Man, Lucy                  5 St. Frances              26.02   7 
 67 Roepke, Callie             6 H. Cross                 26.19   8 
 68 Wacker, Jeannie            7 St. Gabriel              26.83   3 
 69 Walker, Elinor             7 St. Frances              26.98   8 
 70 Tully, Beatrice            7 H. Cross                 27.44   5 
 71 Schreiner, Lily            7 St. Frances              30.59   4 
Event 36  (B) 100 M. D. 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Pelikan, Laynne            8 St. Joachim              17.62  10 
  2 Medina, Cruz               5 S.M.O.S.                 18.64   5 
  3 Potts, Henry               6 St. Raphael              18.97   6 
  4 Moore, Finnegan            7 S.M.O.S.                 19.00  10 
  5 Burkemper, Noah            7 St. Gerard               19.03  10 
  6 Silker, Teddy              7 H. Infant                19.30   6 
  7 Patton, Jeffrey            6 St. Gerard               19.42   2 
  8 Johnson, Owen              6 St. Gabriel              19.49   3 
  9 Greanias, Nicholas         7 H. Cross                 19.63   5 
 10 Perino, Welles             6 H. Infant                19.66   1 
 11 Kroeber, Ezra              6 S.M.O.S.                 19.67   7 
 12 Evans, Peter               7 S.M.O.S.                 19.77  10 
 13 Bradford, Harrison         5 St. Raphael              19.91   5 
 14 Godwin, John               6 H. Cross                 19.93   5 
 15 Stalka, Elliott            7 St. Gerard               19.94  10 
 16 Gent, Peter                7 Ascension                20.81   2 
 17 High, Kolton               6 OLOL                     20.93   2 
 18 Holleman, Charley          5 St. Gerard               21.13   7 
 19 Johnston, Nash             6 St. Gerard               21.19   7 
 20 Schump, Wyatt              6 S.M.O.S.                 21.25   9 
 21 Lumpkin, Samuel            7 S.M.O.S.                 21.33  10 
 22 Kelly, Patrick             6 St. Gerard               21.43   9 
 23 Reynolds, Dean             5 S.M.O.S.                 21.45   6 
 24 Mung, Joseph               6 St. Frances              21.49   4 
 25 Griffin, James             6 OLOL                     21.50   4 
 26 Curran, Grayson            5 Sacred Heart             21.53   2 
 27 Williams, Kayden           7 St. Frances              21.58   8 
 28 Murphy, Kingston           7 St. Gabriel              21.70   7 
 29 Shripka, Owen              6 St. Gabriel              21.74   7 
 30 Rogers, Wes                6 St. Gerard               21.76   6 
 31 Murphy, Phoenix            6 St. Gabriel              21.81   7 
 32 Ridder, Anthony            6 H. Infant                21.98   3 
 33 Moneer, Nolan              6 H. Cross                 22.01   2 
 34 Doneff, Jack               6 St. Gerard               22.10   7 
 35 Thuston, Kenny             6 St. Gerard               22.14   6 
 36 Knutson, Cohen             6 OLOL                     22.47   8 
 37 Carr, Emmitt               6 St. Gabriel              22.57   4 
 38 Northrup, Will             7 Ascension                22.63   8 
 39 Fanning, Callen            6 Immacolata               22.69   8 
 40 Gorecki, Augustus          7 St. Gabriel              22.73   8 
 41 Curtin, John               6 St. Raphael              22.74   4  22.732
 42 Goettelmann, Grayson       6 Ascension                22.74   8  22.734
 43 Rigg, Niles                7 Immacolata               22.80   9 
 44 Farishon, Alexander        6 St. Gerard               23.04   8 
 45 Kittrell, James            7 OLOL                     23.09   5 
 46 Ciaccio, Luca              6 St. Gabriel              23.18   6 
 47 McLaughlin, Thomas         5 St. Gerard               23.62  10 
 48 Wear, Nolan                6 H. Cross                 23.77   5 
 49 Alles, Colton              6 H. Cross                 23.97   1 
 50 Wacker, Edmund             7 St. Gabriel              24.08   9 
 51 Hebbeler, Von              6 St. Gabriel              24.21  10 
 52 Leitner, Gavin             6 S.M.O.S.                 24.24   3 
 53 Matarazzi, Joey            6 St. Gabriel              24.47   3 
 54 Cardelli, Leo              6 St. Gabriel              24.52   1 
 55 Cassimatis, Noah           6 Ascension                24.56   1 
 56 Hebbeler, Otto             6 St. Gabriel              25.32   2 
 57 Bickhaus, Charles          7 St. Gerard               27.25   9 
 58 Rieber, Wesley             6 Ascension                29.84   9 
Event 37  (G) 100 M. D. 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Klosterman, Eliana         9 S.M.O.S.                 15.01  12 
  2 Workman, Ally              9 St. Gerard               16.80   1 
  3 Shultz, Amelia             9 St. Gerard               17.21   9 
  4 Peters, Emma               9 St. Raphael              17.29  12 
  5 Jordan, Adelaide           8 Immacolata               17.30   5 
  6 Hart, Gabriella            8 St. Frances              17.31   9 
  7 Roell, Maeve               9 St. Gabriel              17.34  12  17.335
  8 Terrell, Chloe             9 S.M.O.S.                 17.34   9  17.340
  9 Chavers, Naya              8 H. Infant                17.39   8 
 10 Pelhank, Alyssa            8 H. Infant                17.42   6 
 11 Vigna, Maevis              9 H. Cross                 17.43  12 
 12 Anzalone, Cecelia          9 S.M.O.S.                 17.45  12 
 13 Saracino, Josephine        8 S.M.O.S.                 17.66  12 
 14 Helms, Briley              9 St. Gerard               17.72   7 
 15 Then, Eleanora             9 Immacolata               17.73   8 
 16 Vineyard, Hazel            8 St. Gabriel              17.80  12 
 17 Uhlig, Claire              7 St. Gerard               17.81   7 
 18 Hertlein, Finnley          9 OLOL                     17.87   5 
 19 Hood, Sydney               8 H. Infant                18.39   6 
 20 Cassel, Rocio              8 S.M.O.S.                 18.43  11 
 21 Lagow, Charlotte           9 St. Gabriel              18.57  11 
 22 Scott, Leila               7 Sacred Heart             18.61   1 
 23 Pousosa, Olivia            9 H. Cross                 18.67   7  18.662
 24 Rooney, Emma               9 St. Raphael              18.67   8  18.666
 25 Don, Cecilia Lin           9 St. Frances              18.81   6 
 26 Sarantakis, Aurelia        8 St. Gerard               18.85  11 
 27 Fischer, Madeline          9 H. Cross                 19.03   1 
 28 Orf, Grace                 7 Sacred Heart             19.04   8  19.036
 28 Sheehan, Marykathryn       8 St. Gabriel              19.04  11  19.036
 30 Kunderman, Maeve           9 St. Gabriel              19.06   2  19.052
 31 Heidenreich, Molly         9 H. Cross                 19.06  11  19.056
 32 Robben, Tessa              8 H. Infant                19.13   7 
 33 Eilerman, Elleigh          8 St. Gabriel              19.16   7 
 34 Knutson, Sloan             9 OLOL                     19.19   6 
 35 Schultz, Lily              8 St. Gabriel              19.33   7  19.325
 36 Baker, Everly              8 St. Raphael              19.33  11  19.329
 37 Godwin, Nora               9 H. Cross                 19.37   2 
 38 Newsham, Eleanor           8 S.M.O.S.                 19.41  12 
 39 Loft, Anna                 8 St. Gerard               19.43   5 
 40 Patton, Mary Rose          8 St. Gerard               19.47   3 
 41 Flavin, Elizabeth          8 St. Raphael              19.52  10 
 42 Lunsamte, Judith           9 St. Frances              19.54   8 
 43 Wichmer, Ada               8 St. Gabriel              19.55   8 
 44 Schump, Norah              8 S.M.O.S.                 19.59  11 
 45 Emig, Blair                7 St. Gerard               19.82   1 
 46 Pagan, Emily               7 Sacred Heart             19.92   3 
 47 Haluska, Elizabeth         8 St. Gerard               19.99   3 
 48 Furniss, Milly             8 Immacolata               20.21   3 
 49 Farrell, Milani            9 St. Joachim              20.25   4 
 50 Illinger, Gabrielle        8 H. Infant                20.30   1 
 51 Wilson, Lydia              8 St. Gerard               20.47   7 
 52 Rock, Ava                  9 H. Infant                20.48   2  20.471
 53 Howard, Lucy               9 St. Raphael              20.48   8  20.477
 54 Roth, Amelia               7 St. Gabriel              20.55  10 
 55 Meyers, Isla               7 St. Gabriel              20.56  10 
 56 Hanneke, Alice             9 H. Cross                 20.60   6 
 57 Kelly, Clara               7 St. Gerard               20.68  10 
 58 Baeres, Maria              7 Sacred Heart             20.73   6 
 59 Johnston, Jade             9 St. Gerard               20.76   9 
 60 Sonderman, Audrey          8 St. Gabriel              20.80   2 
 61 Ramirez, Ximena            8 St. Frances              20.87   5 
 62 Chavez, Alexa              8 St. Frances              20.95   2 
 63 Geerling, Cecilia          9 H. Cross                 21.15  10 
 64 Whalen, Charlotte          8 S.M.O.S.                 21.22   2 
 65 Menges, Charlotte          8 St. Gabriel              21.33   3 
 66 Cooper, Clara              7 H. Cross                 21.60  10 
 67 Wildt, Clare               7 H. Infant                21.72   4 
 68 Lenihan, Josie             7 H. Cross                 21.92   5 
 69 Sharp, Mairin              8 St. Gabriel              21.94   5 
 70 Rodriguez Lewis, Cher      8 St. Frances              22.10   9 
 71 Wiseman, Ellery            9 St. Gabriel              22.16   4 
 72 Jean-Baptiste, Keyma       8 St. Frances              22.33   6 
 73 MacDonald, Caroline        9 H. Cross                 22.36   5 
 74 Harris, Aminah             8 S.M.O.S.                 22.48   3 
 75 Anstey, Clare              8 St. Raphael              22.75  10 
 76 Mersman, Sophia            7 St. Gerard               23.27   9 
 77 Morrow, Madelyn            8 OLOL                     23.91   6 
 78 Witt, Lily                 7 H. Infant                24.05   4 
 79 Ramirez Armas, Sophia Ni   8 St. Frances              25.00   8 
 80 Bertsch, Meredith          8 St. Gerard               26.57   9 
 81 Wurm-cutter, Margaret      8 St. Gabriel              26.79  10 
Event 38  (B) 100 M. D. 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lucas, Austin              9 St. Gerard               15.36  12 
  2 Bickel, Evan               8 H. Cross                 16.19  12 
  3 Lucas, Jackson             7 St. Gerard               16.20  12 
  4 Kelleher, Jack             8 St. Gabriel              16.55   8 
        16.547 (16.547)
  5 Mulligan, Colin            8 S.M.O.S.                 16.56  12 
  6 Resmann, Sebastian         9 St. Stephen              16.72   4 
  7 Marischen, George          9 Immacolata               16.79   3 
  8 Potts, Thomas              8 St. Raphael              16.82   3 
  9 Eckenrodt, Matthew         9 OLOL                     17.00  12 
 10 Kap, Gabriel              11 St. Frances              17.18   3 
 11 Mannebach, Charlie         9 Ascension                17.21   4 
 12 Corrigan, Aidan            8 Immacolata               17.26   4 
 13 Rogers, Charles            8 S.M.O.S.                 17.27  11 
 14 Kraft, Jack                9 St. Gerard               17.28   9 
 15 Schrick, Alexander         8 St. Gabriel              17.38  11 
 16 Usher, Austin              8 H. Cross                 17.56  12 
 17 Orians, Henry              8 St. Gerard               17.58  11 
 18 Blevins, Bryce             7 Ascension                17.64  11 
 19 Larose, Theo               8 S.M.O.S.                 17.68   4 
 20 Doria, Moises              8 St. Frances              17.74   1 
 21 Conrad, Jaxon              8 H. Infant                17.81   7 
 22 Perez, Everett             8 OLOL                     17.86  11 
 23 Wacker, Charlie            8 St. Gabriel              17.87  11 
 24 Prewett, Sam               8 St. Gerard               17.99   8 
        17.982 (17.982)
 25 Warner, William            9 St. Gabriel              18.00   1 
 26 Herdman, Ethan             8 Ascension                18.19   2  18.187
 27 Dehner, Joseph             9 OLOL                     18.19  10  18.189
 28 Duncan, Jack               8 Ascension                18.27   8 
        18.267 (18.267)
 29 McCoy, Wylie               7 S.M.O.S.                 18.33   9 
 30 Ciccone, Trip              8 OLOL                     18.36  12 
 31 Ray, Thomas                9 Ascension                18.48   1 
 32 Alvarez, Salvador          8 St. Gabriel              18.70   6 
 33 Corrigan, Everett          8 Immacolata               18.73   6 
 34 Bradford, Henry            7 St. Raphael              18.86   5 
 35 Laure, Everett             7 Sacred Heart             18.87   5 
 36 Haileab, Abraham           8 St. Frances              19.04   7 
 37 Burnham, Elliot            9 Immacolata               19.14   6 
 38 Hanneke, Gus               9 H. Cross                 19.37   4 
 39 Auffenberg, Thomas Burke   8 Immacolata               19.40   2 
 40 Bond, Henry                9 Immacolata               19.41   8 
        19.406 (19.406)
 41 Zam, Francis Hau           9 St. Frances              19.46   5 
 42 Frisch, Charlie            9 Immacolata               19.51   9 
 43 Eagen, Carter              9 H. Infant                19.55   8 
        19.549 (19.549)
 44 Neary, Patrick             8 H. Cross                 19.58   7 
 45 Kniepmann, Calvin          8 St. Gerard               19.60   5 
 46 Grupas, Max                8 Ascension                19.68   4 
 47 Vescovo, Matthew           8 Immacolata               19.72   7 
 48 Kloos, Thomas              9 St. Gabriel              19.86   9 
 49 Daniels, August            8 H. Cross                 19.92  10  19.912
 50 Antrobus, Beckett          9 Ascension                19.92   3  19.915
 51 Blackburn, Fred              Sacred Heart             19.98   6 
 52 Carmody, George            8 Immacolata               20.01   3 
 53 Laury, Connor              8 H. Cross                 20.03  10 
 54 Naeger, Ryker              9 H. Cross                 20.05   7 
 55 Lurkins, Simon             7 Sacred Heart             20.08   6 
 56 Lehmuth, Oscar             9 St. Stephen              20.29   4 
 57 Schmidt, Dylan             8 H. Cross                 20.32  10 
 58 Alles, Evan                8 H. Cross                 20.43   6 
 59 Marra, Bradley             8 St. Gabriel              20.49   2 
 60 Thompson, Callum           8 H. Infant                20.52   6 
 61 Reyes, Elio                7 Ascension                20.57   3 
 62 Bulthaus, Lucas            9 Ascension                20.59   9 
 63 Cherba, Jack               9 Immacolata               20.70   5 
 64 Montague, Caleb            7 Sacred Heart             20.71   3 
 65 Agrawal, Abhay             8 Ascension                20.83   7 
 66 Wiseman, Otto              8 St. Gabriel              20.96   1 
 67 Bergman, Theodore (teddy   8 St. Gabriel              20.98   7 
 68 Knock, Zachary             7 Sacred Heart             21.03   7 
 69 Holman, Christian          9 H. Cross                 21.10  11 
 70 Connelly, Kiernan          9 H. Cross                 21.24  11 
 71 Morris, Alex               8 H. Cross                 21.25   9 
 72 Toussaint, Augustus        8 S.M.O.S.                 21.38   5 
 73 Riegel, Beckett            7 H. Infant                21.41   5 
 74 McGrath, Justin            9 S.M.O.S.                 21.43   9 
 75 Baudendistel, Brock        8 St. Gerard               21.69  10 
 76 Saracino, Bart             9 S.M.O.S.                 21.84   1 
 77 Phillips, Anthony          7 St. Gerard               22.04   2 
 78 Chavez, Yvann              8 St. Frances              24.08   1 
 79 Stephans, Murphy           8 Ascension                24.17   2 
 80 Lee, Lucas                 7 Ascension                24.51  10 
 81 Gervacio-Correa, Gerardo  10 St. Frances              26.08   8 
        26.080 (26.080)
 82 Obradovits, Thomas         7 Immacolata               26.22   4 
Event 39  (G) 100 M. D. 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Oatis, Ella               11 S.M.O.S.                 13.86   8 
  2 Partridge, Sylvia         11 St. Gerard               15.24   8 
  3 Prograis, Noire           11 St. Frances              15.31   1 
  4 McHale, Sonora            11 St. Gerard               15.53   4 
  5 Lococo, Reese             11 Ascension                15.57   8 
  6 Bickel, Elsa              11 H. Cross                 15.73   2 
  7 Partridge, Scarlett       11 St. Gerard               15.85   8 
  8 Workman, Natalie          11 St. Gerard               15.92   8 
  9 Jackson, Phoebe           10 S.M.O.S.                 16.12   5 
 10 Partridge, Sonja          11 St. Gerard               16.20   8 
 11 Parks, Felicity           11 Ascension                16.25   8 
 12 Zaegel, Kara               9 Immacolata               16.26   1 
 13 Kohler, Penelope          10 St. Gerard               16.27   7 
 14 Bradshaw, Harper           9 St. Raphael              16.46   7 
 15 McDonald, Molly           11 H. Cross                 16.85   3 
 16 Kerr, Isla                 9 Sacred Heart             16.99   5 
 17 Terry, Abigail             9 Sacred Heart             17.01   4 
 18 Pierce, Megan             11 Ascension                17.07   6  17.063
 19 Favron, Amber             10 S.M.O.S.                 17.07   3  17.064
 20 Wood, Finley              11 H. Cross                 17.08   5 
 21 Banta, Isabelle           10 Ascension                17.11   2 
 22 Abraha, Bitanaya          11 St. Frances              17.12   4 
 23 Delhougne, Kate            9 H. Cross                 17.22   2 
 24 Patton, Keira             10 St. Gerard               17.24   3 
 25 Seavey, Charlotte         10 St. Gerard               17.41   7 
 26 Galicia, Aleha            10 Ascension                17.42   1 
 27 Doria, Sarah              10 St. Frances              17.50   1 
 28 Simon, Gwyneth            11 St. Gabriel              17.57   2 
 29 Closson, Ruby             11 H. Cross                 17.59   4 
 30 Pierce, Lauren            11 Ascension                17.62   5 
 31 McLane, Harlow            10 St. Gabriel              17.66   3 
 32 Cherba, Ann               11 Immacolata               17.69   2 
 33 Wildt, Caroline           10 H. Infant                17.73   6 
 34 Martin, Molly             10 OLOL                     17.83   8 
 35 Harden, Cecelia           10 St. Gabriel              17.84   6 
 36 Thenhaus, Tessa           10 St. Gabriel              18.13   4 
 37 Burch, Greta              10 Immacolata               18.24   3 
 38 Hill, Dinaari              9 St. Frances              18.46   6 
 39 Whitney, Annie            11 Sacred Heart             18.48   7 
 40 McLane, Lily              10 St. Gabriel              18.61   5 
 41 Laury, Lillian            10 H. Cross                 18.62   3 
 42 Schmidt, Cora             11 H. Cross                 18.79   7 
 43 Jacobsen, Chesney         11 St. Joachim              19.08   3 
 44 Harris, Neriah            10 S.M.O.S.                 19.09   5 
 45 Mueller, Mallory          10 St. Gabriel              19.43   5 
 46 Huth, Toby                10 Sacred Heart             19.46   7 
 47 Barquero, Kassandra       10 St. Frances              19.54   6 
 48 Eller, Greta              11 H. Infant                19.73   2 
 49 Shupe, Helen              11 St. Gerard               19.85   7 
 50 Ilg, Kate                 10 St. Raphael              19.86   6 
 51 Ndagijimana, Bethany       9 St. Frances              19.91   1 
 52 Northrup, Bria             9 Ascension                20.35   6 
 53 Fisher, Cora              10 Immacolata               20.39   1 
 54 Wright, Piper             10 St. Raphael              20.59   4 
 55 Eddy, Serena              11 H. Cross                 20.99   1 
 56 Roeder, Clara              9 St. Gabriel              21.19   2 
 57 O'Neal, Emily             10 St. Gerard               21.91   4 
Event 40  (B) 100 M. D. 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lagow, Noah               10 St. Gabriel              15.04   3 
  2 Collier, Kaden            11 Ascension                15.55   7 
  3 Usher, Clayton            11 H. Cross                 15.63   3 
  4 Romero, Simon             10 H. Cross                 15.72   2 
  5 Hoffman, Logan            11 St. Gerard               15.85   3 
  6 Pratt, Henry              11 S.M.O.S.                 15.92   7 
  7 Ridder, Jacob             10 H. Infant                16.00   4 
  8 D'Agostino, George        10 OLOL                     16.20   4 
  9 Greanias, Christopher     10 H. Cross                 16.21   4 
 10 Couture, William          10 St. Gabriel              16.25   7 
 11 Snodgrass, Cole           10 H. Infant                16.34   1 
 12 Govero, Clayton           11 St. Joachim              16.41   7 
 13 George, Henry             11 H. Cross                 16.47   7 
 14 Corrigan, Colin           10 Immacolata               16.51   2 
 15 Barber, Jeremy            11 St. Joachim              16.59   7 
 16 Bush, Andrew              11 Immacolata               16.70   4 
 17 Adams, Dougie              9 St. Raphael              16.80   7 
 18 St. Eve, John Owen        10 Immacolata               16.82   4  16.814
 19 Stalka, Grant              9 St. Gerard               16.82   7  16.815
 20 Sang, James               10 St. Frances              17.02   5 
 21 Dacey, Gus                 9 Immacolata               17.09   1 
 22 McNutt, Calvin            10 H. Infant                17.17   1 
 23 Laughlin, Drew            10 OLOL                     17.30   6 
 24 Waeckerle, Austin          9 H. Infant                17.40   4  17.396
 25 Thompson, Kieran          11 H. Infant                17.40   5  17.397
 26 Kaelin, Connor            10 H. Cross                 17.49   6 
 27 Bowgren, Reid              9 Immacolata               17.50   5 
 28 Massa, George             11 S.M.O.S.                 17.60   4 
 29 Kiin, John                10 St. Frances              17.62   4 
 30 Kakkanathu, Nicholas      10 H. Infant                17.66   3 
 31 Rimkus, Trent             10 Sacred Heart             17.71   6 
 32 Agniel, Louis             10 S.M.O.S.                 17.83   3 
 33 Weiss, Sam                 9 St. Raphael              17.90   6 
 34 Moore, Joey               11 H. Cross                 18.00   3  17.991
 35 Rahn, Max                  9 H. Cross                 18.00   2  17.997
 36 Shandilya, Aditya         10 H. Infant                18.27   2 
 37 Pratt, Finnegan            9 S.M.O.S.                 18.30   6 
 38 Cassimatis, William       10 Ascension                18.39   5 
 39 Mehta, Ansh               11 Ascension                18.50   1 
 40 Rose, Shane               11 H. Infant                18.69   3 
 41 Lumpkin, Jonathan         10 S.M.O.S.                 18.76   6 
 42 Ayulo, Diego              10 St. Gabriel              18.78   2 
 43 Grosswiler, Owen          10 St. Gabriel              18.91   1 
 44 Busch, William             9 St. Gabriel              19.06   6 
 45 Eckler, Beau              11 H. Cross                 19.21   5 
 46 Johns, Carter             11 H. Infant                19.83   3 
 47 Seward, Logan             10 Sacred Heart             19.86   2 
 48 Furniss, Carter           10 Immacolata               20.47   5 
 49 Eddy, River                9 H. Cross                 20.53   2 
 50 Hoffman, Elijah           10 Ascension                20.68   5 
 51 Perino, Owen              10 H. Infant                20.97   5 
 52 Jain, Aarjav               9 Ascension                21.19   1 
 53 Julian, Jack              10 St. Gabriel              21.54   1 
 54 Seper, Brice              11 H. Cross                 22.11   6 
Event 41  (G) 100 M. D. 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Dehner, Amelia            12 OLOL                     14.43   7 
  2 Engels, Bianca            13 H. Infant                14.86   2 
  3 Jones, Gabrielle          12 Marian                   14.98   7 
  4 Rose, Maeve               12 H. Infant                15.02   4 
  5 Rice, Blaize              12 Marian                   15.08   5 
  6 Fronabarger, Vivian       11 Sacred Heart             15.12   3 
  7 Kim, Maryellen            12 Sacred Heart             15.15   6 
  8 Lanzotti, Ashley          13 Ascension                15.18   7 
  9 McGee, Kenya              12 Marian                   15.36   1 
 10 O'Hanlon, MaryLouise      12 H. Cross                 15.67   7 
 11 Smith, Jayla              13 Marian                   15.68   3 
 12 Herron, Rachel            12 Marian                   15.88   6  15.874
 12 Dickinson, Marla          13 St. Joachim              15.88   7  15.874
 14 Waeckerle, Emma           12 H. Infant                15.91   3 
 15 Arriaga, Carmen           13 Marian                   15.93   5 
 16 Spowal, Julia             13 St. Gabriel              16.07   6 
 17 Sanchez-Olvera, Jannely   12 Marian                   16.08   2 
 18 Lehmuth, Addy             13 St. Stephen              16.10   3 
 19 Jean-Baptiste, Maheva     13 St. Frances              16.26   2 
 20 Moore, Hailey             11 Sacred Heart             16.45   4  16.445
 21 Potts, Helen              12 St. Raphael              16.45   6  16.449
 22 Winfrey, Ava              11 H. Cross                 16.50   1 
 23 Criss, Gabrielle          12 Marian                   16.60   4 
 24 Barber, Chelsea           14 St. Joachim              16.67   6  16.669
 24 Anderson, Isabella        12 St. Gerard               16.67   5  16.669
 26 Luebke, Sophia            12 Immacolata               16.76   5 
 27 Charleston, Madelyn       11 Sacred Heart             16.80   5 
 28 Jackson, Tessa            11 Sacred Heart             16.87   4 
 29 Chavez, Yarethzy          13 St. Frances              17.05   2 
 30 Luina, Catherine          11 Sacred Heart             17.20   2 
 31 Stegman, Catherine        11 Immacolata               17.37   3 
 32 Herring, Avah             11 H. Infant                17.45   4 
 33 Patterson, Gwen           11 St. Gabriel              17.49   7 
 34 Molamphy, Mary            12 Immacolata               17.56   5 
 35 Page, Athena              11 S.M.O.S.                 17.82   4 
 36 Miller, Lydia             12 St. Gabriel              17.86   2 
 37 Mork, Rowan               11 S.M.O.S.                 17.87   6 
 38 Libbra, Vivianna          12 Immacolata               18.20   4 
 39 Bush, Marie               12 Immacolata               18.33   1 
 40 Frisch, Molly             12 Immacolata               18.55   1 
 41 Hagerty, Magdalene        13 H. Cross                 18.85   6 
 42 Barsh, Summer D           12 St. Frances              19.10   1 
 43 Rushing, Abby             13 H. Cross                 19.41   1 
 44 Dilber, Lucy              13 H. Cross                 21.61   5 
Event 42  (B) 100 M. D. 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Legrand, Matt             13 OLOL                     12.87   2 
  2 Pagan, Thomas             12 Sacred Heart             13.47   6 
  3 Millikan, Ian             13 St. Gerard               13.48   4 
  4 Doyle, George             12 Sacred Heart             13.59   1 
  5 Mattingly, Ty             13 Chaminade                14.26   1 
  6 Perez, Charleston         12 OLOL                     14.40   6 
  7 Fox, Odell                12 Chaminade                14.45   2 
  8 Freiburg, Jacob           13 Sacred Heart             15.07   6 
  9 Lang, Cooper              12 St. Stephen              15.12   3 
 10 Resmann, Abraham          12 St. Stephen              15.18   4 
 11 Morris, Austin            11 H. Cross                 15.25   5 
 12 Thompson, MJ              12 Chaminade                15.32   1 
 13 Tacony, Oliver            13 Chaminade                15.44   2 
 14 Orians, Thomas            11 St. Gerard               15.55   6 
 15 Casey, Quinten            13 H. Cross                 15.63   6 
 16 Crowder, Peyton           12 Chaminade                15.64   3 
 17 Caffey, Xavier            12 H. Infant                15.94   4 
 18 Forrest, Orlando          12 St. Gabriel              16.05   3 
 19 Newton, Archer            13 H. Cross                 16.16   4 
 20 Njiru, Shawn P            11 St. Frances              16.19   3 
 21 Jontry, Elijah            13 St. Gerard               16.31   5 
 22 Mura, Ben                 13 Chaminade                16.52   3 
 23 Chohan, Benjamin          12 Ascension                16.79   6 
 24 Kunderman, Liam           12 St. Gabriel              17.10   2 
 25 Neiman, Anderson          11 Sacred Heart             17.26   5 
 26 Heinly, Raymond           12 H. Cross                 17.50   6 
 27 Baeres, Benjamin          11 Sacred Heart             17.62   3 
 28 Haluska, Drew             13 Chaminade                18.11   1 
 29 Maclellan, Jr., Jonathan  12 St. Gerard               18.81   5 
 30 Rodriguez, Deacon         12 Chaminade                19.18   2 
 31 Schmidt, Sam              12 H. Cross                 19.31   6 
 32 Gavranovic, Anthony       12 H. Cross                 19.34   5 
 33 Yarbrough, Lucas          12 St. Joachim              23.10   5 
Event 43  (G) 100 M. D. 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Dame, Audrey              14 St. Gabriel              14.27   2 
  2 Terrell, Sophia           13 S.M.O.S.                 14.44   2 
  3 Debourg, Caroline         14 S.M.O.S.                 14.72   2 
  4 Lorber, Madeline          13 H. Infant                14.81   1 
  5 Mealey, Kate              14 H. Cross                 15.03   1 
  6 Robinson, Magdalyn        13 Sacred Heart             15.07   2 
  7 Millar, Lindsey           13 H. Cross                 15.11   1 
  8 Rahn, Maura               13 H. Cross                 15.19   2 
  9 Bergman, Clara            13 St. Gabriel              15.35   2 
 10 George, Lucy              14 H. Cross                 17.00   1 
Event 44  (B) 100 M. D. 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Muyco, Kai                14 St. Gerard               11.69   3 
  2 Millett, Beck             14 S.M.O.S.                 12.35   3 
  3 Kim, Henry                14 Sacred Heart             12.59   1 
  4 McMaster, Owen               Chaminade                12.78   3 
  5 Sanson, Matthew           14 Chaminade                12.86   3 
  6 McHale, Josiah            14 St. Gerard               12.89   3 
  7 Kozminske, Tyler          14 St. Gabriel              12.93   3 
  8 Boland, Thomas            14 St. Gerard               13.09   1 
  9 Moore, Shane              13 Sacred Heart             13.12   1 
 10 Fitzpatrick, Henry        14 St. Gabriel              13.15   1 
 11 Partridge, Stephen        14 St. Gerard               13.38   3 
 12 Neiman, Connor            14 Sacred Heart             13.62   1 
 13 Mrnjavac, John            14 H. Cross                 13.86   2 
 14 Duggan, Conor             14 S.M.O.S.                 14.26   2 
 15 Zaegel, Nathan            13 Chaminade                15.35   2 
 16 Ilg, Evan                 13 St. Raphael              18.13   3 
Event 45  (G) 4x100 M. R. 8-9 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       1:06.53  
     1) Saracino, Josephine 8           2) Klosterman, Eliana 9           
     3) Cassel, Rocio 8                 4) Hayde, Nora 9                  
  2 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             1:14.72  
     1) Helms, Briley 9                 2) Davis, Georgia 8               
     3) Uhlig, Claire 7                 4) Patton, Mary Rose 8            
  3 Immacolata  'A'                                     1:17.09  
     1) Dore, Blaire 9                  2) Bridges, Tierney 7             
     3) Favazza, Hannah 7               4) Jordan, Adelaide 8             
  4 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      1:17.35  
     1) Eilerman, Elleigh 8             2) Beardslee, Mabel 8             
     3) Schultz, Lily 8                 4) Vineyard, Hazel 8              
  5 St. Frances Cabrini Academy  'A'                    1:18.79  
     1) Don, Cecilia Lin 9              2) Lunsamte, Judith 9             
     3) Ramirez, Ximena 8               4) Hart, Gabriella 8              
  6 Holy Infant  'A'                                    1:21.42  
     1) Bononi, Ivana 8                 2) Pelhank, Alyssa 8              
     3) Rock, Ava 9                     4) Callen, Hattie 8               
  7 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             1:22.38  
     1) Heidenreich, Molly 9            2) Kheriaty, Claire 9             
     3) Ring, Elizabeth 9               4) Pousosa, Olivia 9              
Event 46  (B) 4x100 M. R. 8-9 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             1:10.49  
     1) Orians, Henry 8                 2) Kraft, Jack 9                  
     3) Prewett, Sam 8                  4) Lucas, Jackson 7               
  2 Ascension  'A'                                      1:11.26  
     1) Blevins, Bryce 7                2) Sioumcas, John 9               
     3) Grupas, Max 8                   4) Thomas, Colin 9                
  3 Immacolata  'A'                                     1:12.75  
     1) Auffenberg, Thomas Burke 8      2) Bond, Henry 9                  
     3) Corrigan, Everett 8             4) Corrigan, Aidan 8              
  4 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             1:14.03  
     1) Usher, Austin 8                 2) Naeger, Ryker 9                
     3) Laury, Connor 8                 4) Bickel, Evan 8                 
  5 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       1:15.81  
     1) Larose, Theo 8                  2) McCoy, Wylie 7                 
     3) Mulligan, Colin 8               4) Skrabacz, Zigmund 6            
  6 Holy Infant  'A'                                    1:19.23  
     1) Thompson, Callum 8              2) Riegel, Beckett 7              
     3) Perino, Elden 9                 4) Eagen, Carter 9                
  7 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      1:19.82  
     1) Dailey, Edward 8                2) Iovaldi, John 8                
     3) Wiseman, Otto 8                 4) Alvarez, Salvador 8            
  8 St. Frances Cabrini Academy  'A'                    1:20.33  
     1) Zam, Francis Hau 9              2) Sandoval, Giovanni 8           
     3) Kap, Gabriel 11                 4) Chavez, Yvann 8                
Event 47  (G) 4x100 M. R. 10-11 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       1:00.73  
     1) Hayde, Nora 9                   2) Jackson, Phoebe 10             
     3) Klosterman, Eliana 9            4) Oatis, Ella 11                 
  2 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             1:06.74  
     1) McHale, Sonora 11               2) Seavey, Charlotte 10           
     3) Patton, Keira 10                4) Kohler, Penelope 10            
  3 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             1:08.27  
     1) Fischer, Emma 11                2) Laury, Lillian 10              
     3) Delhougne, Kate 9               4) Bickel, Elsa 11                
  4 Immacolata  'A'                                     1:13.30  
     1) Cherba, Ann 11                  2) Burch, Greta 10                
     3) Fisher, Cora 10                 4) Zaegel, Kara 9                 
  5 St. Frances Cabrini Academy  'A'                    1:14.81  
     1) Abraha, Bitanaya 11             2) Hill, Dinaari 9                
     3) Doria, Sarah 10                 4) Ndagijimana, Bethany 9         
  6 Ascension  'A'                                      1:15.43  
     1) Jesperson, Claire 10            2) Pierce, Lauren 11              
     3) Pierce, Megan 11                4) Overschmidt, Olivia 10         
  7 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      1:18.51  
     1) McLane, Lily 10                 2) McLane, Harlow 10              
     3) Mueller, Mallory 10             4) Roeder, Clara 9                
Event 48  (B) 4x100 M. R. 10-11 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Raphael the Archangel  'A'                      1:08.44  
     1) Weiss, Sam 9                    2) Potts, Isaac 10                
     3) Bernadt, Caleb 9                4) Adams, Dougie 9                
  2 Immacolata  'A'                                     1:08.59  
     1) Stegman, Henry 9                2) Marischen, George 9            
     3) Frisch, Charlie 9               4) Bowgren, Reid 9                
  3 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       1:09.20  
     1) Agniel, Louis 10                2) Garcia, Victor 10              
     3) Ray, Marshall 11                4) Pratt, Henry 11                
  4 St. Frances Cabrini Academy  'A'                    1:11.55  
     1) Kap, Gabriel 11                 2) Kiin, John 10                  
     3) Sang, James 10                  4) Zam, Francis Hau 9             
  5 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             1:12.08  
     1) Kaelin, Connor 10               2) Eckler, Beau 11                
     3) Holman, Connor 11               4) Moore, Joey 11                 
  6 Holy Infant  'A'                                    1:13.74  
     1) Kakkanathu, Nicholas 10         2) McNutt, Calvin 10              
     3) Shandilya, Aditya 10            4) Perino, Owen 10                
  7 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      1:17.68  
     1) Julian, Jack 10                 2) Grosswiler, Owen 10            
     3) Shannon, Dean 11                4) Bury, Rory 11                  
  8 Ascension  'A'                                      1:22.61  
     1) Ala, Aadrith 10                 2) Hoffman, Elijah 10             
     3) Jain, Aarjav 9                  4) Mullican, Ben 9                
Event 49  (G) 4x100 M. R. 12-13 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Marian Middle School  'A'                           1:00.40  
     1) McGee, Kenya 12                 2) Herron, Rachel 12              
     3) Jackson, Lauryn 13              4) Smith, Jayla 13                
  2 Sacred Heart (Valley Park)  'A'                     1:02.04  
     1) Moore, Hailey 11                2) Fronabarger, Vivian 11         
     3) Kansteiner, Stella 11           4) Kim, Maryellen 12              
  3 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      1:04.42  
     1) Menges, Kate 12                 2) Payne, Eloise 13               
     3) Spowal, Julia 13                4) Favazza, Elsie 12              
  4 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       1:05.73  
     1) Miller, Lucille 12              2) Page, Athena 11                
     3) Von Holten, Eleanor 11          4) Galletto, Emma 13              
  5 St. Frances Cabrini Academy  'A'                    1:05.78  
     1) Jean-Baptiste, Maheva 13        2) Barsh, Summer D 12             
     3) Chavez, Yarethzy 13             4) Prograis, Noire 11             
  6 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             1:06.31  
     1) O'Hanlon, MaryLouise 12         2) Meyers, Mary 11                
     3) Winfrey, Ava 11                 4) Druger, Olivia 12              
  7 Immacolata  'A'                                     1:07.95  
     1) Frisch, Molly 12                2) Stegman, Catherine 11          
     3) Molamphy, Mary 12               4) Burch, Charlee 12              
  8 St. Joachim Catholic School  'A'                    1:09.81  
     1) Dickinson, Marla 13             2) Huskey, Addison 11             
     3) Jacobsen, Chesney 11            4) Barber, Chelsea 14             
Event 50  (B) 4x100 M. R. 12-13 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Our Lady of Lourdes - Universi  'A'                   58.84  
     1) Glarner, Henry 12               2) Diehr, William 12              
     3) Martin, William 12              4) Perez, Charleston 12           
  2 Sacred Heart (Valley Park)  'A'                     1:01.04  
     1) Baeres, Lucas 11                2) Freiburg, Jacob 13             
     3) Rahn, Benjamin 13               4) Pagan, Thomas 12               
  3 Holy Infant  'A'                                    1:11.02  
     1) Caffey, Xavier 12               2) Rose, Shane 11                 
     3) Thompson, Kieran 11             4) Ridder, Jacob 10               
  4 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             1:19.61  
     1) Rushing, Logan 10               2) Seper, Brice 11                
     3) Nickel, Colten 10               4) Connelly, Weiler 11            
Event 51  (G) 4x100 M. R. 14-15 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Holy Infant  'A'                                      59.88  
     1) Rose, Maeve 12                  2) Kakkanathu, Rachel 14          
     3) Wasman, Elizabeth 11            4) Lorber, Madeline 13            
Event 52  (B) 4x100 M. R. 14-15 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                               53.27  
     1) Millikan, Ian 13                2) Partridge, Stephen 14          
     3) Boland, Thomas 14               4) McHale, Josiah 14              
  2 St. Raphael the Archangel  'A'                        56.81  
     1) Anstey, Jake 13                 2) Browning, James 13             
     3) Potts, Jude 14                  4) Adams, Teddy 14                
Event 53  (G) 400 M. D. 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Hartwig, Isabel            9 St. Gerard             1:17.39   3 
  2 Miller, Cabanne            9 S.M.O.S.               1:24.32   5 
  3 Terrell, Chloe             9 S.M.O.S.               1:24.40   3 
  4 Powers, Jade               8 Ascension              1:25.98   4 
  5 Seyer, Fiona               7 St. Gerard             1:27.10   3 
  6 Chavers, Naya              8 H. Infant              1:27.11   3 
  7 Crowley, Liv               9 St. Gerard             1:27.52   2 
  8 Molick, Maria              8 Ascension              1:28.91   2 
  9 Skrabacz, Embry            8 S.M.O.S.               1:29.80   1 
 10 Brandt, Madeline           4 Ascension              1:30.20   3 
 11 Lagow, Charlotte           9 St. Gabriel            1:31.09   4 
 12 Hertlein, Finnley          9 OLOL                   1:31.88   5 
 13 Patterson, Gloria          7 St. Gabriel            1:31.92   5 
 14 Meyer, Lily                8 S.M.O.S.               1:32.12   4 
 15 Davis, McKinley            8 Ascension              1:33.73   4 
 16 Bradshaw, Blake            8 S.M.O.S.               1:34.78   2 
 17 Sheehan, Marykathryn       8 St. Gabriel            1:34.95   2 
 18 Emig, Blair                7 St. Gerard             1:36.35   5 
 19 Pratt, Lucy                8 S.M.O.S.               1:36.51   1 
 20 Bononi, Ivana              8 H. Infant              1:36.56   1 
 21 Udani, Mabel               9 S.M.O.S.               1:40.55   5 
 22 Loft, Anna                 8 St. Gerard             1:42.03   2 
 23 Bergfeld, Madison          7 St. Gerard             1:42.24   2 
 24 Wilson, Lauren             8 St. Gerard             1:43.40   4 
 25 Wilson, Lydia              8 St. Gerard             1:43.43   4 
 26 Capati, Caroline           8 St. Gerard             1:43.68   3 
 27 Fisher, Corinne            8 St. Gerard             1:45.24   5 
 28 Beardslee, Mabel           8 St. Gabriel            1:47.10   1 
 29 Kelly, Clara               7 St. Gerard             1:49.80   1 
 30 Lenihan, Josie             7 H. Cross               1:50.60   4 
 31 Sharp, Mairin              8 St. Gabriel            1:50.63   4 
 32 Hills, Hannah              9 St. Gerard             1:59.48   2 
 33 Hanneke, Alice             9 H. Cross               2:01.12   5 
 34 Govero, Delia              8 H. Cross               2:01.61   3 
 35 Donovan, Anna              8 H. Infant              2:08.71   5 
Event 54  (B) 400 M. D. 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Marischen, George          9 Immacolata             1:18.17   2 
  2 Merritt, Thomas            9 Ascension              1:18.89   6 
  3 Hartig, Landon             8 Ascension              1:21.41   2 
  4 Laughlin, Jake             8 OLOL                   1:23.35   5 
  5 Weissler, Will             9 St. Gerard             1:25.07   1 
  6 Fanning, Mark              8 Immacolata             1:26.38   4 
  7 Devero, Ryder              8 Ascension              1:26.40   1 
  8 Lurkins, Simon             7 Sacred Heart           1:26.43   4 
  9 Perez, Everett             8 OLOL                   1:27.48   5 
 10 Ray, Thomas                9 Ascension              1:27.92   6 
 11 Chartrand, Henry           8 H. Infant              1:28.02   1 
 12 Perino, Elden              9 H. Infant              1:28.08   6 
 13 Schwan, Conrad             7 H. Cross               1:29.34   2 
 14 Meahl, David               8 Ascension              1:29.58   4 
 15 Resmann, Sebastian         9 St. Stephen            1:30.15   3 
 16 Dehner, Joseph             9 OLOL                   1:30.56   6 
 17 Favazza, Elijah            8 St. Gabriel            1:30.67   1 
 18 Blevins, Bryce             7 Ascension              1:30.89   3 
 19 Holcombe, Miles            8 H. Infant              1:32.01   1 
 20 Reuter, August             7 St. Gerard             1:33.60   4 
 21 Laury, Connor              8 H. Cross               1:35.91   5 
 22 Sandoval, Efrem            8 Ascension              1:36.37   6 
 23 Antrobus, Beckett          9 Ascension              1:38.18   1 
 24 Haag, Jackson              7 H. Infant              1:38.24   2 
 25 Jennison, Oren             7 H. Cross               1:39.04   2 
 26 Bulthaus, Lucas            9 Ascension              1:40.09   3 
 27 Conrad, Jaxon              8 H. Infant              1:40.18   4 
 28 Del Monte, Fernando        8 St. Gabriel            1:40.48   6 
 29 Morris, Alex               8 H. Cross               1:41.63   5 
 30 Duncan, Jack               8 Ascension              1:42.60   6 
 31 Dailey, Edward             8 St. Gabriel            1:43.66   2 
 32 Hanneke, Gus               9 H. Cross               1:45.87   5 
 33 Morgan, Joseph             8 S.M.O.S.               1:49.01   1 
 34 Schmidt, Dylan             8 H. Cross               1:52.83   3 
 35 Kaiser-medley, Aiden       8 H. Infant              1:56.64   4 
 36 Kasparek-sonntag, Hank     9 S.M.O.S.               2:18.09   3 
Event 55  (G) 400 M. D. 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Eves, Norah                9 St. Gerard             1:14.35   5 
  2 Richmond, Regan           10 St. Gabriel            1:14.99   5 
  3 Haluska, Catherine        11 St. Gerard             1:15.22   4 
  4 Gerard, Francesca         11 S.M.O.S.               1:17.44   5 
  5 Andrews, Denise           10 S.M.O.S.               1:17.45   5 
  6 Udani, Helen              11 S.M.O.S.               1:17.76   2 
  7 Reuter, Mary Helen         9 St. Gerard             1:18.95   5 
  8 Steger, Cooper            11 H. Cross               1:20.53   2 
  9 Bradshaw, Harper           9 St. Raphael            1:21.13   4 
 10 Huskey, Addison           11 St. Joachim            1:21.19   2 
 11 Fischer, Emma             11 H. Cross               1:21.83   3 
 12 McDonald, Molly           11 H. Cross               1:22.02   2 
 13 Meyers, Mary              11 H. Cross               1:22.38   3 
 14 Toussaint, Virginia       11 S.M.O.S.               1:22.49   1 
 15 Overberg, Rose            10 S.M.O.S.               1:23.30   5 
 16 Martin, Molly             10 OLOL                   1:24.19   5 
 17 Barina, Ava               11 H. Infant              1:24.21   2 
 18 Antrobus, Mara            11 Ascension              1:24.30   2 
 19 VanWyk, Olivia            10 Ascension              1:24.58   4 
 20 Briner, Lillian           11 Ascension              1:25.22   5 
 21 Favron, Amber             10 S.M.O.S.               1:25.49   3 
 22 Fitzpatrick, Emmeline     10 St. Gabriel            1:26.05   4 
 23 Simpson, Hannah            9 H. Cross               1:27.66   3 
 24 Ohs, Marian                9 S.M.O.S.               1:28.12   4 
 25 Bergman, Adelaide         10 St. Gabriel            1:28.15   1 
 26 Thenhaus, Tessa           10 St. Gabriel            1:30.32   3 
 27 Wildt, Caroline           10 H. Infant              1:31.26   3 
 28 Anbukumar, Gitamani       11 H. Cross               1:31.34   4 
 29 Overschmidt, Olivia       10 Ascension              1:33.62   1 
 30 Anderson, Charlotte       10 St. Gerard             1:34.05   1 
 31 Eller, Greta              11 H. Infant              1:40.30   1 
 32 Whitney, Annie            11 Sacred Heart           1:45.08   2 
 33 Eddy, Serena              11 H. Cross               1:49.89   3 
Event 56  (B) 400 M. D. 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Couture, William          10 St. Gabriel            1:15.17   1 
  2 Coughlin, Michael         11 Immacolata             1:17.51   2 
  3 Ackerman, Jacob           10 Ascension              1:18.58   5 
  4 Thorburg, Bennett          9 Ascension              1:19.75   4 
  5 Snodgrass, Cole           10 H. Infant              1:20.19   1 
  6 Wolf, Joseph              10 St. Gabriel            1:21.45   2  1:21.443
  7 Holcombe, Jayden          10 H. Infant              1:21.45   1  1:21.446
  8 Beardslee, Walter          9 St. Gabriel            1:22.75   4 
  9 Bernadt, Caleb             9 St. Raphael            1:23.12   4 
 10 Corrigan, Colin           10 Immacolata             1:23.73   4 
 11 Laughlin, Drew            10 OLOL                   1:24.12   5 
 12 Rahn, Max                  9 H. Cross               1:24.52   4 
 13 Maurer, Adrian             9 H. Infant              1:24.69   3 
 14 Klosowski, Ryan           10 H. Cross               1:26.07   5 
 15 Barletta, Sal             10 St. Gerard             1:27.51   2 
 16 Holman, Connor            11 H. Cross               1:27.64   3 
 17 Kheriaty, Joseph          10 H. Cross               1:27.73   1 
 18 Panneton, Theodore        10 S.M.O.S.               1:28.90   5 
 19 Massa, George             11 S.M.O.S.               1:29.65   2 
 20 Miller, Jackson           10 H. Cross               1:29.94   5 
 21 Shannon, Dean             11 St. Gabriel            1:30.04   5 
 22 Boland, Samuel            11 St. Gerard             1:31.04   2 
 23 Ayulo, Diego              10 St. Gabriel            1:31.06   1 
 24 Rimkus, Trent             10 Sacred Heart           1:33.29   5 
 25 Kaelin, Connor            10 H. Cross               1:34.17   4 
 26 Pratt, Finnegan            9 S.M.O.S.               1:35.57   3 
 27 Rushing, Logan            10 H. Cross               1:36.08   3 
 28 Mullican, Ben              9 Ascension              1:38.75   3 
 29 Dailey, Daniel            10 St. Gabriel            1:40.11   1 
 30 Lumpkin, Jonathan         10 S.M.O.S.               1:42.12   4 
 31 Garcia, Victor            10 S.M.O.S.               1:43.42   4 
 32 Kasparek-sonntag, Miguel  10 S.M.O.S.               1:44.48   3 
 33 Hoffman, Elijah           10 Ascension              1:44.76   2 
 34 Ala, Aadrith              10 Ascension              1:47.11   3 
 35 Aholt, Toby                9 H. Cross               1:49.32   1 
 36 Bury, Rory                11 St. Gabriel            1:58.02   2 
Event 57  (G) 400 M. D. 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Toofan, Jasmine           13 Ascension              1:07.37   3 
  2 Glarner, Lucy             13 OLOL                   1:10.11   3 
  3 Wasman, Elizabeth         11 H. Infant              1:10.38   1 
  4 Dehner, Amelia            12 OLOL                   1:11.03   3 
  5 Patterson, Gwen           11 St. Gabriel            1:11.93   3 
  6 Powers, Sophia            13 Ascension              1:12.02   3 
  7 Waeckerle, Emma           12 H. Infant              1:13.99   2 
  8 Kansteiner, Stella        11 Sacred Heart           1:14.55   1 
  9 O'Hanlon, MaryLouise      12 H. Cross               1:16.51   3 
 10 Northrup, Quinn           12 Ascension              1:16.63   3 
 11 Payne, Eloise             13 St. Gabriel            1:16.85   2 
 12 Rapplean, Sydney          12 St. Gabriel            1:17.58   1 
 13 Winfrey, Ava              11 H. Cross               1:19.10   1 
 14 Jones, Gabrielle          12 Marian                 1:22.36   2 
 15 Criss, Heavenlee          13 Marian                 1:24.55   1 
 16 MacLellan, Addison        12 St. Gerard             1:25.71   2 
 17 Jackson, Tessa            11 Sacred Heart           1:28.07   2 
 18 Abernathy, Samantha       12 St. Gabriel            1:38.96   2 
Event 58  (B) 400 M. D. 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Legrand, Matt             13 OLOL                   1:02.77   1 
  2 Glarner, Henry            12 OLOL                   1:06.49   5 
  3 Wingbermuehle, Joshua     13 St. Gabriel            1:07.26   2 
  4 Perez, Charleston         12 OLOL                   1:08.86   5 
  5 Dalton, Harrison          12 Chaminade              1:10.70   3 
  6 Browning, James           13 St. Raphael            1:11.70   4 
  7 Sandoval, Irenaeus        13 Ascension              1:12.14   5 
  8 Corbett, Jacob            13 Chaminade              1:12.17   1 
  9 Rimkus, Benjamin          13 Sacred Heart           1:14.22   1 
 10 Diehr, William            12 OLOL                   1:14.86   5 
 11 Gaitho, Sebastian         13 Chaminade              1:15.38   1 
 12 Araneta, Derrick          13 St. Gerard             1:16.56   5 
 13 Newton, Archer            13 H. Cross               1:17.01   3 
 14 Galburt Ruiz, Xabier      12 S.M.O.S.               1:17.25   1 
 15 Woodard, Fletcher         13 St. Gerard             1:17.98   4 
 16 Chickering, Miles         11 Sacred Heart           1:18.05   3 
 17 Simmons, Chase            11 Sacred Heart           1:18.36   4 
 18 Schutte, Lucas            12 St. Gerard             1:20.36   2 
 19 Chohan, Benjamin          12 Ascension              1:21.11   5 
 20 Shekel Jr., Matthew       13 St. Gabriel            1:22.97   2 
 21 Lumpkin, Isaiah           12 S.M.O.S.               1:23.88   5 
 22 Batan, Ryan               12 St. Gabriel            1:25.11   4 
 23 Anbukumar, Lakshminaraya  13 H. Cross               1:26.13   5 
 24 Johns, Colin              12 H. Infant              1:26.28   4 
 25 Haluska, Drew             13 Chaminade              1:34.65   2 
 26 Lurkins, Connor           11 Sacred Heart           1:37.11   4 
Event 59  (G) 400 M. D. 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Delling, Erin             13 Ascension              1:04.79   2 
  2 Robeson, Claire           14 Ascension              1:05.39   1 
  3 Goldkamp, Miriam          13 St. Gabriel            1:07.12   2 
  4 Terrell, Sophia           13 S.M.O.S.               1:07.97   1 
  5 Glarner, Caroline         14 OLOL                   1:08.51   2 
  6 Freeman, Grace            14 Ascension              1:09.06   2 
  7 Black, Lila               14 S.M.O.S.               1:13.41   2 
  8 Horton, Nya               14 Marian                 1:15.73   1 
  9 Kakkanathu, Rachel        14 H. Infant              1:16.02   1 
 10 Robinson, Magdalyn        13 Sacred Heart           1:19.29   1 
 11 Freeman, Emma             14 Ascension              1:20.85   2 
 12 Reed, Tiffany             13 Sacred Heart           1:25.16   2 
 13 Romero, Maria             14 H. Cross               1:27.92   1 
Event 60  (B) 400 M. D. 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Medina, Noah              14 S.M.O.S.                 54.46   2 
  2 Millett, Beck             14 S.M.O.S.                 55.81   2 
  3 Fitzpatrick, Henry        14 St. Gabriel              59.47   2 
  4 Muller, Jeanrich          14 Ascension              1:02.76   1 
  5 Duggan, Conor             14 S.M.O.S.               1:03.09   2 
  6 Boland, Thomas            14 St. Gerard             1:03.13   2 
  7 Couture, Ryan             13 St. Gabriel            1:04.54   2 
  8 Schultz, Nick             14 St. Gabriel            1:06.68   2 
  9 Moos, Lincoln             13 Ascension              1:09.69   2 
 10 Dubois, Theodore teddy    14 Sacred Heart           1:11.36   1 
Event 61  (G) 50 M. D. 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Ray, Allison               7 Ascension                 8.52   2 
  2 Hayde, Clara               7 S.M.O.S.                  8.83   6 
  3 Warner, Annalise           7 St. Gabriel               9.08   7 
  4 Schweitzer, Emma           7 Ascension                 9.09   9 
  5 Favazza, Hannah            7 Immacolata                9.17   7 
  6 Terry, Lucy                5 Sacred Heart              9.21   1 
  7 Ciesielski, Charlotte      7 OLOL                      9.35   6 
  8 Herdman, Corinne           6 Ascension                 9.49   1 
  9 McDonald, Clare            7 Immacolata                9.53   4 
 10 Libbra, Francesca          7 Immacolata                9.54   1 
 11 Martin, Korinne            7 OLOL                      9.55   9 
 12 Bridges, Tierney           7 Immacolata                9.56   4 
 13 Evans, Marion              7 S.M.O.S.                  9.58   9 
 14 Jackson, Cate              7 S.M.O.S.                  9.62   5 
 15 Pelikan, Toni              7 St. Joachim               9.66   7 
 16 Hartwig, Zara              6 St. Gerard                9.68   9  9.672
 17 Klosowski, Brynn           6 H. Cross                  9.68   3  9.680
 18 Boain, Lindley             7 Ascension                 9.69   1 
 19 Peters, Sophia             6 St. Raphael               9.72   8 
 20 Stauber, Charlotte         5 St. Gerard                9.75   8 
 21 Nesbitt, Kailieyah         7 St. Frances               9.78   2 
 22 English, Norah             6 S.M.O.S.                  9.85   2 
 23 Sharpe, Adalee             6 St. Joachim               9.91   3 
 24 Julian, Alice              6 St. Gabriel               9.96   5 
 25 Roell, Madeline            7 St. Gabriel              10.03   9 
 26 Kunderman, Clara           6 St. Gabriel              10.14   7 
 27 Yungbluth, Adilynn         6 St. Gabriel              10.20   6 
 28 Gassner, Sophie            6 St. Gabriel              10.21   6 
 29 Kop, Martha                7 St. Frances              10.26   4 
 30 Dore, Brooke               7 Immacolata               10.27   2  10.261
 31 Coggin, Kennedy            6 Immacolata               10.27   3  10.267
 32 Menges, Meredith           6 St. Gabriel              10.28   6 
 33 May, Molly                 7 St. Gabriel              10.32   5 
 34 Ridley, Grace              7 St. Raphael              10.34   5 
 35 Ciesielski, Lillian        5 OLOL                     10.37   3 
 36 Gassner, Evelyn            6 St. Gabriel              10.38   8 
 37 Banta, Scarlett            6 Ascension                10.42   2 
 38 McGrath, Rosemary          7 S.M.O.S.                 10.52   4  10.517
 39 Laster, Stella             6 H. Cross                 10.52   7  10.518
 40 Jones, Jenna               6 Immacolata               10.59   3 
 41 Laughlin, Genevieve        6 OLOL                     10.60   4 
 42 Govero, Avila              6 H. Cross                 10.63   3 
 43 Goetz, Eloise              7 St. Gabriel              10.68   1 
 44 Roth, Margaret             7 Immacolata               10.71   7 
 45 Switzer, Cora              7 St. Raphael              10.72   9 
 46 Anstey, Nora               7 St. Raphael              10.74   9 
 47 Del Monte, Clara           6 St. Gabriel              10.75   3 
 48 Reynolds, Evelyn           6 OLOL                     10.82   6 
 49 Cassel, Valentina          6 S.M.O.S.                 10.85   8 
 50 Wertenberger, Charlotte    5 OLOL                     10.86   2 
 51 Mork, Keira                7 S.M.O.S.                 10.89   9 
 52 Burnett, Ruby              6 Ascension                10.91   5 
 53 Bennett, Lillian           6 St. Gabriel              11.25   7 
 54 Man, Lucy                  5 St. Frances              11.36   3 
 55 Miller, Annabelle          6 St. Gabriel              11.42   4 
 56 Zouglas, Frances           6 St. Raphael              11.43   5 
 57 Roth, November             6 S.M.O.S.                 11.76   2 
 58 Jennison, Lily             5 H. Cross                 11.79   8  11.783
 59 Roepke, Callie             6 H. Cross                 11.79   8  11.788
 60 Odenwald, Emilee           5 H. Cross                 12.07   1 
 61 Walker, Elinor             7 St. Frances              13.22   5 
Event 62  (B) 50 M. D. 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Patton, Jeffrey            6 St. Gerard                8.67   8 
  2 Medina, Cruz               5 S.M.O.S.                  8.86   3 
  3 Moore, Finnegan            7 S.M.O.S.                  8.92   9 
  4 Johnson, Owen              6 St. Gabriel               9.04   5 
  5 Burkemper, Noah            7 St. Gerard                9.09   9 
  6 O’neill, Mo              6 Ascension                 9.12   6  9.114
  7 Perino, Welles             6 H. Infant                 9.12   6  9.117
  8 Williams, Kayden           7 St. Frances               9.26   9 
  9 Godwin, John               6 H. Cross                  9.32   4 
 10 Stalka, Elliott            7 St. Gerard                9.41   9 
 11 Potts, Henry               6 St. Raphael               9.48   8 
 12 Skrabacz, Zigmund          6 S.M.O.S.                  9.49   5 
 13 Kroeber, Ezra              6 S.M.O.S.                  9.53   8 
 14 Holleman, Charley          5 St. Gerard                9.55   2 
 15 Silker, Teddy              7 H. Infant                 9.60   3 
 16 Griffin, James             6 OLOL                      9.65   4 
 17 Moneer, Nolan              6 H. Cross                  9.67   4 
 18 Rebman, Scott              6 OLOL                      9.72   3 
 19 Mung, Joseph               6 St. Frances               9.78   5 
 20 Evans, Peter               7 S.M.O.S.                  9.79   9  9.783
 21 Schump, Wyatt              6 S.M.O.S.                  9.79   7  9.784
 22 McKay, Jude                7 St. Gerard                9.80   2 
 23 Curran, Grayson            5 Sacred Heart              9.83   8 
 24 Delgado, Rogelio           7 St. Frances               9.93   7 
 25 Gent, Peter                7 Ascension                 9.94   7 
 26 Lumpkin, Samuel            7 S.M.O.S.                 10.06   6 
 27 Ridder, Anthony            6 H. Infant                10.08   2 
 28 Knutson, Cohen             6 OLOL                     10.11   3 
 29 Rogers, Wes                6 St. Gerard               10.14   7 
 30 Johnston, Nash             6 St. Gerard               10.15   7 
 31 Reynolds, Dean             5 S.M.O.S.                 10.18   1 
 32 Murphy, Phoenix            6 St. Gabriel              10.27   1 
 33 Thuston, Kenny             6 St. Gerard               10.31   2 
 34 High, Kolton               6 OLOL                     10.38   4 
 35 Fanning, Callen            6 Immacolata               10.44   8 
 36 Goettelmann, Grayson       6 Ascension                10.46   2 
 37 Carr, Emmitt               6 St. Gabriel              10.53   6 
 38 Kelly, Patrick             6 St. Gerard               10.55   3 
 39 Chorkey, Evander           6 S.M.O.S.                 10.67   4 
 40 Leitner, Gavin             6 S.M.O.S.                 10.69   5 
 41 Matarazzi, Joey            6 St. Gabriel              10.72   2 
 42 Wear, Nolan                6 H. Cross                 10.87   5 
 43 Ciaccio, Luca              6 St. Gabriel              10.97   6 
 44 Alles, Colton              6 H. Cross                 10.98   5 
 45 Curtin, John               6 St. Raphael              11.04   9 
 46 Gorecki, Augustus          7 St. Gabriel              11.09   6 
 47 Wiseman, James             6 St. Gabriel              11.48   7 
 48 Cassimatis, Noah           6 Ascension                11.52   3 
 49 Wacker, Edmund             7 St. Gabriel              11.67   5 
 50 Bickhaus, Charles          7 St. Gerard               11.75   9 
 51 Cardelli, Leo              6 St. Gabriel              12.34   8 
 52 Rieber, Wesley             6 Ascension                14.51   3 
Event 63  (G) 4x200 M. R. 8-9 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             2:26.40  
     1) Workman, Ally 9                 2) Shultz, Amelia 9               
     3) Crowley, Liv 9                  4) Hartwig, Isabel 9              
  2 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       2:38.28  
     1) Anzalone, Cecelia 9             2) Merideth, Eliza 9              
     3) Saracino, Josephine 8           4) Skrabacz, Embry 8              
  3 Ascension  'A'                                      2:44.04  
     1) Thomas, Lillian 9               2) Powers, Jade 8                 
     3) Merritt, Greta 8                4) Brandt, Madeline 4             
  4 Holy Infant  'A'                                    2:52.06  
     1) Wildt, Clare 7                  2) Hood, Sydney 8                 
     3) King, Anna 8                    4) Robben, Tessa 8                
  5 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      2:55.63  
     1) Sheehan, Marykathryn 8          2) Patterson, Gloria 7            
     3) Menges, Charlotte 8             4) Roth, Amelia 7                 
  6 St. Raphael the Archangel  'A'                      3:00.95  
     1) Baker, Everly 8                 2) Mater, Natalie 8               
     3) Anstey, Clare 8                 4) Rooney, Emma 9                 
  7 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             3:22.58  
     1) Lenihan, Josie 7                2) MacDonald, Caroline 9          
     3) Govero, Delia 8                 4) Godwin, Nora 9                 
Event 64  (B) 4x200 M. R. 8-9 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      2:23.13  
     1) Merritt, Thomas 9               2) Kimm, Ethan 9                  
     3) Hartig, Landon 8                4) Mannebach, Charlie 9           
  2 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             2:24.18  
     1) Orians, Henry 8                 2) Kraft, Jack 9                  
     3) Lucas, Jackson 7                4) Lucas, Austin 9                
  3 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      2:46.03  
     1) Schrick, Alexander 8            2) Bergman, Theodore (teddy) 8    
     3) Kelleher, Jack 8                4) Del Monte, Fernando 8          
  4 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             3:13.09  
     1) Holman, Christian 9             2) Connelly, Kiernan 9            
     3) Alles, Evan 8                   4) Hanneke, Gus 9                 
Event 65  (G) 4x200 M. R. 10-11 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             2:16.26  
     1) Workman, Kate 11                2) Partridge, Sylvia 11           
     3) Partridge, Scarlett 11          4) Partridge, Sonja 11            
  2 Ascension  'A'                                      2:22.11  
     1) Antrobus, Mara 11               2) Kurapati, Nyla 11              
     3) Parks, Felicity 11              4) Lococo, Reese 11               
  3 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       2:30.40  
     1) Andrews, Denise 10              2) Udani, Helen 11                
     3) Harris, Neriah 10               4) Jackson, Phoebe 10             
  4 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      2:34.67  
     1) Harden, Cecelia 10              2) Richard, Mila 10               
     3) Nelke, Rosalie 10               4) Simon, Gwyneth 11              
  5 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             2:35.82  
     1) Tully, Clementine 10            2) Sahin, Zoey 10                 
     3) Manzella, Rosa 10               4) Steger, Cooper 11              
  6 Immacolata  'A'                                     2:37.95  
     1) Cherba, Ann 11                  2) Burch, Greta 10                
     3) Fisher, Cora 10                 4) Zaegel, Kara 9                 
Event 66  (B) 4x200 M. R. 10-11 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      2:15.08  
     1) Ackerman, Jacob 10              2) Amador, Nathan 11              
     3) McCarthy, Brennen 11            4) Thorburg, Bennett 9            
  2 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             2:19.65  
     1) Romero, Simon 10                2) Greanias, Christopher 10       
     3) George, Henry 11                4) Usher, Clayton 11              
  3 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             2:24.20  
     1) Hoffman, Logan 11               2) Stalka, Grant 9                
     3) Boland, Samuel 11               4) Barletta, Sal 10               
  4 Immacolata  'A'                                     2:26.70  
     1) Dacey, Gus 9                    2) Coughlin, Michael 11           
     3) St. Eve, John Owen 10           4) Corrigan, Colin 10             
  5 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       2:30.67  
     1) Ray, Marshall 11                2) Brockland, Sebastian 11        
     3) Panneton, Theodore 10           4) Pratt, Finnegan 9              
  6 St. Raphael the Archangel  'A'                      2:30.91  
     1) Weiss, Sam 9                    2) Potts, Isaac 10                
     3) Potts, Thomas 8                 4) Adams, Dougie 9                
  7 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      2:31.99  
     1) Ayulo, Diego 10                 2) Couture, William 10            
     3) Busch, William 9                4) Wolf, Joseph 10                
Event 67  (G) 4x200 M. R. 12-13 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Marian Middle School  'A'                           2:10.99  
     1) Dees, Rose 13                   2) Smith, Jayla 13                
     3) Jackson, Lauryn 13              4) Rice, Blaize 12                
  2 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       2:11.76  
     1) Hunsberger, Fiona 13            2) Johnson, Sloane 12             
     3) Miller, Lucille 12              4) Von Holten, Eleanor 11         
  3 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      2:14.93  
     1) Fitzpatrick, Mary 12            2) Patterson, Gwen 11             
     3) Rapplean, Sydney 12             4) Wolf, Elizabeth 12             
  4 Holy Infant  'A'                                    2:18.70  
     1) Herring, Avah 11                2) Engels, Bianca 13              
     3) Waeckerle, Emma 12              4) Wildt, Caroline 10             
  5 St. Raphael the Archangel  'A'                      2:26.34  
     1) Kurtovic, Adriana 12            2) Merritt, Lilly 10              
     3) Bradshaw, Harper 9              4) Kleekamp, Emmy 12              
  6 Immacolata  'A'                                     2:26.85  
     1) Frisch, Molly 12                2) Stegman, Catherine 11          
     3) Bush, Marie 12                  4) Burch, Charlee 12              
  7 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             2:30.76  
     1) Anderson, Isabella 12           2) Reuter, Evelyn 11              
     3) MacLellan, Addison 12           4) Capati, Charlotte 12           
Event 68  (B) 4x200 M. R. 12-13 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      2:14.21  
     1) Merritt, Augustus 11            2) Ruckstaetter, Caden 13         
     3) Gent, Garrett 11                4) Sandoval, Irenaeus 13          
  2 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             2:14.42  
     1) Jontry, Elijah 13               2) Woodard, Fletcher 13           
     3) Orians, Thomas 11               4) Araneta, Derrick 13            
  3 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             2:25.69  
     1) Kheriaty, Daniel 12             2) Heinly, Raymond 12             
     3) Romero, Oscar 12                4) Morris, Austin 11              
Event 69  (G) 4x200 M. R. 14-15 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      2:01.08  
     1) Robeson, Claire 14              2) Powers, Sophia 13              
     3) Toofan, Jasmine 13              4) Delling, Erin 13               
  2 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             2:13.11  
     1) Mealey, Kate 14                 2) George, Lucy 14                
     3) Millar, Lindsey 13              4) Rahn, Maura 13                 
Event 70  (B) 4x200 M. R. 14-15 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      1:57.84  
     1) Schultz, Nick 14                2) Couture, Ryan 13               
     3) Kozminske, Tyler 14             4) Fitzpatrick, Henry 14          
  2 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             2:13.40  
     1) Casey, Quinten 13               2) Puckett, Jack 14               
     3) Anbukumar, Lakshminarayanan 13  4) Kheriaty, Jacob 14             
Event 71  (G) 800 M. Run 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hartwig, Isabel            9 St. Gerard             3:07.75  
       1:32.694 (1:32.694)        3:07.750 (1:35.056)
  2 Burgess, Zora              8 S.M.O.S.               3:21.76  
       1:42.071 (1:42.071)        3:21.755 (1:39.685)
  3 Miller, Cabanne            9 S.M.O.S.               3:25.17  
       1:41.337 (1:41.337)        3:25.170 (1:43.834)
  4 Merritt, Greta             8 Ascension              3:34.86  
       1:46.836 (1:46.836)        3:34.857 (1:48.021)
  5 Little, Mary               8 Ascension              3:36.77  
       1:45.151 (1:45.151)        3:36.761 (1:51.610)
  6 Bradshaw, Blake            8 S.M.O.S.               3:39.68  
       1:51.859 (1:51.859)        3:39.678 (1:47.820)
  7 Bergfeld, Madison          7 St. Gerard             3:39.96  
       1:45.553 (1:45.553)        3:39.952 (1:54.399)
  8 Flavin, Elizabeth          8 St. Raphael            3:44.78  
       1:40.912 (1:40.912)        3:44.776 (2:03.864)
  9 King, Anna                 8 H. Infant              3:48.58  
       1:48.314 (1:48.314)        3:48.574 (2:00.260)
 10 Molick, Maria              8 Ascension              3:51.94  
       1:53.575 (1:53.575)        3:51.932 (1:58.358)
 11 Kheriaty, Claire           9 H. Cross               3:54.00  
       1:56.335 (1:56.335)        3:54.000 (1:57.665)
 12 Capati, Caroline           8 St. Gerard             4:00.70  
       1:55.758 (1:55.758)        4:00.691 (2:04.933)
 13 Udani, Mabel               9 S.M.O.S.               4:07.75  
       2:01.597 (2:01.597)        4:07.742 (2:06.145)
 14 Merideth, Eliza            9 S.M.O.S.               4:15.01  
       1:55.817 (1:55.817)        4:15.002 (2:19.186)
 15 Donovan, Anna              8 H. Infant              4:46.72  
       2:10.709 (2:10.709)        4:46.712 (2:36.003)
Event 72  (B) 800 M. Run 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Devero, Ryder              8 Ascension              3:06.98  
       1:33.752 (1:33.752)        3:06.980 (1:33.229)
  2 Sherman, Nate              8 S.M.O.S.               3:07.91  
       1:31.612 (1:31.612)        3:07.904 (1:36.293)
  3 Gomez, Matias              8 Sacred Heart           3:08.66  
       1:32.411 (1:32.411)        3:08.657 (1:36.246)
  4 Meahl, David               8 Ascension              3:18.11  
       1:38.895 (1:38.895)        3:18.104 (1:39.210)
  5 Schwan, Conrad             7 H. Cross               3:22.94  
       1:38.654 (1:38.654)        3:22.934 (1:44.280)
  6 Kurapati, Milan            8 Ascension              3:27.28  
       1:43.329 (1:43.329)        3:27.277 (1:43.948)
  7 Eagen, Carter              9 H. Infant              3:29.66  
       1:39.811 (1:39.811)        3:29.651 (1:49.840)
  8 Holcombe, Miles            8 H. Infant              3:40.00  
       1:47.012 (1:47.012)        3:39.999 (1:52.988)
  9 Dailey, Edward             8 St. Gabriel            3:42.18  
       1:47.428 (1:47.428)        3:42.178 (1:54.750)
 10 Jennison, Oren             7 H. Cross               3:45.52  
       1:51.597 (1:51.597)        3:45.515 (1:53.919)
 11 Sandoval, Efrem            8 Ascension              3:48.97  
       1:52.537 (1:52.537)        3:48.964 (1:56.427)
 12 Lee, Lucas                 7 Ascension              4:31.86  
       2:14.007 (2:14.007)        4:31.859 (2:17.852)
 13 Morgan, Joseph             8 S.M.O.S.               4:35.50  
       2:15.610 (2:15.610)        4:35.492 (2:19.882)
Event 73  (G) 800 M. Run 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Workman, Kate             11 St. Gerard             3:00.64  
       1:27.898 (1:27.898)        3:00.638 (1:32.740)
  2 Haluska, Catherine        11 St. Gerard             3:02.67  
       1:28.576 (1:28.576)        3:02.665 (1:34.090)
  3 Barina, Ava               11 H. Infant              3:16.94  
       1:37.952 (1:37.952)        3:16.936 (1:38.984)
  4 Richmond, Regan           10 St. Gabriel            3:18.69  
       1:44.681 (1:44.681)        3:18.683 (1:34.003)
  5 Medina, Camila            10 S.M.O.S.               3:20.53  
       1:44.304 (1:44.304)        3:20.528 (1:36.225)
  6 Bergfeld, Alison          10 St. Gerard             3:27.22  
       1:47.803 (1:47.803)        3:27.216 (1:39.414)
  7 Fitzpatrick, Emmeline     10 St. Gabriel            3:28.55  
       1:48.988 (1:48.988)        3:28.546 (1:39.558)
  8 Tully, Clementine         10 H. Cross               3:29.04  
       1:50.245 (1:50.245)        3:29.036 (1:38.791)
  9 Toussaint, Virginia       11 S.M.O.S.               3:39.01  
       1:55.340 (1:55.340)        3:39.006 (1:43.667)
 10 Swoboda, Vivian           10 St. Gerard             3:45.95  
       1:49.447 (1:49.447)        3:45.944 (1:56.497)
 11 Merritt, Lilly            10 St. Raphael            3:48.08  
       1:54.151 (1:54.151)        3:48.077 (1:53.927)
 12 Schmidt, Cora             11 H. Cross               3:54.08  
       1:57.497 (1:57.497)        3:54.076 (1:56.579)
 13 Echeverry, Valentina      10 Ascension              3:55.55  
       1:59.943 (1:59.943)        3:55.548 (1:55.605)
 14 Flatley, Mary Kate        10 S.M.O.S.               3:56.39  
       1:59.648 (1:59.648)        3:56.385 (1:56.737)
Event 74  (B) 800 M. Run 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 McCarthy, Brennen         11 Ascension              2:53.70  
       1:29.763 (1:29.763)        2:53.699 (1:23.936)
  2 Amador, Nathan            11 Ascension              2:58.02  
       1:30.411 (1:30.411)        2:58.015 (1:27.604)
  3 Gomez, Micah              11 Sacred Heart           2:59.28  
       1:29.463 (1:29.463)        2:59.277 (1:29.815)
  4 Evans, Thomas             10 S.M.O.S.               3:08.22  
       1:33.535 (1:33.535)        3:08.217 (1:34.683)
  5 Schrick, Wesley           10 St. Gabriel            3:09.78  
       1:34.576 (1:34.576)        3:09.778 (1:35.202)
  6 Kelsey, Will              10 S.M.O.S.               3:10.99  
       1:34.488 (1:34.488)        3:10.990 (1:36.502)
  7 Garwitz, Braden           10 H. Cross               3:11.56  
       1:36.726 (1:36.726)        3:11.555 (1:34.829)
  8 Mehta, Bennett            10 S.M.O.S.               3:12.48  
       1:35.406 (1:35.406)        3:12.480 (1:37.074)
  9 Villhard, John            11 H. Infant              3:14.90  
       1:35.995 (1:35.995)        3:14.891 (1:38.896)
 10 Yungbluth, Noah           11 St. Gabriel            3:18.21  
       1:36.265 (1:36.265)        3:18.206 (1:41.941)
 11 Govero, Clayton           11 St. Joachim            3:18.27  
       1:37.629 (1:37.629)        3:18.264 (1:40.635)
 12 Barber, Jeremy            11 St. Joachim            3:19.68  
       1:36.412 (1:36.412)        3:19.673 (1:43.261)
 13 Meyer, Lucien             10 S.M.O.S.               3:19.93  
       1:40.736 (1:40.736)        3:19.923 (1:39.187)
 14 Geerling, Simon           11 H. Cross               3:23.32  
       1:38.181 (1:38.181)        3:23.320 (1:45.140)
 15 Silker, Charlie           10 H. Infant              3:28.80  
       1:40.235 (1:40.235)        3:28.792 (1:48.557)
 16 Miller, Jackson           10 H. Cross               3:37.79  
       1:50.460 (1:50.460)        3:37.786 (1:47.327)
 17 Wurm-cutter, Patrick      11 St. Gabriel            4:09.54  
       1:58.915 (1:58.915)        4:09.539 (2:10.624)
 18 Aholt, Toby                9 H. Cross               4:12.28  
       2:03.675 (2:03.675)        4:12.274 (2:08.599)
Event 75  (G) 800 M. Run 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fitzpatrick, Mary         12 St. Gabriel            2:50.66  
       1:24.945 (1:24.945)        2:50.658 (1:25.713)
  2 Glarner, Lucy             13 OLOL                   2:53.47  
       1:23.968 (1:23.968)        2:53.467 (1:29.500)
  3 Wolf, Elizabeth           12 St. Gabriel            2:56.59  
       1:26.722 (1:26.722)        2:56.590 (1:29.869)
  4 Couch, Ariya              11 S.M.O.S.               2:59.69  
       1:25.713 (1:25.713)        2:59.687 (1:33.974)
  5 Hunsberger, Fiona         13 S.M.O.S.               3:08.15  
       1:26.155 (1:26.155)        3:08.148 (1:41.994)
  6 Moore, Colleen            12 S.M.O.S.               3:10.19  
       1:29.719 (1:29.719)        3:10.182 (1:40.463)
  7 Menges, Kate              12 St. Gabriel            3:10.22  
       1:33.149 (1:33.149)        3:10.216 (1:37.067)
  8 Stevens, Rebecca          11 S.M.O.S.               3:29.50  
       1:38.688 (1:38.688)        3:29.491 (1:50.804)
  9 Capati, Charlotte         12 St. Gerard             3:31.05  
       1:35.307 (1:35.307)        3:31.046 (1:55.740)
 10 Merritt, Alice            11 Ascension              3:42.27  
       1:47.464 (1:47.464)        3:42.263 (1:54.799)
 11 Jones, Taliiy'n           12 Marian                 3:57.74  
       1:42.601 (1:42.601)        3:57.740 (2:15.140)
 12 Criss, Heavenlee          13 Marian                 4:05.08  
       1:40.479 (1:40.479)        4:05.078 (2:24.599)
Event 76  (B) 800 M. Run 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Wingbermuehle, Joshua     13 St. Gabriel            2:33.49  
       1:16.899 (1:16.899)        2:33.484 (1:16.586)
  2 Rahn, Benjamin            13 Sacred Heart           2:37.71  
       1:17.917 (1:17.917)        2:37.701 (1:19.785)
  3 Corbett, Jacob            13 Chaminade              2:40.11  
       1:17.174 (1:17.174)        2:40.104 (1:22.930)
  4 Browning, James           13 St. Raphael            2:47.23  
       1:19.737 (1:19.737)        2:47.225 (1:27.489)
  5 Romero, Oscar             12 H. Cross               2:47.44  
       1:19.370 (1:19.370)        2:47.434 (1:28.065)
  6 Moos, Dominic             12 Ascension              2:53.68  
       1:24.149 (1:24.149)        2:53.679 (1:29.530)
  7 Aholt, Simon              12 H. Cross               2:56.01  
       1:27.130 (1:27.130)        2:56.004 (1:28.875)
  8 Bulthaus, William         12 Ascension              3:02.14  
       1:33.788 (1:33.788)        3:02.134 (1:28.347)
  9 Lumpkin, Isaiah           12 S.M.O.S.               3:04.07  
       1:29.693 (1:29.693)        3:04.062 (1:34.370)
 10 Ruckstaetter, Caden       13 Ascension              3:04.56  
       1:34.300 (1:34.300)        3:04.557 (1:30.257)
 11 Galburt Ruiz, Xabier      12 S.M.O.S.               3:05.93  
       1:32.756 (1:32.756)        3:05.927 (1:33.171)
 12 Carson, Sam               12 S.M.O.S.               3:10.57  
       1:33.224 (1:33.224)        3:10.565 (1:37.342)
 13 Chickering, Miles         11 Sacred Heart           3:10.89  
       3:10.884 (3:10.884)           3:10.884 (0.000)
 14 Duffy, Benjamin           12 Ascension              3:27.25  
       1:34.719 (1:34.719)        3:27.242 (1:52.523)
Event 77  (G) 800 M. Run 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Groenewald, Marli         14 Ascension              2:34.74  
  2 Goldkamp, Miriam          13 St. Gabriel            2:45.24  
  3 Moore, Madeline           14 S.M.O.S.               2:46.41  
  4 Glarner, Caroline         14 OLOL                   2:46.50  
  5 Black, Lila               14 S.M.O.S.               2:53.87  
  6 Steele, Kennedy           14 S.M.O.S.               2:54.71  
  7 Miller, Juliet            14 St. Gabriel            3:01.60  
  8 Horton, Nya               14 Marian                 3:23.36  
Event 78  (B) 800 M. Run 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Points
  1 Amador, Lucas             13 Ascension              2:03.05  
  2 Andrews, Joe              13 S.M.O.S.               2:27.56  
  3 Schutte, Christopher      13 St. Gerard             2:56.54  
Event 79  (G) 200 M. D. 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Schweitzer, Olivia         7 Ascension                35.96   3 
  2 Muyco, Malaya              7 St. Gerard               38.59   2 
  3 Evans, Marion              7 S.M.O.S.                 41.26   3 
  4 Jackson, Cate              7 S.M.O.S.                 41.91   1 
  5 Martin, Korinne            7 OLOL                     41.93   3 
  6 Odenwald, Emilee           5 H. Cross                 43.99   3 
  7 Mehrotra, Shyra            7 Ascension                44.63   1 
  8 Prewett, Katherine         6 St. Gerard               44.78   1 
  9 Herdman, Corinne           6 Ascension                46.74   2 
 10 McGrath, Rosemary          7 S.M.O.S.                 46.84   1 
 11 Held, Clara                5 St. Gabriel              48.00   3 
 12 Dunn, Hadley               7 St. Gerard               48.05   2 
 13 Klosowski, Brynn           6 H. Cross                 49.07   1 
 14 Laughlin, Genevieve        6 OLOL                     49.93   3 
 15 O'Neal, Maggie             7 St. Gerard               50.38   1 
 16 Laster, Stella             6 H. Cross                 51.96   1 
 17 Del Monte, Clara           6 St. Gabriel              53.29   2 
 18 Tully, Beatrice            7 H. Cross               1:02.76   2 
Event 80  (B) 200 M. D. 7 and Under
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Pelikan, Laynne            8 St. Joachim              40.38   3 
  2 Burkemper, Noah            7 St. Gerard               41.39   3 
  3 Godwin, John               6 H. Cross                 41.45   2 
  4 Greanias, Nicholas         7 H. Cross                 41.74   1 
  5 Kroeber, Ezra              6 S.M.O.S.                 42.00   2 
  6 Bradford, Harrison         5 St. Raphael              44.21   3 
  7 O’neill, Mo              6 Ascension                44.36   2 
  8 McKay, Jude                7 St. Gerard               44.99   3 
  9 Griffin, James             6 OLOL                     45.36   3 
 10 High, Kolton               6 OLOL                     45.71   1 
 11 Gent, Peter                7 Ascension                46.72   1 
 12 Rebman, Scott              6 OLOL                     46.81   3 
 13 Holleman, Charley          5 St. Gerard               47.00   3 
 14 Delgado, Rogelio           7 St. Frances              47.85   1 
 15 Northrup, Will             7 Ascension                48.37   1 
 16 Knutson, Cohen             6 OLOL                     49.28   1 
 17 Murphy, Kingston           7 St. Gabriel              49.42   1 
 18 Goettelmann, Grayson       6 Ascension                51.48   2 
 19 Doneff, Jack               6 St. Gerard               51.49   2 
 20 Baudendistel, Connor       5 St. Gerard               52.40   2 
 21 Farishon, Alexander        6 St. Gerard               52.78   1 
Event 81  (G) 200 M. D. 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Hayde, Nora                9 S.M.O.S.                 31.96   9 
  2 Workman, Ally              9 St. Gerard               35.40   1 
  3 Jordan, Adelaide           8 Immacolata               35.89   5 
  4 Terrell, Chloe             9 S.M.O.S.                 35.93   5 
  5 Peters, Emma               9 St. Raphael              36.22   9 
  6 Shultz, Amelia             9 St. Gerard               36.27   7 
  7 Pelhank, Alyssa            8 H. Infant                36.31   8 
  8 Crowley, Liv               9 St. Gerard               37.98   7 
  9 Uhlig, Claire              7 St. Gerard               38.50   3 
 10 Hood, Sydney               8 H. Infant                38.59   4 
 11 Vineyard, Hazel            8 St. Gabriel              38.64   9 
 12 Cassel, Rocio              8 S.M.O.S.                 38.92   7 
 13 Skrabacz, Embry            8 S.M.O.S.                 39.52   9 
 14 Anzalone, Cecelia          9 S.M.O.S.                 39.79   9 
 15 Patterson, Gloria          7 St. Gabriel              39.86   1 
 16 Patton, Mary Rose          8 St. Gerard               40.27   8 
 17 Meyer, Lily                8 S.M.O.S.                 40.38   9 
 18 Seyer, Fiona               7 St. Gerard               40.46   2 
 19 Schultz, Lily              8 St. Gabriel              40.69   9 
 20 Knutson, Sloan             9 OLOL                     40.78   9 
 21 Schump, Norah              8 S.M.O.S.                 40.97   8 
 22 Eilerman, Elleigh          8 St. Gabriel              41.01   6 
 23 Chavers, Naya              8 H. Infant                41.02   2 
 24 Sarantakis, Aurelia        8 St. Gerard               41.26   2 
 25 Scott, Leila               7 Sacred Heart             41.35   5 
 26 Heidenreich, Molly         9 H. Cross                 41.52   8 
 27 Newsham, Eleanor           8 S.M.O.S.                 41.57   5 
 28 Robben, Tessa              8 H. Infant                42.00   4 
 29 Emig, Blair                7 St. Gerard               42.31   6 
 30 Roth, Amelia               7 St. Gabriel              42.37   6 
 31 Pagan, Emily               7 Sacred Heart             42.44   4 
 32 Flavin, Elizabeth          8 St. Raphael              43.36   4 
 33 Pratt, Lucy                8 S.M.O.S.                 43.47   3 
 34 Menges, Charlotte          8 St. Gabriel              43.72   5 
 35 Loft, Anna                 8 St. Gerard               43.73   5 
 36 Wilson, Lydia              8 St. Gerard               43.83   5 
 37 Wilson, Lauren             8 St. Gerard               44.97   1 
 38 Whalen, Charlotte          8 S.M.O.S.                 45.22   2 
 39 Beardslee, Mabel           8 St. Gabriel              45.31   2 
 40 Meyers, Isla               7 St. Gabriel              45.37   7 
 41 Hills, Hannah              9 St. Gerard               45.38   8 
 42 Mater, Natalie             8 St. Raphael              45.62   8 
 43 Capati, Caroline           8 St. Gerard               46.71   6 
 44 Sonderman, Audrey          8 St. Gabriel              47.15   3 
 45 Ring, Elizabeth            9 H. Cross                 47.22   8 
 46 Illinger, Gabrielle        8 H. Infant                51.73   4 
 47 Harris, Aminah             8 S.M.O.S.                 52.92   6 
 48 Witt, Lily                 7 H. Infant                53.34   4 
 49 Govero, Delia              8 H. Cross                 55.36   1 
 50 Wurm-cutter, Margaret      8 St. Gabriel            1:03.48   4 
 51 Pratt, Penelope            8 S.M.O.S.               1:38.41   1 
Event 82  (B) 200 M. D. 8-9
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lucas, Austin              9 St. Gerard               32.96   8 
  2 Kimm, Ethan                9 Ascension                36.14   6 
  3 Potts, Thomas              8 St. Raphael              36.39   7 
  4 Hartig, Landon             8 Ascension                36.58   6 
  5 Weissler, Will             9 St. Gerard               37.23   5 
  6 Kelleher, Jack             8 St. Gabriel              37.24   4 
  7 Corrigan, Aidan            8 Immacolata               37.72   2 
  8 McCoy, Wylie               7 S.M.O.S.                 38.14   7 
  9 Mulligan, Colin            8 S.M.O.S.                 38.22   8 
 10 Wacker, Charlie            8 St. Gabriel              38.67   8 
 11 Schrick, Alexander         8 St. Gabriel              38.72   8 
 12 Ray, Thomas                9 Ascension                39.09   8 
 13 Doria, Moises              8 St. Frances              39.41   3 
 14 Perino, Elden              9 H. Infant                40.35   5 
 15 Ciccone, Trip              8 OLOL                     40.58   8 
 16 Neary, Patrick             8 H. Cross                 40.71   2 
 17 Dehner, Joseph             9 OLOL                     40.96   8 
 18 Del Monte, Fernando        8 St. Gabriel              41.75   2 
 19 Fanning, Mark              8 Immacolata               41.87   3 
 20 Wiseman, Otto              8 St. Gabriel              42.17   7 
 21 Reuter, August             7 St. Gerard               42.21   7 
 22 Bond, Henry                9 Immacolata               42.29   6 
 23 Naeger, Ryker              9 H. Cross                 43.60   6 
 24 Haag, Jackson              7 H. Infant                43.80   1 
 25 Sandoval, Efrem            8 Ascension                44.07   4 
 26 Bulthaus, Lucas            9 Ascension                44.30   6 
 27 Antrobus, Beckett          9 Ascension                44.46   6 
 28 Marra, Bradley             8 St. Gabriel              44.54   2 
 29 Morris, Alex               8 H. Cross                 47.51   2 
 30 Alles, Evan                8 H. Cross                 47.96   3 
 31 McGrath, Justin            9 S.M.O.S.                 49.17   5 
 32 Schmidt, Dylan             8 H. Cross                 50.58   2 
 33 Abernathy, Johnathan       8 St. Gabriel              52.75   3 
 34 Holman, Christian          9 H. Cross                 53.84   5 
 35 Lee, Lucas                 7 Ascension                54.89   7 
 36 Obradovits, Thomas         7 Immacolata               55.71   1 
 37 Kaiser-medley, Aiden       8 H. Infant                57.40   4 
 38 Kasparek-sonntag, Hank     9 S.M.O.S.                 57.92   5 
Event 83  (G) 200 M. D. 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Oatis, Ella               11 S.M.O.S.                 28.88   8 
  2 Eves, Norah                9 St. Gerard               32.08   7 
  3 Gerard, Francesca         11 S.M.O.S.                 32.83   8 
  4 McHale, Sonora            11 St. Gerard               32.96   1 
  5 Partridge, Sylvia         11 St. Gerard               32.97   8 
  6 Workman, Natalie          11 St. Gerard               33.34   7 
  7 Partridge, Scarlett       11 St. Gerard               33.52   8 
  8 Lococo, Reese             11 Ascension                33.67   8 
  9 Andrews, Denise           10 S.M.O.S.                 33.76   7 
 10 Partridge, Sonja          11 St. Gerard               33.98   8 
 11 Kohler, Penelope          10 St. Gerard               34.62   4 
 12 Parks, Felicity           11 Ascension                35.05   8 
 13 Workman, Kate             11 St. Gerard               35.12   1 
 14 Fischer, Emma             11 H. Cross                 35.21   4 
 15 Bickel, Elsa              11 H. Cross                 35.60   5 
 16 Wood, Finley              11 H. Cross                 35.88   4 
 17 Reuter, Mary Helen         9 St. Gerard               36.11   1 
 18 Overberg, Rose            10 S.M.O.S.                 36.36   8 
 19 Patton, Keira             10 St. Gerard               36.46   7 
 20 McLane, Harlow            10 St. Gabriel              37.07   7 
 21 Favron, Amber             10 S.M.O.S.                 37.12   4  37.111
 22 Pierce, Lauren            11 Ascension                37.12   3  37.112
 23 Harden, Cecelia           10 St. Gabriel              37.58   6 
 24 Bergman, Adelaide         10 St. Gabriel              37.66   3 
 25 Delhougne, Kate            9 H. Cross                 38.10   5 
 26 Closson, Ruby             11 H. Cross                 38.29   5 
 27 VanWyk, Olivia            10 Ascension                38.30   1 
 28 Pierce, Megan             11 Ascension                38.54   3 
 29 Manzella, Rosa            10 H. Cross                 39.24   2  39.231
 30 McLane, Lily              10 St. Gabriel              39.24   7  39.239
 31 Baeres, Norah              9 Sacred Heart             39.63   1 
 32 Banta, Isabelle           10 Ascension                39.88   6 
 33 Simon, Gwyneth            11 St. Gabriel              40.01   3 
 34 Klein, Sara               10 Immacolata               41.21   3 
 35 Wright, Piper             10 St. Raphael              41.27   2 
 36 Merritt, Lilly            10 St. Raphael              41.92   7 
 37 Barquero, Kassandra       10 St. Frances              43.41   2 
 38 Sahin, Zoey               10 H. Cross                 44.06   2 
 39 Northrup, Bria             9 Ascension                44.19   6 
 40 Harris, Neriah            10 S.M.O.S.                 44.96   6 
 41 O'Neal, Emily             10 St. Gerard               49.02   2 
Event 84  (B) 200 M. D. 10-11
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lagow, Noah               10 St. Gabriel              30.83   3 
  2 Pratt, Henry              11 S.M.O.S.                 31.85   6 
  3 Romero, Simon             10 H. Cross                 31.89   3 
  4 Knock, Tyler              11 Sacred Heart             32.96   6 
  5 Thorburg, Bennett          9 Ascension                33.15   6 
  6 Coughlin, Michael         11 Immacolata               33.57   2 
  7 Ray, Marshall             11 S.M.O.S.                 34.14   1 
  8 Brockland, Sebastian      11 S.M.O.S.                 34.20   2 
  9 George, Henry             11 H. Cross                 34.49   6 
 10 Hoffman, Logan            11 St. Gerard               34.76   4 
 11 Ackerman, Jacob           10 Ascension                35.05   6 
 12 Greanias, Christopher     10 H. Cross                 35.26   1 
 13 Nickel, Colten            10 H. Cross                 35.43   1 
 14 Stalka, Grant              9 St. Gerard               36.06   6 
 15 Beardslee, Walter          9 St. Gabriel              36.18   6 
 16 Mehta, Ansh               11 Ascension                36.40   3 
 17 Boland, Samuel            11 St. Gerard               36.45   2 
 18 Kakkanathu, Nicholas      10 H. Infant                36.53   1 
 19 Holman, Connor            11 H. Cross                 37.11   5 
 20 O'Day, Nolan              10 St. Gerard               37.70   4 
 21 Panneton, Theodore        10 S.M.O.S.                 37.74   5 
 22 Bernadt, Caleb             9 St. Raphael              37.78   5 
 23 Rahn, Max                  9 H. Cross                 37.87   2 
 24 Rimkus, Trent             10 Sacred Heart             39.32   6 
 25 Klosowski, Ryan           10 H. Cross                 40.41   5 
 26 Connelly, Weiler          11 H. Cross                 40.46   3 
 27 Rushing, Logan            10 H. Cross                 41.59   5 
 28 Busch, William             9 St. Gabriel              42.80   5 
 29 Julian, Jack              10 St. Gabriel              50.05   3 
Event 85  (G) 200 M. D. 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Engels, Bianca            13 H. Infant                30.00   2 
  2 Dehner, Amelia            12 OLOL                     30.28   4 
  3 Johnson, Sloane           12 S.M.O.S.                 30.84   1 
  4 Curcuru, Hannah           11 S.M.O.S.                 31.76   1 
  5 Lanzotti, Ashley          13 Ascension                31.91   2 
  6 Fronabarger, Vivian       11 Sacred Heart             31.96   3 
  7 Jones, Gabrielle          12 Marian                   32.04   4 
  8 Kim, Maryellen            12 Sacred Heart             32.10   4 
  9 Burch, Charlee            12 Immacolata               32.46   2 
 10 Hunsberger, Fiona         13 S.M.O.S.                 32.90   1 
 11 Dees, Rose                13 Marian                   33.38   3 
 12 Sanchez-Olvera, Jannely   12 Marian                   33.63   1 
 13 Jackson, Lauryn           13 Marian                   33.64   3 
 14 Moore, Hailey             11 Sacred Heart             33.82   1 
 15 Arriaga, Carmen           13 Marian                   34.15   3 
 16 McGee, Kenya              12 Marian                   34.33   2 
 17 Kurtovic, Adriana         12 St. Raphael              34.38   2 
 18 Charleston, Madelyn       11 Sacred Heart             34.44   3 
 19 Rapplean, Sydney          12 St. Gabriel              34.72   4 
 20 Criss, Gabrielle          12 Marian                   36.00   1 
 21 Luina, Catherine          11 Sacred Heart             36.29   4 
 22 MacLellan, Addison        12 St. Gerard               36.67   4 
 23 Abernathy, Samantha       12 St. Gabriel              40.98   1 
 24 Reuter, Evelyn            11 St. Gerard               42.27   4 
Event 86  (B) 200 M. D. 12-13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Millikan, Ian             13 St. Gerard               27.24   5 
  2 Pagan, Thomas             12 Sacred Heart             28.78   5 
  3 Fox, Odell                12 Chaminade                29.50   2 
  4 Merritt, Augustus         11 Ascension                31.61   3 
  5 Thompson, MJ              12 Chaminade                31.75   1 
  6 Lang, Cooper              12 St. Stephen              32.59   2 
  7 Araneta, Derrick          13 St. Gerard               33.16   5 
  8 Newton, Archer            13 H. Cross                 33.55   2 
  9 Rimkus, Benjamin          13 Sacred Heart             33.99   4 
 10 Orians, Thomas            11 St. Gerard               34.18   5 
 11 Kheriaty, Daniel          12 H. Cross                 34.21   5 
 12 Mura, Ben                 13 Chaminade                34.36   1 
 13 Caffey, Xavier            12 H. Infant                34.42   3 
 14 Morris, Austin            11 H. Cross                 34.54   3 
 15 Njiru, Shawn P            11 St. Frances              34.83   2 
 16 Jontry, Elijah            13 St. Gerard               34.86   5 
 17 Franklin, Hank            13 Chaminade                35.75   4 
 18 Schutte, Lucas            12 St. Gerard               36.24   1 
 19 Chohan, Benjamin          12 Ascension                36.25   5 
 20 Shekel Jr., Matthew       13 St. Gabriel              36.65   4 
 21 Batan, Ryan               12 St. Gabriel              37.43   4 
 22 Baeres, Benjamin          11 Sacred Heart             37.87   2 
 23 Haluska, Drew             13 Chaminade                39.26   3 
 24 Gavranovic, Anthony       12 H. Cross                 40.32   4 
 25 Schmidt, Sam              12 H. Cross                 43.35   3 
Event 87  (G) 200 M. D. 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Dame, Audrey              14 St. Gabriel              28.74   2 
  2 Terrell, Sophia           13 S.M.O.S.                 29.49   1 
  3 Debourg, Caroline         14 S.M.O.S.                 30.21   2 
  4 Lorber, Madeline          13 H. Infant                30.48   1 
  5 Bergman, Clara            13 St. Gabriel              31.11   2 
  6 Mealey, Kate              14 H. Cross                 31.35   1 
  7 Rahn, Maura               13 H. Cross                 31.50   2 
  8 Morris, Anna              13 H. Cross                 31.98   2 
  9 Steele, Kennedy           14 S.M.O.S.                 32.62   2 
 10 Millar, Lindsey           13 H. Cross                 32.68   1 
 11 Miller, Juliet            14 St. Gabriel              34.35   1 
 12 Freeman, Emma             14 Ascension                34.70   1 
 13 George, Lucy              14 H. Cross                 37.33   2 
Event 88  (B) 200 M. D. 14-15
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Muyco, Kai                14 St. Gerard               23.95   3 
  2 Medina, Noah              14 S.M.O.S.                 24.64   3 
  3 Kim, Henry                14 Sacred Heart             25.70   3 
  4 McHale, Josiah            14 St. Gerard               26.59   1 
  5 Mrnjavac, John            14 H. Cross                 27.98   1 
  6 Muller, Jeanrich          14 Ascension                28.15   2 
  7 Partridge, Stephen        14 St. Gerard               28.42   3 
  8 Moore, Shane              13 Sacred Heart             28.47   2 
  9 Couture, Ryan             13 St. Gabriel              28.50   3 
 10 Krobath, Nicholas         14 H. Cross                 28.79   2 
 11 Schultz, Nick             14 St. Gabriel              30.35   3 
 12 Moos, Lincoln             13 Ascension                30.85   2 
 13 Potts, Jude               14 St. Raphael              31.81   2 
 14 Bayer, Joseph             14 Chaminade                36.00   2 
Event 89  (G) 4x400 M. R. 8-9 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       6:13.23  
     1) Burgess, Zora 8                 2) Bradshaw, Blake 8              
     3) Miller, Cabanne 9               4) Udani, Mabel 9                 
  2 Ascension  'A'                                      6:19.16  
     1) Thomas, Lillian 9               2) Little, Mary 8                 
     3) Davis, McKinley 8               4) Powers, Jade 8                 
  3 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             6:56.19  
     1) Wilson, Lauren 8                2) Sarantakis, Aurelia 8          
     3) Hills, Hannah 9                 4) Seyer, Fiona 7                 
  4 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      6:58.65  
     1) Devine, Karlie 8                2) Roell, Maeve 9                 
     3) Lagow, Charlotte 9              4) Sonderman, Audrey 8            
  5 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             7:35.25  
     1) Hanneke, Alice 9                2) Ring, Elizabeth 9              
     3) Alles, Layla 9                  4) Fischer, Madeline 9            
Event 90  (B) 4x400 M. R. 8-9 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      5:55.38  
     1) Grupas, Max 8                   2) Devero, Ryder 8                
     3) Sioumcas, John 9                4) Thomas, Colin 9                
  2 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             6:38.51  
     1) Neary, Patrick 8                2) Greanias, Nicholas 7           
     3) Jennison, Oren 7                4) Schwan, Conrad 7               
  3 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      6:41.80  
     1) Marra, Bradley 8                2) Wacker, Charlie 8              
     3) Favazza, Elijah 8               4) Payne, Teddy 7                 
  4 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       7:07.20  
     1) Rogers, Charles 8               2) Morgan, Joseph 8               
     3) McGrath, Justin 9               4) Sherman, Nate 8                
Event 91  (G) 4x400 M. R. 10-11 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Gerard Majella  'A'                             5:19.43  
     1) Haluska, Catherine 11           2) Workman, Natalie 11            
     3) Reuter, Mary Helen 9            4) Eves, Norah 9                  
  2 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       5:38.98  
     1) Gerard, Francesca 11            2) Medina, Camila 10              
     3) Overberg, Rose 10               4) Udani, Helen 11                
  3 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             5:47.37  
     1) Guntli, Hazel 10                2) Simpson, Hannah 9              
     3) Closson, Ruby 11                4) McDonald, Molly 11             
  4 Ascension  'A'                                      5:51.07  
     1) VanWyk, Olivia 10               2) Antrobus, Mara 11              
     3) Kurapati, Nyla 11               4) Briner, Lillian 11             
  5 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      6:02.42  
     1) Bergman, Adelaide 10            2) Fitzpatrick, Emmeline 10       
     3) Richmond, Regan 10              4) Thenhaus, Tessa 10             
Event 92  (B) 4x400 M. R. 10-11 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      5:35.27  
     1) Amador, Nathan 11               2) Mehta, Ansh 11                 
     3) Mullican, Ben 9                 4) McCarthy, Brennen 11           
  2 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      5:38.33  
     1) Schrick, Wesley 10              2) Beardslee, Walter 9            
     3) Lagow, Noah 10                  4) Yungbluth, Noah 11             
  3 Holy Infant  'A'                                    5:45.93  
     1) Silker, Charlie 10              2) Haffner, Beck 9                
     3) Villhard, John 11               4) Snodgrass, Cole 10             
  4 Holy Cross Academy  'A'                             6:09.95  
     1) Kheriaty, Joseph 10             2) Miller, Jackson 10             
     3) Klosowski, Ryan 10              4) Garwitz, Braden 10             
  5 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       6:10.55  
     1) Evans, Thomas 10                2) Kasparek-sonntag, Miguel 10    
     3) Kelsey, Will 10                 4) Mehta, Bennett 10              
Event 93  (G) 4x400 M. R. 12-13 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      5:23.22  
     1) Merritt, Alice 11               2) Powers, Sophia 13              
     3) Northrup, Quinn 12              4) Toofan, Jasmine 13             
  2 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       5:23.96  
     1) Johnson, Sloane 12              2) Galletto, Emma 13              
     3) Couch, Ariya 11                 4) Curcuru, Hannah 11             
  3 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      5:43.05  
     1) Spowal, Julia 13                2) Abernathy, Samantha 12         
     3) Miller, Lydia 12                4) Fitzpatrick, Mary 12           
  4 Marian Middle School  'A'                           6:21.12  
     1) Jones, Taliiy'n 12              2) Criss, Heavenlee 13            
     3) Dees, Rose 13                   4) Rice, Blaize 12                
Event 94  (B) 4x400 M. R. 12-13 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      5:09.93  
     1) Bulthaus, William 12            2) Moos, Dominic 12               
     3) Gent, Garrett 11                4) Sandoval, Irenaeus 13          
  2 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      5:35.42  
     1) Kunderman, Liam 12              2) Forrest, Orlando 12            
     3) Cocayne, Luke 12                4) Shekel Jr., Matthew 13         
Event 95  (G) 4x400 M. R. 14-15 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      4:26.76  
     1) Robeson, Claire 14              2) Freeman, Grace 14              
     3) Groenewald, Marli 14            4) Delling, Erin 13               
  2 St. Gabriel the Archangel  'A'                      4:52.68  
     1) Bergman, Clara 13               2) Miller, Juliet 14              
     3) Goldkamp, Miriam 13             4) Dame, Audrey 14                
  3 St. Margaret of Scotland  'A'                       5:07.65  
     1) Steele, Kennedy 14              2) Moore, Madeline 14             
     3) Debourg, Caroline 14            4) Black, Lila 14                 
Event 96  (B) 4x400 M. R. 14-15 Relays
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Ascension  'A'                                      4:18.69  
     1) Moos, Lincoln 13                2) Muller, Jeanrich 14            
     3) Freeman, Jack 14                4) Amador, Lucas 13