Licensed to TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/16/2019 07:57 PM
                   Sikeston Bulldog Invitational - 4/16/2019                   
                      Entries and Seeding by: TRXC Timing                      
Event 1  (G) H.J.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Antonia Randle            JR Kennett              5-02.00    5-02.00   10   
     4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02 5-04 
      PPP    O    O    O    O   XO  XXX 
  2 Natalie Timpe             JR Notre Dame           5-00.00    5-00.00    8   
     4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02 
      PPP   XO    O   XO  XXO  XXX 
  3 T'Kaila Freeman           SO Sikeston             4-10.00    4-10.00    5.50
     4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 
      PPP    O    O  XXO  XXX 
  3 Tyennia Stevens           SO Sikeston             5-00.00    4-10.00    5.50
     4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 
      PPP    O    O  XXO  XXX 
  5 Alexa Werneck             JR Dexter               4-10.00    4-08.00    4   
     4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 
        O    O  XXO  XXX 
  6 Nicole Hart               JR Charleston           4-08.00    4-06.00    3   
     4-04 4-06 4-08 
        O    O  XXX 
  7 Rachel Howey              JR Saxony Luth.         4-10.00   J4-06.00    2   
     4-04 4-06 4-08 
        O   XO  XXX 
  8 Phoebe Barnhill           JR Central              4-04.00    4-04.00    0.50
     4-04 4-06 
        O  XXX 
  8 Courtney Bangert          SR Saxony Luth.         4-08.00    4-04.00    0.50
     4-04 4-06 
        O  XXX 
 10 Savanna Murdock           FR Central              4-04.00   J4-04.00  
     4-04 4-06 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Belle Jones               FR Richland             3-04.00         NH  
 -- Alexia Kemp               FR Richland             4-00.00         NH  
 -- Frankel Williams          FR C.Ville                              NH  
 -- Anihya Chappell           FR Charleston           4-06.00         NH  
 -- Nybria Carter             JR C.Ville              4-00.00         NH  
Event 2  (B) H.J.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Martiez Pinnick           SR Carbondale           6-00.00    6-04.00   10   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 6-02 6-04 6-06 
      PPP  PPP    O    O    O  XXO   XO   XO  XXX 
  2 Antonio Chappell          JR Charleston           5-08.00    6-00.00    7   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 6-02 
      PPP  PPP    O    O    O    O  XXX 
  2 Justice Thoma             JR Notre Dame           6-00.00    6-00.00    7   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 6-02 
      PPP  PPP  PPP    O    O    O  XXX 
  4 Jerrod Covington          SR Hayti                5-06.00    5-10.00    5   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 
      PPP  PPP    O   XO    O  XXX 
  5 Austin Guy                JR Dexter               6-02.00   J5-10.00    4   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 
      PPP  PPP    O    O   XO  XXX 
  6 Teijay Williams           JR Charleston                     J5-10.00    3   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 
      PPP    O  XXO   XO  XXO  XXX 
  7 Owen Ross                 SO Kennett              6-00.00    5-08.00    2   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 
      PPP  PPP    O    O  XXX 
  8 Camden Pritchett          SO Kennett              5-08.00    5-06.00    1   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 
        O    O   XO  XXX 
  9 Gabriel Fountain          JR Central (N.M.C.)     5-04.00   J5-06.00  
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 
        O   XO   XO  XXX 
 10 Zachary Reynolds          FR Sikeston             5-00.00    5-04.00  
     5-02 5-04 5-06 
       XO   XO  XXX 
 11 Ja Shawn Sterling         FR Central (C.G.)       5-02.00    5-02.00  
     5-02 5-04 
        O  XXX 
 12 Javier Hampton            JR Carbondale                     J5-02.00  
     5-02 5-04 
      XXO  XXX 
 12 Aeneas Moore              JR Sikeston                       J5-02.00  
     5-02 5-04 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Xavier Jamerson           SR Hayti                5-10.00         NH  
     5-02 5-04 5-06 
      PPP  PPP  XXX 
 -- Connor Price              SO Bell City            5-02.00         NH  
Event 3  (G) P.V.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Carly Pujol               SR Notre Dame          11-00.00   11-00.00   10   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 10-00 11-00 12-00 
      PPP  PPP  PPP  PPP  PPP     O     O   XXX 
  2 Aubrey Rodriguez          SO Notre Dame           8-06.00    8-00.00    8   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 
      PPP  PPP   XO    O  XXX 
  3 Jalee Spain               FR Central              8-00.00   J8-00.00    6   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 
        O    O    O   XO  XXX 
  4 Lila Eckert               FR Sikeston             6-06.00    7-06.00    4.50
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 
        O    O   XO  XXX 
  4 Desana Brown              SO Sikeston             7-00.00    7-06.00    4.50
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 
        O    O   XO  XXX 
Event 4  (B) P.V.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 David Phelps              JR Notre Dame          12-00.00   12-01.00   10   
     8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-01 12-06 
      PPP  PPP  PPP   PPP     O     O     O    XO   XXX 
  2 Eddie Foster              SO Sikeston             9-00.00   11-00.00    8   
     8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 
        O  XXO    O   XXO   XXO    XO   XXX 
  3 Joshua Rishton            SR Sikeston            10-00.00   10-06.00    6   
     8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 
      PPP    O    O     O     O   XXX 
  4 Mason Diamond             SO Central (C.G.)      11-00.00  J10-06.00    5   
     8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 
        O    O   XO     O     O   XXX 
  5 Andrew Roth               FR Central (C.G.)      10-00.00  J10-06.00    4   
     8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 
        O    O  XXO    XO   XXO   XXX 
 -- Owen Beussink             SO Notre Dame           9-06.00         NH  
Event 5  (G) L.J.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Riley Burger              JR Notre Dame          18-11.50   19-00.50   10   
      18-03.50  17-09.50  19-00.50         
  2 T'Kaila Freeman           SO Sikeston            14-09.50   15-00.50    8   
      14-08.50  14-05  15-00.50         
  3 Shamya Dobbins            JR Malden              15-07.00   14-10.50    6   
      14-10.50  14-10  FOUL         
  4 Onerica Reed              JR Malden              15-09.00  J14-10.50    5   
      14-06  14-10.50  14-02.50         
  5 Laticia Hamilton          FR C.Ville             16-10.00   14-08.00    4   
      12-05.50  14-08  14-01.50         
  6 Kiarra Pettigrew          JR Charleston          14-11.00  J14-08.00    3   
      13-06  14-08  FOUL         
  7 Delaney Dohogne           SO Notre Dame          14-05.50   14-04.00    2   
      14-02  14-04  14-01.50         
  8 Novie Holliday            SO Carbondale          13-11.00   14-01.50    1   
      14-01.50  FOUL  13-00.50         
  9 Anihya Chappell           FR Charleston          14-02.50   13-11.00  
      13-07  13-08.50  13-11         
 10 Karmella Robinson         FR C.Ville             15-00.00   13-09.00  
      13-02  13-03  13-09         
 11 Dulcie Pullen             FR Dexter              13-11.00   13-07.50  
      FOUL  13-07.50  13-07.50         
 12 Dasia Swansey             SR Carbondale          13-05.50   13-04.50  
      FOUL  12-04.50  13-04.50           
 13 Madelyn Haynes            SO Dexter              14-01.00   13-02.00  
      11-08  11-07  13-02         
 14 Martasia Carter           FR Central             13-09.50   13-00.00  
      13-00  12-10.50  13-00         
 15 Catherine Davis           SO Central             13-05.50   12-06.50  
      12-05  12-06.50  11-11         
 16 Tamiyah Davis             FR Kennett             12-03.00   11-08.50  
      11-05  11-08.50  11-07.50         
 17 Laura Brown               SR Richland            13-05.00   11-07.00  
      10-06  11-07  11-02         
 18 Stemaiya Robinson         SO Hayti               13-01.00   11-03.50  
      6-11  10-09  11-03.50         
 19 Mary Richey               FR Saxony Luth.        10-11.50   11-02.00  
      11-02  10-06.50  FOUL         
 20 Tamyia Johnson            SO Sikeston                       11-00.00  
      10-10  FOUL  11-00         
 21 Alexia Kemp               FR Richland            11-11.00  J11-00.00  
      10-07  10-07  11-00         
 22 Kiondra Downey            FR Hayti               12-07.00   10-06.00  
      10-04.50  9-07.50  10-06         
 23 Alexis Burdin             SR Kennett             12-01.00   10-03.50  
      10-03.50  8-08  9-04         
 24 Elise Roth                FR Saxony Luth.        10-06.00    9-11.50  
      9-07  7-02.50  9-11.50         
 -- Latavia Brooks            FR Central (N.M.C.)    10-04.00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 6  (B) L.J.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jakeba Burleigh           SR Carbondale          19-06.00   21-04.50   10   
      FOUL  21-04.50  19-03         
  2 Lamark Threadgill         FR Carbondale          21-00.00   21-01.50    8   
      21-01.50  20-08.50  20-08         
  3 Teijay Williams           JR Charleston          18-07.00   20-04.00    6   
      13-00  18-08  20-04           
  4 Quav'aun Harrell          JR Kennett             19-09.00   20-01.50    5   
      18-09  20-01.50  PASS         
  5 John McMullan             FR Kennett             20-00.00   20-01.00    4   
      20-01  18-09.50  18-03.50         
  6 Riley Harden              SR Notre Dame          20-03.50   20-00.50    3   
      19-00  19-02.50  20-00.50         
  7 Carlos Posey              FR Sikeston            18-00.00   18-08.50    2   
      18-08.50  18-02.50  17-05         
  8 Ja'Marion Rodgers         JR C.Ville                        18-06.00    1   
      FOUL  18-02  18-06         
  9 Jerrod Covington          SR Hayti                         J18-06.00  
      FOUL  18-06  FOUL         
 10 Suave Fitzpatrick         JR Charleston                     18-05.50  
      18-02  18-05.50  FOUL         
 11 Jeremiah Johnson          SO Central (C.G.)      18-04.50   18-05.00  
      18-05  17-11  17-00.50         
 12 Ashton Sims               JR Sikeston            18-09.00   18-03.00  
      18-03  18-00  FOUL         
 13 Xavier Jamerson           SR Hayti               18-06.00   16-11.50  
      15-08  16-11.50  16-00         
 14 Lamarius Smith            SO Malden                         16-09.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  16-09         
 15 Ulysses Manuel            JR C.Ville             15-06.00   16-08.50  
      14-02  16-08.50  FOUL          
 16 Jayklin Brown             SR Central (N.M.C.)               16-03.50  
      15-08  16-03  16-03.50           
 17 Shawn Robards             JR Dexter                         16-03.00  
      FOUL  16-03  16-01.50         
 18 Andrew Soule              JR Dexter              17-06.00   15-11.00  
      15-11  14-07  PASS         
 19 Cayden Beussink           SO Scott City          15-00.00   15-01.00  
      15-01  13-10.50  14-06         
 20 Blayke Smith              FR Bell City           10-10.00   11-09.00  
      FOUL  11-09  PASS         
 -- Anthony Treadwell         FR Central (N.M.C.)     9-06.00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
 -- Benjamin Dillard          SO Malden              13-02.50       FOUL  
      FOUL  PASS  PASS         
Event 7  (G) T.J.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Riley Burger              JR Notre Dame          40-10.00   38-07.00   10   
      FOUL  38-07  FOUL         
  2 Emma Jones                SR Sikeston            32-06.50   33-09.00    8   
      33-08.50  33-09  32-01.50         
  3 Laticia Hamilton          FR C.Ville             32-10.50   33-04.00    6   
      32-03.50  33-04  32-05         
  4 T'Kaila Freeman           SO Sikeston            31-00.00   33-01.00    5   
      31-07.50  FOUL  33-01         
  5 Ileeciah Luttrell-Johnso  SR Central             33-06.25   32-04.00    4   
      32-00  31-11  32-04         
  6 Nicole Hart               JR Charleston          31-11.00   32-03.00    3   
      30-00  32-00.50  32-03         
  7 Leah Jansen               FR Notre Dame          32-00.00  J32-03.00    2   
      31-06  30-10.50  32-03         
  8 Anihya Chappell           FR Charleston          33-07.00   32-02.00    1   
      FOUL  32-02  30-07         
  9 Anne-Marie Ritter         FR Central             29-05.00   30-08.50  
      30-08.50  30-00.50  29-10         
 10 Rachel Lin                FR Dexter              29-10.50   29-08.00  
      27-05  27-10  29-08         
 11 Madelyn Haynes            SO Dexter              30-04.75   29-01.50  
      28-02.50  28-00  29-01.50         
 12 Frankel Williams          FR C.Ville             30-00.00   28-04.00  
      FOUL  28-04  FOUL           
 13 Trushana Whitty           SR Carbondale          28-11.00   27-04.50  
      25-02  27-04.50  26-11         
 14 Lauren Barnes             FR Saxony Luth.                   27-02.50  
      26-07  26-07  27-02.50         
 15 Elise Roth                FR Saxony Luth.                   22-04.00  
      22-04  FOUL  FOUL         
 -- Tamiyah Davis             FR Kennett             26-05.00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 8  (B) T.J.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Evan Bruenderman          SO Notre Dame          43-05.00   42-00.00   10   
      FOUL  FOUL  42-00           
  2 Teijay Williams           JR Charleston          39-07.00   40-03.50    8   
      FOUL  40-01  40-03.50           
  3 Jermaine Alexander        JR C.Ville             38-06.00   40-02.00    6   
      38-08  40-02  FOUL           
  4 John McMullan             FR Kennett             40-05.00   39-10.00    5   
      39-08  38-05.50  39-10           
  5 Carlos Posey              FR Sikeston            38-03.00   39-07.50    4   
      39-07.50  FOUL  37-02.50           
  6 Camden Conner             SO Scott City          40-02.00   39-04.00    3   
      39-04  38-07  PASS           
  7 Ulysses Manuel            JR C.Ville             40-00.50   38-11.00    2   
      FOUL  FOUL  38-11         
  8 LaTrevio'n Thompson       FR Kennett             36-04.50   38-00.50    1   
      36-08.50  36-03  38-00.50           
  9 Anthony Treadwell         FR Central (N.M.C.)    41-02.00   37-07.00  
      37-07  FOUL  37-06           
 -- Jack Baughman             FR Sikeston            30-07.50       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
 -- Austin Guy                JR Dexter              40-00.50       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
Event 9  (G) Discus
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sydney Apgar              SR Carbondale            136-08     110-08   10   
      FOUL  107-03  110-08           
  2 Macy Morehead             SR Saxony Luth.          109-01     103-10    8   
      FOUL  86-10  103-10         
  3 Tahmyia Mitchell          SR Kennett               109-02      98-10    6   
      FOUL  90-10  98-10         
  4 Layla Sumner              SO Central                97-00      88-09    5   
      88-09  70-06  69-10         
  5 Jaden Kight               SR Central                90-04      88-05    4   
      FOUL  81-09  88-05         
  6 Miranda Menz              SR Notre Dame             95-00      87-01    3   
      87-01  72-05  72-00         
  7 Maria-Annelise Coello     SO Notre Dame             90-00      84-00    2   
      84-00  70-06  73-10         
  8 Jazmen Betancourt         SR Carbondale             96-07      81-07    1   
      FOUL  75-06  81-07         
  9 Armani Hodges             SO Sikeston               88-11      80-04  
      FOUL  65-05  80-04         
 10 Zakiya Wilson             SO Charleston             89-05      79-09  
      67-00  70-05  79-09         
 11 Taquasha Pittman          JR Kennett                92-11      74-03  
      72-02  74-03  62-04         
 12 Makaylah Jones            SO C.Ville                75-09      71-02  
      FOUL  FOUL  71-02         
 13 Emma Roth                 JR Saxony Luth.           76-00      66-05  
      FOUL  63-03  66-05         
 14 Stevianna Rodgers         FR C.Ville                74-09      65-09  
      62-07  65-09  60-10         
 15 Aleesha Scott             SO Malden                 69-08      64-07  
      64-06  64-00  64-07           
 16 Bailee Hux                FR Richland               79-08      63-09  
      62-05  63-09  59-09           
 17 Payton Phelan             SO Dexter                 84-07      63-06  
      59-07  63-06  FOUL         
 18 Aliza Phillips            FR Sikeston               67-10      58-06  
      FOUL  45-02  58-06         
 19 Lydia Whitaker            JR Dexter                 66-10      57-03  
      FOUL  55-06  57-03         
 20 Rheanna Walker            FR Bell City              66-04      54-10  
      54-10  44-09  45-01         
 21 Veronica Wilderness       SO Central (N.M.C.)       56-07      54-06  
      FOUL  54-06  53-00           
 22 Kayla Carrisalez          SR Central (N.M.C.)       56-07      53-08  
      53-08  47-03  44-10         
 23 Nickkiyia Pratt           SO Charleston             59-03      52-01  
      35-05  48-06  52-01         
 24 Michaela Overbey          SR Scott City             66-00      49-08  
      FOUL  46-00  49-08         
 -- Ny'Aisha Baker            SO Malden                 72-00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 10  (B) Discus
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trevon Lemons             SR Kennett               151-01     153-01   10   
      151-09  153-01  FOUL           
  2 David Rowland             SR Sikeston              145-10     151-10    8   
      146-04  131-04  151-10         
  3 Brock Lange               SR Notre Dame            121-00     125-05    6   
      FOUL  FOUL  125-05         
  4 Ethan Pennington          SO Scott City            140-08     124-08    5   
      FOUL  124-08  120-06         
  5 Tyreke Jamison            SR Sikeston              120-00     120-00    4   
      FOUL  108-05  120-00         
  6 Tavaris Hill              SR Carbondale            108-02     117-07    3   
      114-02  117-07  FOUL           
  7 Jake Stewart              SO Kennett               128-00     116-08    2   
      105-05  116-08  115-02         
  8 Lonnie Hamilton           SR Malden                110-00     104-02    1   
      FOUL  87-06  104-02         
  9 Nolan Ewers               JR Central (C.G.)        134-05     102-08  
      102-06  88-08  102-08         
 10 Lewis Wright              SR Hayti                 105-02     102-07  
      102-07  93-07  91-03         
 11 Grant Kluge               JR Central (C.G.)        110-00      97-06  
      FOUL  87-00  97-06         
 12 Franklin Bonney           SR Saxony Luth.          103-09      96-00  
      88-06  87-11  96-00         
 13 Hunter Lawrence           SR Dexter                101-04      95-08  
      FOUL  79-06  95-08         
 14 Demetrius Moore           SR Central (N.M.C.)      116-00      94-07  
      FOUL  94-07  FOUL         
 15 Latrell Scott             JR Charleston             82-03      92-07  
      84-06  FOUL  92-07         
 16 Kevin Luster              SO Hayti                 111-02      92-04  
      FOUL  89-10  92-04         
 17 Landon Pullam             FR Scott City             98-04      90-05  
      89-09  89-06  90-05         
 18 Tucker Coleman            SO Malden                110-00      88-09  
      FOUL  84-03  88-09         
 19 Parker Vanslyke           JR Dexter                 96-10      87-04  
      FOUL  82-09  87-04         
 20 Alex Roberts              FR Carbondale                        83-11  
      76-00  83-11  65-09         
 21 John Huhman               FR Notre Dame             73-09      81-09  
      81-09  74-00  FOUL           
 22 Jamian Golden             FR Central (N.M.C.)       90-00      79-06  
      79-06  70-06  FOUL         
 23 Darnelle Rodgers          JR C.Ville                90-11      77-01  
      FOUL  77-01  56-08         
 24 Latraeveon Chappell       JR Charleston             72-01      75-09  
      FOUL  FOUL  75-09         
 25 Matthew Rodgers           FR C.Ville                           53-04  
      51-05  53-04  52-10         
 -- Dalton blissett           SR Scott County           88-11       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
 -- William Brown             SO Saxony Luth.           97-08       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 11  (G) Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jazmen Betancourt         SR Carbondale          35-04.00   36-08.00   10   
      FOUL  31-00  36-08         
  2 Sydney Apgar              SR Carbondale          35-09.00   36-05.00    8   
      33-03  35-00  36-05           
  3 Taydrianna Barnett        JR Sikeston            33-01.50   34-06.00    6   
      33-09.50  34-06  33-02         
  4 Makenzie Minniefield      SR Malden              32-00.00   34-01.00    5   
      33-02  34-01  33-07.50         
  5 Macy Morehead             SR Saxony Luth.        32-04.75   33-09.00    4   
      31-11  32-09  33-09         
  6 Dymon Taylor              FR Central             29-02.25   31-09.00    3   
      31-02  31-09  30-08           
  7 Armani Hodges             SO Sikeston            31-00.00   31-06.00    2   
      30-02  31-00  31-06         
  8 Aquayla Amerson           SR Hayti               29-07.00   31-00.00    1   
      31-00  28-10  28-06         
  9 Layla Sumner              SO Central             34-10.25   30-11.00  
      30-11  30-11  FOUL         
 10 Portia Johnson            SR Charleston          30-06.00   30-07.50  
      30-07.50  30-07.50  29-10         
 11 Emma Wilhelm              SR Scott City          28-08.00   28-04.00  
      28-04  28-02  26-00         
 12 Bailee Hux                FR Richland            29-05.00   28-03.00  
      25-04.50  27-10  28-03         
 13 Jamesha Shallie           SO Kennett             27-05.00   28-02.00  
      26-06  26-05  28-02         
 14 Nickkiyia Pratt           SO Charleston          27-09.00   27-10.00  
      23-06  27-10  27-01.50           
 15 Taquasha Pittman          JR Kennett             27-03.00   26-05.00  
      23-04  24-00  26-05         
 16 Brooke Hale               SR Notre Dame                     25-11.00  
      24-07.50  24-11  25-11         
 17 Lauren Bradford           FR Scott City          23-00.00   24-07.00  
      23-06  24-07  22-00         
 18 Taylan Bell               JR C.Ville             25-00.00   24-06.00  
      24-06  23-05  21-07         
 19 Maria-Annelise Coello     SO Notre Dame                     23-10.00  
      22-07  22-06  23-10         
 20 Brianna McRoy             FR Dexter              23-09.00   23-05.00  
      22-04  22-10  23-05         
 21 Xzana Harris              FR Malden              23-00.00   23-04.00  
      18-11  23-04  22-06         
 22 Stevianna Rodgers         FR C.Ville             24-03.00   22-07.00  
      22-07  22-00  15-09         
 23 Faith Owens               JR Dexter                         22-06.00  
      22-00  22-03  22-06         
 24 Kayla Carrisalez          SR Central (N.M.C.)    21-08.50   21-04.00  
      19-04  21-04  21-04         
 25 Emma Roth                 JR Saxony Luth.        24-10.00  J21-04.00  
      21-00  21-04  20-07         
 26 Veronica Wilderness       SO Central (N.M.C.)    20-11.00   18-03.00  
      18-03  17-06  17-02           
Event 12  (B) Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Tavaris Hill              SR Carbondale          48-01.00   47-07.00   10   
      47-07  FOUL  FOUL         
  2 Trevon Lemons             SR Kennett             50-04.00   47-04.00    8   
      FOUL  FOUL  47-04           
  3 David Rowland             SR Sikeston            42-05.00   45-09.00    6   
      45-09  FOUL  45-00         
  4 Tyreke Jamison            SR Sikeston            48-07.00   45-03.50    5   
      FOUL  45-03.50  FOUL         
  5 Jackson Grant             FR Carbondale          38-00.00   43-06.00    4   
      40-05  39-08  43-06         
  6 Marcus Schroeder          JR Scott City          45-01.50   41-08.00    3   
      40-06.50  41-08  41-06.50         
  7 Jartavias Maltbia         SR Central (N.M.C.)    41-00.00   41-04.00    2   
      41-04  37-01  37-05         
  8 Demetrius Moore           SR Central (N.M.C.)    42-09.00   41-03.00    1   
      41-02.50  35-07  41-03         
  9 Nolan Ewers               JR Central (C.G.)      39-07.00   38-09.00  
      38-02  36-02  38-09         
 10 Brock Lange               SR Notre Dame          38-09.00  J38-09.00  
      32-10.50  38-09  36-10.50         
 11 Adriean Steveson          JR Hayti               40-00.00  J38-09.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  38-09           
 12 Tucker Coleman            SO Malden              38-03.00   36-08.00  
      36-08  33-05  34-09         
 13 Shawn Robards             JR Dexter              38-08.00   36-00.00  
      36-00  34-07  34-10         
 14 Justin Buerck             JR Saxony Luth.        36-03.00   35-09.00  
      35-08  35-09  34-07         
 15 Darnelle Rodgers          JR C.Ville             35-04.00   34-09.00  
      34-09  34-01  34-04         
 16 Marcellus Fleming         SO Malden              38-03.00   34-05.00  
      34-05  33-00  28-11         
 17 Jaquan Nichols            JR C.Ville             33-08.00   34-02.00  
      34-02  33-01  33-08         
 18 Hunter Lawrence           SR Dexter              35-09.00   33-06.00  
      32-10  33-06  32-08         
 19 Latrell Scott             JR Charleston          36-02.00   33-03.00  
      33-03  32-04  32-10         
 20 Kevin Luster              SO Hayti               38-03.00   32-07.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  32-07           
 21 Clayton Kirchhoffer       FR Scott City          33-03.00   31-09.00  
      31-09  30-05.50  29-09         
 22 Latraeveon Chappell       JR Charleston          29-03.00   30-07.00  
      27-06  28-01  30-07          
 23 John Huhman               FR Notre Dame          28-03.00   29-07.50  
      28-01  29-07.50  29-06         
 24 Franklin Bonney           SR Saxony Luth.        28-04.00   27-07.00  
      25-00  27-07  20-05.50         
 25 Chase Schaefer            FR Bell City           22-06.00   21-03.00  
      21-00  21-00  21-03         
Event 13  (G) Javelin
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jaden Kight               SR Central               118-00     126-07   10   
      106-01  126-07  118-00           
  2 Brooke Witvoet            SO Central               114-07     122-06    8   
      110-06  122-06  121-08         
  3 Macy Morehead             SR Saxony Luth.           98-05     103-04    6   
      93-11  100-00  103-04         
  4 Ashton Jordan             SR Sikeston              103-04      91-09    5   
      91-09  87-11  88-02         
  5 Miranda Menz              SR Notre Dame                        89-10    4   
      67-07  87-03  89-10         
  6 Hannah Bode               SR Scott County          100-09      89-09    3   
      77-00  86-11  89-09         
  7 Catherine Heckemeyer      SO Notre Dame             86-06      85-10    2   
      77-01  66-04  85-10         
  8 Miranda Bartlett          JR Sikeston               92-02      84-06    1   
      78-01  59-06  84-06         
  9 Madison Mittag            JR Malden                 87-04      76-05  
      72-03  75-03  76-05         
 10 Alexa Werneck             JR Dexter                 79-05      72-09  
      51-05  72-09  70-04         
 11 Payton Phelan             SO Dexter                 74-08      71-03  
      65-00  71-03  FOUL         
 12 Taylan Bell               JR C.Ville                67-00      70-01  
      FOUL  53-04  70-01         
 13 Kaitlyn Jones             SR Kennett                64-10      61-02  
      47-11  48-04  61-02           
 14 Fredeja DeBose            SR C.Ville                50-10     J61-02  
      43-06  45-00  61-02         
 15 Sydney Kulin              SR Kennett                57-11      61-01  
      57-11  61-01  52-04         
 16 Anna Buerck               FR Saxony Luth.                      54-02  
      53-06  53-11  54-02         
Event 14  (B) Javelin
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trent Elliot              SR Sikeston              138-06     136-07   10   
      115-11  FOUL  136-07           
  2 Quincy Nelson             SR Sikeston              131-00     130-06    8   
      115-00  120-00  130-06         
  3 Jerrod Covington          SR Hayti                 126-02     128-02    6   
      FOUL  128-02  109-08         
  4 Kolbe Drury               SR Scott City            120-08     122-01    5   
      FOUL  121-02  122-01         
  5 Christopher Welton        JR Kennett               103-11     119-09    4   
      119-09  110-11  117-00         
  6 Brent Shenberg            SO Notre Dame            109-00     113-01    3   
      113-01  95-02  104-06         
  7 Grayson Davis             JR Central (C.G.)        113-07     112-03    2   
      110-04  103-07  112-03         
  8 Darnelle Rodgers          JR C.Ville                99-03    J112-03    1   
      FOUL  100-02  112-03           
  9 Justin Buerck             JR Saxony Luth.                     112-00  
      94-00  112-00  105-07           
 10 Shawn Robards             JR Dexter                 99-00     108-02  
      108-02  105-04  98-04         
 11 Drew Blankinship          SO Malden                 86-11     107-08  
      107-08  106-00  85-10         
 12 Grant Kluge               JR Central (C.G.)        105-06     106-04  
      97-05  106-04  106-04         
 13 Dominique Townsend        SR Malden                101-02     104-00  
      FOUL  FOUL  104-00         
 14 Lorenzo Thomas            JR Kennett               104-02      98-07  
      83-05  96-09  98-07         
 15 Ja'Marion Rodgers         JR C.Ville                           97-04  
      FOUL  96-00  97-04         
 16 Josiah Payne              JR Dexter                 83-04      86-04  
      77-09  63-00  86-04         
Event 15  (G) 4x800 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                      11:01.13   11:08.96   10   
     1) Haley Smith SO                  2) Perri Poe JR                   
     3) Kennedy McGhee SR               4) Selena Priggel JR              
       2:33.329 (2:33.329)        5:33.577 (3:00.248)        8:22.682 (2:49.106)
      11:08.951 (2:46.269)
  2 Dexter                                           10:45.62   11:41.41    8   
     1) Olivia Milam JR                 2) Avery Neely FR                 
     3) Gabrielle Brown FR              4) Rachel Lin FR                  
       2:36.398 (2:36.398)        5:31.665 (2:55.268)        8:36.737 (3:05.072)
      11:41.401 (3:04.664)
  3 Central (Cape Girardeau)                                    12:00.70    6   
     1) Megan Davis SO                  2) Mary Foutz SO                  
     3) Jocelyn King SO                 4) Sydne Newman FR                
       2:47.035 (2:47.035)        5:49.438 (3:02.404)        9:01.827 (3:12.389)
      12:00.691 (2:58.865)
  4 Hayti                                            11:57.37   12:08.25    5   
     1) Ashley Farmer SO                2) Akyra Humes FR                 
     3) Ta'niyah Payne FR               4) Amiya Johnson FR               
       2:50.223 (2:50.223)        5:55.135 (3:04.913)        8:57.221 (3:02.086)
      12:08.246 (3:11.025)
  5 Carbondale                                       12:10.89   12:08.52    4   
     1) Kara Holub SO                   2) Madison Lacy SO                
     3) Lauren LeBeau SO                4)                                
       2:48.584 (2:48.584)        5:51.872 (3:03.288)        9:12.158 (3:20.287)
      12:08.514 (2:56.357)
  6 Sikeston                                         12:24.84   12:48.14    3   
     1) Layan Alkilani JR               2) Raghad Alkilani FR             
     3) Madison Rudisill FR             4) Blaire Gordon JR               
       2:58.627 (2:58.627)        6:18.906 (3:20.280)        9:38.891 (3:19.986)
      12:48.131 (3:09.240)
  7 Kennett                                          14:45.90   15:08.19    2   
     1) Chloe Davidson SO               2) Madison Harmon JR              
     3) Savannah Williams JR            4) Jackalyn Middlebrooks FR       
       3:36.578 (3:36.578)        7:09.162 (3:32.585)       11:30.943 (4:21.782)
      15:08.187 (3:37.244)
Event 16  (B) 4x800 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Carbondale                                        8:50.24    8:43.21   10   
     1) Alex Partlow FR                 2) Tucker Poshard SO              
     3) Keshawn Sayles SO               4) Orlando Ellis-Moore SR         
       2:12.065 (2:12.065)        5:19.713 (3:07.648)        7:35.331 (2:15.619)
       8:43.210 (1:07.880)
  2 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                       8:45.08    8:48.18    8   
     1) Evan Boyd SO                    2) Ashton Hopper SR               
     3) Gabrial Meadors SR              4) Benton Keran SR                
       2:14.651 (2:14.651)        4:26.947 (2:12.296)        6:35.091 (2:08.144)
       8:48.174 (2:13.084)
  3 Kennett                                           8:52.27    8:50.09    6   
     1) Jason Yates SO                  2) Kobe Patterson JR              
     3) Larry Payne JR                  4) Travon Jones SR                
       2:10.626 (2:10.626)        4:28.257 (2:17.632)        6:39.309 (2:11.053)
       8:50.089 (2:10.780)
  4 Charleston                                        9:26.13    9:33.93    5   
     1) Suave Fitzpatrick JR            2) Darion Carlisle FR             
     3) Brian Visor JR                  4) A'Moses Wells SO               
       2:16.855 (2:16.855)        4:51.772 (2:34.917)        7:15.228 (2:23.457)
       9:33.927 (2:18.699)
  5 Sikeston                                          9:31.25    9:37.15    4   
     1) Trey Scott FR                   2) Joshua Rishton SR              
     3) John Myres JR                   4) Craig Ware JR                  
       2:26.484 (2:26.484)        4:51.427 (2:24.943)        7:08.488 (2:17.061)
       9:37.146 (2:28.659)
  6 Dexter                                            9:18.62    9:39.09    3   
     1) Gavin Cartwright SO             2) Carter Dorton SO               
     3) Casey Greene SO                 4) Coby Powers SR                 
       2:17.743 (2:17.743)        4:31.289 (2:13.546)        7:06.102 (2:34.814)
       9:39.082 (2:32.981)
  7 Hayti                                             8:48.65    9:43.30    2   
     1) William Dunn SR                 2) Nakwon Harris SR               
     3) L'Darrius Mcintyre JR           4) Demorri Reed JR                
       2:23.725 (2:23.725)        4:46.542 (2:22.817)        7:19.594 (2:33.053)
       9:43.300 (2:23.707)
  8 Scott City                                        9:25.47    9:45.20    1   
     1) Kaleb Karrenbrock FR            2) Gage Underwood SO              
     3) Caleb Burger SO                 4) Gavin Gaylor JR                
       2:23.953 (2:23.953)        4:48.677 (2:24.724)        7:16.308 (2:27.632)
       9:45.192 (2:28.884)
  9 Central (Cape Girardeau)                                     9:48.70  
     1) Shaiheim Neal SO                2) Andrew Roth FR                 
     3) Brayden Baker JR                4) Conner Moore FR                
       2:26.591 (2:26.591)        4:58.545 (2:31.955)        7:30.600 (2:32.056)
       9:48.692 (2:18.092)
 10 Caruthersville                                   10:02.24   11:34.94  
     1) Saul Ibarra FR                  2) Zavion Sutton SO               
     3) Matthew Rodgers FR              4) Christian Bennan FR            
       2:25.885 (2:25.885)        5:07.805 (2:41.920)        7:56.587 (2:48.782)
      11:34.937 (3:38.350)
Event 17  (G) 100 M. H.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Arionne Ross              JR Malden                 17.57      17.49   3  10   
  2 Laticia Hamilton          FR C.Ville                17.66      17.51   3   8   
  3 Jurnee McKnight           JR Central                17.66      17.78   3   6   
  4 Zoie Saunders             JR Carbondale             19.55      18.39   2   5   
  5 Haley Nichols             SR Bell City              17.90      18.64   3   4   
  6 Elyse Sumner              FR Central                19.12      18.79   3   3   
  7 Madelynn Stewart          SR Kennett                17.65      19.12   3   2   
  8 Melshavia Quinn           FR Charleston             19.14      19.13   3   1   
  9 Sydney Turner             SO Saxony Luth.                      19.28   1 
 10 Delaney Langenstein       FR Notre Dame             20.36      19.85   2 
 11 Kiarra Pettigrew          JR Charleston             18.58      20.19   3 
 12 Kaitlyn Bode              SO Scott County                      20.98   1 
 13 Jhameca Joslyn            SO Sikeston               21.15      21.26   2 
 14 Jatori Maxwell            JR Central (N.M.C.)       20.69      21.56   2 
 15 Madison Mittag            JR Malden                 23.49      21.99   2 
 16 Torria Lee                SR Kennett                20.44      23.37   2 
 17 Stevianna Rodgers         FR C.Ville                           27.85   1 
Event 18  (B) 110 M. H.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Tylor Wooden              SR Hayti                  15.44      15.61   2  10   
  2 Daniel Lawrence           SO Sikeston               15.56      15.64   2   8   
  3 Stasis Williams           JR Central (C.G.)         17.52      15.89   2   6   
  4 Qun'tes Parson            SR Kennett                15.81      16.00   2   5   
  5 Keon Graham               JR Sikeston               16.11      16.70   2   4   
  6 Justin Hunt               SO Kennett                16.84      17.48   2   3   
  7 Antonio Chappell          JR Charleston             17.39      17.79   2   2   
  8 Cody Mitchell             FR Carbondale             19.68      19.32   1   1   
  9 Jaumarcum Johnson         FR Malden                 19.42      19.59   1 
 10 Devin Russell             SO C.Ville                22.34      20.00   1 
 11 Isaiah Herrion            JR Malden                 22.50      21.29   1 
 12 Damarcus Edwards          SR C.Ville                20.34      22.00   1 
Event 19  (G) 100 M. D.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Onerica Reed              JR Malden                 12.75      13.13   4  10   
  2 Emma Jones                SR Sikeston               12.98      13.25   4   8   
  3 Kamya Battles             SO C.Ville                12.54      13.26   4   6   
  4 Brittnee Blackmon         SR Central                13.57      13.53   3   5   
  5 Trinity Thomas            SR Scott County           13.64      13.67   3   4   
  6 Ileeciah Luttrell-Johnso  SR Central                13.76      13.78   3   3   
  7 Krisstina Morrow          SO Sikeston               13.21      13.79   4   2   
  8 Vashia Rumph              JR C.Ville                13.41      13.82   4   1   
  9 Delaney Dohogne           SO Notre Dame             13.50      13.90   4 
 10 Laura Brown               SO Notre Dame             13.20      14.07   4 
 11 Novie Holliday            SO Carbondale             13.62      14.13   3 
 12 Alexis Seals              SR Kennett                13.53      14.18   4 
 13 Dulcie Pullen             FR Dexter                 13.75      14.28   3 
 14 Taylor Green              SR Kennett                13.75      14.35   3 
 15 Cheyenne Fisher           FR Hayti                  13.65      14.36   3 
 16 Madezin Jones             SR Central (N.M.C.)       13.74      14.40   3 
 17 Anica Paris               JR Charleston             13.91      14.50   2 
 18 Lauren Barnes             FR Saxony Luth.           14.67      14.62   2 
 19 Haley Nichols             SR Bell City              13.94      14.67   2 
 20 Keona O'Neal              JR Charleston             14.34      14.79   2 
 21 Aniyah Black              FR Carbondale             14.71      14.93   2 
 22 Zamari Jackson            SO Central (N.M.C.)       14.44      14.96   2 
 23 Makinley Walker           FR Malden                 14.67      15.46   2 
 24 Ava Brown                 FR Saxony Luth.           15.41      16.42   1 
 25 Kimberly Lloyd            SO Scott City             15.24      17.03   2 
 26 Kassie Northington        JR Scott City             16.34      17.88   1 
Event 20  (B) 100 M. D.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ivory Winters             SR Hayti                  11.15      11.56   4  10   
  2 Reginald Morris           SR Kennett                11.20      11.76   4   8   
  3 Justin Hunt               SO Kennett                11.30      11.97   4   6   
  4 Tra Ransom                SR Sikeston               12.15      12.04   3   5   
  5 Lamark Threadgill         FR Carbondale             11.31      12.11   4   4   
  6 Kordell Batchelor         SR Central (C.G.)         11.58      12.19   4   3   
  7 Adriean Steveson          JR Hayti                  11.42      12.20   4   2   
  8 Riley Harden              SR Notre Dame             12.36      12.28   2   1   
  9 Josh Leech                SO C.Ville                11.54      12.32   4 
 10 Trevaughn Robinson        JR Charleston             12.04      12.33   3 
 11 Nick Shaw                 SR Saxony Luth.           12.21      12.35   3 
 12 Quazavion Jackson         SO Central (N.M.C.)       12.04      12.36   3 
 13 Brendan Beasley           SO Central (C.G.)         12.51      12.43   2 
 14 Tyler Parker              JR Notre Dame             11.80      12.44   3 
 15 Spencer Clay              SO Sikeston               11.84      12.45   3 
 16 Anthony Treadwell         FR Central (N.M.C.)       12.24      12.51   3 
 17 Damon Helton              FR Dexter                 12.26      12.63   2 
 18 James Person              FR Carbondale             12.70      12.82   2 
 19 Keiyonte Triplett         FR Charleston             12.54      12.92   2 
 20 Christian Caruso          SR Saxony Luth.           12.98      13.15   2 
 21 Seth Proffer              FR Malden                            13.31   1 
 22 Lamarius Smith            SO Malden                 12.97      13.40   2 
 23 Devante Hamilton          FR C.Ville                           13.88   1 
 24 Blayke Smith              FR Bell City              12.25      14.08   3 
 25 Trace Hanshew             FR Scott City             14.24      14.74   1 
Event 21  (G) 4x200 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Carbondale                                        1:43.60    1:44.71   2  10   
     1) Serenity Riley FR               2) Akira Custer JR                
     3) Keona Love SR                   4) Kiara Cobb SO                  
  2 Caruthersville                                    1:49.23    1:50.70   2   8   
     1) Britney Jordan SO               2) Vashia Rumph JR                
     3) Matty Smith JR                  4) Nybria Carter JR               
  3 Central (Cape Girardeau)                          1:52.52    1:51.34   2   6   
     1) Kwayauna Chisom SR              2) Kaybreonna Clark SR            
     3) Ileeciah Luttrell-Johnson SR    4) Brittnee Blackmon SR           
  4 Sikeston                                          1:54.63    1:52.81   2   5   
     1) Krisstina Morrow SO             2) Caroline Steward SR            
     3) Tyennia Stevens SO              4) Emma Jones SR                  
  5 Malden                                            1:52.40    1:53.12   2   4   
     1) Arionne Ross JR                 2) Crystal Allen FR               
     3) Shamya Dobbins JR               4) Onerica Reed JR                
  6 Kennett                                           1:54.39    1:55.63   2   3   
     1) Taylor Green SR                 2) Janesha Hubbard JR             
     3) Macy New FR                     4) Alexis Seals SR                
  7 Charleston                                        1:55.45    1:55.82   2   2   
     1) Nicole Hart JR                  2) Keona O'Neal JR                
     3) Anica Paris JR                  4) Ah'Kaya Paris SO               
  8 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                       1:58.73    1:56.46   1   1   
     1) Allie Burnett SO                2) Delaney Dohogne SO             
     3) Leah Jansen FR                  4) Aubrey Rodriguez SO            
  9 Dexter                                            1:57.56    1:58.94   2 
     1) Gabrielle Brown FR              2) Dulcie Pullen FR               
     3) Tristin Pullum SO               4) Alexa Werneck JR               
 10 Central (New Madrid County)                       2:00.17    2:05.34   1 
     1) Sania johnson FR                2) Madezin Jones SR               
     3) Gabrielle Johnson FR            4) Latavia Brooks FR              
 -- Saxony Lutheran                                                   DQ   1  Out of Zone 3-4
     1) Lauren Barnes FR                2) Ava Brown FR                   
     3) Linda Gamberini SR              4) Mary Richey FR                 
Event 22  (B) 4x200 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Kennett                                           1:32.37    1:32.77   2  10   
     1) Dashawn Franks JR               2) Jordan Jarrett FR              
     3) Reginald Morris SR              4) Larry Payne JR                 
  2 Dexter                                            1:33.88    1:32.89   2   8   
     1) Cole Barker JR                  2) Austin Guy JR                  
     3) Seth Rogers SR                  4) Andrew Soule JR                
  3 Hayti                                             1:31.56    1:33.07   2   6   
     1) Jerrod Covington SR             2) William Dunn SR                
     3) Demorri Reed JR                 4) Ivory Winters SR               
  4 Central (Cape Girardeau)                          1:33.12    1:33.25   2   5   
     1) Stasis Williams JR              2) Jeremiah Johnson SO            
     3) Kordell Batchelor SR            4) Donye Taylor JR                
  5 Sikeston                                          1:34.77    1:36.26   2   4   
     1) Keon Graham JR                  2) Tra Ransom SR                  
     3) Jonathan Green FR               4) Ashton Sims JR                 
  6 Scott City                                        1:34.44    1:36.31   2   3   
     1) John Auer SR                    2) Joseph Panagos JR              
     3) James May JR                    4) Kobe Hann JR                   
  7 Charleston                                        1:38.69    1:37.67   1   2   
     1) Antonio Chappell JR             2) Blessin Kimble JR              
     3) A'Moses Wells SO                4) Trevaughn Robinson JR          
  8 Caruthersville                                    1:36.14    1:39.11   2   1   
     1) Jermaine Alexander JR           2) Nick Moore SR                  
     3) Antayvieyuan Taylor SR          4) Josh Leech SO                  
  9 Central (New Madrid County)                       1:34.64    1:43.04   2 
     1) Quazavion Jackson SO            2) Johnnie Walker SR              
     3) Jamal Ranson SO                 4) Troquan Mays FR                
 10 Carbondale                                        1:44.24    1:49.31   1 
     1) Luke Langan FR                  2) Jordan Bradley FR              
     3) Johnson Lai FR                  4) Jordan Lopez FR                
 -- Saxony Lutheran                                   1:49.99         DQ   1  Out of Zone 3-4
     1) Christian Caruso SR             2) Skyler Knight FR               
     3) Alberto Maero JR                4) Nick Shaw SR                   
 -- Malden                                            1:43.24         DQ   1  Out of Zone 3-4
     1) Coytravion Wade SO              2) Dominique Townsend SR          
     3) Drew Blankinship SO             4) Seth Proffer FR                
Event 23  (G) 1600 M. R.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Margo Nea                 JR Dexter               5:34.57    5:34.11   10   
       1:16.863 (1:16.863)        2:41.077 (1:24.215)        4:10.290 (1:29.213)
       5:34.104 (1:23.815)
  2 Haley Smith               SO Notre Dame                      5:47.39    8   
       1:19.631 (1:19.631)        2:47.579 (1:27.948)        4:19.106 (1:31.528)
       5:47.385 (1:28.280)
  3 Madeline Prideaux         SO Carbondale           5:49.65    5:51.83    6   
       1:17.691 (1:17.691)        2:47.892 (1:30.201)        4:22.281 (1:34.390)
       5:51.823 (1:29.542)
  4 Macee Hoskins             JR Central              6:10.71    6:08.72    5   
       1:29.401 (1:29.401)        3:05.289 (1:35.888)        4:39.300 (1:34.012)
       6:08.716 (1:29.416)
  5 Kennedy McGhee            SR Notre Dame                      6:22.75    4   
       1:31.121 (1:31.121)        3:05.599 (1:34.479)        4:42.594 (1:36.995)
       6:22.741 (1:40.147)
  6 Sadie Torre               SO Carbondale           6:10.38    6:23.92    3   
       1:28.759 (1:28.759)        3:05.361 (1:36.603)        4:45.758 (1:40.397)
       6:23.920 (1:38.162)
  7 Alexia Kemp               FR Richland             6:46.94    6:35.18    2   
       1:23.651 (1:23.651)        3:06.766 (1:43.115)        4:56.952 (1:50.187)
       6:35.180 (1:38.229)
  8 Jocelyn King              SO Central              6:23.62    6:35.67    1   
       1:30.685 (1:30.685)        3:11.397 (1:40.712)        4:57.347 (1:45.950)
       6:35.668 (1:38.321)
  9 Olivia Milam              JR Dexter               6:30.13    6:37.16  
       1:29.945 (1:29.945)        3:08.242 (1:38.297)        4:55.793 (1:47.552)
       6:37.156 (1:41.364)
 10 Triniti Miller            SO Malden               6:32.68    6:41.13  
       1:30.296 (1:30.296)        3:09.444 (1:39.148)        4:56.636 (1:47.193)
       6:41.128 (1:44.492)
 11 Raghad Alkilani           FR Sikeston             7:21.44    7:00.85  
       1:37.644 (1:37.644)        3:26.919 (1:49.275)        5:18.099 (1:51.181)
       7:00.844 (1:42.745)
 12 Courtney Bangert          SR Saxony Luth.         7:11.35    7:08.85  
       1:35.719 (1:35.719)        3:23.479 (1:47.761)        5:17.378 (1:53.899)
       7:08.842 (1:51.464)
 13 Makayla Walker            FR Malden               7:03.63    7:09.47  
       1:32.493 (1:32.493)        3:21.851 (1:49.359)        5:19.483 (1:57.633)
       7:09.464 (1:49.981)
 14 Mattison Bowyer           SO Saxony Luth.         7:39.67    7:15.99  
       1:39.349 (1:39.349)        3:33.034 (1:53.686)        5:27.663 (1:54.629)
       7:15.989 (1:48.326)
 15 Layan Alkilani            JR Sikeston             7:16.88    7:19.45  
       1:37.394 (1:37.394)        3:33.179 (1:55.786)        5:28.257 (1:55.079)
       7:19.446 (1:51.189)
 16 Laura Brown               SR Richland             7:00.94    7:30.54  
       1:38.381 (1:38.381)        3:33.901 (1:55.520)        5:33.836 (1:59.936)
       7:30.531 (1:56.695)
 17 Madison Harmon            JR Kennett              7:23.06    8:10.79  
       1:46.110 (1:46.110)        3:49.305 (2:03.195)        5:59.498 (2:10.193)
       8:10.788 (2:11.290)
 18 Chelsea Wells             FR C.Ville                        10:23.00  
       1:34.377 (1:34.377)        4:32.025 (2:57.648)        7:32.518 (3:00.493)
      10:22.992 (2:50.474)
Event 24  (B) 1600 M. R.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jared Neikirk             SR Central (C.G.)       4:42.37    4:35.91   10   
       1:10.480 (1:10.480)        2:21.378 (1:10.898)        3:28.115 (1:06.738)
       4:35.901 (1:07.786)
  2 Kobe Patterson            JR Kennett              4:50.01    4:47.79    8   
       1:10.074 (1:10.074)        2:22.348 (1:12.274)        3:36.112 (1:13.765)
       4:47.784 (1:11.672)
  3 Ethan Cherry              SR Carbondale           4:45.24    4:49.66    6   
       1:10.562 (1:10.562)        2:23.106 (1:12.544)        3:36.199 (1:13.093)
       4:49.656 (1:13.458)
  4 Clayton Eftink            JR Notre Dame                      4:52.75    5   
       1:10.297 (1:10.297)        2:23.685 (1:13.389)        3:39.966 (1:16.282)
       4:52.745 (1:12.779)
  5 Malcolm Patton            FR Notre Dame           4:56.60    4:53.20    4   
       1:10.882 (1:10.882)        2:24.058 (1:13.176)        3:40.212 (1:16.155)
       4:53.196 (1:12.984)
  6 Carter Dorton             SO Dexter               4:55.98    4:53.75    3   
       1:10.941 (1:10.941)        2:24.521 (1:13.580)        3:39.802 (1:15.282)
       4:53.744 (1:13.942)
  7 Alex Neikirk              FR Central (C.G.)       5:01.63    4:54.70    2   
       1:11.477 (1:11.477)        2:25.045 (1:13.568)        3:39.929 (1:14.885)
       4:54.696 (1:14.767)
  8 Jackson Watts             SO Carbondale           4:57.24    5:01.69    1   
       1:10.223 (1:10.223)        2:23.531 (1:13.309)        3:40.560 (1:17.030)
       5:01.681 (1:21.121)
  9 Brett Bradley             SO Kennett              5:53.24    5:21.21  
       1:11.892 (1:11.892)        2:30.572 (1:18.680)        3:55.288 (1:24.717)
       5:21.202 (1:25.914)
 10 Gage Underwood            SO Scott City           5:13.24    5:24.41  
       1:14.136 (1:14.136)        2:38.466 (1:24.331)        4:05.390 (1:26.924)
       5:24.401 (1:19.011)
 11 Dakota Dodd               SO Malden               5:17.33    5:29.05  
       1:12.451 (1:12.451)        2:33.086 (1:20.636)        4:01.135 (1:28.049)
       5:29.042 (1:27.908)
 12 Brent Revelle             FR Sikeston             5:38.75    5:29.51  
       1:14.506 (1:14.506)        2:39.500 (1:24.994)        4:04.958 (1:25.459)
       5:29.506 (1:24.548)
 13 Ty Seabaugh               FR Saxony Luth.         5:48.95    5:46.98  
       1:16.195 (1:16.195)        2:44.003 (1:27.809)        4:17.496 (1:33.493)
       5:46.980 (1:29.485)
 14 Matthew Wilson            SR Hayti                5:55.89    5:52.06  
       1:16.636 (1:16.636)        2:45.854 (1:29.218)        4:21.700 (1:35.846)
       5:52.052 (1:30.353)
 15 Jack Baughman             FR Sikeston                        5:52.15  
       1:15.356 (1:15.356)        2:47.748 (1:32.392)        4:24.854 (1:37.107)
       5:52.147 (1:27.293)
 16 Nicholas Heuring          FR Bell City                       5:57.42  
       1:15.845 (1:15.845)        2:47.544 (1:31.699)        4:25.894 (1:38.350)
       5:57.420 (1:31.526)
 17 Ryheim Wallace            SR Central (N.M.C.)     5:50.24    6:21.48  
       1:15.138 (1:15.138)        2:47.000 (1:31.862)        4:29.513 (1:42.514)
       6:21.477 (1:51.964)
 18 Matthew Rodgers           FR C.Ville                         7:09.34  
       1:15.089 (1:15.089)        2:59.201 (1:44.112)        5:05.185 (2:05.985)
       7:09.331 (2:04.146)
 19 Malik Jones               SO C.Ville              7:49.23    7:42.93  
       1:21.142 (1:21.142)        3:18.092 (1:56.950)        5:37.856 (2:19.764)
       7:42.926 (2:05.070)
Event 25  (G) 4x100 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                         50.15      50.63   2  10   
     1) Riley Burger JR                 2) Natalie Timpe JR               
     3) Laura Brown SO                  4) Carly Pujol SR                 
  2 Caruthersville                                      51.33      50.91   2   8   
     1) Matty Smith JR                  2) Vashia Rumph JR                
     3) Kamya Battles SO                4) Karmella Robinson FR           
  3 Central (Cape Girardeau)                            52.33      52.02   2   6   
     1) Kwayauna Chisom SR              2) Kaybreonna Clark SR            
     3) Ileeciah Luttrell-Johnson SR    4) Brittnee Blackmon SR           
  4 Malden                                              52.04      52.80   2   5   
     1) Arionne Ross JR                 2) Crystal Allen FR               
     3) Shamya Dobbins JR               4) Onerica Reed JR                
  5 Sikeston                                            52.38      52.92   2   4   
     1) Krisstina Morrow SO             2) Emma Jones SR                  
     3) Caroline Steward SR             4) T'Kaila Freeman SO             
  6 Charleston                                          53.65      53.81   2   3   
     1) Nicole Hart JR                  2) Keona O'Neal JR                
     3) Anica Paris JR                  4) Kiarra Pettigrew JR            
  7 Carbondale                                          54.30      54.12   2   2   
     1) Novie Holliday SO               2) Nala Hastings-Steele FR        
     3) Aniyah Black FR                 4) Trushana Whitty SR             
  8 Kennett                                             54.16      54.28   2   1   
     1) Alexis Seals SR                 2) Taylor Green SR                
     3) Kirsten Hourd FR                4) Janesha Hubbard JR             
  9 Dexter                                              54.97      56.26   1 
     1) Rachel Lin FR                   2) Dulcie Pullen FR               
     3) Alexa Werneck JR                4) Tristin Pullum SO              
 10 Central (New Madrid County)                         56.74      57.67   1 
     1) Zamari Jackson SO               2) Sania johnson FR               
     3) Gabrielle Johnson FR            4) Madezin Jones SR               
Event 26  (B) 4x100 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hayti                                               43.81      44.08   2  10   
     1) Jerrod Covington SR             2) L'Darrius Mcintyre JR          
     3) Adriean Steveson JR             4) Ivory Winters SR               
  2 Kennett                                             44.09      44.26   2   8   
     1) Justin Hunt SO                  2) Reginald Morris SR             
     3) Zytrevion Williams SO           4) Jordan Jarrett FR              
  3 Central (Cape Girardeau)                            44.70      44.50   2   6   
     1) Stasis Williams JR              2) Jeremiah Johnson SO            
     3) Kordell Batchelor SR            4) Brendan Beasley SO             
  4 Dexter                                              44.95      45.45   2   5   
     1) Cole Barker JR                  2) Damon Helton FR                
     3) Seth Rogers SR                  4) Andrew Soule JR                
  5 Caruthersville                                      44.59      45.52   2   4   
     1) Ja'Marion Rodgers JR            2) Josh Leech SO                  
     3) Jermaine Alexander JR           4) Ulysses Manuel JR              
  6 Carbondale                                          46.24      45.76   2   3   
     1) Tremel Truitt SR                2) Martiez Pinnick SR             
     3) Javier Hampton JR               4) Gabe Hillard FR                
  7 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                         46.99      46.31   1   2   
     1) Riley Harden SR                 2) Tyler Parker JR                
     3) Evan Bruenderman SO             4) David Phelps JR                
  8 Sikeston                                            45.91      46.58   2   1   
     1) Ashton Sims JR                  2) Spencer Clay SO                
     3) Jonathan Green FR               4) Daniel Lawrence SO             
  9 Charleston                                          47.30      46.68   1 
     1) Antonio Chappell JR             2) Trevaughn Robinson JR          
     3) A'Moses Wells SO                4) Blessin Kimble JR              
 10 Scott City                                          45.71      47.27   2 
     1) John Auer SR                    2) Joseph Panagos JR              
     3) Cody Rhyne SR                   4) James May JR                   
 11 Central (New Madrid County)                         48.04      47.68   1 
     1) Jamal Ranson SO                 2) Anthony Treadwell FR           
     3) Quazavion Jackson SO            4) Troquan Mays FR                
 12 Malden                                              51.29      48.85   1 
     1) Lamarius Smith SO               2) Coytravion Wade SO             
     3) Dominique Townsend SR           4) Drew Blankinship SO            
 13 Saxony Lutheran                                                52.08   1 
     1) Christian Caruso SR             2) Skyler Knight FR               
     3) Alberto Maero JR                4) Nick Shaw SR                   
Event 27  (G) 400 M. D.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Akira Custer              JR Carbondale             59.60      59.55   3  10   
  2 Keona Love                SR Carbondale           1:02.24    1:03.18   3   8   
  3 Leah Jansen               FR Notre Dame           1:04.00    1:03.63   3   6   
  4 Gabrielle Brown           FR Dexter               1:05.36    1:04.90   3   5   
  5 Macy New                  FR Kennett              1:06.54    1:05.40   3   4   
  6 Amiya Johnson             FR Hayti                1:08.59    1:06.92   2   3   
  7 Eryka Underwood           FR Central              1:08.39    1:07.39   2   2   
  8 Nybria Carter             JR C.Ville              1:05.24    1:08.91   3   1   
  9 Mckensi Williams          SO Central              1:10.43    1:09.34   2 
 10 Makinley Walker           FR Malden                          1:12.84   1 
 11 Kamya Battles             SO C.Ville              1:02.64    1:15.19   3 
 12 Jakylia Johnson           JR Sikeston             1:14.24    1:16.80   2 
 13 Tamyia Johnson            SO Sikeston             1:18.75    1:17.37   2 
 14 Deanna Hart               SO Central (N.M.C.)     1:24.44    1:22.15   1 
 15 Jaticka Jackson           FR Malden               1:30.48    1:33.75   1 
Event 28  (B) 400 M. D.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Larry Payne               JR Kennett                50.41      50.59   4  10   
  2 Cole Barker               JR Dexter                 51.87      51.82   4   8   
  3 Antayvieyuan Taylor       SR C.Ville                53.94      52.23   3   6   
  4 Kobe Hann                 JR Scott City             51.31      52.53   4   5   
  5 Quav'aun Harrell          JR Kennett                53.88      52.58   3   4   
  6 Demorri Reed              JR Hayti                  52.82      53.48   4   3   
  7 Jack Rusten               FR Central (C.G.)         53.53      53.60   4   2   
  8 Evan Bruenderman          SO Notre Dame             53.00      53.80   4   1   
  9 Dominique Townsend        SR Malden                 53.33      53.81   4 
 10 Keaston Phillips          SR Central (N.M.C.)       54.34      54.16   3 
 11 D Sean Robinson           SO Sikeston               54.69      55.22   3 
 12 Gabe Hillard              FR Carbondale             53.10      55.82   4 
 13 Suave Fitzpatrick         JR Charleston             56.38      56.28   3 
 14 Nakwon Harris             SR Hayti                  54.00      56.73   3 
 15 Edward Farr               JR Scott County                      57.51   1 
 16 Meliek Chalmers           JR Central (N.M.C.)       57.84      57.74   2 
 17 Caleb Burger              SO Scott City             59.24      58.97   2 
 18 Amarion Durham            FR Carbondale             57.84      59.01   2 
 19 Zachary Reynolds          FR Sikeston               57.54    1:00.08   3 
 20 Darion Carlisle           FR Charleston                      1:02.37   1 
 21 Nick Moore                SR C.Ville                59.14    1:04.50   2 
 22 Cody Bradley              SO Malden                          1:10.66   1 
Event 29  (G) 300 M. H.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Allie Burnett             SO Notre Dame             50.31      49.85   3  10   
  2 Laticia Hamilton          FR C.Ville                50.32      51.95   3   8   
  3 Dasia Swansey             SR Carbondale             53.72      52.02   3   6   
  4 Karmella Robinson         FR C.Ville                           52.62   1   5   
  5 Delaney Langenstein       FR Notre Dame             54.79      55.20   3   4   
  6 Emillionna Kimble         JR Charleston             58.44      55.77   2   3   
  7 Jurnee McKnight           JR Central                           57.01   1   2   
  8 Malikia Tucker            SO Carbondale             56.40      57.20   3   1   
  9 Aquayla Amerson           SR Hayti                  56.80      57.64   2 
 10 Jhameca Joslyn            SO Sikeston               59.89      58.78   2 
 11 Melshavia Quinn           FR Charleston           1:01.56      59.54   2 
 12 Madison Mittag            JR Malden                 59.12    1:00.01   2 
 13 Julianna Rivera           FR Dexter                          1:03.92   2 
 14 Sydney Turner             SO Saxony Luth.                    1:04.82   1 
Event 30  (B) 300 M. H.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Keon Graham               JR Sikeston               41.03      41.24   3  10   
  2 Tylor Wooden              SR Hayti                  40.91      42.84   3   8   
  3 Blessin Kimble            JR Charleston             43.84      43.81   3   6   
  4 Jevon Scott               SO Carbondale             45.62      44.61   3   5   
  5 Camden Pritchett          SO Kennett                45.94      46.59   3   4   
  6 Qun'tes Parson            SR Kennett                44.74      47.13   3   3   
  7 Dakwan Tilson             FR Sikeston               46.79      47.41   3   2   
  8 Cody Mitchell             FR Carbondale             47.20      47.69   2   1   
  9 Jaumarcum Johnson         FR Malden                 51.64      48.28   2 
 10 Gavin Cartwright          SO Dexter                 45.34      48.82   3 
 11 Teijay Williams           JR Charleston             51.90      49.04   1 
 12 Connor Price              SO Bell City              48.46      49.09   2 
 13 Damarcus Edwards          SR C.Ville                50.54      51.06   2 
 14 Colton Evans              SO Dexter                 49.19      51.11   2 
 15 Devin Russell             SO C.Ville                49.34      51.89   2 
 16 Isaiah Herrion            JR Malden                 54.93      53.51   1 
Event 31  (G) 800 M. R.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Margo Nea                 JR Dexter               2:35.46    2:32.40   10   
       1:13.146 (1:13.146)        2:32.397 (1:19.251)
  2 Haley Smith               SO Notre Dame                      2:40.55    8   
       1:18.796 (1:18.796)        2:40.549 (1:21.754)
  3 Serenity Riley            FR Carbondale           2:57.24    2:44.60    6   
       1:15.962 (1:15.962)        2:44.591 (1:28.630)
  4 Macee Hoskins             JR Central              2:49.86    2:44.71    5   
       1:21.853 (1:21.853)        2:44.702 (1:22.849)
  5 Kara Holub                SO Carbondale           2:40.30    2:45.81    4   
       1:20.327 (1:20.327)        2:45.805 (1:25.479)
  6 Blaire Gordon             JR Sikeston             2:48.22    2:49.98    3   
       1:22.837 (1:22.837)        2:49.977 (1:27.141)
  7 Avery Neely               FR Dexter               2:54.77    2:51.91    2   
       1:20.218 (1:20.218)        2:51.901 (1:31.684)
  8 Abigail Brandon           JR Notre Dame                      2:57.41    1   
       1:23.427 (1:23.427)        2:57.401 (1:33.974)
  9 Jatori Maxwell            JR Central (N.M.C.)     2:47.02    2:58.32  
       1:20.873 (1:20.873)        2:58.311 (1:37.438)
 10 Anne-Marie Ritter         FR Central                         2:58.84  
       1:24.835 (1:24.835)        2:58.838 (1:34.004)
 11 Alexia Kemp               FR Richland             3:03.44    2:59.96  
       1:23.169 (1:23.169)        2:59.951 (1:36.783)
 12 Makayla Walker            FR Malden               3:04.77    3:07.19  
       1:28.949 (1:28.949)        3:07.184 (1:38.235)
 13 Madison Rudisill          FR Sikeston             3:08.99    3:07.49  
       1:28.247 (1:28.247)        3:07.489 (1:39.242)
 14 Laura Brown               SR Richland             3:08.74    3:08.98  
       1:30.766 (1:30.766)        3:08.974 (1:38.209)
 15 Ta'niyah Payne            FR Hayti                3:18.63    3:11.19  
       1:29.452 (1:29.452)        3:11.183 (1:41.731)
 16 Frankel Williams          FR C.Ville              3:35.22    3:11.97  
       1:30.181 (1:30.181)        3:11.961 (1:41.780)
 17 Akyra Humes               FR Hayti                3:04.84    3:13.58  
       1:29.604 (1:29.604)        3:13.573 (1:43.969)
 18 Chelsea Wells             FR C.Ville              3:58.81    4:18.59  
       1:36.034 (1:36.034)        4:18.587 (2:42.554)
Event 32  (B) 800 M. R.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Alex Partlow              FR Carbondale           2:06.44    2:03.34   10   
       1:00.954 (1:00.954)        2:03.339 (1:02.386)
  2 Samuel Varnon             JR Saxony Luth.         2:05.84    2:06.09    8   
       1:00.061 (1:00.061)        2:06.084 (1:06.023)
  3 Haven Horton              SO Carbondale           2:08.34    2:11.06    6   
       1:01.530 (1:01.530)        2:11.055 (1:09.525)
  4 Clayton Eftink            JR Notre Dame                      2:13.60    5   
       1:05.822 (1:05.822)        2:13.591 (1:07.769)
  5 Nathan Caldwell           SO Central (C.G.)                  2:14.05    4   
       1:05.934 (1:05.934)        2:14.042 (1:08.109)
  6 John Myres                JR Sikeston             2:11.26    2:15.00    3   
       1:04.292 (1:04.292)        2:14.997 (1:10.706)
  7 Carter Dorton             SO Dexter               2:12.40    2:17.24    2   
       1:04.713 (1:04.713)        2:17.238 (1:12.525)
  8 Travon Jones              SR Kennett              2:14.85    2:17.49    1   
       1:04.955 (1:04.955)        2:17.486 (1:12.532)
  9 Conner Moore              FR Central (C.G.)       2:21.02    2:20.81  
       1:08.031 (1:08.031)        2:20.810 (1:12.780)
 10 Kaleb Karrenbrock         FR Scott City           2:15.24    2:22.79  
       1:09.663 (1:09.663)        2:22.786 (1:13.123)
 11 Evan Boyd                 SO Notre Dame           2:18.60    2:23.53  
       1:08.528 (1:08.528)        2:23.523 (1:14.996)
 12 Jaden Wilburn             JR Hayti                2:04.15    2:24.50  
           59.356 (59.356)        2:24.496 (1:25.141)
 13 Noah Mason                FR Sikeston                        2:24.61  
       1:08.259 (1:08.259)        2:24.610 (1:16.351)
 14 Edward Farr               JR Scott County         2:19.64    2:25.23  
       1:07.700 (1:07.700)        2:25.221 (1:17.521)
 15 Jason Yates               SO Kennett              2:17.24    2:26.29  
       1:09.947 (1:09.947)        2:26.288 (1:16.341)
 16 Robert Cato               FR Scott City           2:26.53    2:26.57  
       1:11.245 (1:11.245)        2:26.570 (1:15.325)
 17 Dmarian Brooks            SO Central (N.M.C.)     2:42.24    2:29.74  
       1:07.416 (1:07.416)        2:29.736 (1:22.320)
 18 Zavion Sutton             SO C.Ville              2:32.30    2:42.98  
       1:06.623 (1:06.623)        2:42.972 (1:36.349)
 19 Saul Ibarra               FR C.Ville              2:35.24    2:55.73  
       1:15.154 (1:15.154)        2:55.723 (1:40.570)
 -- Tre'von Sims              SR Central (N.M.C.)     2:24.74         DQ   Cut too soon
       1:08.198 (1:08.198)        2:29.210 (1:21.012)
Event 33  (G) 200 M. D.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Kiara Cobb                SO Carbondale             26.59      27.23   4  10   
  2 Trinity Thomas            SR Scott County           27.44      27.64   4   8   
  3 Vashia Rumph              JR C.Ville                29.04      28.01   3   6   
  4 Natalie Timpe             JR Notre Dame             26.50      28.40   4   5   
  5 Laura Brown               SO Notre Dame             27.50      28.85   4   4   
  6 Lormecia Payne            FR Kennett                28.34      29.01   4   3   
  7 Taylor Green              SR Kennett                29.64      29.71   3   2   
  8 Shamya Dobbins            JR Malden                            30.00   1   1   
  9 Tyennia Stevens           SO Sikeston               28.11      30.37   4 
 10 Cheyenne Fisher           FR Hayti                  31.08      30.49   3 
 11 Kelby Thomas              SO Central                31.26      30.65   3 
 12 Caroline Steward          SR Sikeston               27.97      30.79   4 
 13 Emillionna Kimble         JR Charleston             31.34      31.01   2 
 14 Madezin Jones             SR Central (N.M.C.)       29.43      31.26   3 
 15 Ava Brown                 FR Saxony Luth.           33.87      31.38   2 
 16 Kaybreonna Clark          SR Central                31.09      31.55   3 
 17 Rachel Lin                FR Dexter                            32.39   1 
 18 Makinley Walker           FR Malden                 33.14      32.99   2 
 19 Nala Hastings-Steele      FR Carbondale             30.34      33.96   3 
 20 Gabrielle Johnson         FR Central (N.M.C.)       35.24      33.97   2 
 21 Alexys Littlepage         JR Scott City             33.53      36.65   2 
Event 34  (B) 200 M. D.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ivory Winters             SR Hayti                  22.71      22.95   4  10   
  2 Jakeba Burleigh           SR Carbondale             23.00      23.44   4   8   
  3 Donye Taylor              JR Central (C.G.)                    23.57   1   6   
  4 Seth Rogers               SR Dexter                 22.97      23.61   4   5   
  5 Dashawn Franks            JR Kennett                23.97      23.82   3   4   
  6 Jermaine Alexander        JR C.Ville                23.84      24.06   4   3   
  7 Kordell Batchelor         SR Central (C.G.)         23.78      24.10   4   2   
  8 Jordan Jarrett            FR Kennett                23.74      24.61   4   1   
  9 L'Darrius Mcintyre        JR Hayti                  23.90      24.70   4 
 10 Jonathan Green            FR Sikeston               24.42      24.79   3 
 11 Tra Ransom                SR Sikeston               24.54      24.82   3 
 12 Josh Leech                SO C.Ville                           24.96   1 
 13 Troquan Mays              FR Central (N.M.C.)       25.34      24.97   2 
 14 Alex Moore                FR Carbondale             25.24      25.26   3 
 15 Gabrial Meadors           SR Notre Dame             24.50      25.53   3 
 16 Keiyonte Triplett         FR Charleston             25.21      25.66   3 
 17 Quazavion Jackson         SO Central (N.M.C.)       24.44      25.85   3 
 18 Tyler Parker              JR Notre Dame             24.50      26.02   3 
 19 Damon Helton              FR Dexter                 25.91      26.20   2 
 20 Cayden Beussink           SO Scott City             25.99      26.68   2 
 21 Seth Proffer              FR Malden                 26.58      27.28   2 
 22 Darion Carlisle           FR Charleston             26.37      27.63   2 
 23 Benjamin Dillard          SO Malden                            28.42   1 
 24 Blayke Smith              FR Bell City              28.41      29.59   2 
 25 Nicholas Tomlinson        FR Saxony Luth.           32.03      32.93   2 
Event 35  (G) 3200 M. R.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Selena Priggel            JR Notre Dame                     13:46.65   10   
       1:36.573 (1:36.573)        3:20.344 (1:43.771)        5:03.308 (1:42.964)
       6:47.980 (1:44.672)        8:33.880 (1:45.900)       10:19.082 (1:45.203)
      12:04.946 (1:45.865)       13:46.650 (1:41.705)
  2 Mary Foutz                SO Central             14:44.76   14:05.69    8   
       1:35.352 (1:35.352)        3:19.998 (1:44.647)        5:03.972 (1:43.974)
       6:48.958 (1:44.986)        8:36.402 (1:47.444)       10:26.733 (1:50.332)
      12:20.350 (1:53.618)       14:05.684 (1:45.334)
  3 Astraia Demopoulos        SO Central             14:38.11   14:31.94    6   
       1:35.079 (1:35.079)        3:19.780 (1:44.701)        5:03.519 (1:43.740)
       6:48.190 (1:44.671)        8:36.675 (1:48.486)       10:39.443 (2:02.768)
      12:43.939 (2:04.496)       14:31.931 (1:47.992)
  4 Perri Poe                 JR Notre Dame                     15:08.30    5   
       1:45.472 (1:45.472)        3:38.286 (1:52.814)        5:29.027 (1:50.741)
       7:21.799 (1:52.773)        9:20.169 (1:58.370)       11:18.697 (1:58.529)
      13:18.428 (1:59.731)       15:08.300 (1:49.873)
  5 Madison Lacy              SO Carbondale          15:30.24   15:16.68    4   
       1:38.760 (1:38.760)        3:32.473 (1:53.714)        5:29.985 (1:57.512)
       7:26.177 (1:56.192)        9:20.511 (1:54.335)       11:14.107 (1:53.596)
      13:00.919 (1:46.813)       15:16.677 (2:15.758)
  6 Courtney Bangert          SR Saxony Luth.                   15:29.39    3   
       1:40.874 (1:40.874)        3:30.590 (1:49.716)        5:26.429 (1:55.839)
       7:25.708 (1:59.280)        9:26.586 (2:00.879)       11:29.169 (2:02.584)
      13:34.075 (2:04.907)       15:29.384 (1:55.309)
  7 Mattison Bowyer           SO Saxony Luth.                   16:27.66    2   
       1:52.941 (1:52.941)        3:45.610 (1:52.669)        6:01.247 (2:15.638)
       8:09.005 (2:07.758)       10:16.958 (2:07.954)       12:22.511 (2:05.554)
      14:31.769 (2:09.259)       16:27.654 (1:55.885)
  8 Lauren LeBeau             SO Carbondale          16:52.35   16:43.81    1   
       1:35.880 (1:35.880)        3:32.805 (1:56.925)        5:36.421 (2:03.617)
       7:45.610 (2:09.189)        9:59.954 (2:14.344)       12:15.421 (2:15.468)
      14:31.881 (2:16.460)       16:43.802 (2:11.921)
 -- Belle Jones               FR Richland            16:14.24        DNF  
       1:45.456 (1:45.456)        5:46.517 (4:01.062)        7:53.949 (2:07.433)
      10:09.352 (2:15.403)       12:31.018 (2:21.667)       14:54.274 (2:23.257)
      17:05.350 (2:11.076)
 -- Madison Harmon            JR Kennett             18:17.85        DNF  
       1:55.904 (1:55.904)        4:05.047 (2:09.144)        6:28.817 (2:23.770)
       9:00.790 (2:31.973)       11:28.471 (2:27.682)       14:07.002 (2:38.531)
      16:31.442 (2:24.441)
Event 36  (B) 3200 M. R.
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Kobe Patterson            JR Kennett             10:22.03   10:31.03   10   
       1:14.434 (1:14.434)        2:32.074 (1:17.641)        3:50.838 (1:18.764)
       5:09.711 (1:18.873)        6:32.094 (1:22.384)        7:55.769 (1:23.675)
       9:18.228 (1:22.459)       10:31.021 (1:12.794)
  2 Ethan Stevens             SO Carbondale          10:42.64   10:34.24    8   
       1:14.452 (1:14.452)        2:32.743 (1:18.292)        3:50.831 (1:18.088)
       5:08.417 (1:17.587)        6:28.003 (1:19.586)        7:50.589 (1:22.587)
       9:12.985 (1:22.396)       10:34.231 (1:21.246)
  3 Malcolm Patton            FR Notre Dame                     10:42.54    6   
       1:14.639 (1:14.639)        2:32.542 (1:17.904)        3:51.411 (1:18.869)
       5:12.107 (1:20.696)        6:33.754 (1:21.647)        7:57.203 (1:23.449)
       9:21.863 (1:24.661)       10:42.531 (1:20.668)
  4 Benton Keran              SR Notre Dame                     10:54.71    5   
       1:14.196 (1:14.196)        2:32.477 (1:18.281)        3:51.309 (1:18.833)
       5:13.286 (1:21.977)        6:39.029 (1:25.743)        8:08.179 (1:29.150)
       9:32.456 (1:24.277)       10:54.704 (1:22.248)
  5 Ty Seabaugh               FR Saxony Luth.                   11:04.08    4   
       1:20.565 (1:20.565)        2:52.039 (1:31.474)        4:26.691 (1:34.653)
       6:03.534 (1:36.843)        7:42.729 (1:39.195)        9:23.367 (1:40.639)
      11:04.078 (1:40.711)       12:42.668 (1:38.591)
  6 Jackson Watts             SO Carbondale          10:37.17   11:09.86    3   
       1:14.747 (1:14.747)        2:32.843 (1:18.096)        3:52.747 (1:19.905)
       5:18.139 (1:25.392)        6:43.948 (1:25.810)        8:11.338 (1:27.390)
       9:39.853 (1:28.515)       11:09.853 (1:30.000)
  7 Cooper Dees               FR Sikeston            11:51.18   11:34.45    2   
       1:17.567 (1:17.567)        2:39.254 (1:21.687)        4:04.391 (1:25.138)
       5:31.937 (1:27.546)        7:02.036 (1:30.099)        8:32.689 (1:30.654)
      10:05.325 (1:32.637)       11:34.445 (1:29.120)
  8 Gage Underwood            SO Scott City          11:11.24   11:45.15    1   
       1:16.513 (1:16.513)        2:41.141 (1:24.629)        4:12.645 (1:31.505)
       5:44.995 (1:32.350)        7:17.369 (1:32.374)        8:48.111 (1:30.742)
      10:19.722 (1:31.612)       11:45.141 (1:25.419)
  9 Nikolaos Demopoulos       JR Central (C.G.)      12:14.57   11:51.21  
       1:17.696 (1:17.696)        2:42.023 (1:24.327)        4:09.191 (1:27.168)
       5:37.735 (1:28.544)        7:11.407 (1:33.672)        8:47.565 (1:36.159)
      10:23.470 (1:35.906)       11:51.204 (1:27.734)
 10 Jesus Diaz                FR Kennett             12:12.74   12:11.53  
       1:19.655 (1:19.655)        2:45.649 (1:25.995)        4:13.744 (1:28.095)
       5:46.391 (1:32.647)        7:21.216 (1:34.825)        8:58.099 (1:36.884)
      10:40.238 (1:42.139)       12:11.522 (1:31.285)
 11 Marcus Gibson             SO Central (C.G.)      12:58.80   13:03.31  
       1:25.457 (1:25.457)        3:00.422 (1:34.966)        4:36.966 (1:36.544)
       6:16.162 (1:39.196)        7:56.363 (1:40.201)        9:38.685 (1:42.322)
      11:23.444 (1:44.760)       13:03.310 (1:39.866)
 12 Nathan Hampton            SO Malden              13:49.19   13:47.51  
       1:29.253 (1:29.253)        3:07.578 (1:38.325)        4:51.310 (1:43.733)
       6:38.188 (1:46.879)        8:26.981 (1:48.793)       10:18.699 (1:51.719)
      12:09.611 (1:50.912)       13:47.508 (1:37.897)
Event 37  (G) 4x400 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Carbondale                                        4:09.24    4:09.70   10   
     1) Zoie Saunders JR                2) Kiara Cobb SO                  
     3) Keona Love SR                   4) Akira Custer JR                
  2 Caruthersville                                    4:36.73    4:27.04    8   
     1) Britney Jordan SO               2) Nybria Carter JR               
     3) Karmella Robinson FR            4) Matty Smith JR                 
  3 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                       4:20.75    4:32.26    6   
     1) Allie Burnett SO                2) Laura Brown SO                 
     3) Leah Jansen FR                  4) Natalie Timpe JR               
  4 Central (Cape Girardeau)                          4:40.79    4:42.71    5   
     1) Mckensi Williams SO             2) Kelby Thomas SO                
     3) Eryka Underwood FR              4) JaNajia Humble JR              
  5 Dexter                                            4:53.13    4:50.41    4   
     1) Olivia Milam JR                 2) Margo Nea JR                   
     3) Avery Neely FR                  4) Gabrielle Brown FR             
  6 Kennett                                           4:55.93    4:53.19    3   
     1) Hannah Johnson SR               2) Macy New FR                    
     3) Lormecia Payne FR               4) Janesha Hubbard JR             
  7 Sikeston                                          4:53.76    5:08.09    2   
     1) Lila Eckert FR                  2) Alesia Green JR                
     3) Tamyia Johnson SO               4) Jakylia Johnson JR             
  8 Hayti                                             4:51.05    5:25.77    1   
     1) Ashley Farmer SO                2) Akyra Humes FR                 
     3) Amiya Johnson FR                4) Ta'niyah Payne FR              
Event 38  (B) 4x400 M. R.
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Central (Cape Girardeau)                          3:34.83    3:36.19   2  10   
     1) Donye Taylor JR                 2) Jeremiah Johnson SO            
     3) Stasis Williams JR              4) Jack Rusten FR                 
  2 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)                       3:38.41    3:37.66   2   8   
     1) Evan Bruenderman SO             2) Hayden Jansen SO               
     3) Gabrial Meadors SR              4) Ashton Hopper SR               
  3 Kennett                                           3:37.24    3:38.25   2   6   
     1) Zytrevion Williams SO           2) Larry Payne JR                 
     3) Reginald Morris SR              4) Quav'aun Harrell JR            
  4 Hayti                                             3:32.53    3:40.67   2   5   
     1) William Dunn SR                 2) L'Darrius Mcintyre JR          
     3) Demorri Reed JR                 4) Jaden Wilburn JR               
  5 Scott City                                        3:37.94    3:43.13   2   4   
     1) John Auer SR                    2) Kobe Hann JR                   
     3) Cody Rhyne SR                   4) Joseph Panagos JR              
  6 Charleston                                        3:47.45    3:46.00   1   3   
     1) Suave Fitzpatrick JR            2) Blessin Kimble JR              
     3) Brian Visor JR                  4) A'Moses Wells SO               
       1:54.518 (1:54.518)          2:50.074 (55.557)          3:45.992 (55.918)
  7 Dexter                                            3:46.13    3:46.42   2   2   
     1) Gavin Cartwright SO             2) Cole Barker JR                 
     3) Andrew Soule JR                 4) Seth Rogers SR                 
  8 Carbondale                                        3:43.54    3:48.42   2   1   
     1) Tremel Truitt SR                2) Alex Moore FR                  
     3) Alex Partlow FR                 4) Ethan Cherry SR                
  9 Sikeston                                          3:38.44    3:50.03   2 
     1) Keon Graham JR                  2) Ashton Sims JR                 
     3) D Sean Robinson SO              4) Daniel Lawrence SO             
 10 Central (New Madrid County)                       3:47.44    3:54.80   1 
     1) Dmarian Brooks SO               2) Meliek Chalmers JR             
     3) Keaston Phillips SR             4) Jamal Ranson SO                
       1:55.206 (1:55.206)        2:55.290 (1:00.084)          3:54.794 (59.505)
 -- Caruthersville                                    3:51.33         DQ   1  Out of Zone 1-2
     1) Antayvieyuan Taylor SR          2) Nick Moore SR                  
     3) Zavion Sutton SO                4) Devin Russell SO               
       2:00.878 (2:00.878)        3:03.926 (1:03.048)        4:10.297 (1:06.371)
                    (W) - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored
    1) Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau 153        2) Carbondale                120   
    3) Central (Cape Girardeau)   109.50     4) Sikeston                   82   
    5) Caruthersville              69        6) Malden                     46   
    7) Dexter                      43        8) Kennett                    36   
    9) Saxony Lutheran             25.50    10) Charleston                 19   
   11) Scott County Central        15       12) Hayti                      10   
   13) Bell City                    4       14) Richland (Essex)            2   
                    (M) - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored
    1) Kennett                    139        2) Carbondale                112   
    3) Sikeston                   104        4) Notre Dame (Cape Girardea  84   
    5) Hayti                       77        6) Central (Cape Girardeau)   67   
    7) Charleston                  42        8) Dexter                     40   
    9) Scott City                  30       10) Caruthersville             24   
   11) Saxony Lutheran             12       12) Central (New Madrid Count   3   
   13) Malden                       1