Licensed to TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/17/2015 08:17 PM
              Henle Holmes Invitational - 4/16/2015 to 4/17/2015               
                            Entries by TRXC Timing                             
                          Parkway Central High School                          
Event 1  Girls Long Jump
 Meet Record: M 17-11.50  1989        Balducci, Wentzille                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pearson, Zionn            FR M.I.C.D.S.          17-05.00   17-07.00   10   
      FOUL  FOUL  17-03.50  16-10.75  16-10  17-07
  2 Elliott, Lailah           SO J.B.                16-03.50   16-06.75    8   
      FOUL  16-03.50  FOUL  16-00  16-06.75  16-04.25
  3 Fletcher, Kendall         FR Timberland          15-07.75   16-05.00    6   
      15-05  15-07.50  FOUL  15-01  16-05  16-03.50
  4 Brooks, Leslie            JR Ritenour            15-02.50   16-02.75    5   
      13-10  12-10  15-09  FOUL  16-02.75  FOUL
  5 Alexander, Alicia         JR Timberland          16-05.25   15-10.50    4   
      FOUL  FOUL  15-10.50  FOUL  FOUL  15-08
  6 Grobelny, Anna            SR Northwest           16-00.00   15-08.00    3   
      15-01.75  15-07.25  15-00.25  15-06.50  15-08  FOUL
  7 Raymond, Ava              SO Lindbergh           15-04.75   15-07.50    2   
      13-10.75  15-04.25  15-07.50  14-10  FOUL  15-07
  8 Ward, Bria                FR J.B.                14-07.50   15-06.50    1   
      14-09.75  14-10.25  15-06.50  14-11.75  13-06.50  14-08.25
  9 Cahall, Cynthia           SR F.H.N.              15-01.00   15-05.75  
      14-06.50  15-05.75  15-03.75  15-03  15-01.25  FOUL
 10 Anderson, Brianna         SR Webster             14-06.00   15-00.25  
      15-00.25  15-00  14-11.50         
 11 Rucker, Taia              SR P.W.C.              14-00.50   15-00.00  
      FOUL  13-04.50  15-00         
 12 Flieger, Brittney         JR Northwest           15-04.00   14-09.75  
      14-09  14-09.75  FOUL         
 13 Upchurch, Brene           SO Hazelwood W.        14-05.00   14-04.50  
      14-04.50  FOUL  13-07         
 14 Lowery, Joceyln           FR Lindbergh           13-08.00   14-02.75  
      13-09.75  12-07.25  14-02.75         
 15 Witte, Lila               FR Lutheran (S.P.)     12-06.50   14-01.00  
      13-09.50  14-01  13-11.75         
 16 Durchholz, Eva            JR Eureka              14-05.00   13-11.50  
      13-04.25  13-02.50  13-11.50         
 17 Judd, Milly               SR M.I.C.D.S.          12-05.00   13-09.50  
      13-09.50  13-07.75  FOUL         
 18 Brady, Marissa            FR P.W.C.                         13-07.75  
      12-01.50  13-04.75  13-07.75         
 19 Trujillo, Erin            SO Eureka              14-00.00   13-06.25  
      12-09  13-06.25  12-07.50         
 20 Schwartz, Shaneerah       SO F.H.                11-07.50   12-08.50  
      11-04.75  11-09.75  12-08.50         
 21 Clayton, Lindsay          SO F.H.                           12-04.50  
      11-07.25  12-04.50  12-00         
 -- Kelly, Alexis             SR Hazelwood W.        13-02.00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 2  Boys Long Jump
 Meet Record: M 23-09  1999        Watson, Parkway West                        
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 McNeal, Taylor            SR P.W.W.                         21-06.00   10   
      21-06  20-05.50  FOUL  FOUL  19-08.50  PASS
  2 Twillmann, Stephen        JR Lutheran (S.P)      20-01.75   21-02.50    8   
      FOUL  20-00.50  20-02  21-02.50  21-00.50  20-00.50
  3 Gately, Connor            JR P.W.W.                         20-10.00    6   
      20-09.50  19-10.50  FOUL  19-08.50  20-03  20-10
  4 Sacus, Cedrion            SR Lafayette           19-09.00   20-08.50    5   
      19-11  FOUL  FOUL  20-05.50  FOUL  20-08.50
  5 Dotzel, Michael           SR P.W.C.              20-05.00   20-05.00    4   
      20-00  20-05  20-04  20-00  19-10.50  19-02.50
  6 Holt, Teillo              JR Timberland          19-09.25   20-04.00    3   
      19-05  19-10.50  19-08.50  20-00.50  20-04  19-11
  7 Jordan, Keiondre          SO M.I.C.D.S.          19-02.00   19-11.50    2   
      19-08.50  19-02  18-10.50  19-00.25  19-11.50  19-11
  8 Ramsey, Darius            SO P.W.C.              19-03.00   19-11.00    1   
      19-09  19-11  19-03.50  18-08.50  18-09  19-02
  9 Grimm, Tanner             JR Lafayette           19-04.00   19-08.50  
      19-08.50  19-04.50  19-03  19-04  19-01.50  19-00.50
 10 Bobo, Tremaine            SR P.W.N.              20-04.00   19-03.50  
      FOUL  18-10  19-03.50         
 11 Haskins, Hassan           FR Eureka              19-02.00   19-03.00  
      16-05.50  18-09.50  19-03         
 12 Stevenson, Erion          SO Hazelwood W.        20-00.00   19-01.00  
      19-01  18-01  17-07         
 13 Foster, Reginald          SO P.W.N.              19-03.00  J19-01.00  
      19-01  FOUL  FOUL         
 14 Hill, Michael             SR Eureka              19-08.00   18-10.00  
      18-10  18-08.50  17-09.50         
 15 Taylor, Larenz            JR M.I.C.D.S.          18-09.00   18-08.00  
      18-01.50  18-07.50  18-08         
 16 Burrows, Suleman          SO J.B.                19-06.00   18-07.00  
      18-07  17-09.50  17-08.50         
 17 Neal, Anthony             JR F.H.N.              18-01.00   18-06.00  
      FOUL  18-05  18-06         
 18 Simmons, Lesley           JR P.W.S.              18-04.00   18-03.00  
      17-04.50  17-11.50  18-03         
 19 Hawkins, Donnell          SO F.H.N.              17-11.00   18-02.00  
      18-02  FOUL  18-01         
 20 Papez, Jacob              FR Timberland          19-02.00   17-10.50  
      FOUL  17-10.50  16-04.50         
 21 Booker, Christopher       JR J.B.                18-00.00   17-10.00  
      17-07.50  17-10  17-09         
 22 Brown, Censere            FR M.R.H.              17-05.00   16-11.50  
      16-04  16-10  16-11.50         
 23 Mckay, Lyndon             JR P.W.S.              17-01.00   16-04.00  
      15-11.50  16-04  15-00         
 24 Osborne, Hunter           FR Lutheran (S.P)                 16-00.50  
      16-00.50  15-10  16-00.50         
 25 Andrews, Luke             JR F.H.                16-01.00   16-00.00  
      15-09  14-10  16-00         
 26 VanHoogstrate, Ben        SO F.H.                           15-09.00  
      15-09  FOUL  14-05         
Event 3  Girls Triple Jump
 Meet Record: M 37-04.50  4/12/2012   Paige Nelson, Parkway Central            
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ross, Carolyn             JR Webster             36-03.00   36-10.00   10   
      35-10  FOUL  36-01.50  FOUL  36-01  36-10
  2 Elliott, Lailah           SO J.B.                35-09.00   36-04.50    8   
      36-01  36-04.50  35-05  35-05  34-04  35-00.50
  3 Ward, Bria                FR J.B.                33-02.50   35-05.50    6   
      34-06  35-05.50  34-10  34-07  33-07  33-04
  4 Cahall, Cynthia           SR F.H.N.              31-06.00   34-06.50    5   
      32-10  33-10  32-11  33-03  34-05  34-06.50
  5 Brooks, Leslie            JR Ritenour            34-02.00   33-11.00    4   
      32-01.50  31-09.50  32-03.50  FOUL  33-11  FOUL
  6 Flieger, Brittney         JR Northwest           31-08.00   33-02.00    3   
      33-02  31-11  32-05  31-11  33-02  32-02
  7 Grobelny, Anna            SR Northwest           32-10.75  J33-02.00    2   
      31-09  32-08  32-05.50  31-01.50  33-02  32-02
  8 Hunn, Kelsey              JR Ritenour            33-01.75   32-10.00    1   
      FOUL  31-07  30-07.50  FOUL  32-10  32-09.50
  9 Kelly, Alexis             SR Hazelwood W.                   32-07.50  
      FOUL  FOUL  32-05  32-07.50  32-03  FOUL
 10 Upchurch, Brene           SO Hazelwood W.        32-00.00   31-04.50  
      FOUL  FOUL  31-04.50           
 11 Vogt, Victoria            SO Lutheran (S.P.)     30-06.00   31-03.00  
      30-03.25  31-03  30-11.50           
 12 Todd, Autumn              JR F.H.N.              30-10.00   30-10.00  
      30-02  30-10  29-02           
 13 Brady, Marissa            FR P.W.C.              29-07.50  J30-10.00  
      30-10  29-09.50  30-01.25          
 14 Williams, Claudia         SO M.I.C.D.S.          31-01.00   30-08.00  
      30-08  29-06  30-01.50          
 15 Judd, Milly               SR M.I.C.D.S.          29-08.00   30-06.00  
      26-03.50  28-11  30-06           
 16 Durchholz, Eva            JR Eureka              30-04.00   30-01.75  
      30-01.75  29-10  29-03           
 17 Schmitt, Eleni            JR P.W.C.              30-07.00   29-06.00  
      29-06  28-01.50  29-04.50           
 18 Sauer, Elisabeth          SR Lindbergh           29-07.00   28-11.50  
      28-11.50  FOUL  28-10.50           
 19 Tomlinson, Audrey         SR Eureka              26-04.50   28-05.50  
      27-05  27-03  28-05.50           
 20 Witte, Lila               FR Lutheran (S.P.)     28-03.00   28-02.50  
      27-00.50  28-02.50  27-09           
Event 4  Boys Triple Jump
 Meet Record: M 48-11.50  2000        Harris, Hazelwood West                   
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Smith, Ronald             JR J.B.                43-06.00   44-04.00   10   
      44-04  42-10.50  42-09.25         
  2 Bobo, Tremaine            SR P.W.N.              43-08.00   43-07.00    8   
      42-02.50  43-02.50  43-07         
  3 Agard, Ramone             JR M.R.H.              41-07.00   42-05.00    6   
      42-05  41-04  40-07         
  4 Aziz, Monir               SR M.R.H.              42-01.50   41-02.00    5   
      41-02  FOUL  40-04.75         
  5 Grimm, Tanner             JR Lafayette           40-07.00   41-01.00    4   
      FOUL  41-01  40-11         
  6 Sutton, Tajon             JR Timberland          39-10.00   40-11.50    3   
      40-07.25  40-11.50  40-05         
  7 Dotzel, Michael           SR P.W.C.              41-02.00   40-07.75    2   
      40-07.75  40-00.25  39-05.50         
  8 Sacus, Cedrion            SR Lafayette           40-07.00   40-07.50    1   
      FOUL  FOUL  40-07.50         
  9 Burrows, Suleman          SO J.B.                38-07.25   40-03.50  
      FOUL  40-03.50  FOUL         
 10 Taylor, Larenz            JR M.I.C.D.S.          39-08.50   40-00.00  
      38-10  40-00  39-09.50           
 11 Mcmiller, Kevon           SO P.W.N.              40-06.50   39-10.25  
      FOUL  37-10.50  39-10.25           
 12 Lindo, Simon              JR P.W.W.              40-07.50   39-08.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  39-08         
 13 Hill, Michael             SR Eureka              40-11.00   39-02.50  
      37-11.50  39-02.50  FOUL         
 14 Hull, Brayden             SO Timberland          38-03.00   37-10.00  
      37-10  37-01.25  37-05.50         
 15 Allen, Tyler              JR Eureka              38-01.50   37-06.50  
      36-07.50  36-04.50  37-06.50         
 16 Zorn, Theodore            JR M.I.C.D.S.          38-01.00   37-02.00  
      37-02  36-01  FOUL           
 17 Dimmitt, Jordan           SR P.W.C.              37-08.00   36-02.50  
      FOUL  36-02.50  FOUL         
 18 Savala, Nic               SO F.H.N.              35-03.00   35-04.75  
      35-04.75  33-11  FOUL         
 19 Mckay, Lyndon             JR P.W.S.              38-08.00   35-02.75  
      35-02.75  PASS  PASS            
 20 Robertson, Phelaun        JR Hazelwood W.        37-02.00   34-04.50  
      FOUL  34-04.50  33-11.25         
 21 Doering, Nathan           SO F.H.                30-01.50   32-11.00  
      32-11  31-09  31-04         
 22 Mills, Kial               FR F.H.N.                         31-01.00  
      FOUL  31-01  FOUL         
 23 Fruend, Joshua            FR Lutheran (S.P)      30-02.50   31-00.50  
      29-04  30-05  31-00.50         
 -- Spann, Corice             JR Hazelwood W.        39-02.75       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 5  Girls Discus Throw
 Meet Record: M 150-00  2002        Ukabam, Marquette                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mcclendon, Jordan         SR J.B.                  130-04     124-04   10   
      FOUL  FOUL  106-11  120-01  124-04  120-02
  2 Hurst, Makayla            FR Timberland            112-11     107-04    8   
      98-06  72-01  106-01  95-10  107-04  FOUL
  3 Wallis, Paige             SO P.W.C.                 82-10     106-02    6   
      FOUL  99-08  106-02  98-04  103-11  101-01
  4 Stephens, Geena           SO P.W.C.                 99-07     105-07    5   
      105-07  92-11  101-08  104-03  101-01  99-08
  5 Helwig, Isabella          SO Lutheran (S.P.)        97-02     105-00    4   
      96-00  99-00  101-09  105-00  102-02  101-00
  6 Wade-fluker, Mahalia      SO Webster               110-07     102-03    3   
      99-02  FOUL  100-01  96-05  102-03  FOUL
  7 Aliano, Katrina           SR Eureka                102-00      97-00    2   
      87-08  97-00  94-00  FOUL  93-10  90-00
  8 Dudley, Samantha          SR Timberland            111-07      96-10    1   
      96-10  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  95-05  FOUL
  9 Cornett, Alyson           SR Northwest              95-02      88-01  
      88-01  83-03  78-07  80-07  87-09  82-08
 10 Tabron, Jamie             FR Webster                99-10      86-01  
      86-01  FOUL  FOUL         
 11 McCartney, Jessica        JR F.H.                   76-00      85-08  
      84-09  85-08  74-07         
 12 Hunt, Olivia              JR M.I.C.D.S.             82-01      84-05  
      77-11  81-02  84-05         
 13 Lehman, Meredith          JR M.I.C.D.S.             93-01      81-02  
      80-09  FOUL  81-02         
 14 James, Stephanie          SO Lutheran (S.P.)        84-07      81-01  
      81-01  66-08  79-06         
 15 Ghattas, Najwa            JR Eureka                 84-06      80-02  
      74-04  80-02  FOUL         
 16 Murray, Skyler            SO Hazelwood W.           75-10      78-02  
      67-05  78-02  66-03         
 17 Russell, Ann              SO F.H.N.                 87-04      71-11  
      66-04  FOUL  71-11         
 18 Reckert, Kameron          FR F.H.                              71-05  
      67-03  65-10  71-05         
 19 Berryhill, Allisa         JR Lindbergh              88-10      68-07  
      FOUL  68-07  FOUL         
 20 Kiesel, Rebecca           JR J.B.                   70-00      66-06  
      63-04  59-02  66-06         
 21 Connor, Jalia             FR M.R.H.                            64-11  
      FOUL  58-00  64-11         
 22 Raster, Ashley            FR F.H.N.                 67-05      61-11  
      61-11  58-10  FOUL         
 23 Trigg, Donnazia           SO Northwest              85-11      59-06  
      FOUL  FOUL  59-06         
 24 Goliday, Jailyn           FR M.R.H.                 67-09      58-02  
      FOUL  58-02  FOUL         
 25 Roby, Jaylen              FR Hazelwood W.           68-02      52-02  
      FOUL  47-09  52-02         
 -- Kew, Emily                SR Lindbergh              90-08       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
Event 6  Boys Discus Throw
 Meet Record: M 190-06  1981        Ervin, University City                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Slater, Michael           SR P.W.C.                173-04     178-10   10   
      141-01  FOUL  157-00  136-11  178-10  FOUL
  2 Goddard, Reece            SO Kirkwood              166-10     161-08    8   
      158-04  FOUL  FOUL  156-08  161-08  161-04
  3 Powell, Andrew            SR Timberland            149-00     149-08    6   
      FOUL  130-00  149-08  135-05  FOUL  FOUL
  4 Kunza, Patrick            SR Timberland            141-03     139-08    5   
      139-08  137-09  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  5 Greer, Steven             SR P.W.S.                125-07     134-07    4   
      120-05  98-00  130-08  123-04  134-07  131-06
  6 Harrison, Keith           JR M.I.C.D.S.            125-06     132-08    3   
      125-08  121-11  132-08  110-07  FOUL  123-03
  7 Ludwig, Kailen            SR M.R.H.                130-00     128-07    2   
      123-10  128-05  FOUL  128-07  FOUL  127-02
  8 Miller, Christopher       JR Lafayette             123-08     126-02    1   
      120-02  FOUL  126-02  111-05  FOUL  FOUL
  9 Agard, Lamar              SR M.R.H.                106-05     125-02  
      125-02  112-08  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
 10 Biles, Adam               JR Eureka                121-11     123-10  
      FOUL  122-00  123-10         
 11 Newton, Ryan              SO P.W.N.                121-05     122-02  
      119-07  122-02  92-00         
 12 Sanders, Miles            SO P.W.C.                121-01     120-05  
      120-05  FOUL  FOUL         
 13 Anderson, Rashon          SR P.W.N.                122-09     115-09  
      110-04  115-09  114-05           
 14 Behrndt, Chase            JR Lafayette             130-08     111-08  
      108-07  111-08  FOUL           
 15 Lawless, Austin           JR P.W.S.                117-02     109-01  
      100-09  FOUL  109-01         
 16 Propst, Bryce             SO Lutheran (S.P)                   104-09  
      104-09  FOUL  89-07           
 17 Platin, Jacob             SO M.I.C.D.S.            101-10     104-05  
      103-11  97-03  104-05           
 18 Mohan, Varun              SR F.H.                   96-09      99-04  
      87-08  95-01  99-04         
 19 Brown, Adrian             JR Hazelwood W.          113-01      97-06  
      97-06  89-10  FOUL         
 20 Hall, John                SR Oakville                          89-10  
      89-10  72-07  80-03           
 21 Schlaefli, Ralf           SR J.B.                   86-00      83-03  
      78-03  82-02  83-03         
 22 Klipsch, Kurt             JR Oakville               98-02      81-06  
      FOUL  FOUL  81-06         
 23 Stith-Watkins, Savion     JR Riverview              82-05      74-08  
      FOUL  74-08  70-03         
 24 Peyton, Wiley             SR Hazelwood W.          111-00      74-05  
      58-01  FOUL  74-05         
 25 Szarwinski, Conner        SR F.H.                              73-01  
      73-00  FOUL  73-01           
 26 Cohen, Nathan             JR Riverview              85-02      72-01  
      FOUL  72-01  71-06         
 -- Pettit, Trey              JR F.H.N.                136-00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 7  Girls Shot Put
 Meet Record: M 45-06  2001        Ukabam, Marquette                           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mcclendon, Jordan         SR J.B.                40-00.00   40-09.00   10   
      FOUL  40-09  FOUL  39-10  FOUL  FOUL
  2 Russell, Ann              SO F.H.N.              35-09.75   36-11.00    8   
      36-11  34-06  35-03  34-00.50  34-07  32-08
  3 Wade-fluker, Mahalia      SO Webster             37-01.25   36-06.00    6   
      FOUL  34-07  34-05  34-07  36-06  35-05
  4 Trigg, Donnazia           SO Northwest           34-09.00   33-11.00    5   
      FOUL  33-11  33-09  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  5 James, Stephanie          SO Lutheran (S.P.)     30-01.00   33-09.50    4   
      FOUL  31-09  31-07.50  33-01.50  33-09.50  FOUL
  6 Dudley, Samantha          SR Timberland                     33-07.50    3   
      33-07.50  31-11  FOUL           
  7 Cornett, Alyson           SR Northwest           30-05.00   33-05.00    2   
      33-05  30-07.50  30-09.50  30-00.50  30-02.50  31-02.50
  8 Martin, Kayla             SO M.I.C.D.S.          30-06.00   32-05.00    1   
      30-04  32-05  FOUL  31-06  31-01.50  28-09.50
  9 Helwig, Isabella          SO Lutheran (S.P.)     29-05.00   31-11.00  
      31-11  31-09  30-08  30-02.50  30-05  29-09
 10 Tabron, Jamie             FR Webster             32-08.00   31-09.00  
      31-09  29-00.50  29-05           
 11 Wallis, Paige             SO P.W.C.              30-07.00   31-00.50  
      26-06  28-00  31-00.50           
 12 Berryhill, Allisa         JR Lindbergh           32-05.00   30-09.00  
      28-06  30-09  28-00           
 13 Thompson, Taylor          SR P.W.C.              31-05.00   30-08.00  
      FOUL  30-08  FOUL           
 14 Miller, Mckenzie          FR Eureka              29-10.25   30-05.50  
      30-03  FOUL  30-05.50           
 15 Kew, Emily                SR Lindbergh           29-08.00   30-05.00  
      29-09  30-05  28-09           
 16 Lehman, Meredith          JR M.I.C.D.S.          28-01.50   30-02.50  
      27-05  29-09  30-02.50           
 17 Goliday, Jailyn           FR M.R.H.              26-09.00   29-07.00  
      24-08  27-10.50  29-07           
 18 Barnes, Mia               JR Hazelwood W.        30-05.00   29-06.00  
      28-11.50  29-06  27-06           
 19 Murray, Skyler            SO Hazelwood W.        28-11.50   28-11.00  
      27-08.50  28-11  28-05.50           
 20 Clark, Sierra             SO Eureka              27-03.75   28-09.00  
      27-01  26-08  28-09           
 21 Webb, Eura                SO M.R.H.              24-09.00   28-07.00  
      26-01  28-06.50  28-07           
 22 Papez, Victoria           SR Timberland                     28-04.50  
      FOUL  27-05  28-04.50           
 23 LePage, Emma              SR F.H.                27-10.00  J28-04.50  
      28-04.50  27-02  26-10.50          
 24 Kiesel, Rebecca           JR J.B.                25-08.00   26-04.50  
      26-04.50  25-00  25-08.50           
 25 Small, Adrienne           SR F.H.N.              25-00.00   22-09.00  
      22-09  FOUL  21-11           
 26 Parker, Jacquie           SR Ritenour            25-00.00   20-09.50  
      20-09  20-09.50  19-03           
 27 Kite, Jessica             FR F.H.                24-04.50   20-04.00  
      20-04  19-11.50  20-00.50           
Event 8  Boys Shot Put
 Meet Record: M 60-04.50  1976        Morgener, Lindbergh                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Slater, Michael           SR P.W.C.              58-01.00   56-00.50   10   
      54-02  FOUL  56-00.50  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  2 Scales, Brendan           JR Lafayette           59-08.00   55-00.50    8   
      FOUL  FOUL  52-09.75  54-02  54-06.75  55-00.50
  3 Lawless, Austin           JR P.W.S.              52-11.75   53-01.50    6   
      52-10  52-04.75  53-01.50  52-09.50  52-07.50  52-06
  4 Goddard, Reece            SO Kirkwood            55-07.50   51-09.00    5   
      FOUL  49-05.75  FOUL  50-09.50  51-09  FOUL
  5 Kunza, Patrick            SR Timberland          48-01.50   49-09.75    4   
      48-09.50  FOUL  48-01.50  49-09.75  48-03  47-03
  6 Sobotka, Tanner           JR Eureka              52-01.00   47-11.50    3   
      47-04  47-06  FOUL  47-11.50  FOUL  47-08
  7 Pettit, Trey              JR F.H.N.              53-06.00   46-05.75    2   
      FOUL  46-05.75  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  8 Six, John                 SR P.W.S.              45-10.00   45-07.00    1   
      FOUL  42-07  45-07  FOUL  FOUL  43-04.50
  9 Wagganer, Daniel          JR Lafayette           48-11.00   45-05.50  
      45-00.50  FOUL  44-07.50  45-05.50  44-06  FOUL
 10 Leuthauser, Braden        SO Eureka              43-03.00   44-11.50  
      FOUL  FOUL  44-11.50         
 11 Newton, Ryan              SO P.W.N.              46-01.00   44-10.00  
      44-06.25  44-10  44-04.50         
 12 Leduc, Michael            JR P.W.W.              43-00.00   44-09.00  
      44-08.50  40-09  44-09         
 13 Brown, Adrian             JR Hazelwood W.        41-03.00   43-00.00  
      39-04  42-07.50  43-00         
 14 Agard, Lamar              SR M.R.H.              40-03.00   40-08.50  
      40-08.50  FOUL  36-01.50         
 15 Davis, Cortez             JR Hazelwood W.        40-10.25   40-03.50  
      40-03.50  39-03.75  39-10.50         
 16 Galtney, Rhe'Nez          JR F.H.N.              41-00.00  J40-03.50  
      37-09.50  40-03.50  37-06.25         
 17 Blatter, Anthony          SO P.W.C.              38-00.00   38-11.50  
      38-11.50  36-08.25  38-07         
 18 Anderson, Rashon          SR P.W.N.              40-09.00   38-04.50  
      38-04.50  37-00  37-06.50         
 19 Propst, Bryce             SO Lutheran (S.P)                 38-02.75  
      33-05.75  38-02.75  37-06.50         
 20 Platin, Jacob             SO M.I.C.D.S.          37-00.00   37-03.00  
      37-03  35-11.50  36-08.75         
 21 Grady-Liska, Ralph        JR M.R.H.                         35-06.00  
      FOUL  33-01.50  35-06         
 22 Harrison, Keith           JR M.I.C.D.S.          37-11.00   35-02.75  
      35-02.75  33-09.75  FOUL         
 23 Stith-Watkins, Savion     JR Riverview           32-00.00   32-04.50  
      32-04.50  31-06  30-08         
 24 Porter, Chris             SO F.H.                38-10.50   31-11.50  
      FOUL  31-11.50  FOUL         
 25 Jacobson, Graeme          JR F.H.                29-06.50   28-08.75  
      25-01  28-08.75  28-07         
 26 Cohen, Nathan             JR Riverview                      25-06.00  
      25-04  25-03.75  25-06         
 27 Schlaefli, Ralf           SR J.B.                26-05.00   25-04.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  25-04         
 -- Gregory, Zachary          SR Timberland                         FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 9  Girls High Jump
 Meet Record: M  5-04  2011        Catrina Harris, McCluer                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Elliott, Lailah           SO J.B.                 5-02.00    5-03.00   10   
  2 Harmon, Brooke            JR Lindbergh            5-00.00    5-00.00    8   
  3 Rosenberger, Alex         FR Lindbergh            4-10.00    4-10.00    5   
  3 Griffin, Aubriel          SR Hazelwood W.         4-10.00    4-10.00    5   
  3 Lambkins, Stacey          SR Webster              5-02.00    4-10.00    5   
  6 Flieger, Brittney         JR Northwest            4-10.00    4-08.00    2   
  6 Malterer, Sarah           SO Lutheran (S.P.)      4-04.00    4-08.00    2   
  6 Williams, Claudia         SO M.I.C.D.S.           4-08.00    4-08.00    2   
  9 Niesen, Caroline          JR M.I.C.D.S.           4-08.00    4-06.00  
  9 Stephens, Geena           SO P.W.C.               4-10.00    4-06.00  
 11 Riley, Diamond            FR Ritenour             4-03.00    4-04.00  
 11 Radle, Courtney           JR F.H.                 5-00.00    4-04.00  
 11 Armstrong, Jordyn         SO Timberland           4-10.00    4-04.00  
 14 McVey, Sarah              SR Timberland           4-06.00   J4-04.00  
 15 Bolden, Montrice          FR Ritenour             4-04.00    4-02.00  
 15 King, Kelli               FR Hazelwood W.         4-06.00    4-02.00  
 15 Haugen, Kallie            SO P.W.C.               4-06.00    4-02.00  
 17 Collier, Danielle         JR F.H.N.               4-05.00   J4-02.00  
 17 Hedrick, Jessica          JR F.H.                           J4-02.00  
 -- Steckler, Ellen           SO Lutheran (S.P.)      4-00.00         NH  
 -- Feddersen, Svetlanna      FR F.H.N.                               NH  
 -- Gagnepain, Victoria       SO Eureka               4-04.00         NH  
 -- Villmer, Courtney         JR Northwest            4-02.00         NH  
Event 10  Boys High Jump
 Meet Record: M  6-08  1989        Watkins, Parkway West                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 McNeal, Taylor            SR P.W.W.               6-02.00    6-02.00   10   
  2 Grimm, Taylor             JR Lafayette            6-00.00   J6-02.00    8   
  3 Aziz, Monir               SR M.R.H.               6-02.00    6-00.00    6   
  4 Sutton, Tajon             JR Timberland           6-02.00   J6-00.00    5   
  5 Holt, Teillo              JR Timberland           5-08.00    5-06.00    3.50
  5 Dotzel, Michael           SR P.W.C.               5-06.00    5-06.00    3.50
  7 Booker, Christopher       JR J.B.                 5-06.00   J5-06.00    2   
  8 Haskins, Hassan           FR Eureka               5-08.00   J5-06.00    1   
 -- Savala, Nic               SO F.H.N.               5-02.00         NH  
 -- Huff, Elliot              FR Lutheran (S.P)       5-00.00         NH  
 -- Hall, Keever              JR M.I.C.D.S.           5-02.00         NH  
 -- Mills, Kial               FR F.H.N.               4-10.00         NH  
 -- Okpara, Nathan            SO P.W.C.                               NH  
 -- Murdock, William          FR Lutheran (S.P)       5-00.00         NH  
 -- Jennette, James           JR Hazelwood W.         6-02.00         NH  
 -- Mckay, Lyndon             JR P.W.S.               5-06.00         NH  
 -- Woods, Kelvin             SR J.B.                 5-08.00         NH  
 -- Simmons, Lesley           JR P.W.S.               5-04.00         NH  
 -- Smith, Deshawn            JR Hazelwood W.         5-04.00         NH  
 -- Hill, Michael             SR Eureka               5-06.00         NH  
Event 11  Girls Pole Vault
 Meet Record: M 11-00  4/16/2014   Dominique Meyer, F.H.N.                     
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Smith, Alexa              JR M.I.C.D.S.          10-08.00   10-00.00   10   
  2 Holbrook, Megan           SR Lindbergh            9-06.00    9-06.00    8   
  3 Johnson, Emma             JR Timberland          10-00.00    9-00.00    6   
  4 Parker, Amanda            JR Timberland           8-06.00   J9-00.00    5   
  5 Morse, Nicole             JR F.H.N.               8-06.00    8-06.00    3.50
  5 Baron, Traci              JR P.W.C.               7-06.00    8-06.00    3.50
  7 Salter, Emma              SR Eureka               8-00.00   J8-06.00    1.50
  7 Cutter, Lexie             JR Northwest            8-06.00   J8-06.00    1.50
  9 Shultz, Teresa            JR M.I.C.D.S.           8-00.00    8-00.00  
  9 Appel, Chloe              SO P.W.C.               8-00.00    8-00.00  
 11 Benson, Hope              SO Lindbergh            8-10.00   J8-00.00  
 12 Pan, Helen                JR J.B.                 8-06.00   J8-00.00  
 13 Church, Lauren            SR Lutheran (S.P.)      7-06.00   J8-00.00  
 14 Villmer, Courtney         JR Northwest            7-06.00    7-06.00  
 15 Reinhardt, Allison        SO Eureka               7-00.00    7-00.00  
 16 Elder, Rachel             JR F.H.N.               7-00.00    6-00.00  
 17 Bohn, Nina                JR F.H.                           J6-00.00  
 -- Clay, Ashley              FR Hazelwood W.                         NH  
 -- Rudolph, Desiree          SO F.H.                                 NH  
Event 12  Boys Pole Vault
 Meet Record: M 14-05  2009        Morse, Francis Howell North                 
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Tognozzi, Bryce           SR Lafayette           12-06.00   14-00.00   10   
  2 Scholin, Tanner           SR Eureka              13-06.00   13-06.00    8   
  3 Gillis, Charles           JR M.I.C.D.S.                    J13-06.00    6   
  4 Crutcher, Grant           SR P.W.C.              12-00.00   12-06.00    5   
  5 Daniels, Grady            SO Timberland          12-00.00  J12-06.00    4   
  6 Mcgowan, Ryan             JR P.W.S.              11-06.00   12-00.00    3   
  7 Jost, Will                SO P.W.C.              11-06.00   11-06.00    2   
  8 Haug, Jon                 SR F.H.N.              11-00.00  J11-06.00    1   
  9 Signaigo, Roman           JR Timberland          12-00.00  J11-06.00  
 10 Gieseking, Cole           JR J.B.                11-00.00   11-00.00  
 11 Seidel, Hayden            JR Eureka              11-06.00   10-06.00  
 11 Hart, Colton              SO F.H.                 9-06.00   10-06.00  
 11 Temperly, Collin          SR Lafayette           11-00.00   10-06.00  
 14 White, Warren             SO P.W.N.              10-00.00  J10-06.00  
 15 Delarue, Alec             SO F.H.N.               9-06.00   10-00.00  
 16 Carpenter, Deshaun        FR Hazelwood W.         8-00.00    9-00.00  
 -- Qualls, Allan             JR Hazelwood W.         7-00.00         NH  
 -- Epperly, Matthew          SR F.H.                 8-00.00         NH  
Event 13  Girls 1600 Meter Run
 Heat 1 - Runs on Wednesday
 Heat 2 - Runs on Thursday
 Meet Record: M 4:55.56  4/12/2012   Hannah Long, Eureka                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Pierson, Hannah           JR Marquette            5:07.95    5:11.42   2  10   
       1:14.883 (1:14.883)        2:31.096 (1:16.213)        3:50.943 (1:19.848)
       5:11.411 (1:20.468)
  2 Larson, Elise             SR Lafayette            5:24.16    5:16.80   2   8   
       1:16.049 (1:16.049)        2:34.518 (1:18.469)        3:55.325 (1:20.807)
       5:16.798 (1:21.474)
  3 Mohrmann, Danielle        JR Marquette            5:20.67    5:19.42   2   6   
       1:17.433 (1:17.433)        2:37.613 (1:20.181)        3:58.112 (1:20.499)
       5:19.414 (1:21.302)
  4 Bain, Richelle            SO P.W.C.               5:36.89    5:25.15   2   5   
       1:16.335 (1:16.335)        2:37.341 (1:21.006)        4:02.935 (1:25.595)
       5:25.145 (1:22.210)
  5 Boschert, Christine       JR Webster              5:44.20    5:28.39   2   4   
       1:20.150 (1:20.150)        2:45.248 (1:25.098)        4:07.514 (1:22.267)
       5:28.386 (1:20.872)
  6 Harrelson, Emma           SO Webster              5:36.31    5:30.65   2   3   
       1:19.601 (1:19.601)        2:44.632 (1:25.032)        4:07.702 (1:23.071)
       5:30.648 (1:22.946)
  7 Hauptman, Heidi           FR F.H.N.               5:33.64    5:31.82   2   2   
       1:17.759 (1:17.759)        2:40.878 (1:23.120)        4:07.556 (1:26.678)
       5:31.814 (1:24.258)
  8 Walsh, Alexandra          SO M.I.C.D.S.           5:42.44    5:33.57   2   1   
       1:20.366 (1:20.366)        2:45.750 (1:25.384)        4:13.979 (1:28.230)
       5:33.569 (1:19.591)
  9 Haegele, Hanna            SR Lindbergh            5:49.24    5:36.15   2 
       1:18.017 (1:18.017)        2:41.430 (1:23.414)        4:09.405 (1:27.975)
       5:36.142 (1:26.737)
 10 Satterthwaite, Grace      SR Eureka               5:40.24    5:37.50   2 
       1:19.202 (1:19.202)        2:43.216 (1:24.015)        4:11.242 (1:28.026)
       5:37.500 (1:26.258)
 11 Korenak, Josie            SO Lindbergh            5:45.24    5:41.86   2 
       1:18.929 (1:18.929)        2:44.284 (1:25.356)        4:14.203 (1:29.920)
       5:41.853 (1:27.650)
 12 Wilner, Elena             SO P.W.C.               5:42.17    5:45.19   2 
       1:18.441 (1:18.441)        2:43.646 (1:25.206)        4:14.313 (1:30.668)
       5:45.183 (1:30.871)
 13 Antonelli, Kira           JR Northwest            5:44.38    5:46.45   2 
       1:18.701 (1:18.701)        2:45.778 (1:27.077)        4:17.701 (1:31.924)
       5:46.449 (1:28.748)
 14 Delaney, Adyson           FR Eureka               5:35.24    5:49.24   2 
       1:19.284 (1:19.284)        2:46.059 (1:26.776)        4:18.175 (1:32.116)
       5:49.236 (1:31.062)
 15 Stevenson, Grace          FR F.H.N.               6:03.00    5:51.58   1 
       1:24.070 (1:24.070)        2:55.892 (1:31.822)        4:29.180 (1:33.288)
       5:51.575 (1:22.396)
 16 Leigh, Meredith           FR Lutheran (S.P.)      6:03.64    5:53.77   1 
       1:25.939 (1:25.939)        2:55.655 (1:29.716)        4:28.868 (1:33.214)
       5:53.762 (1:24.894)
 17 Schlie, Kate              FR Lutheran (S.P.)      6:07.24    5:53.83   1 
       1:26.150 (1:26.150)        2:55.948 (1:29.798)        4:29.073 (1:33.126)
       5:53.822 (1:24.749)
 18 Jones, Kelmerra           SR Hazelwood W.         6:23.54    5:56.02   1 
       1:20.295 (1:20.295)        2:55.545 (1:35.251)        4:29.865 (1:34.320)
       5:56.017 (1:26.152)
 19 Hutchcraft, Rachel        SR Hazelwood W.         5:50.40    5:58.00   2 
       1:21.416 (1:21.416)        2:52.996 (1:31.580)        4:28.696 (1:35.701)
       5:57.999 (1:29.303)
 20 Hart, Grace               JR M.I.C.D.S.           5:52.44    6:16.10   2 
       1:21.514 (1:21.514)        2:53.768 (1:32.254)        4:34.877 (1:41.110)
       6:16.091 (1:41.215)
 21 Payne, Elizabeth          FR F.H.                 6:10.24    6:20.46   1 
       1:28.963 (1:28.963)        3:05.176 (1:36.213)        4:46.406 (1:41.231)
       6:20.458 (1:34.052)
 22 Moreno, Jennifer          JR F.H.                 6:15.24    6:28.71   1 
       1:25.678 (1:25.678)        3:01.503 (1:35.825)        4:46.046 (1:44.544)
       6:28.706 (1:42.660)
 23 Arias, Olivia             SO M.R.H.               7:11.35    7:00.08   1 
       1:36.241 (1:36.241)        3:23.615 (1:47.374)        5:13.316 (1:49.701)
       7:00.077 (1:46.762)
 24 Douglas, Ji'Sheila        SR Ritenour             9:10.24    7:55.75   1 
       1:37.932 (1:37.932)        3:39.175 (2:01.243)        5:51.071 (2:11.897)
       7:55.744 (2:04.673)
 25 Hall, Kelly               SO Ritenour             9:31.84    8:35.44   1 
       1:46.446 (1:46.446)        4:07.563 (2:21.117)        6:29.805 (2:22.243)
       8:35.438 (2:05.633)
Event 14  Boys 1600 Meter Run
 Heat 1 Runs - Wednesday
 Heat 2 Run - Thursday
 Meet Record: M 4:16.24  1977        Ward, Beaumont                            
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Laarman, Thomas           SO Lafayette            4:38.24    4:33.28   2  10   
       1:07.736 (1:07.736)        2:18.025 (1:10.289)        3:28.459 (1:10.434)
       4:33.280 (1:04.821)
  2 Crowe, Austin             JR Timberland           4:34.98    4:36.77   2   8   
       1:07.991 (1:07.991)        2:18.584 (1:10.593)        3:28.729 (1:10.145)
       4:36.765 (1:08.037)
  3 Bode, Ryan                SO P.W.S.               4:40.24    4:37.85   2   6   
       1:07.985 (1:07.985)        2:18.764 (1:10.779)        3:29.316 (1:10.552)
       4:37.843 (1:08.528)
  4 Matteucci, Nicholas       JR P.W.S.               4:39.38    4:38.20   2   5   
       1:07.644 (1:07.644)        2:18.233 (1:10.589)        3:28.567 (1:10.334)
       4:38.200 (1:09.634)
  5 Bahan, William            SR Hazelwood W.         4:44.69    4:41.30   2   4   
       1:08.711 (1:08.711)        2:22.054 (1:13.344)        3:33.441 (1:11.387)
       4:41.291 (1:07.851)
  6 Williams, Cody            SO Lutheran (S.P)       4:51.39    4:43.72   2   3   
       1:09.418 (1:09.418)        2:21.480 (1:12.063)        3:33.567 (1:12.087)
       4:43.719 (1:10.152)
  7 Berndt, Andrew            SO Timberland           4:49.50    4:43.94   2   2   
       1:08.587 (1:08.587)        2:19.929 (1:11.342)        3:31.945 (1:12.017)
       4:43.939 (1:11.994)
  8 Harrop, John              SO Lafayette            4:54.24    4:47.40   2   1   
       1:09.236 (1:09.236)        2:21.878 (1:12.643)        3:35.778 (1:13.900)
       4:47.400 (1:11.623)
  9 Durham, Nicholas          SO Oakville             4:57.74    4:47.74   2 
       1:09.030 (1:09.030)        2:20.963 (1:11.933)        3:34.232 (1:13.270)
       4:47.734 (1:13.503)
 10 Coonrod, Blake            SO F.H.N.               5:11.74    5:03.11   1 
       1:09.205 (1:09.205)        2:26.590 (1:17.385)        3:47.556 (1:20.967)
       5:03.109 (1:15.553)
 11 Walton, Rodney            JR P.W.C.               5:09.44    5:06.90   1 
       1:08.331 (1:08.331)        2:26.934 (1:18.603)        3:51.022 (1:24.089)
       5:06.895 (1:15.873)
 12 Selm, Blake               FR P.W.W.               5:07.24    5:07.62   1 
       1:10.609 (1:10.609)        2:30.045 (1:19.436)        3:51.385 (1:21.340)
       5:07.620 (1:16.236)
 13 Donovan, Liam             SO J.B.                 5:05.24    5:08.03   1 
       1:09.416 (1:09.416)        2:29.832 (1:20.416)        3:52.158 (1:22.327)
       5:08.028 (1:15.870)
 14 Manczuk, Nicholas         JR P.W.N.               5:16.64    5:08.82   1 
       1:10.812 (1:10.812)        2:30.218 (1:19.407)        3:52.738 (1:22.520)
       5:08.816 (1:16.078)
 15 Dunbar, Jake              JR P.W.C.               5:03.74    5:12.44   2 
       1:09.470 (1:09.470)        2:27.383 (1:17.914)        3:54.378 (1:26.995)
       5:12.435 (1:18.057)
 16 Giacalone, Anthony        FR F.H.                 5:15.24    5:17.07   1 
       1:08.678 (1:08.678)        2:28.741 (1:20.064)        3:52.419 (1:23.678)
       5:17.065 (1:24.646)
 17 Beach, Tyler              FR F.H.N.               5:25.24    5:18.53   1 
       1:11.149 (1:11.149)        2:31.110 (1:19.962)        3:56.028 (1:24.918)
       5:18.523 (1:22.496)
 18 Zamorano, Zaki            JR Riverview            5:14.30    5:25.90   1 
       1:08.382 (1:08.382)        2:29.344 (1:20.963)        3:57.209 (1:27.865)
       5:25.895 (1:28.687)
 19 Colbert, Thomas           JR Riverview            5:35.15    5:38.48   1 
       1:09.759 (1:09.759)        2:30.394 (1:20.636)        4:03.848 (1:33.454)
       5:38.477 (1:34.630)
 20 Hughes, Jervon            JR M.R.H.               5:51.16    5:56.28   1 
       1:16.489 (1:16.489)        2:50.141 (1:33.652)        4:26.959 (1:36.818)
       5:56.280 (1:29.321)
 21 Kottkamp, Zack            JR M.R.H.               6:00.15    6:07.20   1 
       1:19.190 (1:19.190)        2:55.695 (1:36.505)        4:38.267 (1:42.572)
       6:07.194 (1:28.928)
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: M 14.84  1987        A. Cook, Crystal City                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Lambkins, Stacey          SR Webster                15.09      15.27Q  4 
  2 Ross, Carolyn             JR Webster                15.57      15.41Q  3 
  3 Pearson, Zionn            FR M.I.C.D.S.             15.74      15.57Q  2 
  4 Elliott, Lailah           SO J.B.                   15.94      15.61Q  1 
  5 Raymond, Ava              SO Lindbergh              16.33      16.58q  1 
  6 Ivy, Gabrielle            SR J.B.                   18.04      17.12q  3 
  7 Todd, Autumn              JR F.H.N.                 18.44      17.57q  4 
  8 Grobelny, Anna            SR Northwest              17.99      17.94q  1 
  9 Dixon-boyd, April         SO Eureka                 17.74      18.30   3 
 10 Okpara, Anyaku            SR P.W.C.                 17.70      18.37   4 
 11 Goldkamp, Clare           SR Lindbergh              18.20      18.38   2 
 12 Stephens, Geena           SO P.W.C.                 16.91      18.42   3 
 13 Konneman, Lydia           SR Timberland             17.84      18.51   2 
 14 Akihiro, Haley            FR F.H.                   18.69      19.21   2 
 15 Long, Emilee              JR Timberland             18.31      20.06   1 
 16 Collier, Danielle         JR F.H.N.                 20.24      20.23   3 
 17 Hamilton, Taylor          SR Northwest              20.56      20.72   4 
 18 Njoki, Esther             SO Hazelwood W.                      22.05   1 
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: M 14.84  1987        A. Cook, Crystal City                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Pearson, Zionn            FR M.I.C.D.S.             15.57      14.83M  10   
  2 Lambkins, Stacey          SR Webster                15.27      14.86    8   
  3 Ross, Carolyn             JR Webster                15.41      15.36    6   
  4 Elliott, Lailah           SO J.B.                   15.61      15.59    5   
  5 Raymond, Ava              SO Lindbergh              16.58      16.22    4   
  6 Ivy, Gabrielle            SR J.B.                   17.12      16.91    3   
  7 Todd, Autumn              JR F.H.N.                 17.57      17.48    2   
  8 Grobelny, Anna            SR Northwest              17.94      17.76    1   
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: M 14.24  1977        Johnson/Miller, Sumner/Kirkwood             
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Conners, Arsante          SR Oakville               15.64      14.50Q  2 
  2 Leonard, Tommy            SR Eureka                 15.60      15.21Q  3 
  3 Ramsey, Darius            SO P.W.C.                 15.54      15.23Q  4 
  4 Smith, Ronald             JR J.B.                   16.14      15.73Q  1 
  5 Daniels, Clayton          SR Timberland             16.54      15.02q  2 
  6 Dotzel, Michael           SR P.W.C.                 17.14      15.06q  2 
  7 Potter, Christopher       JR P.W.N.                 16.23      15.88q  1 
  8 Omondi, David             SR P.W.S.                 17.54      16.17q  2 
  9 Pitts, Marc               SR P.W.N.                 16.74      16.32   4 
 10 Queen, Joshua             SO Timberland             16.76      16.53   3 
 11 Wright, William           SR Hazelwood W.           16.57      16.71   3 
 12 Koltun, Matthew           SO Eureka                 17.44      16.76   1 
 13 Camp, Nicholas            JR P.W.S.                 19.38      20.22   4 
 -- Leach, Trevor             SR Oakville               18.88         DQ   3 
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: M 14.24  1977        Johnson/Miller, Sumner/Kirkwood             
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Leonard, Tommy            SR Eureka                 15.21      14.88   10   
  2 Ramsey, Darius            SO P.W.C.                 15.23      15.53    8   
  3 Smith, Ronald             JR J.B.                   15.73      15.54    6   
  4 Potter, Christopher       JR P.W.N.                 15.88      16.06    5   
  5 Dotzel, Michael           SR P.W.C.                 15.06      16.07    4   
  6 Daniels, Clayton          SR Timberland             15.02      16.10    3   
  7 Omondi, David             SR P.W.S.                 16.17      17.20    2   
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 11.97  2002        Lewis, Parkway Central                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 McAteer, Abbey            SO Northwest              13.04      12.43Q  1 
  2 Johnson, Cara             FR M.I.C.D.S.             12.84      12.61Q  4 
  3 Dixon-boyd, April         SO Eureka                 13.27      12.90Q  2 
  4 Thomas, Zuri              FR M.I.C.D.S.             13.54      13.05Q  3 
  5 McMillan, Maisha          SO Ritenour               14.24      13.01q  1 
  6 Clark, Britney            FR Webster                13.12      13.04q  1 
  7 Foster, Taylor            SR P.W.C.                 12.96      13.07q  2 
  8 Pierce, Casie             SO F.H.N.                 13.76      13.08q  2 
  9 Cleaves, Kennesha         SO Eureka                 13.64      13.21   1  13.210
  9 Thompson, Taylor          SR P.W.C.                 12.95      13.21   3  13.210
 11 Hopkins, Maia             JR Timberland             13.60      13.22   2 
 12 Anderson, Brianna         SR Webster                13.34      13.25   3 
 13 Riley, Diamond            FR Ritenour               14.20      13.36   2 
 14 Citchen, Alexis           JR Hazelwood W.           13.81      13.44   4 
 15 Johnson, Johne'e          JR Lindbergh              13.76      13.46   3 
 16 Bratcher, Kena            SR Lindbergh              13.56      13.49   4 
 17 Pauley, Austine           JR F.H.N.                 14.14      13.54   4 
 18 Fletcher, Kendall         FR Timberland             13.67      13.57   1 
 19 Trimble, Kaitlin          SO Lutheran (S.P.)        14.55      13.75   1 
 20 Skyles, Morgan            FR Northwest              13.34      13.96   4 
 21 Johnson, Erica            SO Hazelwood W.           14.00      14.05   3 
 22 Mayhall, Gwynevere        SO M.R.H.                 15.24      14.63   3 
 23 Schwartz, Shaneerah       SO F.H.                   14.94      15.63   2 
 24 Spears, Ericka            FR M.R.H.                 15.88      15.68   4 
 25 Phillips, Kirsten         SO F.H.                   15.94      16.54   4 
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 11.97  2002        Lewis, Parkway Central                      
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Cara             FR M.I.C.D.S.             12.61      12.47   10   
  2 McAteer, Abbey            SO Northwest              12.43      12.81    8   
  3 Dixon-boyd, April         SO Eureka                 12.90      12.85    6   
  4 Thomas, Zuri              FR M.I.C.D.S.             13.05      13.07    5   
  5 Foster, Taylor            SR P.W.C.                 13.07      13.11    4   
  6 Pierce, Casie             SO F.H.N.                 13.08      13.19    3   
  7 Clark, Britney            FR Webster                13.04      13.62    2   
  8 McMillan, Maisha          SO Ritenour               13.01      13.63    1   
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 10.84  2003        Harris, Eureka                              
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Moten, John               SR J.B.                   11.05      10.94Q  4 
  2 Alexander, Brad           JR Lafayette              11.26      11.37Q  2 
  3 Masters, Jeff             JR Lutheran (S.P)         11.20      11.43Q  3 
  4 Croft, James              SO Hazelwood W.           11.39      11.50Q  1 
  5 Miller, Xavier            SO J.B.                   11.57      11.38q  2 
  6 Mcmiller, Kevon           SO P.W.N.                 11.54      11.62q  3 
  7 Beverly, Keith            JR P.W.N.                            11.68q  2 
  8 Freeman, Malik            JR Eureka                 11.67      11.71q  3 
  9 Dennis, Rashaun           SO Timberland             11.75      11.73   1 
 10 Keely, Elijah             SR F.H.N.                 11.34      11.75   1 
 11 Brown, Colby              SO Lafayette              11.54      11.77   4 
 12 Horton, Keith             JR Hazelwood W.           11.84      11.78   2 
 13 Rene, Alexander           SR Oakville               11.73      11.82   2 
 14 Jordan, Keiondre          SO M.I.C.D.S.             12.14      11.83   1 
 15 Picha, Benjamin           SR Oakville               11.80      11.89   1 
 16 Moore, Lazarus            FR P.W.S.                 12.04      11.95   4 
 17 Grossett, Jorden          SR P.W.C.                 12.04      11.97   3 
 18 Ross, Eddie               FR P.W.C.                 12.14      12.09   1 
 19 Bill, Justin              JR Timberland             11.88      12.13   4 
 20 Baker, Keland             SR Riverview              12.45      12.17   4 
 21 Watson, Trevaughn         JR Riverview              11.85      12.24   3 
 22 Watley, Latrelle          FR M.R.H.                 12.96      13.02   2 
 23 Wuertenberg, Craig        SO F.H.                   13.94      13.72   1 
 24 Johnson, Blake            SO F.H.                   12.64      13.97   4 
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 10.84  2003        Harris, Eureka                              
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Moten, John               SR J.B.                   10.94      10.88   10   
  2 Alexander, Brad           JR Lafayette              11.37      11.17    8   
  3 Masters, Jeff             JR Lutheran (S.P)         11.43      11.21    6   
  4 Mcmiller, Kevon           SO P.W.N.                 11.62      11.23    5   
  5 Croft, James              SO Hazelwood W.           11.50      11.26    4   
  6 Miller, Xavier            SO J.B.                   11.38      11.38    3   
  7 Beverly, Keith            JR P.W.N.                 11.68      11.45    2   
  8 Freeman, Malik            JR Eureka                 11.71      11.48    1   
Event 19  Girls Distance Medley
 Meet Record: M 11:56.61  2004        Eureka                                   
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                        12:55.00   12:19.11   10   
     1) Larson, Elise SR                2) Nicholson, Sarah JR            
     3) Trube, Courtney SR              4) West, Anna JR                  
       3:45.842 (3:45.842)        6:11.634 (2:25.792)        7:15.079 (1:03.446)
      12:19.102 (5:04.024)
  2 Eureka  'A'                                      13:10.24   13:06.41    8   
     1) Delaney, Adyson FR              2) Reynolds, Faith SR             
     3) Staicu, Andra-diana SO          4) Safi, Ranna SR                 
       4:06.149 (4:06.149)        6:33.645 (2:27.496)        7:34.079 (1:00.435)
      13:06.409 (5:32.331)
  3 Parkway Central  'A'                             13:19.00   13:09.94    6   
     1) Madsen, Sarah JR                2) Wilner, Elena SO               
     3) Burlis, Taylor SR               4) Bain, Richelle SO              
       4:01.527 (4:01.527)        6:32.761 (2:31.234)        7:36.624 (1:03.864)
      13:09.934 (5:33.310)
  4 Webster Groves  'A'                              13:10.24   13:15.70    5   
     1) Harrelson, Emma SO              2) Boschert, Christine JR         
     3) Garland, Sydney SR              4) Johnson, Emma SR               
       4:02.802 (4:02.802)        6:35.977 (2:33.176)        7:42.569 (1:06.592)
      13:15.693 (5:33.124)
  5 Francis Howell North  'A'                        13:24.24   13:36.90    4   
     1) Stevenson, Grace FR             2) Alvarado, Brenda SR            
     3) Fetsch, Hannah SO               4) Hauptman, Heidi FR             
       4:21.554 (4:21.554)        6:52.200 (2:30.646)        7:57.729 (1:05.529)
      13:36.895 (5:39.166)
  6 Lindbergh  'A'                                   14:22.00   13:38.86    3   
     1) Benson, Hope SO                 2) Haegele, Hanna SR              
     3) Korenak, Josie SO               4) Jackson, Destiny FR            
       4:06.089 (4:06.089)        6:45.838 (2:39.750)        7:52.354 (1:06.516)
      13:38.855 (5:46.502)
  7 Northwest (Cedar Hill)  'A'                      13:55.24   14:03.79    2   
     1) Antonelli, Kira JR              2) Speh, Kaitlyn JR               
     3) Joiner, Cassidy JR              4) Stuckmeyer, Molly JR           
       4:06.716 (4:06.716)        6:51.878 (2:45.163)        7:58.355 (1:06.477)
      14:03.786 (6:05.431)
  8 Francis Howell  'A'                              13:00.24   14:31.28    1   
     1) Duboeuf, Caroline SO            2) Marx, Courtney FR              
     3) Payne, Elizabeth FR             4) Wiegand, Kelsey JR             
       4:32.347 (4:32.347)        7:22.300 (2:49.953)        8:29.191 (1:06.892)
      14:31.274 (6:02.083)
  9 Hazelwood West  'A'                                         14:39.19  
     1) Muleba, Querene FR              2) Brooks, Desiree FR             
     3) Hutchcraft, Rachel SR           4) Jones, Kelmerra SR             
       4:28.504 (4:28.504)        7:28.704 (3:00.201)        8:35.143 (1:06.439)
      14:39.184 (6:04.042)
Event 20  Boys Distance Medley
 Meet Record: M 10:30.34  2006        Francis Howell                           
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                        11:10.24   11:08.56   10   
     1) Hindman, Austin SO              2) Rigabar, Ryan JR               
     3) Laarman, Thomas SO              4) Harrop, John SO                
       3:17.056 (3:17.056)        5:24.962 (2:07.906)          6:19.821 (54.859)
      11:08.556 (4:48.736)
  2 Parkway South  'A'                               11:40.24   11:11.49    8   
     1) Bode, Ryan SO                   2) Hernan, Michael JR             
     3) Vermette, Noah JR               4) Matteucci, Nicholas JR         
       3:23.784 (3:23.784)        5:36.850 (2:13.067)          6:31.268 (54.418)
      11:11.488 (4:40.220)
  3 Francis Howell  'A'                                         11:24.31    6   
     1) Katubig, Kane SO                2) Foster, Jackson FR             
     3) Wetter, Walker JR               4) Schultz, Nicolaus SO           
       3:33.389 (3:33.389)        5:49.418 (2:16.029)          6:42.305 (52.888)
      11:24.302 (4:41.998)
  4 Parkway North  'A'                                          11:28.74    5   
     1) Buckner, Michael JR             2) Cason, Tyler SO                
     3) Collins, Jamond JR              4) Butterbrodt, Jonathan JR       
       3:32.821 (3:32.821)        5:50.566 (2:17.745)          6:43.439 (52.874)
      11:28.740 (4:45.301)
  5 Francis Howell North  'A'                        11:45.24   11:37.27    4   
     1) Coonrod, Blake SO               2) Levins, Justin SR              
     3) Sweeney, Zack SR                4) Chac, Bryan SO                 
       3:41.909 (3:41.909)        5:46.516 (2:04.608)          6:43.178 (56.662)
      11:37.267 (4:54.090)
  6 Parkway Central  'A'                                        11:43.80    3   
     1) Lanson, Alex JR                 2) Rehr, Alex JR                  
     3) Sturup, Emil SR                 4) Murphy, Charles JR             
       3:37.161 (3:37.161)        5:47.362 (2:10.201)          6:41.286 (53.924)
      11:43.799 (5:02.513)
  7 John Burroughs  'A'                              12:15.56   12:22.98    2   
     1) Donovan, Liam SO                2) Norton, Zane SR                
     3) Schmidt, Zachary JR             4) Wagner, John Harry SO          
       3:51.824 (3:51.824)        6:17.757 (2:25.934)          7:13.087 (55.330)
      12:22.973 (5:09.887)
  8 Riverview Gardens  'A'                                      12:38.28    1   
     1) Colbert, Thomas JR              2) Brema, Momoh FR                
     3) Merriweather, Lemar SR          4) Nelson, David FR               
       3:42.937 (3:42.937)        6:05.080 (2:22.143)        7:05.629 (1:00.549)
      12:38.273 (5:32.645)
 -- Parkway West  'A'                                                 DQ   zone violation
     1) Morgan, Matthew SR              2) Stucki, Logan JR               
     3) Nickel, Bobby SR                4) Colyer, Nehemiah SO            
       3:30.278 (3:30.278)        5:47.724 (2:17.447)          6:42.131 (54.407)
      11:33.195 (4:51.064)
 -- Hazelwood West  'A'                                               DQ   uniform
     1) Hale, Makel JR                  2) Carroll, Bryan FR              
     3) Stallings, James JR             4) Carpenter, Deshaun FR          
       3:46.219 (3:46.219)        6:00.067 (2:13.849)          6:56.891 (56.825)
      12:26.563 (5:29.672)
Event 21  Girls 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 24.90  2011        Samantha Levin, Ladue                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Rosenberger, Alex         FR Lindbergh              26.66      26.24Q  2 
  2 Alexander, Alicia         JR Timberland             26.64      26.37Q  3 
  3 Johnson, Cara             FR M.I.C.D.S.             26.94      26.53Q  1 
  4 Cadenhead, Alexandra      SR Webster                26.34      26.79Q  4 
  5 Allen, Lachai             SR Ritenour               26.94      26.93q  4 
  6 Glover, Paige             JR M.I.C.D.S.             26.94      27.19q  3 
  7 Dejoie, Lizzie            SO P.W.C.                 26.70      27.33q  1 
  8 King, Kelli               FR Hazelwood W.           28.24      27.43q  4 
  9 Reveal, Lindsey           SR Lindbergh              27.94      27.50   1 
 10 Foster, Taylor            SR P.W.C.                 26.90      27.57   2 
 11 Citchen, Alexis           JR Hazelwood W.           28.84      27.77   2 
 12 Beaman, Megan             JR Eureka                 26.94      27.79   4 
 13 Buchannan, Jayda          FR M.R.H.                 27.97      27.84   2 
 14 Riley, Diamond            FR Ritenour               28.24      28.15   3 
 15 Skyles, Samantha          JR Northwest              27.44      28.22   2 
 16 Nelson, Savannah          SR Eureka                 27.84      28.44   3  28.434
 17 Ward, Bria                FR J.B.                   30.24      28.44   1  28.439
 18 Clark, Britney            FR Webster                28.04      28.67   3 
 19 Doss, Claire              SO F.H.                   30.94      28.90   4 
 20 Miller, Haley             SO Northwest              28.73      29.13   4 
 21 Trimble, Kaitlin          SO Lutheran (S.P.)        30.64      29.18   3 
 22 Hughes, Kamille           FR F.H.N.                 30.24      29.76   2 
 23 Morse, Nicole             JR F.H.N.                 30.14      29.96   1 
 24 Mayhall, Gwynevere        SO M.R.H.                 32.10      30.99   4 
Event 21  Girls 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 24.90  2011        Samantha Levin, Ladue                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Alexander, Alicia         JR Timberland             26.37      25.90   10   
  2 Johnson, Cara             FR M.I.C.D.S.             26.53      26.46    8   
  3 Rosenberger, Alex         FR Lindbergh              26.24      26.54    6   
  4 Cadenhead, Alexandra      SR Webster                26.79      26.55    5   
  5 Allen, Lachai             SR Ritenour               26.93      26.96    4   
  6 Glover, Paige             JR M.I.C.D.S.             27.19      27.00    3   
  7 King, Kelli               FR Hazelwood W.           27.43      27.13    2   
  8 Dejoie, Lizzie            SO P.W.C.                 27.33      28.61    1   
Event 22  Boys 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 21.84  1977        Fortune, Ritenour                           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Moten, John               SR J.B.                   23.14      22.38Q  1 
  2 Clemons, Derick           JR Eureka                 22.46      22.65Q  3 
  3 Woods, LaRon              SR Eureka                 22.42      22.82Q  4 
  4 Alexander, Brad           JR Lafayette              22.99      22.86Q  2 
  5 Masters, Jeff             JR Lutheran (S.P)         23.20      22.88q  2 
  6 Houston, Alvin            SR Lafayette              23.17      22.94q  1 
  7 Miller, Xavier            SO J.B.                   23.64      23.13q  2 
  8 Matava, Christian         JR M.I.C.D.S.             24.12      23.37q  4 
  9 Johnson, Johnathan        JR Riverview              23.35      23.47   4 
 10 Picha, Benjamin           SR Oakville               23.85      23.58   2 
 11 Dennis, Rashaun           SO Timberland             23.64      23.60   3 
 12 Witherspoon, Aaron        JR Timberland             24.44      23.73   2 
 13 Harry, Kareem             SR M.R.H.                 23.94      23.79   3 
 14 Collins, Keevon           JR F.H.N.                 24.34      23.87   1 
 15 Graham, Matthew           SR P.W.N.                            23.91   2 
 16 Rene, Alexander           SR Oakville               23.76      23.97   1 
 17 Crutcher, Joshua          JR P.W.S.                 24.24      24.15   1 
 18 Robinson, Vallavez        SR Hazelwood W.           24.24      24.27   4 
 19 Robinson, Torrion         SO F.H.N.                 23.24      24.31   3 
 20 Foster, Reginald          SO P.W.N.                            24.56   3 
 21 Bahan, William            SR Hazelwood W.           24.24      24.68   2 
 22 Brema, Momoh              FR Riverview              25.44      24.89   2 
 23 Ross, Eddie               FR P.W.C.                 25.04      25.30   4 
 24 Murphy, Charles           JR P.W.C.                 25.44      25.67   3 
 25 Horn, Ryan                SO F.H.                   24.24      25.88   3 
 26 Watley, Latray            FR M.R.H.                 26.02      25.90   1 
 27 Witte, Samuel             SO Lutheran (S.P)         25.60      27.12   4 
 -- Banks, Xavier             SR P.W.S.                 24.50         FS   3 
Event 22  Boys 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 21.84  1977        Fortune, Ritenour                           
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Moten, John               SR J.B.                   22.38      22.36   10   
  2 Woods, LaRon              SR Eureka                 22.82      22.41    8   
  3 Clemons, Derick           JR Eureka                 22.65      22.59    6   
  4 Alexander, Brad           JR Lafayette              22.86      22.74    5   
  5 Masters, Jeff             JR Lutheran (S.P)         22.88      22.95    4   
  6 Houston, Alvin            SR Lafayette              22.94      22.99    3   
  7 Matava, Christian         JR M.I.C.D.S.             23.37      23.23    2   
  8 Miller, Xavier            SO J.B.                   23.13      23.66    1   
Event 23  Girls 3200 Meter Run
 All Girls Run on Thursday
 Meet Record: M 10:33.44  1988        Bliss, Francis Howell                    
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nicholson, Sarah          JR Lafayette           11:14.65   10:52.47   10   
       1:20.291 (1:20.291)        2:41.828 (1:21.537)        4:03.962 (1:22.135)
       5:26.374 (1:22.413)        6:49.340 (1:22.966)        8:13.197 (1:23.857)
       9:36.808 (1:23.612)       10:52.466 (1:15.658)
  2 Pierson, Hannah           JR Marquette           11:02.24   11:12.12    8   
       1:20.496 (1:20.496)        2:42.116 (1:21.620)        4:04.263 (1:22.148)
       5:27.076 (1:22.813)        6:53.342 (1:26.267)        8:24.733 (1:31.391)
       9:51.145 (1:26.412)       11:12.117 (1:20.972)
  3 Johnson, Emma             SR Webster             11:26.60   11:13.36    6   
       1:20.659 (1:20.659)        2:42.430 (1:21.772)        4:04.748 (1:22.319)
       5:28.187 (1:23.440)        6:58.139 (1:29.952)        8:26.037 (1:27.899)
       9:51.468 (1:25.431)       11:13.360 (1:21.893)
  4 Bain, Richelle            SO P.W.C.              11:49.59   11:57.27    5   
       1:21.169 (1:21.169)        2:45.151 (1:23.982)        4:14.237 (1:29.087)
       5:45.944 (1:31.707)        7:19.071 (1:33.127)        8:54.392 (1:35.321)
      10:29.139 (1:34.748)       11:57.268 (1:28.129)
  5 Zuccarello, Mary          SR M.I.C.D.S.          12:15.04   12:15.58    4   
       1:26.528 (1:26.528)        2:58.367 (1:31.839)        4:30.225 (1:31.858)
       6:04.942 (1:34.718)        7:39.203 (1:34.262)        9:14.543 (1:35.340)
      10:49.522 (1:34.980)       12:15.573 (1:26.051)
  6 Haegele, Hanna            SR Lindbergh           12:29.24   12:15.70    3   
       1:26.555 (1:26.555)        2:55.509 (1:28.955)        4:26.036 (1:30.528)
       5:59.783 (1:33.747)        7:35.614 (1:35.832)        9:12.962 (1:37.348)
      10:49.728 (1:36.766)       12:15.698 (1:25.971)
  7 Stuckmeyer, Molly         JR Northwest           12:47.34   12:38.33    2   
       1:26.734 (1:26.734)        2:57.578 (1:30.845)        4:30.526 (1:32.949)
       6:10.285 (1:39.759)        7:52.235 (1:41.951)        9:28.407 (1:36.172)
      11:10.644 (1:42.237)       12:38.321 (1:27.678)
  8 Stark, Kara               JR P.W.C.              12:25.50   12:38.51    1   
       1:23.545 (1:23.545)        2:53.581 (1:30.037)        4:27.297 (1:33.716)
       6:07.749 (1:40.452)        7:48.020 (1:40.271)        9:29.588 (1:41.568)
      11:13.592 (1:44.005)       12:38.505 (1:24.913)
  9 Hutchcraft, Rachel        SR Hazelwood W.        12:23.26   12:38.76  
       1:26.947 (1:26.947)        2:58.791 (1:31.845)        4:34.363 (1:35.572)
       6:12.703 (1:38.341)        7:52.635 (1:39.933)        9:31.966 (1:39.331)
      11:11.402 (1:39.437)       12:38.758 (1:27.356)
 10 Koob, Ashlyn              SO Eureka              13:17.24   12:47.35  
       1:27.139 (1:27.139)        2:59.188 (1:32.050)        4:34.005 (1:34.818)
       6:13.146 (1:39.141)        7:53.179 (1:40.034)        9:35.615 (1:42.436)
      11:17.402 (1:41.788)       12:47.348 (1:29.946)
 11 Adams, Kate               SR Lutheran (S.P.)     13:06.00   12:58.58  
       1:32.667 (1:32.667)        3:12.975 (1:40.308)        4:49.617 (1:36.643)
       6:28.555 (1:38.938)        8:06.121 (1:37.566)        9:45.726 (1:39.606)
      11:25.693 (1:39.967)       12:58.577 (1:32.885)
 12 Define, Jessica           JR F.H.N.              13:38.24   13:29.20  
       1:31.371 (1:31.371)        3:12.154 (1:40.783)        4:52.825 (1:40.671)
       6:37.673 (1:44.849)        8:21.496 (1:43.824)       10:06.266 (1:44.770)
      11:52.124 (1:45.858)       13:29.195 (1:37.072)
 13 Michalski, Maria          JR F.H.N.              13:52.24   13:46.75  
       1:33.710 (1:33.710)        3:14.007 (1:40.298)        4:58.602 (1:44.596)
       6:44.704 (1:46.102)        8:30.948 (1:46.245)       10:18.845 (1:47.898)
      12:10.031 (1:51.186)       13:46.741 (1:36.711)
 14 Powell, Samantha          SR Eureka              13:30.24   13:55.39  
       1:34.424 (1:34.424)        3:17.745 (1:43.321)        5:02.905 (1:45.161)
       6:48.815 (1:45.910)        8:37.168 (1:48.354)       10:26.596 (1:49.428)
      12:16.530 (1:49.935)       13:55.390 (1:38.861)
Event 24  Boys 3200 Meter Run
 Heat 1 - Runs Wednesday
 Heat 2 - Runs Thursday
 Meet Record: M 9:20.74  2005        Brammeier, Parkway South                  
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 McIntyre, Charlie         SO P.W.C.              10:00.94    9:35.75   10   
       1:08.749 (1:08.749)        2:21.651 (1:12.903)        3:35.558 (1:13.907)
       4:48.971 (1:13.413)        6:03.034 (1:14.064)        7:18.063 (1:15.029)
       8:32.380 (1:14.317)        9:35.743 (1:03.363)
  2 Huff, Henry               SR Lutheran (S.P)       9:50.00    9:35.81    8   
       1:09.018 (1:09.018)        2:22.086 (1:13.068)        3:35.764 (1:13.679)
       4:49.016 (1:13.252)        6:02.726 (1:13.711)        7:17.831 (1:15.105)
       8:32.063 (1:14.232)        9:35.807 (1:03.745)
  3 Rigabar, Ryan             JR Lafayette            9:50.24    9:51.80    6   
       1:09.506 (1:09.506)        2:22.386 (1:12.880)        3:36.327 (1:13.941)
       4:50.339 (1:14.012)        6:06.026 (1:15.688)        7:22.778 (1:16.753)
       8:39.253 (1:16.476)        9:51.797 (1:12.544)
  4 Balleau, Zachary          JR Eureka              10:04.48   10:00.44    5   
       1:09.414 (1:09.414)        2:22.789 (1:13.375)        3:36.971 (1:14.183)
       4:51.820 (1:14.849)        6:09.886 (1:18.067)        7:27.948 (1:18.062)
       8:46.748 (1:18.800)       10:00.438 (1:13.691)
  5 Butterbrodt, Jonathan     JR P.W.N.              10:20.24   10:17.98    4   
       1:11.498 (1:11.498)        2:30.600 (1:19.103)        3:47.763 (1:17.163)
       5:04.795 (1:17.032)        6:23.945 (1:19.151)        7:46.384 (1:22.440)
       9:07.691 (1:21.307)       10:17.975 (1:10.285)
  6 Goodyear, Dylan           JR Timberland          10:44.60   10:18.35    3   
       1:11.790 (1:11.790)        2:27.721 (1:15.932)        3:44.547 (1:16.826)
       5:03.592 (1:19.046)        6:22.225 (1:18.634)        7:42.988 (1:20.763)
       9:04.905 (1:21.917)       10:18.342 (1:13.437)
  7 Stucki, Logan             JR P.W.W.              10:40.24   10:20.39    2   
       1:13.461 (1:13.461)        2:31.091 (1:17.630)        3:47.386 (1:16.296)
       5:04.345 (1:16.959)        6:22.585 (1:18.241)        7:43.716 (1:21.131)
       9:05.328 (1:21.613)       10:20.387 (1:15.059)
  8 Morgan, Matthew           SR P.W.W.              10:20.24   10:21.08    1   
       1:13.294 (1:13.294)        2:31.006 (1:17.713)        3:46.902 (1:15.897)
       5:02.860 (1:15.958)        6:21.454 (1:18.594)        7:43.361 (1:21.908)
       9:05.615 (1:22.255)       10:21.078 (1:15.464)
  9 Oufattole, Nassim         FR Lafayette            9:50.24   10:32.32  
       1:10.805 (1:10.805)        2:23.807 (1:13.003)        3:39.993 (1:16.186)
       5:00.099 (1:20.107)        6:21.440 (1:21.341)        7:47.526 (1:26.086)
       9:14.014 (1:26.488)       10:32.315 (1:18.302)
 10 MacDonald, Brendan        SR Timberland          10:41.53   10:34.06  
       1:12.198 (1:12.198)        2:27.848 (1:15.650)        3:47.835 (1:19.988)
       5:09.035 (1:21.200)        6:31.144 (1:22.109)        7:55.056 (1:23.913)
       9:18.205 (1:23.149)       10:34.056 (1:15.852)
 11 Decker, Jacob             JR Hazelwood W.        10:10.24   10:35.23  
       1:12.992 (1:12.992)        2:31.400 (1:18.409)        3:49.760 (1:18.361)
       5:09.626 (1:19.866)        6:31.786 (1:22.161)        7:55.896 (1:24.110)
       9:18.989 (1:23.093)       10:35.226 (1:16.238)
 12 Chac, Bryan               SO F.H.N.              11:08.72   10:39.23  
       1:11.860 (1:11.860)        2:31.087 (1:19.227)        3:51.232 (1:20.146)
       5:12.805 (1:21.573)        6:35.823 (1:23.018)        8:00.141 (1:24.318)
       9:22.919 (1:22.778)       10:39.224 (1:16.306)
 13 Williams, Cody            SO Lutheran (S.P)      10:20.00   10:44.00  
       1:14.136 (1:14.136)        2:35.504 (1:21.368)        3:57.835 (1:22.332)
       5:18.864 (1:21.029)        6:40.385 (1:21.521)        8:02.376 (1:21.992)
       9:26.931 (1:24.555)       10:43.999 (1:17.069)
 14 Molengraft, Stephen       SO Eureka              10:58.24   10:49.53  
       1:13.394 (1:13.394)        2:31.666 (1:18.273)        3:50.627 (1:18.962)
       5:11.633 (1:21.007)        6:35.586 (1:23.953)        8:01.868 (1:26.283)
       9:28.776 (1:26.908)       10:49.529 (1:20.753)
 15 Vermette, Noah            JR P.W.S.              10:30.24   11:06.91  
       1:15.292 (1:15.292)        2:35.480 (1:20.188)        3:57.187 (1:21.708)
       5:20.230 (1:23.044)        6:46.994 (1:26.764)        8:15.187 (1:28.193)
       9:43.840 (1:28.653)       11:06.907 (1:23.068)
 16 Walton, Rodney            JR P.W.C.              11:34.14   11:11.35  
       1:12.106 (1:12.106)        2:31.759 (1:19.654)        3:53.769 (1:22.011)
       5:18.005 (1:24.237)        6:46.469 (1:28.464)        8:15.726 (1:29.257)
       9:46.873 (1:31.148)       11:11.341 (1:24.469)
 17 Mcclung, Jacob            JR Oakville            11:09.81   11:11.44  
       1:11.362 (1:11.362)        2:30.526 (1:19.164)        3:50.820 (1:20.295)
       5:18.069 (1:27.250)        6:46.645 (1:28.576)        8:18.878 (1:32.234)
       9:52.360 (1:33.482)       11:11.440 (1:19.080)
 18 Brissette, Andrew         FR F.H.N.              12:06.85   11:29.50  
       1:16.790 (1:16.790)        2:40.095 (1:23.305)        4:05.731 (1:25.637)
       5:33.141 (1:27.411)        7:01.970 (1:28.829)        8:33.209 (1:31.240)
      10:05.043 (1:31.834)       11:29.500 (1:24.458)
 19 Zamorano, Zaki            JR Riverview           11:35.35   12:02.72  
       1:12.690 (1:12.690)        2:33.259 (1:20.569)        4:01.854 (1:28.596)
       5:34.249 (1:32.395)        7:12.032 (1:37.784)        8:54.693 (1:42.661)
      10:34.641 (1:39.949)       12:02.719 (1:28.079)
 20 Patterson, Alex           SR F.H.                13:00.24   13:49.69  
       1:27.672 (1:27.672)        3:05.365 (1:37.693)        4:48.186 (1:42.821)
       6:29.888 (1:41.703)        8:20.118 (1:50.231)       10:09.986 (1:49.868)
      12:02.316 (1:52.330)       13:49.686 (1:47.371)
Event 25  Girls 800 Sprint Medley
 Meet Record: M 1:48.21  2011        Ladue Horton Watkins, Ladue               
                         S Arnold, S Levin, N McNicols, E Warner           
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Webster Groves  'A'                               1:53.64    1:49.83   2  10   
     1) Lambkins, Stacey SR             2) Anderson, Brianna SR           
     3) Ross, Carolyn JR                4) Cadenhead, Alexandra SR        
        50.537 (50.537)  1:49.821 (59.284)
  2 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                   1:55.04    1:51.85   2   8   
     1) Thomas, Zuri FR                 2) Aranda, Talia JR               
     3) Glover, Paige JR                4) Peters, Caitlyn SR             
        52.878 (52.878)  1:51.843 (58.966)
  3 Northwest (Cedar Hill)  'A'                       1:55.24    1:54.08   2   6   
     1) McAteer, Abbey SO               2) Thevel, Autumn FR              
     3) Skyles, Samantha JR             4) Banderet, Marquee JR           
           54.023 (54.023)        1:54.076 (1:00.054)
  4 Eureka  'A'                                       1:54.24    1:56.49   2   5   
     1) Dixon-boyd, April SO            2) Nelson, Savannah SR            
     3) Cleaves, Kennesha SO            4) Beaman, Megan JR               
           54.066 (54.066)        1:56.482 (1:02.417)
  5 Parkway Central  'A'                              1:55.24    1:58.54   2   4   
     1) Rucker, Taia SR                 2) Brady, Marissa FR              
     3) Monroe, Marilyn SR              4) Burlis, Taylor SR              
           54.275 (54.275)        1:58.531 (1:04.257)
  6 Timberland  'A'                                   1:58.24    2:00.00   1   3   
     1) Hopkins, Maia JR                2) Fletcher, Kendall FR           
     3) Gittemeier, Jordan SR           4) Williams, Christine FR         
           53.398 (53.398)        1:59.996 (1:06.599)
  7 Francis Howell North  'A'                         2:02.24    2:01.38   1   2   
     1) Pierce, Casie SO                2) Pauley, Austine JR             
     3) Adell, Paris FR                 4) Jones, Jessica SO              
           54.097 (54.097)        2:01.373 (1:07.277)
  8 Hazelwood West  'A'                               1:51.00    2:13.32   2   1   
     1) Davis, Kyla FR                  2) Johnson, Erica SO              
     3) Spencer, Tiarra JR              4) Wilson, Andrea SO              
           58.149 (58.149)        2:13.316 (1:15.168)
  9 Francis Howell  'A'                                          2:15.91   1 
     1) Clayton, Lindsay SO             2) Doss, Claire SO                
     3) Schwartz, Shaneerah SO          4) Phillips, Kirsten SO           
       1:03.202 (1:03.202)        2:15.901 (1:12.700)
Event 26  Boys 1600 Sprint Medley
 Meet Record: M 3:31.95  2010        Parkway Central                           
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                         3:40.24    3:40.02   2  10   
     1) Scales, Brendan JR              2) Butts, Torre SO                
     3) Yarbrough, Marquis SO           4) Hindman, Austin SO             
       1:37.880 (1:37.880)        3:40.011 (2:02.132)
  2 Parkway Central  'A'                              3:00.24    3:41.30   2   8   
     1) Page, Austin JR                 2) Page, Christian JR             
     3) McIntyre, Charlie SO            4) Grossett, Jorden SR            
       1:38.024 (1:38.024)        3:41.300 (2:03.277)
  3 Timberland  'A'                                   3:42.24    3:41.95   2   6   
     1) Berndt, Andrew SO               2) Bill, Justin JR                
     3) Swanton, Jed SR                 4) Sutton, Tajon JR               
       1:41.357 (1:41.357)        3:41.943 (2:00.586)
  4 Eureka  'A'                                       3:42.24    3:43.39   2   5   
     1) Figueroa, Zachary JR            2) Stewart, Christopher SO        
     3) Freeman, Malik JR               4) Clemons, Derick JR             
       1:40.109 (1:40.109)        3:43.382 (2:03.273)
  5 Francis Howell North  'A'                                    3:52.32   1   4   
     1) Willis, Kenneth JR              2) Gianopulos, Louis SO           
     3) Neal, Anthony JR                4) Sweeney, Zack SR               
       1:42.170 (1:42.170)        3:52.317 (2:10.147)
  6 Francis Howell  'A'                                          3:54.80   1   3   
     1) Schultz, Nicolaus SO            2) McClellan, Matthew JR          
     3) Wetter, Walker JR               4) Horn, Ryan SO                  
       1:43.264 (1:43.264)        3:54.796 (2:11.532)
  7 John Burroughs  'A'                                          4:00.18   1   2   
     1) Plax, Charlie SR                2) Julien, Perry SR               
     3) Burrows, Suleman SO             4) Norton, Zane SR                
       1:43.454 (1:43.454)        4:00.174 (2:16.720)
  8 Hazelwood West  'A'                                          4:02.30   1   1   
     1) Davis, Cortez JR                2) Cunningham, Steven SO          
     3) Jamison, Devin SO               4) Riley, Deshon JR               
       1:43.959 (1:43.959)        4:02.291 (2:18.333)
  9 Riverview Gardens  'A'                            4:00.00    4:05.41   2 
     1) Johnson, Johnathan JR           2) Murphy, Jharreion SO           
     3) Nelson, David FR                4) Wells, Caleb JR                
       1:43.111 (1:43.111)        4:05.403 (2:22.293)
Event 27  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 9:33.52  2003        Marquette                                 
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Parkway Central  'A'                             10:00.24    9:52.50   10   
     1) Madsen, Sarah JR                2) Dejoie, Lizzie SO              
     3) Wilner, Elena SO                4) Stark, Kara JR                 
       2:30.186 (2:30.186)        4:55.836 (2:25.650)        7:22.677 (2:26.841)
       9:52.494 (2:29.818)
  2 Eureka  'A'                                      10:08.00    9:55.68    8   
     1) Reynolds, Faith SR              2) Safi, Ranna SR                 
     3) Delaney, Adyson FR              4) Cox, Sarah SR                  
       2:26.448 (2:26.448)        4:52.719 (2:26.271)        7:23.015 (2:30.296)
       9:55.680 (2:32.666)
  3 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                  10:20.44    9:59.81    6   
     1) Lee, Geneva JR                  2) Laughlin, Katherine JR         
     3) Walsh, Alexandra SO             4) Hart, Grace JR                 
       2:25.802 (2:25.802)        4:51.189 (2:25.387)        7:26.623 (2:35.435)
       9:59.803 (2:33.180)
  4 Webster Groves  'A'                              10:14.00   10:19.22    5   
     1) Boschert, Christine JR          2) Schnettgoecke, Nicolette FR    
     3) Harrelson, Emma SO              4) Johnson, Emma SR               
       2:34.322 (2:34.322)        5:16.311 (2:41.990)        7:51.706 (2:35.396)
      10:19.219 (2:27.513)
  5 Francis Howell North  'A'                        10:18.00   10:22.30    4   
     1) Alvarado, Brenda SR             2) Fetsch, Hannah SO              
     3) Stevenson, Grace FR             4) Hauptman, Heidi FR             
       2:31.068 (2:31.068)        5:06.381 (2:35.314)        7:48.583 (2:42.202)
      10:22.296 (2:33.714)
  6 Hazelwood West  'A'                              11:01.00   10:31.83    3   
     1) Gardner, Jerrica JR             2) Jones, Kelmerra SR             
     3) Hutchcraft, Rachel SR           4) Mills, Abigail SR              
       2:36.517 (2:36.517)        5:15.358 (2:38.841)        7:50.840 (2:35.483)
      10:31.828 (2:40.989)
  7 Lindbergh  'A'                                   10:33.34   10:43.31    2   
     1) Haegele, Hanna SR               2) Jackson, Destiny FR            
     3) Korenak, Josie SO               4) Riley, Mary JR                 
       2:40.949 (2:40.949)        5:26.851 (2:45.903)        8:03.462 (2:36.611)
      10:43.302 (2:39.840)
  8 John Burroughs  'A'                              11:08.23   10:53.64    1   
     1) Gore, Grace FR                  2) Martin, Rachel FR              
     3) Bascom-Anderson, Isabelle SO    4) Gartenberg, Whitney JR         
       2:27.152 (2:27.152)        5:10.872 (2:43.721)        8:01.598 (2:50.726)
      10:53.632 (2:52.034)
  9 Lutheran (St. Peters)  'A'                       10:53.00   10:58.33  
     1) Adams, Kate SR                  2) Hall, Emily SO                 
     3) Leigh, Meredith FR              4) Schlie, Kate FR                
       2:39.128 (2:39.128)        5:21.875 (2:42.748)        8:13.091 (2:51.217)
      10:58.326 (2:45.235)
 10 Francis Howell  'A'                              11:00.24   11:03.80  
     1) Payne, Elizabeth FR             2) Wiegand, Kelsey JR             
     3) Duboeuf, Anais JR               4) Keim, Macy FR                  
       2:45.074 (2:45.074)        5:34.069 (2:48.996)        8:24.794 (2:50.726)
      11:03.797 (2:39.003)
 11 Northwest (Cedar Hill)  'A'                      10:49.44   11:24.29  
     1) Hargrove, Hannah SR             2) Speh, Kaitlyn JR               
     3) Crites, Jessica JR              4) Kelly, Sarah SO                
       2:49.507 (2:49.507)        5:35.589 (2:46.083)        8:28.447 (2:52.858)
      11:24.288 (2:55.842)
Event 28  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 7:59.64  1987        Sumner                                    
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                         8:05.24    8:09.50   10   
     1) Meyrer, Devin JR                2) Houston, Alvin SR              
     3) Haines, Alec JR                 4) Quisenberry, Dylan JR          
       2:02.505 (2:02.505)        4:06.506 (2:04.001)        6:09.112 (2:02.607)
       8:09.491 (2:00.379)
  2 Timberland  'A'                                   8:36.90    8:24.57    8   
     1) Berndt, Andrew SO               2) Crowe, Austin JR               
     3) Greer, Jack SR                  4) Swanton, Jed SR                
       2:04.680 (2:04.680)        4:15.194 (2:10.515)        6:22.812 (2:07.618)
       8:24.570 (2:01.759)
  3 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                   8:41.44    8:36.06    6   
     1) Bartelsmeyer, Tilman SR         2) Ristevski, Thomas SR           
     3) Biggs, Charles JR               4) Jacobs, William SO             
       2:03.989 (2:03.989)        4:09.540 (2:05.552)        6:21.846 (2:12.306)
       8:36.060 (2:14.214)
  4 Hazelwood West  'A'                               8:35.62    8:38.83    5   
     1) Bahan, William SR               2) Carroll, Bryan FR              
     3) Decker, Jacob JR                4) Hale, Makel JR                 
       2:03.536 (2:03.536)        4:12.753 (2:09.217)        6:25.201 (2:12.449)
       8:38.825 (2:13.625)
  5 John Burroughs  'A'                               8:54.86    8:46.86    4   
     1) Pinson, Jeremy JR               2) Wagner, John Harry SO          
     3) Lamb, Luke SO                   4) Donovan, Liam SO               
       2:03.054 (2:03.054)        4:18.182 (2:15.128)        6:35.773 (2:17.592)
       8:46.854 (2:11.081)
  6 Francis Howell  'A'                                          8:54.64    3   
     1) Collier, Austin JR              2) Wetter, Walker JR              
     3) Filipek, Sam SO                 4) Giacalone, Anthony FR          
       2:03.712 (2:03.712)        4:15.822 (2:12.111)        6:39.253 (2:23.431)
       8:54.640 (2:15.388)
  7 Parkway Central  'A'                              8:53.94    8:54.85    2   
     1) Lanson, Alex JR                 2) Sturup, Emil SR                
     3) Rehr, Alex JR                   4) Stamos, Niko JR                
       2:09.507 (2:09.507)        4:23.855 (2:14.348)        6:37.284 (2:13.430)
       8:54.842 (2:17.559)
  8 Riverview Gardens  'A'                            9:32.00    9:35.20    1   
     1) Colbert, Thomas JR              2) Triggs, Kris FR                
     3) Zamorano, Zaki JR               4) Wells, Caleb JR                
       2:21.219 (2:21.219)        4:43.711 (2:22.493)        7:11.555 (2:27.844)
       9:35.194 (2:23.640)
 -- Francis Howell North  'A'                         9:26.00         DQ   lane violation
     1) Levins, Justin SR               2) Chac, Bryan SO                 
     3) Coonrod, Blake SO               4) Sweeney, Zack SR               
       2:04.632 (2:04.632)        4:13.428 (2:08.796)        6:27.085 (2:13.658)
       8:37.592 (2:10.507)
Event 29  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 1:43.15  2005        McCluer                                   
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Timberland  'A'                                   1:46.19    1:44.02   2  10   
     1) Alexander, Alicia JR            2) Gittemeier, Jordan SR          
     3) Hopkins, Maia JR                4) Williams, Christine FR         
  2 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                   1:46.56    1:45.80   2   8   
     1) Johnson, Cara FR                2) Ory, Sara SR                   
     3) Peters, Caitlyn SR              4) Glover, Paige JR               
  3 Ritenour  'A'                                     1:58.21    1:49.01   1   6   
     1) Allen, Lachai SR                2) Gaffney, Joi JR                
     3) McMillan, Maisha SO             4) Riley, Diamond FR              
  4 Northwest (Cedar Hill)  'A'                       1:50.34    1:49.26   2   5   
     1) Banderet, Marquee JR            2) McAteer, Abbey SO              
     3) Skyles, Morgan FR               4) Skyles, Samantha JR            
  5 Francis Howell North  'A'                         1:45.54    1:50.88   2   4   
     1) Adell, Paris FR                 2) Pauley, Austine JR             
     3) Pierce, Casie SO                4) Todd, Autumn JR                
  6 Hazelwood West  'A'                               1:52.00    1:51.31   2   3   
     1) Citchen, Alexis JR              2) Landers, Deondra JR            
     3) Upchurch, Brene SO              4) Wilson, Andrea SO              
  7 Eureka  'A'                                       1:49.77    1:52.88   2   2   
     1) Nelson, Savannah SR             2) Tomlinson, Audrey SR           
     3) Trujillo, Erin SO               4) Cleaves, Kennesha SO           
  8 Francis Howell  'A'                                          2:00.64   1   1   
     1) Green, Melvisha SR              2) Henderson, Mikayla JR          
     3) Guenther, Marissa FR            4) Hoeferlin, Megan FR            
 -- Lutheran (St. Peters)  'A'                        2:02.45         DQ   1  Out of zone 1-2
     1) Church, Lauren SR               2) Michel, Taylor FR              
     3) Malterer, Sarah SO              4) Vogt, Victoria SO              
 -- Parkway Central  'A'                              1:47.00         DQ   2  Out of zone 1-2
     1) Foster, Taylor SR               2) Moore, Chyna SO                
     3) Stephens, Geena SO              4) Thompson, Taylor SR            
 -- Marquette  'A'                                    1:56.21         DQ   2  Out of zone 3-4
     1) Alexander, Alexandria SR        2) Brown, Arissa SR               
     3) Carroll, Mary JR                4) Hansome, Teonia SR             
Event 30  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 1:28.44  1998        McCluer                                   
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Eureka  'A'                                       1:33.17    1:28.72   2  10   
     1) Leonard, Tommy SR               2) Woods, LaRon SR                
     3) Stewart, Christopher SO         4) Clemons, Derick JR             
  2 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                   1:34.26    1:32.47   1   8   
     1) Tobias, Noble SR                2) Jordan, Keiondre SO            
     3) Matava, Christian JR            4) Jacobs, William SO             
  3 Maplewood-Richmond Heights  'A'                   1:34.57    1:32.78   1   6   
     1) Harry, Kareem SR                2) Nelson, Kendall JR             
     3) Brewer, Kar'mel SO              4) Agard, Ramone JR               
  4 Riverview Gardens  'A'                            1:34.00    1:32.84   2   5   
     1) Johnson, Johnathan JR           2) Morman, Darius JR              
     3) Murphy, Jharreion SO            4) Watson, Trevaughn JR           
  5 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                         1:33.00    1:32.91   2   4   
     1) Brown, Colby SO                 2) Butts, Torre SO                
     3) Grimm, Tanner JR                4) Yarbrough, Marquis SO          
  6 Francis Howell North  'A'                         1:35.73    1:33.30   1   3   
     1) Gianopulos, Louis SO            2) Collins, Keevon JR             
     3) Neely, Sam SO                   4) Robinson, Torrion SO           
  7 Parkway Central  'A'                              1:34.94    1:33.49   1   2   
     1) Page, Austin JR                 2) Cooper, Kyle FR                
     3) Ross, Eddie FR                  4) Page, Christian JR             
  8 Oakville  'A'                                     1:34.24    1:34.83   2   1   
     1) Zeneli, Haris JR                2) Picha, Benjamin SR             
     3) Streeter, Norvell JR            4) Rene, Alexander SR             
  9 Hazelwood West  'A'                               1:35.22    1:35.23   1 
     1) Horton, Keith JR                2) Spann, Corice JR               
     3) Jones, Brandon JR               4) Croft, James SO                
 10 Francis Howell  'A'                                          1:38.65   1 
     1) McClellan, Matthew JR           2) Schultz, Nicolaus SO           
     3) Horn, Ryan SO                   4) VanHoogstrate, Ben SO          
 -- Parkway North  'A'                                1:31.42        DNF   2 
     1) Collins, Jamond JR              2) Pitts, Marc SR                 
     3) Suber, Jekeel FR                4) Graham, Matthew SR             
 -- Parkway South  'A'                                1:36.24         DQ   1  Out of zone 2-3
     1) Moore, Lazarus FR               2) Noark, Alex SR                 
     3) Banks, Xavier SR                4) Omondi, David SR               
 -- John Burroughs  'A'                               1:33.82         DQ   2  Out of zone 1-2
     1) Miller, Xavier SO               2) Julien, Perry SR               
     3) Booker, Christopher JR          4) Moten, John SR                 
 -- Timberland  'A'                                   1:33.80         DQ   2  Out of zone 1-2
     1) Bill, Justin JR                 2) Dennis, Rashaun SO             
     3) Witherspoon, Aaron JR           4) Reiske, Jackson SR             
 -- Parkway West  'A'                                 1:34.24         DQ   2  Out of zone 1-2
     1) Lindo, Simon JR                 2) Lewis, Nicholas JR             
     3) Williams, Isaiah JR             4) Gately, Connor JR              
Event 31  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 49.00  2005        McCluer                                     
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                     50.43      49.66   2  10   
     1) Thomas, Zuri FR                 2) Johnson, Cara FR               
     3) Pearson, Zionn FR               4) Glover, Paige JR               
  2 Webster Groves  'A'                                 50.22      49.97   2   8   
     1) Cadenhead, Alexandra SR         2) Anderson, Brianna SR           
     3) Ross, Carolyn JR                4) Lambkins, Stacey SR            
  3 Lindbergh  'A'                                      52.06      50.30   2   6   
     1) Bratcher, Kena SR               2) Rosenberger, Alex FR           
     3) Johnson, Johne'e JR             4) Reveal, Lindsey SR             
  4 Ritenour  'A'                                       52.02      50.87   2   5   
     1) Allen, Lachai SR                2) Gaffney, Joi JR                
     3) Hunn, Kelsey JR                 4) McMillan, Maisha SO            
  5 Parkway Central  'A'                                50.00      50.93   2   4   
     1) Foster, Taylor SR               2) Moore, Chyna SO                
     3) Monroe, Marilyn SR              4) Brady, Marissa FR              
  6 Eureka  'A'                                         51.57      51.47   2   3   
     1) Nelson, Savannah SR             2) Trujillo, Erin SO              
     3) Beaman, Megan JR                4) Dixon-boyd, April SO           
  7 Northwest (Cedar Hill)  'A'                         51.64      51.58   2   2   
     1) Banderet, Marquee JR            2) McAteer, Abbey SO              
     3) Skyles, Samantha JR             4) Thevel, Autumn FR              
  8 Hazelwood West  'A'                                 56.02      54.12   1   1   
     1) Citchen, Alexis JR              2) Davis, Kyla FR                 
     3) Landers, Deondra JR             4) Mungai, Faith JR               
  9 Lutheran (St. Peters)  'A'                          55.92      57.04   1 
     1) Church, Lauren SR               2) Vogt, Victoria SO              
     3) Malterer, Sarah SO              4) Michel, Taylor FR              
 10 Francis Howell  'A'                                            58.46   1 
     1) Armour, Elizabeth FR            2) Green, Aaliyah FR              
     3) Litteken, Taylor FR             4) Odle, Shelby SO                
 -- Timberland  'A'                                     50.38        DNF   2 
     1) Alexander, Alicia JR            2) Gittemeier, Jordan SR          
     3) Hopkins, Maia JR                4) Williams, Christine FR         
Event 32  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 42.13  2009        Riverview                                   
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Eureka  'A'                                         42.98      42.97   2  10   
     1) Smith, Chaun SR                 2) Leonard, Tommy SR              
     3) Stewart, Christopher SO         4) Woods, LaRon SR                
  2 Parkway North  'A'                                  43.76      43.19   2   8   
     1) Beverly, Keith JR               2) Graham, Matthew SR             
     3) Mcmiller, Kevon SO              4) Potter, Christopher JR         
  3 John Burroughs  'A'                                 44.64      43.32   2   6   
     1) Miller, Xavier SO               2) Booker, Christopher JR         
     3) Julien, Perry SR                4) Moten, John SR                 
  4 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                           44.54      44.00   2   5   
     1) Brown, Colby SO                 2) Grimm, Tanner JR               
     3) Butts, Torre SO                 4) Alexander, Brad JR             
  5 Parkway West  'A'                                   45.24      44.54   1   4   
     1) Colyer, Nehemiah SO             2) Lewis, Nicholas JR             
     3) Lindo, Simon JR                 4) Williams, Isaiah JR            
  6 Hazelwood West  'A'                                 45.00      44.58   1   3   
     1) Stevenson, Erion SO             2) Croft, James SO                
     3) Spann, Corice JR                4) Horton, Keith JR               
  7 Timberland  'A'                                     44.98      44.84   2   2   
     1) Bill, Justin JR                 2) Dennis, Rashaun SO             
     3) Witherspoon, Aaron JR           4) Sutton, Tajon JR               
  8 Riverview Gardens  'A'                              46.01      45.13   1   1   
     1) Johnson, Johnathan JR           2) Baker, Keland SR               
     3) Brema, Momoh FR                 4) Murphy, Jharreion SO           
  9 Francis Howell North  'A'                           44.99      45.22   2 
     1) Hawkins, Donnell SO             2) Collins, Keevon JR             
     3) Robinson, Torrion SO            4) Keely, Elijah SR               
 10 Lutheran (St. Peters)  'A'                          44.13      45.33   2 
     1) Witte, Samuel SO                2) Porter, Rory JR                
     3) Twillmann, Stephen JR           4) Masters, Jeff JR               
 11 Oakville  'A'                                       44.94      45.37   2 
     1) Conners, Arsante SR             2) Picha, Benjamin SR             
     3) Rene, Alexander SR              4) Streeter, Norvell JR           
 12 Parkway Central  'A'                                45.54      45.57   1 
     1) Murphy, Charles JR              2) Ross, Eddie FR                 
     3) Cooper, Kyle FR                 4) Grossett, Jorden SR            
 13 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                     46.44      45.96   1 
     1) Tobias, Noble SR                2) Jordan, Keiondre SO            
     3) Taylor, Larenz JR               4) Jackson, Jordan FR             
 14 Francis Howell  'A'                                            55.16   1 
     1) Andrews, Luke JR                2) Wuertenberg, Craig SO          
     3) Doering, Nathan SO              4) Johnson, Blake SO              
 -- Parkway South  'A'                                  45.24        DNF   1 
     1) Crutcher, Joshua JR             2) Omondi, David SR               
     3) Morris, Eddie SR                4) Moore, Lazarus FR              
Event 33  Girls 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 55.10  2011        Samantha Levin, Ladue                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Peters, Caitlyn           SR M.I.C.D.S.           1:00.04      59.75   3  10   
  2 Clark, Britney            FR Webster              1:01.67    1:01.91   3   8   
  3 Dejoie, Lizzie            SO P.W.C.               1:02.00    1:02.41   3   6   
  4 Buchannan, Jayda          FR M.R.H.               1:04.39    1:02.55   2   5   
  5 Cox, Sarah                SR Eureka               1:06.34    1:04.59   1   4   
  6 Duboeuf, Caroline         SO F.H.                 1:05.24    1:04.83   2   3   
  7 Burlis, Taylor            SR P.W.C.               1:05.50    1:05.08   2   2   
  8 Wages, Breanna            SR F.H.                 1:06.24    1:06.03   2   1   
  9 Joiner, Cassidy           JR Northwest            1:06.21    1:06.07   2 
 10 Hall, Emily               SO Lutheran (S.P.)      1:07.24    1:06.56   1 
 11 Morse, Nicole             JR F.H.N.               1:10.24    1:06.97   1 
 12 Brown, Leslie             JR Timberland           1:08.23    1:07.96   1 
 13 Landers, Deondra          JR Hazelwood W.         1:06.00    1:08.06   2 
 14 Cleaves, Kennesha         SO Eureka               1:06.24    1:08.23   2 
 15 King, Mya                 SO Hazelwood W.         1:08.48    1:08.61   1 
 16 Yelton, Ava               FR Timberland           1:09.34    1:08.73   1 
 17 Sansone, Victoria         FR J.B.                 1:09.24    1:10.30   1 
Event 34  Boys 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: M 47.94  2005        Butler, Ladue                               
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Clemons, Derick           JR Eureka                 49.10      49.36   4  10   
  2 Houston, Alvin            SR Lafayette              50.83      50.07   4   8   
  3 Twillmann, Stephen        JR Lutheran (S.P)         51.07      50.21   4   6   
  4 McNeal, Taylor            SR P.W.W.                 51.44      50.77   4   5   
  5 Page, Christian           JR P.W.C.                 52.74      52.05   4   4   
  6 Page, Austin              JR P.W.C.                 52.14      52.14   4   3   
  7 Porter, Rory              JR Lutheran (S.P)         51.11      52.28   4   2   
  8 Sanderson, Joseph         SO Riverview              53.55      52.33   3   1   
  9 Schultz, Nicolaus         SO F.H.                   53.37      52.50   3 
 10 Lamb, Luke                SO J.B.                   54.44      52.89   2 
 11 Zeneli, Haris             JR Oakville               54.54      53.25   2 
 12 Morman, Darius            JR Riverview              53.45      53.80   3 
 13 Robinson, Torrion         SO F.H.N.                 53.94      54.00   3 
 14 Bass, Christopher         FR P.W.W.                 55.24      54.18   2 
 15 Look, Matt                SR Lafayette              54.25      54.37   3 
 16 Willis, Kenneth           JR F.H.N.                 56.73      54.43   1 
 17 Redington, Austin         JR Timberland             54.90      54.54   2 
 18 Bartelsmeyer, Tilman      SR M.I.C.D.S.             53.99      54.61   3 
 19 Walker, Kamau             JR J.B.                   55.84      54.63   1 
 20 Solorio, Francisco        JR P.W.N.                 54.24      55.10   3 
 21 Streeter, Norvell         JR Oakville               55.24      56.06   2 
 22 Groves, Sam               SR Timberland             57.24      56.12   1 
 23 Mcmillan, Theodore        JR P.W.N.                 57.34      58.34   1 
 24 Agard, Ramone             JR M.R.H.                 59.89    1:01.29   1 
 25 Robinson, Vallavez        SR Hazelwood W.           55.24    1:16.08   2 
Event 35  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: M 45.14  2006        Bell, University City                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Gress, Marissa            SR Lafayette              44.43      44.94M  3  10   
  2 Hunn, Kelsey              JR Ritenour               49.74      46.64   3   8   
  3 Okpara, Anyaku            SR P.W.C.                 50.28      47.61   2   6   
  4 Reynolds, Faith           SR Eureka                 48.52      47.64   3   5   
  5 Ivy, Gabrielle            SR J.B.                   49.64      48.02   3   4   
  6 Ory, Sara                 SR M.I.C.D.S.             48.94      48.07   3   3   
  7 Pearson, Zionn            FR M.I.C.D.S.             49.54      48.12   3   2   
  8 Moore, Chyna              SO P.W.C.                 48.93      48.50   3   1   
  9 Gardner, Jerrica          JR Hazelwood W.           49.97      49.07   3 
 10 Gaffney, Oona             SO J.B.                   50.85      50.27   2 
 11 Riley, Mary               JR Lindbergh              52.14      51.36   2 
 12 Durchholz, Eva            JR Eureka                 54.11      51.46   2 
 13 Goldkamp, Clare           SR Lindbergh              51.77      51.48   2 
 14 Parker, Jacquie           SR Ritenour               53.24      51.67   2 
 15 Weiman, Courtney          SR F.H.                 1:10.24      52.81   1 
 16 Shelburne, Renee          JR Timberland             55.30      54.83   1 
 17 Long, Emilee              JR Timberland             55.24      56.13   1 
 18 Kloeppel, Kirsten         SR Northwest              55.14      56.29   1 
 19 Akihiro, Haley            FR F.H.                   57.24      56.41   1 
 20 Cutter, Lexie             JR Northwest              54.21      57.06   2 
 21 Feddersen, Svetlanna      FR F.H.N.               1:00.44      58.04   1 
 22 Njoki, Esther             SO Hazelwood W.         1:16.04    1:02.61   1 
Event 36  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: M 38.34  1987        Price, Ladue                                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Leonard, Tommy            SR Eureka                 40.49      39.03   3  10   
  2 Ramsey, Darius            SO P.W.C.                 40.74      40.30   3   8   
  3 Potter, Christopher       JR P.W.N.                 42.44      40.88   3   6   
  4 Nelson, Kendall           JR M.R.H.                 43.62      41.71   3   5   
  5 Keely, Elijah             SR F.H.N.                 43.90      41.85   3   4   
  6 Smith, Ronald             JR J.B.                   43.68      42.23   3   3   
  7 Leach, Trevor             SR Oakville               43.94      43.63   3   2   
  8 Williams, Marquiaun       SO Hazelwood W.           44.71      43.84   2   1   
  9 Colyer, Nehemiah          SO P.W.W.                 44.84      44.27   2 
 10 Herbert, Gunnar           FR Eureka                 45.32      44.68   2 
 11 Cooper, Kyle              FR P.W.C.                 43.84      45.12   3 
 12 Thomure, Logan            SR Timberland             46.21      45.23   2 
 13 Queen, Joshua             SO Timberland             44.67      45.31   2 
 14 Camp, Nicholas            JR P.W.S.                 48.70      46.31   1 
 15 Noark, Alex               SR P.W.S.                 48.42      46.86   1 
 16 Neal, Anthony             JR F.H.N.                            49.23   1 
 17 Murdock, William          FR Lutheran (S.P)         48.30      50.24   1 
Event 37  Girls 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: M 2:13.00  2008        Allison, Francis Howell                   
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 West, Anna                JR Lafayette            2:24.54    2:17.67   2  10   
       1:10.185 (1:10.185)        2:17.669 (1:07.484)
  2 Madsen, Sarah             JR P.W.C.               2:25.79    2:22.48   2   8   
       1:10.207 (1:10.207)        2:22.479 (1:12.272)
  3 Trube, Courtney           SR Lafayette            2:24.74    2:23.29   2   6   
       1:10.243 (1:10.243)        2:23.286 (1:13.043)
  4 Gore, Grace               FR J.B.                 2:29.24    2:25.75   2   5   
       1:10.621 (1:10.621)        2:25.749 (1:15.129)
  5 Staicu, Andra-diana       SO Eureka               2:25.24    2:26.03   2   4   
       1:10.992 (1:10.992)        2:26.026 (1:15.035)
  6 Lee, Geneva               JR M.I.C.D.S.           2:30.20    2:28.35   2   3   
       1:10.467 (1:10.467)        2:28.347 (1:17.880)
  7 Mohrmann, Danielle        JR Marquette            2:29.24    2:30.59   2   2   
       1:14.100 (1:14.100)        2:30.585 (1:16.486)
  8 Wilner, Elena             SO P.W.C.               2:32.56    2:33.17   2   1   
       1:13.155 (1:13.155)        2:33.166 (1:20.012)
  9 Alvarado, Brenda          SR F.H.N.               2:33.24    2:33.47   2 
       1:11.807 (1:11.807)        2:33.462 (1:21.655)
 10 Kirkpatrick, Ariel        SR F.H.N.               2:40.24    2:35.18   2 
       1:12.203 (1:12.203)        2:35.172 (1:22.969)
 11 Comparato, Alexandra      FR F.H.                 2:48.24    2:43.15   1 
       1:19.469 (1:19.469)        2:43.150 (1:23.682)
 12 Jones, Kelmerra           SR Hazelwood W.         2:44.84    2:43.34   2 
       1:15.234 (1:15.234)        2:43.340 (1:28.106)
 13 Speh, Kaitlyn             JR Northwest            2:48.34    2:45.78   1 
       1:20.510 (1:20.510)        2:45.779 (1:25.269)
 14 Brooks, Desiree           FR Hazelwood W.         2:53.84    2:45.79   1 
       1:20.907 (1:20.907)        2:45.788 (1:24.881)
 15 Crites, Jessica           JR Northwest            2:49.54    2:48.56   1 
       1:20.186 (1:20.186)        2:48.551 (1:28.365)
 16 Schlie, Shelby            SR Lutheran (S.P.)      2:50.24    2:49.33   1 
       1:21.751 (1:21.751)        2:49.321 (1:27.570)
 17 Moreno, Jennifer          JR F.H.                 2:50.24    2:51.67   1 
       1:21.995 (1:21.995)        2:51.670 (1:29.676)
 18 martin, Maikel            FR Ritenour             3:06.04    3:03.01   1 
       1:22.911 (1:22.911)        3:03.008 (1:40.098)
 19 Crayton, Alexis           FR Ritenour             3:01.54    3:21.47   1 
       1:24.584 (1:24.584)        3:21.468 (1:56.885)
Event 38  Boys 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: M 1:55.12  2001        Brown, Parkway North                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bailey, Griffin           JR Oakville             1:57.39    1:54.81M  2  10   
        56.984 (56.984)  1:54.802 (57.819)
  2 Haines, Alec              JR Lafayette            1:58.40    1:56.09   2   8   
        57.056 (57.056)  1:56.085 (59.030)
  3 Meyrer, Devin             JR Lafayette            2:01.30    2:02.82   2   6   
           59.491 (59.491)        2:02.815 (1:03.325)
  4 Swanton, Jed              SR Timberland           2:02.42    2:03.22   2   5   
           59.906 (59.906)        2:03.212 (1:03.306)
  5 Levins, Justin            SR F.H.N.               2:06.24    2:03.43   2   4   
           59.249 (59.249)        2:03.422 (1:04.174)
  6 Bahan, William            SR Hazelwood W.         2:08.75    2:04.64   2   3   
       1:00.040 (1:00.040)        2:04.631 (1:04.591)
  7 Wagner, John Harry        SO J.B.                 2:09.24    2:05.75   2   2   
       1:00.410 (1:00.410)        2:05.742 (1:05.332)
  8 Ristevski, Thomas         SR M.I.C.D.S.           2:05.44    2:06.30   2   1   
           59.726 (59.726)        2:06.291 (1:06.565)
  9 Cason, Tyler              SO P.W.N.               2:10.14    2:06.51   2 
       1:01.523 (1:01.523)        2:06.510 (1:04.987)
 10 Lanson, Alex              JR P.W.C.               2:12.94    2:07.28   2 
       1:01.127 (1:01.127)        2:07.273 (1:06.146)
 11 Hernan, Michael           JR P.W.S.               2:09.50    2:07.96   2 
       1:01.315 (1:01.315)        2:07.956 (1:06.641)
 12 Sweeney, Zack             SR F.H.N.               2:12.24    2:08.24   2 
       1:01.497 (1:01.497)        2:08.236 (1:06.739)
 13 Carroll, Bryan            FR Hazelwood W.         2:08.08    2:09.77   2 
       1:01.277 (1:01.277)        2:09.767 (1:08.491)
 14 Mcclung, Jacob            JR Oakville             2:19.19    2:10.24   1 
       1:06.388 (1:06.388)        2:10.238 (1:03.851)
 15 Brewer, Kar'mel           SO M.R.H.               2:11.70    2:10.52   2 
       1:01.980 (1:01.980)        2:10.514 (1:08.535)
 16 Christensen, Zachary      FR Eureka               2:14.24    2:10.97   1 
       1:06.166 (1:06.166)        2:10.966 (1:04.800)
 17 Rehr, Alex                JR P.W.C.               2:16.34    2:12.62   1 
       1:06.326 (1:06.326)        2:12.611 (1:06.286)
 18 Moore, Alexander          SO Lutheran (S.P)       2:13.00    2:13.00   1 
       1:06.802 (1:06.802)        2:12.995 (1:06.194)
 19 Yu, Spencer               JR P.W.S.               2:19.24    2:13.04   1 
       1:06.675 (1:06.675)        2:13.036 (1:06.362)
 20 Greer, Jack               SR Timberland           2:07.23    2:13.68   2 
           59.976 (59.976)        2:13.673 (1:13.697)
 21 Nickel, Bobby             SR P.W.W.               2:17.24    2:14.49   1 
       1:06.895 (1:06.895)        2:14.482 (1:07.588)
 22 Collier, Austin           JR F.H.                 2:20.24    2:15.07   1 
       1:06.973 (1:06.973)        2:15.066 (1:08.094)
 23 Buness, Logan             SR Eureka               2:15.24    2:16.17   1 
       1:06.671 (1:06.671)        2:16.165 (1:09.495)
 24 Foster, Jackson           FR F.H.                 2:19.24    2:18.70   1 
       1:08.010 (1:08.010)        2:18.691 (1:10.681)
 25 Hartig, Jackson           SR P.W.N.               2:28.24    2:21.38   1 
       1:07.217 (1:07.217)        2:21.375 (1:14.159)
 26 Colbert, Thomas           JR Riverview            2:21.76    2:21.42   1 
       1:07.960 (1:07.960)        2:21.412 (1:13.452)
 27 Nelson, David             FR Riverview            2:18.90    2:21.62   1 
       1:07.721 (1:07.721)        2:21.612 (1:13.892)
Event 39  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 3:56.65  2011        Ladue Horton Watkins, Ladue               
                         S Arnold, S Levin, M Roye, E Warner               
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Parkway Central  'A'                              4:10.00    4:06.92   2  10   
     1) Moore, Chyna SO                 2) Okpara, Anyaku SR              
     3) Madsen, Sarah JR                4) Dejoie, Lizzie SO              
       2:03.638 (2:03.638)        3:06.148 (1:02.510)        4:06.919 (1:00.772)
  2 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                   4:06.64    4:07.56   2   8   
     1) Sliney, Margaret JR             2) Ory, Sara SR                   
     3) Laughlin, Katherine JR          4) Peters, Caitlyn SR             
       2:05.360 (2:05.360)        3:08.670 (1:03.310)          4:07.555 (58.886)
  3 Ritenour  'A'                                     4:17.10    4:09.10   2   6   
     1) Brooks, Leslie JR               2) Allen, Lachai SR               
     3) Gaffney, Joi JR                 4) Hunn, Kelsey JR                
       2:04.839 (2:04.839)        3:08.835 (1:03.997)        4:09.095 (1:00.260)
  4 Eureka  'A'                                       4:07.92    4:16.95   2   5   
     1) Reynolds, Faith SR              2) Durchholz, Eva JR              
     3) Safi, Ranna SR                  4) Beaman, Megan JR               
       2:05.868 (2:05.868)        3:12.215 (1:06.347)        4:16.941 (1:04.727)
  5 John Burroughs  'A'                               4:21.49    4:18.71   2   4   
     1) Gaffney, Oona SO                2) Ivy, Gabrielle SR              
     3) Ward, Bria FR                   4) Gore, Grace FR                 
       2:07.161 (2:07.161)        3:14.354 (1:07.193)        4:18.709 (1:04.355)
  6 Lindbergh  'A'                                    4:22.00    4:24.00   2   3   
     1) Benson, Hope SO                 2) Haegele, Hanna SR              
     3) Riley, Mary JR                  4) Goldkamp, Clare SR             
       2:13.729 (2:13.729)        3:19.257 (1:05.528)        4:23.995 (1:04.738)
  7 Francis Howell North  'A'                         4:29.97    4:26.34   1   2   
     1) Meyer, Dominique SR             2) Adell, Paris FR                
     3) Fetsch, Hannah SO               4) Stevenson, Grace FR            
       2:17.324 (2:17.324)        3:19.823 (1:02.500)        4:26.338 (1:06.515)
  8 Hazelwood West  'A'                               4:25.00    4:27.33   2   1   
     1) Gardner, Jerrica JR             2) King, Mya SO                   
     3) Landers, Deondra JR             4) Wilson, Andrea SO              
       1:06.254 (1:06.254)        2:13.088 (1:06.835)        4:27.329 (2:14.241)
  9 Northwest (Cedar Hill)  'A'                       4:28.44    4:32.87   2 
     1) Skyles, Morgan FR               2) Joiner, Cassidy JR             
     3) Kloeppel, Kirsten SR            4) Reed, Madison FR               
       2:14.479 (2:14.479)        3:22.261 (1:07.783)        4:32.865 (1:10.605)
 10 Lutheran (St. Peters)  'A'                        4:29.24    4:35.71   1 
     1) Hall, Emily SO                  2) Schlie, Kate FR                
     3) Witte, Lila FR                  4) Church, Lauren SR              
       2:20.413 (2:20.413)        3:29.388 (1:08.976)        4:35.708 (1:06.320)
 11 Timberland  'A'                                   4:35.24    4:42.11   1 
     1) Westhoff, Madison FR            2) Yelton, Ava FR                 
     3) Brown, Leslie JR                4) Pursley, Marina SO             
       2:23.245 (2:23.245)        3:32.638 (1:09.394)        4:42.110 (1:09.472)
 12 Francis Howell  'A'                                          4:49.92   1 
     1) Wages, Breanna SR               2) Doss, Claire SO                
     3) Muhammad, Aisha JR              4) Neff, Gretchen JR              
       2:18.322 (2:18.322)        3:37.728 (1:19.407)        4:49.912 (1:12.184)
Event 40  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: M 3:19.44  1977        University City                           
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Parkway North  'A'                                3:31.76    3:26.29   2  10   
     1) Beverly, Keith JR               2) Cason, Tyler SO                
     3) Holt, Jermaine JR               4) Suber, Jekeel FR               
       1:43.889 (1:43.889)          2:36.605 (52.716)          3:26.283 (49.679)
  2 Parkway Central  'A'                              3:36.14    3:27.68   2   8   
     1) Page, Austin JR                 2) Page, Christian JR             
     3) Murphy, Charles JR              4) Stamos, Niko JR                
       1:44.461 (1:44.461)          2:36.461 (52.000)          3:27.678 (51.218)
  3 Lafayette (Wildwood)  'A'                         3:29.24    3:28.94   2   6   
     1) Butts, Torre SO                 2) Haines, Alec JR                
     3) Yarbrough, Marquis SO           4) Quisenberry, Dylan JR          
       1:46.229 (1:46.229)          2:37.634 (51.406)          3:28.931 (51.298)
  4 Maplewood-Richmond Heights  'A'                   3:36.59    3:31.66   2   5   
     1) Aziz, Monir SR                  2) Nelson, Kendall JR             
     3) Brewer, Kar'mel SO              4) Agard, Ramone JR               
        52.756 (52.756)  1:47.724 (54.969)  2:39.981 (52.257)  3:31.658 (51.678)
  5 Lutheran (St. Peters)  'A'                        4:35.00    3:33.16   1   4   
     1) Huff, Henry SR                  2) Masters, Jeff JR               
     3) Porter, Rory JR                 4) Twillmann, Stephen JR          
       1:50.026 (1:50.026)          2:42.841 (52.816)          3:33.152 (50.311)
  6 Riverview Gardens  'A'                            3:32.00    3:33.44   2   3   
     1) Johnson, Johnathan JR           2) Morman, Darius JR              
     3) Sanderson, Joseph SO            4) Watson, Trevaughn JR           
       1:47.211 (1:47.211)          2:40.788 (53.577)          3:33.435 (52.648)
  7 M.I.C.D.S.  'A'                                   3:45.37    3:33.80   1   2   
     1) Bartelsmeyer, Tilman SR         2) Matava, Christian JR           
     3) Jacobs, William SO              4) Ristevski, Thomas SR           
       1:47.978 (1:47.978)          2:40.304 (52.327)          3:33.795 (53.491)
  8 Eureka  'A'                                       3:35.08    3:33.82   2   1   
     1) Figueroa, Zachary JR            2) Stewart, Christopher SO        
     3) Freeman, Malik JR               4) Buness, Logan SR               
       1:47.230 (1:47.230)          2:39.797 (52.568)          3:33.811 (54.014)
  9 Parkway South  'A'                                3:40.24    3:34.39   1 
     1) Hernan, Michael JR              2) Bode, Ryan SO                  
     3) Matteucci, Nicholas JR          4) Banks, Xavier SR               
       1:48.661 (1:48.661)          2:41.774 (53.113)          3:34.381 (52.608)
 10 John Burroughs  'A'                               3:37.35    3:34.88   2 
     1) Burrows, Suleman SO             2) Lamb, Luke SO                  
     3) Wagner, John Harry SO           4) Smith, Ronald JR               
       1:49.343 (1:49.343)          2:43.670 (54.328)          3:34.876 (51.207)
 11 Oakville  'A'                                     3:41.24    3:36.35   1 
     1) Picha, Benjamin SR              2) Zeneli, Haris JR               
     3) Streeter, Norvell JR            4) Robinson, Carvon SR            
       1:48.674 (1:48.674)          2:43.237 (54.564)          3:36.345 (53.108)
 12 Francis Howell North  'A'                         3:37.83    3:37.13   1 
     1) Willis, Kenneth JR              2) Collins, Keevon JR             
     3) Sweeney, Zack SR                4) Levins, Justin SR              
       1:48.305 (1:48.305)          2:43.830 (55.526)          3:37.130 (53.300)
 13 Hazelwood West  'A'                               3:36.56    3:37.35   2 
     1) Cole, Isaiah JR                 2) Robinson, Vallavez SR          
     3) Bickley, Percy SR               4) Daugherty, Jonathan SO         
       1:47.279 (1:47.279)          2:41.936 (54.657)          3:37.343 (55.408)
 14 Timberland  'A'                                   3:50.24    3:42.97   1 
     1) Berndt, Andrew SO               2) Parkes, Alexander JR           
     3) Redington, Austin JR            4) Swanton, Jed SR                
       1:51.943 (1:51.943)          2:47.472 (55.530)          3:42.966 (55.494)
 15 Parkway West  'A'                                            3:51.99   1 
     1) Colyer, Nehemiah SO             2) Bass, Christopher FR           
     3) Wright, Evan SR                 4) Morgan, Matthew SR             
       1:52.424 (1:52.424)        2:56.907 (1:04.483)          3:51.986 (55.080)
                    Women - Team Rankings - 20 Events Scored
    1) M.I.C.D.S.                 122        2) Webster Groves             94   
    3) Parkway Central             88.50     4) John Burroughs             75   
    5) Timberland                  56        6) Lafayette (Wildwood)       54   
    7) Eureka                      53.50     8) Lindbergh                  50   
    9) Northwest (Cedar Hill)      44.50    10) Ritenour                   40   
   11) Francis Howell North        39.50    12) Marquette                  26   
   13) Hazelwood West              16       14) Lutheran (St. Peters)      10   
   15) Francis Howell               6       16) Maplewood-Richmond Height   5   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 20 Events Scored
    1) Lafayette (Wildwood)       137        2) Parkway Central            97.50
    3) Eureka                      88        4) Timberland                 70.50
    5) John Burroughs              61        6) Parkway North              53   
    7) Lutheran (St. Peters)       41        8) Parkway West               38   
    9) Parkway South               35        9) Maplewood-Richmond Height  35   
   11) M.I.C.D.S.                  30       12) Francis Howell North       22   
   13) Hazelwood West              21       14) Oakville                   13   
   14) Kirkwood                    13       16) Riverview Gardens          12   
   16) Francis Howell              12